Introduction: Lichen planus is a papul disease due to inflammatory reactions in skin and mucosa that its pathogenesis is unknown. This disease is a common skin problem that can produce lesions in mucose of mouth and a variety of forms. Some environmental and systemic factors are responsible for this disease.Saliva can produce an important role in aetiology of oral lichen planus. One of important factors in saliva is Peroxidase.In this study we conducted a study to determine role of peroxidase in aetiology of oral lichen planus. Method: This was a cross sectional analytical study.Population of study were all of OLP patients who refered to dental clinics of Isfahan Medical Sciences Dental Faculty. The sampling methos was a convenient type and cases and controls were determined and each group was 20 subjects . saliva proxidase collected from them and were measured by Putter and Backer method. Data was analysed by SPSS software, Results: Totally 52.5% of participants were male and 47.5% were female. In patients group the ratio of mail and female was 50% but in control group was 45=55% mean age of participants was 37.4% and the range was 17-58%. Mean age of pasionts was 35.4 and control group 39.3. Mean of peroxidase in patients was 0.71 ± 3.59 and in controls 3.69 ± 0.74 tha was not significant by T- Student Test. Mean of peroxidase in male was 3.57± 0.62 and in females were 0.82 +- 3.71 that were not significant by T-Student Test. Conclusion: However the mean difference of peroxidase was not statistically significant but the mean of it was different in two groups that need more studies on it. |