website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

Chronological Listing of Sessions and Abstracts



Seq#: 22Thursday, July 3, 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Plenary, Room 808
Plenary Session - Can Ethics Be Both Local and Global? Current Challenges in Conducting International Health Research

Sponsored by: Plenary
0097Can Ethics Be Both Local and Global? Current Challenges in Conducting International Health Research. E. MESLIN* (Indiana University Center for Bioethics, Indianapolis, USA)

Seq#: 23Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Hands-on Workshop, Room 809
Hands-on Workshop - Second Life as a Virtual World for Research and Training
Chairperson: S. Grayden
Sponsored by: Education Research
0098Second Life: Overview of Opportunities for Research and Teaching. S. GRAYDEN* (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
 Introduction to the International Virtual Dental School. P.A. REYNOLDS, BDS* (King's College London, England, Uk)
 Second Life Basics and Science Tour (Hands-on). P.F. ANDERSON* (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
 Exploring Scientific and Research Opportunities in Second Life. S.C. BAYNE* (University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, USA)
 Exploring Patient Simulations and Clinical Opportunities in Second Life. M. FITZGERALD* (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)

Seq#: 24Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 718B
Symposium - Glass-ionomer Cements - Current and Future Performance
Chairpersons: M. Tyas and D. Watts
Sponsored by: Cariology Research, Dental Materials, Dental Materials Journal
0099Cllinical Evaluations of Resin-modified Glass-ionomers. S. SIDHU* (Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, United Kingdom)
 Glass-inomer and the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) Approach. J. FRENCKEN* (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Malden, Netherlands)
 Interactions between Glass0ionomer and Immediate Environment. H.C. NGO* (University of Adelaide, Athelstone, SA, Australia)
 Modifying Glass-ionomer Cement to Enhance Its Remineralizing Potential. M. BURROW* (University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)

Seq#: 25Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 718A
Symposium - Periodontal Therapy and Systemic Health Outcomes - What Have We Learned from Intervention Trials?
Chairperson: P. Papapanou
Sponsored by: Periodontal Research
0100Periodontal Therapy and Diabetic Outcomes. R.I. GARCIA* (Department of Veterans Affairs, Boston, MA, USA)
 Periodontal Therapy and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes. B.S. MICHALOWICZ* (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
 Periodontal Therapy and Atherosclerosis-related Outcomes. F. D'AIUTO* (UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, UK)

Seq#: 26Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 701A
Symposium - Strategic Research Training Initiatives, International Perspectives
Chairperson: E. Davenport
Sponsored by: Education Research, EBDN
0101A National Network to Promote Research Careers among Dental Students. J.P. SANTERRE* (University of Toronto, Canada)
 Discovering and Motivating Potential New investigators for Dental Research in a Developing Region . M.F.L. NAVARRO* (University of São Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
 Approaches to Comprehensive Craniofacial Research Training in the USA. M.C. HERZBERG* (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
 International Network, Local Synapse: Added Value in Knowledge Translation, Ethics, Career Development. R.P. ELLEN* (University of Toronto, Canada)

Seq#: 27Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 701B
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Keynote Address and Access to Dental Care and Policy Issues
Chairpersons: D. Gibson and W. Sohn
0102Keynote Address: the Politics of Spending: Public Dental Health Care Policy and Access to Care in Canada. C. QUIÑONEZ* (University of Toronto, Canada)
0103Effects of early Preventive Dental Visits among Medicaid enrolled Children. W. SOHN*, S. LIM, and A.I. ISMAIL (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0104Characteristics of patients with oral problems in Ontario Emergency Departments. D. GIBSON*, C. QUIÑONEZ, D. LOCKER, and A. JOKOVIC (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Toronto, ON, Canada)
0105Challenges to Dental Home Establishment for Kentucky Head Start Children. N. STONE*, B. CASEY, and M.R. MULLINS (University of Kentucky, Hazard, USA)
0106The Impact of System Changes on Dental Treatment Patterns. N. WOODS*, H. WHELTON, J. CONSIDINE, and S. LUCEY (National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland)

Seq#: 28Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 713B
Cariology Research - Demineralization - Remineralization
Chairpersons: P. Lingstrom and L. Tenuta
0107Effect of a Fluoride-Containing Resin on Dentine Demineralization in Situ. P. LINGSTRÖM*, M.-C. HUYSMANS, J. RUBEN, and D. BIRKHED (Kristianstad University and Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University, Sweden)
0108Constant vs static solution approach for remineralization of dentin. L.E. BERTASSONI*, M.K. PUGACH, S.J. MARSHALL, G.W. MARSHALL, and S. HABELITZ (University of California - San Francisco, USA)
0109Improved Healing of White Spot Lesions In Vitro. A.K. BURWELL* (NovaMin Technology, Inc, Alachua, FL, USA)
0110Mechanisms of inhibition of enamel demineralization by fluoride dentifrices. L.M.A. TENUTA*, C.B. ZAMATARO, A.A. DEL BEL CURY, C.P.M. TABCHOURY, and J.A. CURY (Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba UNICAMP, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil)
0111Effect of Calcium and Phosphate Containing Fluoride Rinse on Re/Demineralization. D. ZERO, J. FU, P. WARBURTON, A. HAYES, R. GLENA, H.M. PROSKIN, and M.S. TUNG* (Paffenbarger research center, Gaithersburg, MD, USA)
0112A Clinical Trial Measuring White Spot Lesion Progression and Regression. M.V. MORGAN*, D. BAILEY, G. ADAMS, C. TSAO, A. HYSLOP, K. ESCOBAR, D. MANTON, and E. REYNOLDS (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Seq#: 29Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 717A
Craniofacial Biology - Craniofacial and Dental Developmental Biology
Chairpersons: E. Everett and H. Szabo Rogers
0113Induction of new tooth formation in adult oral ectoderm. X.-P. WANG*, D. O'CONNELL, M. KURAGUCHI, J. LUND, A. TURBE-DOAN, R. KUCHERLAPATI, and R. MAAS (Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA)
0114Multi-root Development and Hertwig's Epithelial Cells in Mouse Molars. Y. SHIMAZU*, T. KUDO, K. AOYAGI, Y. KANRI, K. SATO, and T. AOBA (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
0115Msx2 and Dlx2 expressions and functions during alveolar bone growth. B. CASTANEDA*, B.L. THOMAS, M. MOLLA, C. BLIN-WAKKACH, D. HOTTON, A. AGALLIU, J. NEFUSSI, P.T. SHARPE, B. ROBERT, G. CARLES, A.E. GRIGORIADIS, A. BERDAL, and F. LEZOT (INSERM, Paris, France)
0116Local regulation of craniofacial osteogenesis by neural crest stem cells. A. JHEON*, B. EAMES, and R. SCHNEIDER (University of California - San Francisco, USA)
0117The function of the nasal pit in craniofacial morphogenesis. H.L. SZABO ROGERS*, C. WHITING, K.K. FU, and J.M. RICHMAN (The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
0118Spatial and Temporal Expression of Wit 3.0 During Mouse Embryogenesis. R.G. SHAHI*, I. NISHIMURA, and A. LIN (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)

Seq#: 30Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 801B
Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms - Bond Strength Evaluation
Chairpersons: R. Erickson and L. Turkun
0119Bond Strengths of Self-etching Adhesives To Pre-etched Enamel. R.L. ERICKSON*, W.W. BARKMEIER, and N.S. KIMMES (Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA)
0120Influence of Self-Etching Primers on Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets. R.J. SCOUGALL VILCHIS*, S. YAMAMOTO, S. OHASHI, and K. YAMAMOTO (Asahi University, Mizuho, Japan)
0121Ion Release from a Novel Bioactive Orthodontic Bonding Agent. J. CROWE*, H.B. DAVIS, and J.C. MITCHELL (Oregon Health & Science Universty, Portland, USA)
0122Microtensile Bond Strength of Various Current Adhesive Systems to Dentin. L.S. TURKUN*, Z. ERGUCU, N. UNLU, O. KANIK, and F. OZER (Ege University, School of Dentistry, Izmir, Turkey)
0123Shear Bond Evaluation of Current Self-Etching Adhesive Systems. M. FALEMBAN* and D. NATHANSON (Boston University, MA, USA)
0124Bond strength of two glass-fibre post systems in root canals. F.S.L. WONG*, M. PIRVANI, and S. PARKER (Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 31Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 803A
Dental Materials 3: Ceramic-based Materials and Cements - Ceramic Modifications and Test Methods
Chairpersons: H. Rudolph and Y. Zhang
0125Zirconia-Based Functionally Graded Structures for Dental Restorative Materials. Y. ZHANG* and J.W. KIM (New York University, USA)
0126Flexural strength and surface phase transformations in fluorrichterite glass-ceramics. I. DENRY* and J. HOLLOWAY (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
0127Kinetic Neutron Diffraction to Observe the Crystallization of Mica Glass-ceramics. S. BROADY, D. WOOD*, S. KILCOYNE, N. BUBB, C. RITTER, and P. BENTLEY (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
0128Effect of sandblasting and heat treatment on degradation of zirconia. H. SATO*, S. BAN, Y. YAMASAKI, Y. SUEHIRO, H. NAKANISHI, and M. NAWA (Kagoshima University, Japan)
0129Method for the non-destructive three-dimensional analysis of marginal fit. H. RUDOLPH*, S. QUAAS, T. HIEKE, M. ROSENTRITT, and R.G. LUTHARDT (Ulm University, Germany)
0130Indentations Cracks: Useful for Estimating Residual Incompatibility Stresses in Metal-Ceramics?. A.A. BARRETT*, K.J. ANUSAVICE, C. SHEN, and P.H. DEHOFF (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)

Seq#: 32Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 801A
Dental Materials 4: Clinical Trials, Biocompatibility and Biologic Effects - Keynote Address and Cytotoxicity of Restorative Materials
Chairpersons: A. Schedle and A. Sengun
0131Keynote Address: Standardization of Biocompatibility Testing of Dental Materials. G. SCHMALZ* (University of Regensburg, Germany)
0132Cytotoxicity of dental bonding substances as a function of Degree-of-Conversion. A. FRANZ, F. KÖNIG, D.C. WATTS, and A. SCHEDLE* (Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, Vienna, Austria)
0133Evaluation of Cytotoxicity and Degree of Conversion of Orthodontic Adhesives. N. JAGDISH* (Shri Ramachandra Dentl College, Chennai, MD, India)
0134Cytotoxic Effects of Glass Ionomer Cements on Bovine Pulp-Derived Cells. A. SENGUN*, H.E. BOTSALI, M. YALCIN, F. OZER, and S.S. HAKKI (Selcuk University, Department of Operative Dentistry, Konya, Turkey)
0135Targeted Compounds Released from Resin-Based Dental Materials. F. MORAN*, R.J. WADDINGTON, and A.S.M. GILMOUR (Cardiff University, AL, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 33Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 803B
Dental Materials 6: Polymer-based Materials - Physical Properties and Performance - Polymerization Shrinkage and Degree of Conversion
Chairpersons: C. Francci and C. Bracho-Troconis
0136Measuring Full-field Polymerization Shrinkage of Dental Composites using Image Correlation. J. LI*, A.S.L. FOK, J.D. SATTERTHWAITE, and D.C. WATTS (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
0137Gap Formation, Flexural Strength and Conversion: Pre-heating and Photoactivation-method Influences. N.R. FROES-SALGADO, C. FRANCCI*, Y. KAWANO, L.C. YAMASAKI, and L.M. DA SILVA (School of Dentistry of University of São Paulo, Brazil)
0138Curing mode and aging affect monomer conversion of resin cements. T.A. PEGORARO*, L.F. PEGORARO, L. FENG, and R.M. CARVALHO (University of Sao Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
0139Impact of photo-activation methods on resin composite properties. M.B. LOPES*, R.R. MORAES, A. GONINI-JÚNIOR, and E. PIVA (University of North Parana, Londrina - PR, Brazil)
0140Novel Composite Containing PLGA for Provisional Restoration. J.W. LEE* and B. SUH (Bisco, Inc, Schaumburg, IL, USA)

Seq#: 34Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 707
Diagnostic Sciences - Caries and Periodontal Disease
Chairpersons: T. Heaven and C. Hildebolt
0141QLF: Red Fluorescence Monte-Carlo Simulation of Photons in Tooth Tissue. E. DE JOSSELIN DE JONG*, M.H. VAN DER VEEN, and S.M. HIGHAM (Inspektor Research Systems BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
0142Approximal caries detection with a LED based device in vivo. A. BRAUN*, A. KAPSALIS, S. JEPSEN, and F. KRAUSE (University of Bonn, Germany)
0143Clinical Performance of DIAGNOdent Pen for Occlusal Caries Detection. K.C. HUTH*, K. NEUHAUS, M. GYGAX, K. BÜCHER, A. CRISPIN, E. PASCHOS, R. HICKEL, and A. LUSSI (University of Munich, Germany)
0144Dual-Energy Radiography with High and Low Energy Images. T. HEAVEN*, S. WHITE, D. GAUNTT, and R. WEEMS (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
0145Bone Active Periodontitis Treatments: Radiographic Measurement Reliability. C. HILDEBOLT*, R. COUTURE, N. GARCIA, D. DIXON, D.D. MILEY, C. MUELLER, E. LANGENWALTER, L. LOGAN, W. SHANNON, C. ANDERSON, L. RHODES, S.Y. WALKER, and R. CIVITELLI (Washington University, Saint Louis, MO, USA)
0146Simultaneous Quantification of Multiple rRNA Targets in Complex Target Samples. A. POZHITKOV, R.A. RULE, T. BEIKLER, T. FLEMMIG, and P.A. NOBLE* (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)

Seq#: 35Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 713A
Implantology Research - Surgical Interventions
Chairpersons: P. Rammelsberg and S. Szmukler-Moncler
0147Prognosis of implants placed in combination with bone spreading. P. RAMMELSBERG*, A. KOOB, and O. GABBERT (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
0148Descriptive Study of the Longevity of Dental Implant Drills. J.W. LEICHTER*, O. ALLSOBROOK, M. SWAIN, and D.W. HOLBOROW (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)
0149Human Implant Retrieval by Piezosurgery and Er:YAG Laser. G. ROMANOS, M. SUZUKI*, and P.G. COELHO (Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA)
0150Ultra-Sonic Bone Surgery for tooth extraction and implant placement. C. BLUS*, S. SZMUKLER-MONCLER, L. RISPOLI, and E. SAVOLDI (University of Brescia, Italy)
0151Effect of surgical technique on implant stability using synthetic bone. A. TABASSUM*, J. WOLKE, G. MEIJER, and J. JANSEN (Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, Netherlands)
0152Rapid Horizontal Osseo-Distraction (RHOD) performed with ultra-sonic surgery. C. BLUS, S. SZMUKLER-MONCLER, L. RISPOLI, I. VOZZA*, and M. QUARANTA (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)

Seq#: 36Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 716A
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Oral Microbiology I
Chairpersons: A. Tanner and K. Ishihara
0153Characterization of Dentipain, a Streptococcus-pyogenes-IdeS-protease homologue in Treponema denticola. K. ISHIHARA*, K. WAWRZONEK, L.N. SHAW, S. INAGAKI, K. OKUDA, and J. POTEMPA (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
0154EmaA, a Potential Virulence Determinant of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans in Endocarditis. G. TANG*, T. KITTEN, and K.P. MINTZ (University of Vermont, Burlington, USA)
0155New Biofilm Model to Evaluate Microbial Colonization on Titanium Surfaces. B. GUGGENHEIM*, A. MEIER, P. MÜLLER, and P.R. SCHMIDLIN (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
0156Novel Protein Encoded in the Treponema denticola PrtP Protease Operon. J.C. FENNO*, Y. NING, and H. WANG (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0157Generation and Characterization of Microcosm Biofilms Modelling Pathogen-Specific Plaques. C.H. SISSONS*, L. WONG, E.J. LEYS, A.L. GRIFFEN, and S.K. FILOCHE (University of Otago Wellington, New Zealand)
0158Anaerobic Cultural Microbiota of Severe Early Childhood Caries. A.C. TANNER*, C.V. HUGHES, R. KENT, J. JOLIVET, J. HWANG, E. KANASI, M. DAHLAN, E. PAPADOPOULOU, S.C. LU, and F. DEWHIRST (The Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)

Seq#: 37Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 703
Mineralized Tissue - Dentin Proteins & Mineralization
Chairpersons: H. Zhang and Y. Yamakoshi
0159Identification and processing of dentin sialoprotein-phosphophoryn precursor protein. V. GODOVIKOVA* and H.H. RITCHIE (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0160Dentin sialoprotein and phosphoprotein have specific roles in dentin mineralization. S. SUZUKI*, A. TERSE, A. CHO, C. HONEYCUTT, N. HARUYAMA, S. TADURU, M. GOLDBERG, and A.B. KULKARNI (NIH/NIDCR, Bethesda, MD, USA)
0161Porcine Dentin Phosphoprotein: Polymorphisms, Phosphorylations, and Glycosylations. Y. YAMAKOSHI*, K. KOBAYASHI, T. NAGANO, F. YAMAKOSHI, and J.P. SIMMER (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0162Analysis of DMP1-GFP transgene during odontoblast differentiation. A. BALIC*, I. KALAJZIC, and M. MINA (University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, USA)
0163Overexpression of Gremlin Results in Defects in Enamel and Dentin. K.J. NAGATOMO, K.A. TOMPKINS, H. FONG, H. ZHANG*, B.L. FOSTER, E.Y. CHU, A. MURAKAMI, L. STADMEYER, E. CANALIS, and M.J. SOMERMAN (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
0164Odontoblasts Express E11/gp38 and Respond to FFSS with Increased-Dendrite Elongation. G.R. WELCH*, A. POLIARD, L.F. BONEWALD, and C. BARRAGAN-ADJEMIAN (University of Missouri -Kansas City, USA)

Seq#: 38Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 714A
Neuroscience / TMJ - Keynote Address and Thirty Years of Orofacial Pain Research
Chairpersons: A. DaSilva and M. Drangsholt
0165Keynote Address: A 30-year Historical Perspective of the IADR Neuroscience Group: Research Advances in Orofacial Pain. B.J. SESSLE* (University of Toronto, Canada)
0166Lateralized brain activity in response to dental nociception. D.A. ETTLIN*, M. MEIER, M. BRUEGGER, T. KELLER, A.P. BARLOW, R. LUECHINGER, S. PALLA, and K. LUTZ (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
0167Functional MRI of oropharyngeal air-pulse stimulation. P. SÖRÖS*, E. LALONE, R.C. SMITH, T.K. STEVENS, J.A. THEURER, R.S. MENON, and R.E. MARTIN (University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)
0168Peripheral Changes in the Trigeminal Sensory System of Migraine Patients. A.F. DASILVA*, J. SNYDER, D. TUCH, and N. HADJIKHANI (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0169Glutamate-Induced Temporomandibular Joint Pain is Partially Mediated by NMDA Receptors. P. ALSTERGREN*, M. ERNBERG, A.-K. HAJATI, M. NILSSON, B. SESSLE, and S. KOPP (Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden)

Seq#: 39Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 709
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Head and Neck Cancer, Dental Implants
Chairpersons: B. Al-Nawas and M. Klein
0170 Paper Withdrawn.
0171Lactate as a possible predictor of malignency in head-and-neck carcinoma. T. ZIEBART*, S. WALENTA, W. MÜLLER-KLIESER, B. AL-NAWAS, and W. WAGNER (Universitätsklinikum Mainz, Germany, Germany)
0172Biochemical identification of pre-malignant changes in oral mucosal lesions. M.J. GERMAN*, C.M. ROBINSON, J.M. NICHOLSON, and P.J. THOMSON (Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
0173Proteomic Identification of Heat Shock Proteins in Metastatic Oral Cancer. X. HUANG*, Z. SUN, J. PAN, Y. LIU, and B. TAN (Capital Medical University, Beijing, China)
0174Systematic review of implants in the alveolar cleft area. B. AL-NAWAS*, S. WRIEDT, S. ELETR, J. WEGENER, U. WAHLMANN, and W. WAGNER (Universitatsklinkum Mainz, Germany)
0175Initial responses of osteoblasts on microstructured high energy titanium surfaces. M.O. KLEIN*, A. BIJELIC, C. REICHERT, H. GOETZ, M. WIELAND, H. DUSCHNER, and B. AL-NAWAS (Medical Faculty Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)

Seq#: 40Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 716B
Oral Medicine & Pathology - Transcriptomics/Translational Research
Chairpersons: K. Konopka and S. Offenbacher
0176Changes in Transcriptome Profile During Experimental Gingivitis Induction and Resolution. S. OFFENBACHER*, S. BARROS, D.W. PAQUETTE, C. CHAMPAGNE, J.L. WINSTON, A.R. BIESBROCK, R.G. THOMASON, K. CHEN, A. FULMER, S. NAINI, J. TIESMAN, K. JUHLIN, T. REICHLING, and B. HO (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
0177Survivin promoter-driven gene expression in cancer and non-cancer cells. K. KONOPKA*, C. SPAIN, A. YEN, N. OVERLID, S. GEBREMEDHIN, and N. DÜZGÜNES (University of the Pacific, Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, San Francisco, CA, USA)
0178Analysis of Salivary Proteins of Cleft Palate Patients. R. TIHANYI*, T.G. SZABO, E. KOVACS, G. SZABO, and L. MARK (University of Pecs, Hungary)
0179 Paper Withdrawn.
0180In-vitro Retention of Mandibular Advancement Devices. M. BRAEM*, G. KETELEER, O. VANDERVEKEN, and P. VAN DE HEYNING (University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium)
0181Risk factors for halitosis. S. LEAL*, J. FABER, C. N. VIEIRA, T. FILGUEIRA G, and D. P. FALCÃO (Universidade De Brasilia, Brazil)

Seq#: 41Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 715
Periodontal Research - Pathogenesis - Microbiology
Chairpersons: C. Walker and F. Teles
0182Quantification of "Uncultivated" Species in Periodontal Biofilms. F. TELES*, B.J. PASTER, A.D. HAFFAJEE, and S. SOCRANSKY (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
0183'Synergistetes' in Periodontal Health and Disease. S.R. VARTOUKIAN*, R.M. PALMER, and W.G. WADE (King's College London, United Kingdom)
0184Antibiotic Resistance in a Subgingival Biofilm Model. C. WALKER*, J. GOLLWITZER, S. NANGO-HENESY, and L. SHADDOX (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
0185Pattern recognition receptors in Aggragatibacter actinomycetemcomitans mediated periodontal disease. M. SRINIVASAN* and K.N. KODUMUDI (Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA)
0186Low prevalence of subgingival viruses in Aggressive Periodontitis patients. L. NIBALI*, P. GRIFFITHS, and N. DONOS (UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, United Kingdom)
0187GCF humoral immunity correlates with periodontal disease progression: A-prospective-study. C. MIAO, M. ALNAEELI, D. MAHAMED, K. PARANHOS, J. CATON, and Y.-T.A. TENG* (University of Rochester, NY, USA)

Seq#: 42Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 711
Periodontal Research - Therapy - Regeneration
Chairpersons: A. Stavropoulos and A. Sculean
0188Effect of inflammation and wounding on EMD-stimulated proliferation in vitro. B. RATH-DESCHNER*, J. DESCHNER, J. WINTER, H. DOMMISCH, A. JAGER, and S. JEPSEN (University of Bonn, Germany)
0189Histological Evaluation of Granular β-TCP Implantation in Periodontal Intrabony Defects. A. STAVROPOULOS*, P. WINDISH, P. ROSTA, D. SZENDROI, I. GERA, and A. SCULEAN (School of Dentistry, Aarhus University, Denmark)
0190Clinical and histological results with Tutodent Chips and Tutodent membrane. A. SCULEAN*, G. CHIANTELLA, K. NAGY, M. STEIGMANN, P. WINDISCH, and A. STAVROPOULOS (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Netherlands)
0191BDNF/Hyaluronic Acid Enhances Periodontal Tissue Regeneration. N. SAKAI, H. KURIHARA*, K. TAKEDA, H. SHIBA, and H. KAWAGUCHI (Hiroshima University, Japan)
0192Treatment of intrabony defects with EMD/SBC or EMD alone. E. AL-MACHOT*, T. HOFFMANN, J. MEYLE, H. TOPOLL, B. HEINZ, P. EICKHOLZ, P.-M. JERVØE-STORM, and S. JEPSEN (University of Technology, Dresden, Germany)
0193Treatment of Class II furcation defects with PRP/bioactive glass/calcium sulfate. M.J.H. NAGATA*, T.M. DELIBERADOR, F.A.C. FURLANETO, M.R. MESSORA, S.R.M. BOMFIM, S.E. FUCINI, A.F. BOSCO, and V.G. GARCIA (São Paulo State University (Universidade Estadual Paulista) -UNESP, Araçatuba, Brazil)

Seq#: 43Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 717B
Prosthodontics Research - Properties of Fixed Prostheses
Chairpersons: G. Gurbuz and G. Johnson
0194Effectiveness of self-adhesive cements in retaining cast crowns. G.H. JOHNSON*, X. LEPE, and J.C. WATAHA (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
0195Comparison of six different fiber reinforced composite FPD framework designs. D. MASUOKA*, H. MIURA, M. YAMAMOTO, and D. OKADA (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
0196The bond strength of laser-sintered dental alloy to porcelain. T. AKOVA, Y. UCAR, G.A. GURBUZ*, and W. BRANTLEY (Cukurova University, Balcali, Adana, Turkey)
0197Internal Fit Evaluation of Laser-Sintered Co-Cr Alloy Crowns. Y. UCAR* and T. AKOVA (Cukurova University, Balcali, Adana, Turkey)
0198Evaluation of Post and Ferrule Preparations - A Methodological Approach. M.J. WARDMAN*, S. FERRIER, and L. GUTTERIDGE (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
0199Stability, adaptation and wear of composite and stainless steel crowns. R. LANG*, M. ROSENTRITT, and G. HANDEL (University of Regensburg, Germany)

Seq#: 44Thursday, July 3, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 705
Salivary Research - Keynote Address and Normal Homeostasis
Chairpersons: B. Darvell and S. Ruhl
0200Keynote Address: The Dynamic Composition of Whole Saliva. E.J. HELMERHORST* (Boston University, MA, USA)
0201Gene Expression Profiling in the Atrophic Rat Submandibular Gland. N. SILVER*, G.B. PROCTOR, M.J. ARNO, K.L. PATERSON, and G.H. CARPENTER (King's College London, United Kingdom)
02023D Solubility Diagram for Calcium Phosphates by Solid Titration. H. PAN and B.W. DARVELL* (The University of Hong Kong, Victoria, Hong Kong)
0203Submandibular and Sublingual Glands Bind the C-terminal Tetrapeptide of Gastrin/cholecystokinin. M. LORBER* and W. ROBINSON (Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA)
0204Differentially Expressed Genes in Oral Cells and Tissues. B. REBOUCAS*, J. SURMENIAN, J. ZHANG, F. OPPENHEIM, and G. OFFNER (Boston University Medical Center, MA, USA)

Seq#: 45Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Hands-on Workshop, Room 809
Hands-on Workshop - Publishing Your Manuscript - a JDR Perspective
Chairperson: A. Smith
Sponsored by: Journal of Dental Research
0205Publishing Your Manuscript—A JDR Perspective. A.J. SMITH* (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 46Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 718A
Symposium - Biomineralization Explained? Proteins as Regulators of Crystal Formation in Physiology and Pathology
Chairpersons: G. Hunter and J. Oldak
Sponsored by: Dental Materials, Mineralized Tissue
0206Investigating the physical controls of peptides and proteins on templated nucleation and growth of biomineral phases using in situ atomic force and electron microscopy. J. DE YOREO* (Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, CA, USA)
 Molecular Dynamics Analyses of Phosphoprotein Adsorption to Biominerals. H.A. GOLDBERG* (University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)
 Molecular Recognition at the Protein-Hydroxyapatite Interface. P. STAYTON* (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)

Seq#: 47Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 701A
Symposium - Health Behavior Change in Oral Health Research: Use of Motivational Interviewing
Chairperson: M. Cugini
Sponsored by: Behavioral Sciences, Oral Health Research
0207Health Behavior Change: Unfogging the Theory. C. LANE* (Cardiff University, United Kingdom)
 The Feasibility of Using Brief MI to IMpact Dental Disease: Who Should Do What When?. P. WEINSTEIN* (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
 Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation. C. RAMSEIER* (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
 Health Intervention in the Dental Setting - Using MI Techniques for Childhood Obesity Prevention. M. TAVARES* (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)

Seq#: 48Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 718B
Symposium - Osteoimmunology and Host Defense in the Periodontium
Chairperson: Y. Teng
Sponsored by: Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control, Periodontal Research
0208Regulation of Immune Receptors and Signaling in Osteoclasts by Oseotropic Cytokines and Steroid Hormones. U.H. LERNER* (Umeå University, Sweden)
 Osteimmunology of Periodontitis: Interference with Immune Mechanisms of Bone Resportion. M. TAUBMAN* (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
 Novel Periodontal Therapy Using Local Gene Transfer. H. KANZAKI* (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
 Linking Periodontal Innate vs. Adaptive Immunity to Inflammation-induced Bone Loss: A New Paradigm?. Y.-T.A. TENG* (University of Rochester, NY, USA)

Seq#: 49Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 716B
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Practice Behavior of Dentists
Chairpersons: C. Kunzel and J. Riley
0209Dental PBRN: Regional Differences in Child Caries Prevention. J.L. RILEY III*, V.V. GORDAN, E. GIBSON, V. QVIST, D.B. RINDAL, J.S. RICHMAN, O.D. WILLIAMS, and F.T. DPBRN COLLABORATIVE GROUP (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
0210Reasons for Placement of First Restorations by Dental PBRN Clinicians. M.M. NASCIMENTO*, V.V. GORDAN, I.A. MJOR, M.S. LITAKER, V. QVIST, D.J. PIHLSTROM, O.D. WILLIAMS, G.H. GILBERT, and F.T. DPBRN COLLABORATIVE GROUP (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
0211Comparison of patients' perception of provider communication with observed data. C.A. DEMKO, PhD*, K.Z. VICTOROFF, and S. WOTMAN (Case School of Dental Medicine, Cleveland, OH, USA)
0212Endodontic treatment and restorative outcomes in general practice. S. BERNSTEIN*, A. HOROWITZ, R. CRAIG, F.A. CURRO, J.A. SHIP, V.P. THOMPSON, K. MOSBY, and D. VENA (New York University, USA)
0213Tooth wear: prevalence and associated factors in private practices' patients. J. CUNHA-CRUZ*, H. PASHOVA, J.D. PACKARD, and T. HILTON (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
0214In-Office Management of Medicaid Patients: Diabetes and Smoking Cessation. C. KUNZEL*, E. LALLA, and I. LAMSTER (Columbia University, New York, NY, USA)

Seq#: 50Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 701B
Cariology Research - Keynote Address and Childhood Caries/Systemic Disease
Chairpersons: E. Kay and H. Eggertsson
0215Keynote Address: The Role of Extracellular Polysaccharide Matrix in Cariogenic Biofilms. M. KOO* (University of Rochester, NY, USA)
0216Optimising the treatment of caries in children. E.J. KAY*, R. CRAVEN, and V. TAMOSIUNAS (Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth, England)
0217A case-control study of risk factors of early childhood caries. W.K. SEOW*, H. CLIFFORD, D. BATTISTUTTA, A. MORAWSKA, and T. HOLCOMBE (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
0218Assessment of noncavitated and cavitated caries lesions in young children. T.M. PARISOTTO, C. STEINER-OLIVEIRA*, C.M. SOUZA E SILVA, L.K.A. RODRIGUES, R.C.R. PERES, and M. NOBRE DOS SANTOS (Piracicaba Dental School - State University of Campinas, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil)
0219Caries and Systemic Diseases in Adults. I. ANJOMSHOAA* and A. VIEIRA (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

Seq#: 51Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 717A
Craniofacial Biology - Dental Developmental Biology and Genetics
Chairpersons: R. D'Souza and H. Ritchie
0220DLX homeoproteins physiological implications in enamel formation. F. LEZOT*, B.L. THOMAS, S. GREENE, D. HOTTON, Z.-A. YUAN, B. CASTANEDA, A. BOLANOS, M. DEPEW, P.T. SHARPE, C.W. GIBSON, and A. BERDAL (INSERM, Paris, France)
0221Molecular Basis of PITX2 Regulation of FoxJ1 Expression During Odontogenesis. S.R. VENUGOPALAN*, M. AMEN, J. WANG, A.C. CAVENDER, R. D'SOUZA, S.L. BRODY, T.A. HJALT, and B.A. AMENDT (Texas A & M University Health Science Center, Houston, USA)
0222The Role of BCoR During Murine Tooth Development. P. LAPTHANASUPKUL*, I. MILETICH, and P.T. SHARPE (King's College London, United Kingdom)
0223PAX9 mutations disrupt the Pax9-Msx1-Bmp4 signaling pathway. Y. WANG*, J. WU, R.N. D'SOUZA, and H. KAPADIA (Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA)
0224Evidence of Association between IRF6 and Tooth Agenesis in Turkey. F. SEYMEN*, A. PATIR, R. MENEZES, and A. VIEIRA (University of Istanbul, Turkey)
0225Recombinant DSP-PP protein and native HP protein reveal proteolytic activity. H.H. RITCHIE* and V. GODOVIKOVA (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)

Seq#: 52Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 801A
Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms - Keynote Address and Durability of Bonds
Chairpersons: F. Tay and M. Hashimoto
0226Keynote Address: Bond Strength Testing and Possible Tooth Adhesion Mechanisms. H. SANO* (Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Sapporo, Japan)
0227Effect of Dentinal Water on Bonding of Self-etching Adhesives. M. HASHIMOTO*, S. FUJITA, K. ENDO, and H. OHNO (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Ishikari-Tobetsu, Japan)
0228Chlorhexidine improves bond strength of Scotchbond 1XT: a 2-year study. L. BRESCHI*, E. VISINTINI, A. MAZZONI, F. CAMMELLI, M.R. CARRILHO, R. DI LENARDA, F.R. TAY, and D.H. PASHLEY (University of Trieste, Italy)
0229Guided Tissue Remineralization of Resin-dentin Interfaces. I. Moist Bonding. F.R. TAY* and D.H. PASHLEY (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA)
0230Guided Tissue Remineralization of Resin-dentin Interfaces. II. Intentional Dry Bonding. S. MAI*, D. AROLA, D.H. PASHLEY, and F.R. TAY (Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China)

Seq#: 53Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 803A
Dental Materials 3: Ceramic-based Materials and Cements - Cement Bond to Ceramics, Interface Characterization, Stress
Chairpersons: J. Phark and J. Matinlinna
0231Enhanced silane-aided bonding to silica-coated zirconia with novel silanes. J.P. MATINLINNA*, L.V.J. LASSILA, P.K. VALLITTU, and S. KARLSSON (University of Turku, Finland)
0232Adhesive performance of a new resin cement to non-silica ceramics. J.-H. PHARK*, S. DUARTE, Jr., M.B. BLATZ, and A. SADAN (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)
0233Innovations in zirconia resin-composite bonding systems. M.N. ABOUSHELIB*, J.P. MATINLINNA, Z. SALAMEH, and H.F. OUNSI (ACTA, Universiteit van Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands)
0234Microtensile Bond Strength of CAD-CAM blocks Using Self-adhesive Resin Cement. W. EL-BADRAWY, G. NATHAN*, L. KOSOVSKI, H. OMAR, and R.C. ROPERTO (University of Toronto, Canada)
0235High Resolution Qualitative Ultrasonic Evaluation of Ceramic/Adhesive Interface. K.A. ALI, R.R. SEGHI*, N. KATSUBE, and S. ROKHLIN (The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
0236Laminate veneers in premolars. A 3-D FEA using µCT data. E.P. ROCHA, P.M. CATTANEO, C.-C. KO, M.J. MANOEL, C.M. ARCHANGELO*, and A.E.F. OLIVEIRA (Sao Paulo State University, Araçatuba, Brazil)

Seq#: 54Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 801B
Dental Materials 4: Clinical Trials, Biocompatibility and Biologic Effects - Clinical Performance of Resin Composite Restorations
Chairpersons: S. Bayne and N. Opdam
0237Clinical Performance of Class I,II and V Composite Restorations. U. LENDENMANN* and P. OEHRI (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein)
023810-Year Clinical Performance of Packable Posterior Composite. A.D. WILDER, Jr., S.C. BAYNE*, H. HEYMANN, J. PERDIGAO, and E.J. SWIFT, Jr. (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
023912-Year Clinical Evaluation of a Dual-Cured Hydrophilic Dental Adhesive. A.D. WILDER, Jr., A. RITTER*, H. HEYMANN, J. STURDEVANT, E. SWIFT, and S.C. BAYNE (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
0240Clinical and In-vitro Evaluation of Posterior Composites Wear: Five-year RCT. S. PALANIAPPAN*, B. VAN MEERBEEK, M. PEUMANS, and P. LAMBRECHTS (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
0241Clinical performance of composite restorations in patients with tooth wear. J. HAMBURGER*, N. OPDAM, J. ROETERS, and E. BRONKHORST (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Netherlands)
02427-Year clinical evaluation of direct composite restorations in cracked teeth. N.J.M. OPDAM*, B.A.C. LOOMANS, J.J.M. ROETERS, and E.M. BRONKHORST (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Netherlands)

Seq#: 55Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 803B
Dental Materials 6: Polymer-based Materials - Physical Properties and Performance - Fluoride-releasing and Low-shrinkage Polymers
Chairpersons: A. Khan and S. Mitra
0243Fluoride Release of Nano-ionomer and Compomer Materials with Adhesive Coatings. S. MITRA*, A. FALSAFI, J. OXMAN, and T. TON (3M ESPE Dental Products, Saint Paul, MN, USA)
0244A Novel Nano-Ionomeric Restorative with Improved Polish and Wear-Resistance. A. FALSAFI*, V.J. MADSEN, S.B. MITRA, J.D. OXMAN, and T.T. TON (3M ESPE Dental Products, Saint Paul, MN, USA)
0245Fluoride Release from Novel Bioactive Dental Restorative Composite. A.S. KHAN*, S. AAMER, F.S.L. WONG, and I.U. REHMAN (School of Engineering and Material Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom)
0246Low Stress Thiol-ene Based Resin Nanohybrid Composite Physical Properties. C. BRACHO-TROCONIS*, S. RUDOLPH, J. BOULDEN, and N. WONG (Septodont, Confi-Dental Division, Louisville, CO, USA)
0247Volumetric Shrinkage of one Silorane and four Methacrylate Flowable Composites. R. GUGGENBERGER*, W. WEINMANN, A. SYREK, O. KAPPLER, and C. THALACKER (3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany)
0248The Comprehensive Stability of Silorane-Matrix Composites. D.C. WATTS* and H.Y. MARGHALANI (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 56Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 707
Education Research - Keynote Address and Dental Curriculum
Chairpersons: H. Best and C. McGrath
0249Keynote Address: A Report of the Global Congress on Dental Education, Dublin, 2007. R.W. VALACHOVIC* (American Dental Education Association, Washington, DC, USA)
0250Changes in Dental Student Empathy During Training. C. YARASCAVITCH*, G. REGEHR, B. HODGES, and D.A. HAAS (University of Toronto, Canada)
0251The impact of training communication skills on dental student's performance. J. BECK*, J. TILK, R. HAAK, J. JÜNGER, P. RAMMELSBERG, and M. SCHMITTER (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
0252Interprofessional teaching of communication skills for oral health promotion. E.L.C. HOWE*, R.W. EVANS, and M.A. SCHNABEL (University of Sydney, Australia)
0253Searching for Clinical Reasoning in a Dental Curriculum. S. KHATAMI* and M.I. MACENTEE (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
0254Development of a Curriculum to Improve Manual Dexterity in Dentistry. S. AERARUNCHOT*, T. BUNTERM, J. PAPHANGKORAKIT, and K. SINTOOVONGSE (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)

Seq#: 57Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 713A
Implantology Research - Nanostructured implants
Chairpersons: S. Kerner and L. Sarinnaphakorn
0255Immobilized bioactive antibacterial ionic groups modulate titanium osteointegration. S. KERNER*, G. PAVON-DJAVID, G. HELARY, L. SEDEL, V. MIGONNEY, and F. ANAGNOSTOU (University of Paris 7 Denis Diderot, France)
0256Nanostructured implant surfaces affect osteoblast gene expression and bone-to-implant contact. G. MENDONCA*, D.B. MENDONCA, A.L. ARAÚJO, L.G.P. SIMõES, E.R. LEITE, W.R. DUARTE, L. COOPER, and F.L. ARAGÃO (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
0257Bioactive Glass Corrosion Enhances Osteocalcin and Collagen Type 1 Expression. V.G. VARANASI*, N.S. BARKHORDAR, B. ANCHETA, S.P. HO, E. SAIZ, P.M. LOOMER, A. TOMSIA, S.J. MARSHALL, and G.W. MARSHALL (University of California San Francisco, USA)
0258Osteoprogenitor Cellular Response to Silicon-Based Anodic Spark Deposition Titanium Surface. L. SARINNAPHAKORN*, R. CHIESA, C. GIORDANO, P. MESQUIDA, M. FENLON, and L. DI SILVIO (King's College London Dental Institute, United Kingdom)
0259Different cellular response to UV-treated titanium between osteoblasts and fibroblasts. T. SUZUKI*, N. HORI, M. YAMADA, W. ATT, N. TSUKIMURA, N. SATO, T. UENO, H. AITA, N. KOJIMA, and T. OGAWA (University of California Los Angeles, USA)
0260Nano size structures and enhanced bone formation. L. MEIRELLES*, T. ALBREKTSSON, and A. WENNERBERG (University of Goteborg, Gothenburg, Sweden)

Seq#: 58Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 716A
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Porphyromonas gingivalis
Chairpersons: M. Curtis and S. Dashper
0261Global response of Porphyromonas gingivalis to heme-limitation. S.G. DASHPER*, C.-S. ANG, H.L. MITCHELL, P.D. VEITH, and E.C. REYNOLDS (The University of Melbourne, Australia)
0262Sublingual Vaccination With Outer Membrane Protein of Porphyromonas gingivalis. T. ZHANG*, T. HASHIZUME, T. KURITA-OCHIAI, and M. YAMAMOTO (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan)
0263Immune response to Porphyromonas gingivalis antigens exacerbates hypertension. M. CZESNIKIEWICZ-GUZIK*, T.J. GUZIK, K. BUDZYN, L. MCCANN, B.W. LOSTER, A. CAMPOS-NETO, and D.G. HARRISON (Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland)
0264Red Fluorescence from Biofilms of Peptostreptococcus Micros and Porphyromonas Gingivalis. M.H. VAN DER VEEN* and S.B.I. LUPPENS (Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Netherlands)
0265Porphyromonas gingivalis Activates Gap Junction Hemichannels in Oral Keratinocytes. C. CHAMPAIBOON*, K.F. ROSS, K. EVENSON, R.G. JOHNSON, and M.C. HERZBERG (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
0266Identification of a second lipopolysaccharide in Porphyromonas gingivalis. M. CURTIS*, M. RANGARAJAN, J. ADUSE-OPOKU, N. PARAMONOV, N. BOSTANCI, and A. HASHIM (Barts & The London SMD, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 59Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 714A
Mineralized Tissue - Protein-Mineral Interactions
Chairpersons: A. Bezerra and G. Nancollas
0267Raman Specroscopy Comparative Characterization of Primary and Permanent Teeth Enamel. S.R. M T CORREIA, A.C. BEZERRA*, S. COELHO LEAL, F.A. C GARCIA, J. FABER, and O.A. TOLEDO (Faculdade de Ciencias da Saude - Universidade de Brasilia DF Brazil, Brasília DF, AZ, Brazil)
0268Correlation between amelogenin primary and secondary structure with its self-assembly. R. LAKSHMINARAYANAN and J. MORADIAN-OLDAK* (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
0269Accelerated Formation of Organized Hydroxyapatite Microstructures by Amelogenin Assemblies. L. WANG and G.H. NANCOLLAS* (State University of New York SUNY Buffalo, Amherst, USA)
0270Analysis of Protein-Mineral Interactions by Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching. J. O'YOUNG*, B. GROHE, M. KARTTUNEN, H.A. GOLDBERG, and G.K. HUNTER (University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)
0271Phosphorylated Osteopontin ASARM Peptides Inhibit Mineralization in Osteoblast Cultures. W.N. ADDISON* and M.D. MCKEE (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0272Response of mesenchymal stem cells to micro-textured surfaces in vitro. M. JULIEN*, S.A. HACKING, L.Z. LIM, G. KAUFMAN, J. DRAGER, H. WANG, E. GRUNDBERG, R. SLADEK, E.J. HARVEY, and J.E. HENDERSON (McGill University, Department of Medicine, Montreal, QC, Canada)

Seq#: 60Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 705
Neuroscience / TMJ - TMD: Pain Measurement, RDC, and Mechanisms
Chairpersons: C. Visscher and J. Steele
0273Examiner Reliability of RDC/TMD Protocol for Multisite OPPERA Study. Y.M. GONZALEZ*, W. MAIXNER, G.D. SLADE, and R. OHRBACH (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA)
0274Accuracy of RDC/TMD examination and Dynamic/Static Pain Tests. C.M. VISSCHER*, M. NAEIJE, A. DE LAAT, A. MICHELOTTI, M. NILNER, B. CRAANE, E. EKBERG, M. FARELLA, and F. LOBBEZOO (Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, Netherlands)
0275A variant Research Diagnostic Criteria (vRDC) examination protocol for TMD. R.W. WASSELL*, F. HASANAIN, M.A. MOUFTI, and J.A. DURHAM (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom)
0276Glutamate modulates bone destruction of the TMJ in rheumatoid arthritis. A.-K. HAJATI*, P. ALSTERGREN, K. NASSTROM, J. BRATT, and S. KOPP (Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden)
0277Item selection for a Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) specific outcome measure. J. DURHAM, M.A. MOUFTI, C. EXLEY, J.G. MEECHAN, R.W. WASSELL, and J.G. STEELE* (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)
0278NMDA antagonist effects on TMJ pain induced by hypertonic saline. M. ERNBERG*, P. ALSTERGREN, A.-K. HAJATI, M. NILSSON, B.J. SESSLE, and S. KOPP (Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden)

Seq#: 61Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 713B
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Maxillofacial Reconstruction, Tissue Engineering, Trauma/ Wound Healing
Chairpersons: A. Kolk and X. Wang
0279Laser therapy enhances wound healing: an experimental study in rats. M. KHADRA*, S.-P. LYNGSTADAAS, and H.R. HAANES (University of Oslo Dental Faculty, Norway)
0280BMSCs differentiating into chondrocytes for repairing mandibular condylar cartilage defects. X. WANG*, Y. HUANG, X. JIANG, and G. SHEN (Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai P.R, China)
0281Internal Transport Distraction for Reconstructing Segmental Defects of the Mandible. H. HIBI*, K. KINOSHITA, T. KANAYAMA, W. KATAGIRI, Y. YAMADA, and M. UEDA (Nagoya University, Japan)
0282Osteoinductivity of bioimplants containing rhBMP-7 (OP-1®) and rhBMP-2 (Infuse®). A. MCNAMARA*, T. BARR, C.M. CLOKIE, and S.A. PEEL (University of Toronto, Canada)
0283Hyperbaric oxygen ceramic and resorbable liquid membrane on bone repair. J.M. DAVIS*, C. HUMBER, S.A. PEEL, C.M. CLOKIE, and G.K. SANDOR (University of Toronto, Canada)
0284Postoperative Orbital Volume Measurement by MRI. A. KOLK*, C. PAUTKE, and E. WIENER (Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Technology of Munich, Munich, Germany, Germany)

Seq#: 62Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 709
Oral Health Research - Plaque Biofilm Control, Gingival Health Management
Chairpersons: M. Araujo and B. Söder
0285Plaque Biofilm Penetration by Essential-Oil and Cpc Containing Mouthrinses. M.W.B. ARAUJO*, P. PAN, R. LUX, and W. SHI (Johnson & Johnson Consumer & Personal Products Worldwide, Division of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies Inc, Morris Plains, NJ, USA)
0286Dental plaque, Microorganisms, Periodontitis, and Carotid Plaque, a Longitudinal Study. B. SÖDER*, M. YAKOB, J. MEURMAN, T. JOGESTRAND, and P.-Ö. SÖDER (Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden)
0287Evaluation of Antimicrobial Mouthrinses Using a Microplate-Based Flow-Through Biofilm Model. D. RICCI-NITTEL* and T. FOURRE (Johnson and Johnson Consumer & Personal Healthcare Products Worldwide - Division of Johnson & Johnson Companies, Morris Plains, NJ, USA)
0288Clinical Study Evaluating 0.454% Stannous Fluoride Dentifrice on Established Gingivitis. F. GARCIA-GODOY, C. GARCIA-GODOY*, J.M. DUNAVENT, and R.W. GERLACH (Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA)
0289A meta-analysis of gum health studies: 3-month versus 6-month results. T.F. COX* and F. SCHÄFER (Unilever Oral Care, Bebington, Wirral, United Kingdom)
0290Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial of 0.07% CPC Rinse on Induced Gingivitis. J.J. WITT*, R.D. GIBB, A.D. LOGUE, R.W. GERLACH, and L. ARCHILA (The Procter and Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA)

Seq#: 63Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 703
Periodontal Research - Diagnosis / Epidemiology - Periodontitis and Obesity/Metabolic Syndrome/Diabetes
Chairpersons: F. D'Aiuto and K. Novak
0291Does Obesity in Children Express Periodontal Tissue Changes?. R. KHOSRAVI*, S.D. TRAN, J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. LAMBERT, J.S. FEINE, C. CARON, A. TREMBLAY, and B. NICOLAU (INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, Laval, QC, Canada)
0292Body Composition and Severe Periodontitis. J. SUVAN*, D.R. MOLES, F. D'AIUTO, L. NIBALI, and N. DONOS (UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, United Kingdom)
0293Association of the Metabolic Syndrome with Severe Periodontitis. F. D'AIUTO*, W. SABBAH, G.S. NETUVELI, N. DONOS, A. HINGORANI, J. DEANFIELD, and G. TSAKOS (UCL Eastman Dental Institute and Hospital, London, United Kingdom)
0294Salivary Levels of Interleukin-6 and Matrix-metalloproteinases-8 in Periodontitis and Diabetes. M. TABA, Jr.*, P.P. COSTA, G.L. TREVISAN, V. KAWATA, G. MACEDO, D. PALIOTO, M. GRISI, S.L.S. SOUZA, and A. NOVAES, Jr. (University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil)
0295Periodontitis association with diabetes and heart ischemia: a data-mining study. L. GIACOMELLI*, V. SIVOZHELEZOV, B. ORLANDO, G. CHIAPPE, G. DERCHI, T. BEZERRA, A. BARONE, and U. COVANI (University of Genoa, Lido di Camaiore, Italy)
0296Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontitis. K.F. NOVAK*, G.W. TAYLOR, J.E. FERGUSON, and M.J. NOVAK (University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA)

Seq#: 64Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 715
Periodontal Research - Therapy - Stem Cells/Progenitor Cells
Chairpersons: W. Arnold and W. Grimm
0297Analysis of Osteogenic Differentiation of Adipose Tissue-derived Stem Cells. T. IWAYAMA*, T. HASHIKAWA, Y. SHIMABUKURO, Y. HISHIKAWA, M. OZASA, Y. SHIBATA, Y. ABIKO, H. KOMODA, A. MATSUYAMA, Y. SAWA, and S. MURAKAMI (Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Japan)
0298Periodontal Regeneration by Transplantation of Adipose Tissue-derived Stem Cells. T. HASHIKAWA*, Y. SHIMABUKURO, M. OZASA, T. IWAYAMA, H. KOMODA, A. MATSUYAMA, Y. SAWA, and S. MURAKAMI (Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Japan)
0299A Multipotent hPDL Cell Line Promotes Neurocytic Differentiation and Migration. A. TOMOKIYO*, H. MAEDA, S. FUJII, N. WADA, S. MONNOUCHI, and A. AKAMINE (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
0300Morphological characterization of periodontium derived stem cells. W.H. ARNOLD*, S. BECHER, A. DANNAN, D. WIDERA, M. JACOB, H.G. MANNHERZ, B. KALTSCHMIDT, C. KALTSCHMIDT, and W.-D. GRIMM (University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany)
0301Periodontal Regeneration Using Engineered Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Y. YANG*, F. ROSSI, and E. PUTNINS (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
0302Plasticity of "periodontium derived" stem cells-risk or future?. W.-D. GRIMM*, B. BECHER, A. DANNAN, G. GASSMANN, B. KALTSCHMIDT, C. KALTSCHMIDT, S. LEVERMANN, G. VARGA, D. WIDERA, and W.H. ARNOLD (University Witten-Herdecke, Germany)

Seq#: 65Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 717B
Prosthodontics Research - Properties of Zirconia and Clinical Evaluations of Ceramic Restorations
Chairpersons: D. Nathanson and J. Holloway
0303Clinical performance and fit of a milled ceramic crown system. D. NATHANSON*, F.A. AL-HARBI, and Y. WHITEMAN (Boston University, MA, USA)
0304Evaluation of mechanical properties of new zirconia formulations. D. NATHANSON, M. RAAD*, and R. L'HERAULT (Boston University, MA, USA)
0305Effect of sintering schedule on the flexural strength of 3Y-TZP. J. HOLLOWAY* and I. DENRY (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
0306Strength Of Zirconia Dentures Veneered in Press Versus Layering Technique. C. KOLBECK*, M. ROSENTRITT, M. BEHR, and G. HANDEL (Regensburg University Medical Center, Germany)
0307Reliability of Y-TZP versus PdAg alloy supported 3-unit bridges. E.A. BONFANTE*, P.G. COELHO, J.M. NAVARRO, L.F. PEGORARO, L. MAROTTA, E.A. CLARK, V.P. THOMPSON, and N.R. DA SILVA (New York University, USA)
03087-year Clinical Evaluation of All-ceramic Crowns: Wear and Cracks Analysis. M.K. ETMAN* and M.J. WOOLFORD (University of Saskatchewan, College of Dentistry, Saskatoon, SK, Canada)

Seq#: 66Thursday, July 3, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 711
Pulp Biology & Regeneration Research - The Differentiation Pathways of Dental Pulp Cells
Chairpersons: S. Whitson and G. Schmalz
0309Expression Profile Analysis during Human Healthy Dental Pulp Development. M. TRANASI*, A.P. SCIOLETTI, V. ZIZZARI, F. MASTRANGELO, G. D'APOLITO, L. STUPPIA, and S. TETÈ (University of Chieti, Italy)
0310 Paper Withdrawn.
0311Rho-Kinase Inhibition Affects Morphology and Migration of Dental Pulp Cells. R. CHENG*, T. HU, and X.-D. ZHOU (Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)
0312Effect of Bone Morphogenetic Proteins on Dental Pulp Differentiation. M.E. WILSON*, I. GAY, J. SCHULZE, and M. MACDOUGALL (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
0313Ca2+ Extrusion via Na+/Ca2+ Exchanger Subtype 3 in Rat Odontoblasts. Y. SHIBUKAWA*, R. OKUMURA, K.-I. NAKAGAWA, M. TAZAKI, T. MATSUDA, A. BABA, and M. SHIMONO (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba-City, Japan)
0314Functional Evidence for Neuronal Differentiation of Human DPSCs In Vitro. M. KIRÁLY*, K. KÁDÁR, B. PORCSALMY, B. MOLNÁR, Á. PATAKI, T. DANKÓ, M. JELITAI, W.-D. GRIMM, Á. ZSEMBERY, I. GERA, and G. VARGA (Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary)

Seq#: 67Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Pulp Biology & Regeneration Research - Pulp Cell Culture, Odontoblast Differentiation, and Growth Factors
0315Effect of Hepatocyte Growth Factor on Mouse Dental Papilla Cells. L. YE*, R. LI, and H. TAN (West China School of Dentistry, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China)
0316Processing of Matrix Extracellular Phosphoglycoprotein in Dental Pulp Cells. H. WANG*, N. KAWASHIMA, J. XU, S. TAKAHASHI, S. OKUHARA, T. IWATA, and H. SUDA (School of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China)
0317Regulate Pulp Cells Activities by TGF-beta1, BMP-2 and Extracellular Matrix. P.-S. LIN*, H.W. YEH, J.-H. JENG, and M.-C. CHANG (School of Dentistry & Department of Endodontics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
0318Effect of Hyaluronic Acid on Neurite Outgrowth of PC12 cells. A. WASHIO*, C. KITAMURA, M. TERASHITA, and T. NISHIHARA (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)
0319Activation of SHH signaling pathway in response to pulp capping. L. ZHANG, M.H. PAN, C. CUI, and Z. CHEN* (School and Hospital of Stomatology,Wuhan University, China)
0320BMP-7 activates Smad dependent and Smad independent pathways during dentinogenesis. M. MOUTRAY*, A. ANDERSON, K. KALDAHL, M. BEATTY, and A. NAWSHAD (University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA)
0321Effects of FGF-2 Concentration on Regenerated Dentin Structures. H. ISHIMATSU*, C. KITAMURA, Y. INUYAMA, T. MOROTOMI, T. NISHIHARA, Y. TABATA, and M. TERASHITA (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)
0322Effects of Hyaluronic Acid on Rat Pulp Regeneration. Y. INUYAMA*, C. KITAMURA, H. ISHIMATSU, T. MOROTOMI, M. NAGAYOSHI, T. NISHIHARA, and M. TERASHITA (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyusyu, Japan)
0323 Paper Withdrawn.
0324Sonic Hedgehog Signaling Regulates Odontoblast Proliferation and Differentiation In Vitro. M. KANYAMA*, K. SHIMONO, M. ONO, Y. MATSUKA, and T. KUBOKI (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
0325Shh Signaling is Related to BMP Signaling in Ameloblast Differentiation. S. TAKAHASHI*, N. KAWASHIMA, A. NAKATA, T. KAMEDA, T. SUGIYAMA, K.-I. KATSUBE, and H. SUDA (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
0326The relationship between TNF-alpha and RANKL during tooth root formation. F. FUKUHARA*, K. MATSUZAKA, S. SENZUI, M. YAKUSHIJI, and T. INOUE (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
0327Immunohistochemical analysis of ALDH and CD44 in pulp stem cells. P. TELLES*, T.M. BOTERO, S.B.C. TARQUINIO, and J.E. NOR (Bahiana Foundation for Science Development FBDC, Salvador, Brazil)
0328Culturing human dental pulp explants in vitro. P. ASHLEY*, B. KAZMI, Y. SIVAPRAGASAM, R.J. WADDINGTON, and M.P. LEWIS (UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, United Kingdom)
0329Multi-lineage Differentiation Potential of Pericytes Isolated from Human Dental Pulp. N. ROBERTSON*, P.N. TENG, P. HEEMSTRA, T.S. PARK, M. CRISAN, A. LOGAR, B. PÉAULT, and C. SFEIR (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

Seq#: 68Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Prosthodontics Research - Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth and Prosthodontic Outcomes
0330Microtensile Bond strength of glass-fiber posts with self-adhesive resin cements. S. ZAITTER*, M. D. SOUSA-NETO, Y. T. SILVA-SOUSA, R.C. ROPERTO, and O. EL-MOWAFY (University of Ribeirao Preto - Unaerp, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
0331Effects of irradiation time and post diameter on resin photopolymerization. N. SAWADA* and S. HIKAGE (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Ishikari, Japan)
0332Using FEA to Simulate the Effects of Stress Breaking Devices. H.-Y. CHANG*, C.-B. WU, and C.-L. LIN (Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Tao Yuan, Taiwan)
0333Adhesive Vs no-adhesive FRC-post cementation: pull-out bond strength evaluation. L.F. VALANDRO*, M. AMARAL, M.F. SANTINI, V.F. WANDSCHER, R. AMARAL, and M.A. BOTTINO (Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil)
0334Fatigue Resistance of Defective Teeth restored with fiber-post-core crowns. Q. XIE* and P. LIU (Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China)
0335Clinical Evaluation of Pulpless Teeth Restored With Different Fiber Posts. H.N. ALKUMRU*, S.B. TURKER, and B. EVREN (Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey)
0336Stress Distribution in Root with Different Post and core Systems. D. OKADA*, H. MIURA, C. SUZUKI, W. KOMADA, M. YAMAMOTO, D. MASUOKA, and C. SHIN (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
0337Effects of endodontic and restorative treatments on teeth damping ratio. K.-Z. CHANG*, H.-M. HUANG, C.-T. LIN, W.-J. CHANG, and S.-Y. LEE (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)
0338Evaluation of Damping Properties of Restorative Materials And Restored Teeth. C.-H. CHEN*, H.-M. HUANG, C.-T. LIN, S.-Y. LEE, and W.-J. CHANG (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)
0339Mechanical properties of a new core build-up composite resin material. W. KOMADA*, Y. FUKUI, H. MIURA, S. OTAKE, and K. YUSA (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
0340Fracture resistance of glass-fiber and cast posts with different lengths. A.R. GIOVANI*, C.B. SOUZA FILHO, M.D. SOUSA NETO, Y.T. SILVA SOUSA, L.P. VANSAN, A.M. CRUZ FILHO, and S.M. PAULINO (UNAERP - Universidade de Ribeirão Preto, Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo, Brazil)
0341 Paper Withdrawn.
0342Cements influence on the seating depth of glass fiber-reinforced posts. H.S. RYU*, J.-H. PHARK, S. DUARTE, Jr., D. DIETSCHI, and A. SADAN (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)
0343Incidence and cause of root fracture after prosthetic treatment. K.-I. MATSUDA*, K. IKEBE, K. ISHIDA, K. ENOKI, S. TADA, and Y. MAEDA (Osaka University, Japan)
0344Color stability of composite resins performed by two instrumental methods. B. CULIC*, D. DUDEA, V. PREJMEREAN, C. CULIC, S. NEAMTU, F. ALB, and L. SILAGHI DUMITRESCU (Iuliu Hatieganu University, Cluj Napoca, Romania)
0345FRC Reinforcing Effect on The Flexural Strength of Acrylic Resins. J. GHARECHAHI* and N. ASADZADEH AGHDAEE (Mashhad Dental School, Dental Research Center, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran)
0346 Paper Withdrawn.
0347Biomechanical Behavior of Premolar with Different Configurations: 3D-Finite Element Analysis. P.V. SOARES*, P.C.F. SANTOS-FILHO, D.T. KEMMOKU, A.Y. UEHARA, P.Y. NORITOMI, L.R.M. MARTINS, and C.J. SOARES (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil)
0348Microorganism count on irreversible hydrocolloid impressions with sodium hypochlorite disinfectant. M.F. AYAD* and M.A. GHULMAN (University of Tanta, Egypt)
0349Accuracy of the Occlusal Plane When Mounting in Semi-Adjustable Articulator. R. VERDUGO*, R.A. SANCHEZ-RUBIO, and R.M. SANCHEZ-RUBIO (Universidad Aut?noma de Baja California, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico)
0350Assessment of the Pronunciation in Subjects with Sound Dentition. J. WADA*, M. HIDESHIMA, T. ANDO, S. INUKAI, Y. IGARASHI, and H. MATSUURA (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
0351Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in teaching hospital. A.L.P. RANIERI*, S.M.C.P. JALES, G.G.S. FORMIGONI, F.S. ALÓE, S.M.A. TAVARES, and J.T.T. SIQUEIRA (Faculdade de Medicina do Hospital das Clinicas da Universidade de São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
0352Mandible Positions and Upper Airway Volume in Awake Supine Position. C.-L. WU*, P. LEE, T.-F. SHIH, and A.Y.-J. CHEN (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)

Seq#: 69Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms - Bond Durability
0353Effect of Sodium Hypochloride and Chlorhexidine on Dentin Bond Strength. H. MALMSTROM*, S. ERSAN, N. DILEK, and Y.-F. REN (Eastman Dental Center, Rochester, NY, USA)
0354Effects of incorporating chlorhexidine into all-in-one adhesives. Y. NISHITANI*, M. YOSHIYAMA, T. HOSHIKA, K. TAKAHASHI, K. HOSAKA, J. TAGAMI, F.R. TAY, and D. PASHLEY (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
0355Effects of chlorhexidine/solvent solutions on bond strength stability to dentin. A.P. MANSO*, R.H.M. GRANDE, B. SUH, A.K. BEDRAN-RUSSO, F. TAY, D.H. PASHLEY, and R.M. CARVALHO (University of Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil)
0356Effect of ethanol-wet bonding and chlorhexidine on resin-dentin bond durability. S. TALUNGCHIT*, S. ARMSTRONG, D.S. COBB, S. GERALDELI, J. JESSOP, F. QIAN, and D.H. PASHLEY (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA)
0357Effect of chlorhexidine on bond strength of a self-etching adhesive. J.-G. TAN* and J.-F. ZHOU (Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China)
0358TEM/FEI-SEM immunohistochemical identification of MMP-2 within the hybrid layer. A. MAZZONI*, E. VISINTINI, F. VITA, M.R. CARRILHO, A.J. RUGGERI, M. CADENARO, F.R. TAY, D.H. PASHLEY, and L. BRESCHI (University of Bologna, Italy)
0359Nanoleakage expression after 1-year aging of adhesives applied with ElectroBond. G. PASQUANTONIO*, A. MAZZONI, C. GRECO, V.P.A. SABOIA, F. VITA, M. FALCONI, and L. BRESCHI (Universita degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy)
0360Effect of water storage on seventh-generation dentin adhesives. A. HERNANDEZ*, R. YAPP, J.M. POWERS, and D. LAFUENTE (Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, Costa Rica)
0361Effects of Water Storage on Different Bonding Approaches. G.C. MARTINS*, A.L. CALIXTO, O.M.M. GOMES, A. REIS, J.C. GOMES, I. WOYCEICHOSKI, A.P.G.O. FRANCO, and G.M. GOMES (Ponta Grossa State University, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil)
0362Dentin bonding degradation of permanent and primary endodontically treated teeth. P.A. SACRAMENTO, R.M. PUPPIN-RONTANI*, F. GALBIATI, F.M. PASCON, M. ALVES, and L. CORRER-SOBRINHO (State University of Campinas, Piracicaba -SP, Brazil)
0363One Year Bond Strength Evolution of the Silorane Restorative System. A. SYREK*, O. KAPPLER, R. GUGGENBERGER, W. WEINMANN, K. DEDE, H. LOLL, and C. THALACKER (3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany)
0364Improvement of bond durability to porcelain by ceramic primer. R. LI*, M. AIDA, K. NEMOTO, and N. NISHIYAMA (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan)
0365Degradation of one step adhesives. S. MA*, K. FUJITA, H. TESHIMA, and N. NISHIYAMA (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan)
0366Resistance to Degradation of Resin-Modified Glass-Ionomer Cements Bonded to Dentin. T.C. FAGUNDES*, R. OSORIO, M.F.L. NAVARRO, and M. TOLEDANO (University of São Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
0367Effect of Cyclic Loading on Bond Strength to Worn Dentin. K. SHINKAI*, T. EBIHARA, M. SHIRONO, H. SEKI, S. WAKAKI, M. SUZUKI, S. SUZUKI, and Y. KATOH (The Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry at Niigata, Japan)
0368Effect of Thermocycling on Bond Strength of Amalgam to Dentin. M.C. LEHNHOF*, N.Z. BABA, F.A. BERRY, and H. LU (Loma Linda University, CA, USA)
0369Bonding Performance of Recent Self-etch Adhesive Systems under Combination Stress. Y. NARA*, M. HARA, T. YAMADA, T. SUZUKI, T. MASEKI, T. KIMISHIMA, and I.L. DOGON (The Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
0370Media Effect on Bond Strenght of a Composite to Dentin. P. MOHAN*, G.A. BORGES, J. PLATT, and K.S. GREGSON (University of Indiana - Indianapolis, USA)

Seq#: 70Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms - Cements
0371Surface Conditioning Improving the Adhesion between Posts and Resin Cements. R.C. ROPERTO*, O. EL-MOWAFY, and S.T. PORTO-NETO (University of Toronto, Canada)
0372Optimal Selection of a Post Sticking Pharmaceutical by FEM. Y. SUN*, L. KONG, and B. LIU (The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China)
0373Adhesive Properties of A New Self-Adhesive Resin Cement. H. SHINODA* and M. TAKEI (KURARAY MEDICAL INC, Kurashiki, Japan)
0374Effects of Saliva Contamination on Bond Strength of Luting Cements. C.W.M. CHUNG*, C. YIU, N.M. KING, and N. HIRAISHI (The University of Hong Kong, China)
0375Shear bond strength of resin cement to treated dentin surfaces. A. KEHLER* and T. BONSTEIN (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
0376Influence of Light-curing on the Resin Cement Diametral Tesile Strength. G.P. FREITAS*, M.D. SAMPAIO, A.P. FREITAS, and G.C. SANTOS-JUNIOR (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador - Ba, Brazil)
0377Dentine Bonding Following Casein Phosphopeptide Amorphous Calcium Phosphate Paste Application. O. ADEBAYO*, M. BURROW, and M. TYAS (University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia)
0378Properties of 4-META/MMA-TBB resin mixed with Dentin Powder. S. TANAKA*, T. SUGAYA, H. MIYAJI, Y. IBE, T. TENKUMO, H. FUKUDA, T. WASHIZU, Y. YOSHIMURA, and M. KAWANAMI (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
0379Effects of Polymerization-Mode on the Push-Out Retention of Self-Adhesive Resin-Cements. A.H. CURY*, T.A. PEGORARO, J.C. PEREIRA, B. SUH, and R.M. CARVALHO (University of São Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
0380Analysis of the Adhesive Interface of a Self-Adhesive Resin Cement. C.A. WIEDIG*, R. HECHT, G. RAIA, M. URBAN, M. LUDSTECK, and S. HADER (3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany)
0381 Paper Withdrawn.
0382Performance of luting-agents on bond strength on coronal and root-dentin. B.D.C.F. BARRETO*, C.G. CASTRO, R.E. CAMPOS, and C.J. SOARES (Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brazil)
0383Push-out strength of resin cements to radicular dentin. M. COUTINHO*, A.A. LEME, A. INSAURRALDE, P.M.C. SCAFFA, and R.T. LIMA (Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Brazil)
0384Shear Bond Strength of Self-Adhesive Resin Cements to Dentin. A. KIREMITCI* and P. ALTINCI (Hacettepe University, School of Dentistry, Ankara, Turkey)
0385Shear Bond Strength of Self-Adhesive Cements to Enamel and Dentin. P. KADAM*, R. ZADEH, D. CAKIR, B. PRESTON, L.C. RAMP, and J. BURGESS (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)

Seq#: 71Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms - Dentin Bonding Agents
0386Shear Bond Strength of Self-etching Adhesive Systems to Deep Dentin. D. AUGUSTI, G. PAGLIA*, and D. RE (University of Milano, Italy)
0387Immediate Bond Strength of Seventh Generation Dentin Adhesives. D. LAFUENTE* (Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica)
0388Shear Bond Strength of Ten Self-etching Systems to Dentine. P. VAN DER VYVER, P. BRANDT, F. FA DE WET*, and S. BOTHA (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
0389Microtensile dentin bond strength of recent adhesive systems. S. ARMSTRONG*, S. TALUNGCHIT, C. THUNPITHAYAKUL, and S. GERALDELI (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA)
0390Microtensile Bond Strengths of Self-Etching Adhesives to Enamel and Dentin. J.M. DOSSETT*, T. HILTON, and J.L. FERRACANE (Oregon Health & Science University, School of Dentistry, Portland, USA)
0391Effects of dentin surface conditions on microtensile bond strengths. G.M.S. OLIVEIRA*, G.V. MACEDO, R. WALTER, and E. SWIFT (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
0392Bond Strengths to Dentin and Enamel using Self-etch Adhesives. M.A. LATTA*, W.W. BARKMEIER, and N.S. KIMMES (Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA)
0393Bond Strength of Self-etch Adhesive Combined with 4th-generation Adhesive. A. HERNANDEZ, R.A. YAPP, J.M. POWERS, J. PROSE*, and S. AASEN (The Dental Advisor, Dental Consultants, Inc, Ann Arbor, MI, USA)
0394Bonding ability of Resin-bonding Systems containing Phosphonic acid Adhesive Monomer. K. SHINNO*, K. ICHIZAWA, T. NAKATSUKA, M. DEGUCHI, and N. NEGORO (SHOFU INC, Kyoto, Japan)
0395The effect of bonding layer thickness of Tokuyama Bond Force. M. AIZAWA*, K. MATSUSHIGE, A. DODOMI, Q. CUI, M. KIMURA, and H. KAZAMA (Tokuyama Dental Corp, Tokyo, Japan)
0396Adhesion durability of Tokuyama Bond Force. H. KAZAMA*, K. MATSUSHIGE, A. DODOMI, Q. CUI, and M. KIMURA (Tokuyama Dental Corporation, Tsukuba, Japan)
0397Adhesion of resin composites to root canal dentin. P. WATTANAMETAKUL, R. SAKOOLNAMARKA*, and M. ARKSORNNUKIT (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)
0398Immediate bond strength of one-bottle all-in-one adhesive systems to enamel/dentin. M. HARA*, T. YAMADA, T. SUZUKI, T. KIMISHIMA, T. MASEKI, Y. NARA, and I.L. DOGON (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
0399Comparison of Tooth Bonding Strengths of Self-etching Bonding Adhesives. W. JIA*, S. JIN, and J. TURCOTTE (Pentron Clinical Technologies, Wallingford, CT, USA)
0400Bond Strength of New One-bottle Adhesive on Dentin Surface Conditions. M. HANABUSA*, N. AKIMOTO, and Y. MOMOI (Tsurumi University, School of Dental Medicine, Yokohama, Japan)
0401Dentin Bond Strength of 5th Generation Adhesives. H. LU*, H. BUI, X. QIAN, and D. TOBIA (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA)
0402Bond Strength of One-Component Self-Etching Adhesives. O. BAGATCHENKO*, X. CHEN, M. LE, X. QIAN, and D. TOBIA (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA)
0403Dentin Shear Bond Strengths of Self-etch Adhesives. Y. GUVEN*, E.B. TUNA, and O. AKTOREN (Istanbul University, Faculty of Dentistry, Turkey)

Seq#: 72Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 2: Adhesion - Leakage/Margin Assessments - Class V, Gap Formation
0404Microleakage of Class-V Inlays using an Experimental Self-Adhesive Resin Cement. A. SADR*, Y. SHIMADA, and J. TAGAMI (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
0405Marginal Microleakage Evaluation in Class V Using Differents Adhesive Systems. J.C. GOMES*, O.M. GOMES, G.M. GOMES, and A. SÁNCHEZ-AYALA (Ponta Grossa State University, Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil)
0406Staining and Microleakage Evaluation of Re-sealing in Class V Restoration. M. KINA, G.C. LOPES, and S. MONTEIRO JUNIOR* (Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil)
0407Gap Formation on Occlusal Surfaces Using a Novel Resin Composite. M. CAMPILLO*, C. SABATINI, P. BUSH, W.R. DIAS, and C. MUNOZ (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA)
0408Microleakage of Posterior Restorations: Effect of Different Shades of Flowable-Composite. M. KHOROUSHI* and M. NAEIMAVI (Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran)
0409Comparative seal ability of different temporary-filling techniques - in vitro study. P.-C. LU and P.-J. HSU* (Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, Taiwan)
0410Comparative Evaluation of Microleakage of Three Fluoride Releasing Sealants. E.M.G. SUBRAMANIAN*, M.S. MUTHU, and N. SIVAKUMAR (Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, India)
0411Effect of whitening on microleakage and color stability of composites. K. KOBAYASHI*, K. MCKENZIE, H. MALMSTROM, and Y.-F. REN (University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, NY, USA)
0412Efficacy of nine commercial one step dentin adhesives. K. ITOH*, Y. KATO, C. TANI, M. KUSUNOKI, and H. HISAMITSU (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
0413Influence of cusp coverage on marginal integrity and enamel cracks. S. KRIFKA*, M. FEDERLIN, J. BLUECHEL, B. DUSCHL, K.-A. HILLER, and G. SCHMALZ (University of Regensburg, Germany)
0414An automated artificial mouth to produce secondary caries like lesions. C. RITZMANN*, K.-H. KUNZELMANN, R. FRANKENBERGER, and N. KRÄMER (University of Dresden, Germany)
0415Cavities prepared with CVD diamond at ultra-sonic. E.M.A. RUSSO*, P.C. ALVES, R.L. BERTANI, C.M. BONZANINI, and E. RUSSO (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil)
0416Effect of Environmental Pressure Changes on Microleakage to Restorative Materials. W.A. ANNUAR*, A.A.A. RAZAK, and A.B. YUSOF (Malaysian Armed Forces Dental Services (MAFDS), Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia)

Seq#: 73Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 3: Ceramic-based Materials and Cements - Cement Bond to Ceramics, Orthodontic Cements, Post and Crown Cementation
0417Fracture load of implant-supported all-ceramic crowns luted with various cements. H.-S. YANG*, M.-S. VANG, M.H. KIM, H.S. HAN, and J.M. YOO (School of Dentistry, Chonnam Natonal Universty, Gwangju, South Korea)
0418Effect of Pressure on Cement-Ceramic Adhesion in Microtensile Bond Tests. S.M. SALAZAR-MAROCHO, M. ÖZCAN, V.Z.C. VASQUEZ*, R. AMARAL, M.A. BOTTINO, and L.F. VALANDRO (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru)
0419Effect on New Silica-coating on Resin Bonding to Y-TZP Ceramic. K. HANAOKA*, T. TANAKA, M. YAMAGUCHI, T. SHINDO, and T. TERANAKA (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)
0420pH of Adhesives: Bonding of Resin Cement to a Ceramic. A.D. VANDERLEI*, S.P. PASSOS, C.W. ABREU, S. ZAMBONI, H. SANTANA, D.C. BARCA, L.F. VALANDRO, and M.A. BOTTINO (Sao Paulo State University (Unesp/SJC), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil)
0421Shear Bond Strength of Cemented Ceramic Crown Materials to Zirconia. O. NIHLAWI*, T.J. HILL, P. MCCABE, and G. TYSOWSKY (Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc, Amherst, NY, USA)
0422Bond Durability and Film Thickness of Luting Cement to Ceramic. P.C. PEREIRA*, A.A. CASTILHO, R.O.A. SOUZA, S.P. PASSOS, S.M.A. MICHIDA, F.E. TAKAHASHI, and M.A. BOTTINO (UNESP SJC, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil)
0423Bond stability of automix self-adhesive resin cement, GAM-100, on ceramics. N. MATSUMOTO*, H. TOKUI, H. YARIMIZU, H. NAKASEKO, T. SAKUMA, and S. AKAHANE (GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)
0424SBS of a New Self-Adhesive Cement to Metals and Ceramics. T.T. NGUYEN*, T.D. NGUYEN, X. QIAN, and D. TOBIA (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA)
0425Analysis of Cementation in Root Posts Using The Finites Elements. A.P.G.O. FRANCO*, D.H. DE BEM, F.H. DE ALMEIDA, G.C. MARTINS, R. NOVAES, G.B. SYDNEY, M.B. HECKE, J.C. GOMES, and O.M. GOMES (Ponta Grossa State University, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil)
0426Retention of Crowns Cemented on Implant Abutments with Temporary Cements. Y. NAGASAWA*, H. NAKAJIMA, Y. HASEGAWA, T. YAMAGA, and Y. HIBINO (Meikai University School of Dentistry, Saitama, Japan)
0427Luting cements & Preparation Taper Influences on E.maxPress Crowns. M. GHAZY* and M. MADINA (Mansoura University, Egypt)
0428Shear bond strength of orthodontic brackets with self-adhesive resin cements. M. ALSALEH* and O. EL-MOWAFY (University of Toronto, Canada)
0429Silver Nanoparticles to Improve Antimicrobial Properties of Orthodontic Bracket-Bonding Cement. K.P. LACKOVIC*, B. FURMAN, J.P. HATCH, K. WHANG, L. CHU, and H.R. RAWLS (University of Texas - San Antonio / Health Science Ctr, USA)
0430 Paper Withdrawn.
0431Fluoride release from dental materials. G.R. BASSO*, A. DELLA-BONA, D.L. GOBBI, and D. CECCHETTI (University of Passo Fundo, Brazil)

Seq#: 74Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 3: Ceramic-based Materials and Cements - New Cements and Bonding to Tooth Structure
0432Calcium Aluminum Cement - Effect of Water Reducing Agents. D.E. CLEMENT* and W. WAGNER (University of Detroit Mercy, MI, USA)
0433In vitro behavior of tape-cast biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics. Y. TANIMOTO*, H. TESHIMA, N. NISHIYAMA, Y. SHIBATA, and T. MIYAZAKI (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Matsudo, Chiba, Japan)
0434Acid Neutralization Capacity of Calcium Phosphate Cements. A.M. CHERNG*, L. CHOW, S. TAKAGI, and S. FRUKHTBEYN (American Dental Association Fundation, Gaithersburg, MD, USA)
0435Rheological Properties of Calcium Phosphate Cement. K.-H. BAE*, S.-W. CHANG, H.-M. YOO, D.-S. PARK, and T.-S. OH (Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea)
0436Dimensional Stability of an Calcium Phosphate Cement. A. PIOTROWSKI, M. SCHAUB, A. ERDRICH*, and M. GERLACH (Heraeus Kulzer GmbH, Hanau, Germany)
0437Changes of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Setting Time With Various Solutions. T.H. HUANG*, M.Y. SHIE, S.J. DING, and C.T. KAO (Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan)
0438Castor oil biopolymer used as dental cement: preliminary study. L.M.G. FAIS*, L.A.P. PINELLI, J. CABRINI, D.G. GUAGLIANONI, S.C. NETO, and G.O. CHIERICE (São Paulo State University, Araraquara, Brazil)
0439Storage influence on castor oil biopolymer compressive strength. L.A.P. PINELLI*, L.M.G. FAIS, J. CABRINI, D.G. GUAGLIANONI, S.C. NETO, and G.O. CHIERICE (São Paulo State University, Araraquara, Brazil)
0440Experimental dental cement: Mechanical properties and fluoride released. D. LOPEZ VARGAS*, P. RAMIREZ ORTEGA, and C. ALVAREZ GAYOSSO (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico DF, Mexico)
0441Effect of temperature on fluoride release from orthodontic adhesives. G. MAHMOUD*, P. GORDON, Z. YAN, and J.F. MCCABE (Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
0442Dentin Bond Strength of a New Self-Adhesive Resin Cement. T.D. NGUYEN*, X. QIAN, and D. TOBIA (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA)
0443Bond Compatibility of NX3 Resin-Cement with 7th Generation Adhesives. H. BUI*, X. QIAN, X. CHEN, and D. TOBIA (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA)
0444pH of self-etching cements. K. OHKUMA*, R. YAPP, and J.M. POWERS (Nippon Dental Univ., School of Life Dent. at Niigata, Japan)
0445Effect of Water Storage on Properties of Self-Adhesive Resin Cements. H. LIU*, L. HAYES, M. WALLER, M. O'CONNOR, and P. HAMMESFAHR (Dentsply Caulk, Milford, DE, USA)
0446Bond-strength and morphological interface between dentine and auto-adhesive cements. M.F. DE GOES*, R. VAZ, A. ANTUNES, and M.A.C. SINHORETI (Piracicaba Dental School - UNICAMP, Piracicaba - SP, Brazil)
0447Nanoleakage of CAD/CAM Ceramic Bonded to Dentin with Resin Cements. W. EL-BADRAWY, R. HAFEZ, A. ABOU EL NAGA*, and D.R. AHMED (Misr University for Science and Technology, Cairo, Egypt)

Seq#: 75Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 4: Clinical Trials, Biocompatibility and Biologic Effects - Antibacterial/Caries-inhibiting Effects, Biomaterials, and Bioengineering
0448MDPB-Containing Restorations Inhibits Secondary Root Caries: An In Vitro Study. T. THOMÉ*, M.P.A. MAYER, S. IMAZATO, A. TACHIBANA, and M.M. MARQUES (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
0449Real-time bactericidal effect of MDPB-containing adhesive system. F.G. CARVALHO*, S. FUCIO, T.C. NEGRINI, K.R. KANTOVITZ, F.M. PASCON, L. CORRER-SOBRINHO, and R.M. PUPPIN-RONTANI (State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil)
0450Comparison Of Antibacterial Properties Of Sealants and Amalgam. S. SHARMA, R. DEMORIZI*, L. KRIZOVA, M. PAISNER, C. DEFURIA, and G. KUGEL (Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA)
0451Biofilm architecture on feldspar ceramic by confocal laser scanning microscopy. A.S.B. BRENTEL A.S*, K.Z. KANTORSKI, S.M.B. PEREIRA, S.B.P.D. FUCCIO, L.F. VALANDRO, R.O.A. SOUZA, and M.A. BOTTINO (University of são paulo state, São Jose Dos Campos, Brazil)
0452Ionic Exchange from Glass-ionomer with Ultrasonic Excitation for Tunnel Restoration. C. HENGTRAKOOL*, W. CHANASONGKRAM, and U. KEDJARUNE (Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkla, Thailand)
0453Long-term dentin remineralization from Ca-PO4–releasing, whisker-reinforced polymeric composites. S.H. DICKENS* and G.M. FLAIM (American Dental Association Foundation, Gaithersburg, MD, USA)
0454Scaffolds for Gingival Tissues: Model Synthetic Structures for In-Vitro Co-Culture. A. WU*, E. SAXENA, and J.P. SANTERRE (University of Toronto, Canada)
0455Differentiation of Human Dental Pulp Cells on Polycaprolactone/hydroxyapatite Scaffold. B. CHUENJITKUNTAWORN*, P. PAVASANT, D. DAMRONGSRI, A. PIMKHAOKHAM, and K. MEKAAPIRUK (Chulalongkorn university, Bangkok, Thailand)
0456Integrated response of stem cells to mechanobiological properties of biomaterials. W.L.K. CHEN*, S. TING, and C.A. SIMMONS (University of Toronto, Canada)
0457The Influence of the Dextrin on L929 and MC3T3-E1 Cells. T. ASAI*, T. HAYASHI, K. KUROKI, M. OKANO, S. HAMAJIMA, A. MIEKI, H. KATAOKA, and T. KAWAI (Aichi-Gakuin University School of Dentistry, Nagoya, Japan)
0458Rapid Acting Hemostatic Material Implanted in Muscle and Extraction Sockets. C.H. PAMEIJER, E. TENA, J. HORN*, and E. EISENBERG (Z-Medica, Wallingford, CT, USA)
0459Analysis of the healing process in sinus bone grafting. S.-G. KIM*, H.-K. KIM, S.-Y. MOON, Y.-K. KIM, P.-Y. YUN, and S.-C. LIM (Chosun University, Gwangju, South Korea)
0460Biocompatibility Evaluation of Different Granular Porous Anorganic Bovine Bone Grafts. E.R. TAKAMORI*, C. JARDELINO, A. LENHARO, and J.M. GRANJEIRO (University of Sao Paulo - Bauru Dental School, Brazil)
0461 Paper Withdrawn.
0462Biomodulator effects of low level laser therapy on VEGF-A165. T.C. SILVA*, T.M. OLIVEIRA, V.T. SAKAI, C.F. SANTOS, and M.A.A.M. MACHADO (University of Sao Paulo, Bauru-Sao Paulo, Brazil)
0463Calcium Polyphosphate as an Anti-Cancer Drug Delivery System. Y. KIM, M. LANGMAN, G. HALL, and M. FILIAGGI* (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)

Seq#: 76Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 4: Clinical Trials, Biocompatibility and Biologic Effects - Biocompatibility of Restorative Materials
0464Toxic mechanisms of BisGMA on human dental pulp cells. J.-H. JENG*, H.W. YEH, P.-Y. JENG, and M.-C. CHANG (School of Dentistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
0465Toxic Mechanism of Five Dental Bonding Agents to CHO-K1 Cells. H.W. YEH*, J.-H. JENG, and M.-C. CHANG (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
0466Inflammatory responses by dentin bonding agents in human gingival cells. H.-C. KIM* (Kyung Hee university, Seoul, South Korea)
0467 Paper Withdrawn.
0468Cytotoxicity of silica-glass fiber reinforced composites. G. MERIC*, J.E. DAHL, and I.E. RUYTER (Oslo University, Norway)
0469In vivo Biodegradation of Dental Composite Resin. M.J. MACAULAY*, L.E. TAM, Y.S. CHIU, J.P. SANTERRE, and Y. FINER (University of Toronto, Canada)
0470Cytotoxicity of resin-based light-cured liner cements. J. HEBLING*, F.C.R. LESSA, I. NOGUEIRA, R.M. CARVALHO, and C.A. DE SOUZA COSTA (São Paulo State University - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil)
0471Cytotoxic effects of ionomers glass in cell cultured. E.M. SANTOS*, C.C. GUEDES, L.J. MOTTA, and S.K. BUSSADORI (Universidade deMogi Das Cruzes, São Paulo, Brazil)
0472Histopathologic evaluation of an experimental GIC in subcutaneous connective tissue. J.M.C. BOAVENTURA*, J.P.M. LIMA, M.J. BERTOLINI, M.A. ZAGHETE, M.R.B. OLIVEIRA, and M.S.M. CANDIDO (Sao Paulo State University - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil)
0473The Cytotoxicity of Giomer Restorative Materials on Human Gingival Fibroblasts. R. POURABBAS*, S. FARAJNIA, and S. KIMYAI (Tabriz Med Sci Univ/ Faculty of Dentistry, Iran)
0474Cytotoxity of HeLa Cells Cultured on S-PRG Filler. M. HOTTA*, N. ITO, H. KOTAKE, S. KUSAKABE, S. SAKU, and K. YAMAMOTO (Asahi University, Gifu Pref, Japan)
0475Cytotoxicity of Temporary Filling Materials on Three-dimensional Pulp-derived Cell Cultures. W. CHIDCHUANGCHAI*, S. KORSUWANNAWONG, Y. CHAWANTANPIPAT, R. TANTRAWONG, W. KAEWKORNPRADIT, and L. VAJRABHAYA (Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand)

Seq#: 77Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 6: Polymer-based Materials - Physical Properties and Performance - Adhesion, Resin Coating, Fluoride-Releasing Materials
0476Effect of Storage Conditions on Mechanical Properties of Commercial Adhesives. J. MALACARNE-ZANON, A. ANIDO-ANIDO*, M.F. DE GOES, C. ANAUATE-NETTO, H.R. LEWGOY, R. AMORE, A.R. CARMO, and M.R. CARRILHO (Bandeirante University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
0477Water sorption/solubility of ethanol-based adhesives after different solvent evaporation methods. A.B. CORRER*, R.R. MORAES, L.S. GONÇALVES, M.A.C. SINHORETI, R.M. PUPPIN-RONTANI, and L. CORRER-SOBRINHO (State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil)
0478Early bond strengths of dual-cured core composite resin by self-curing. K. HIRANO*, Y. KOSAKA, A. ARITA, T. KUMAGAI, and T. SAKUMA (GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)
0479Fluoride release from bonding sistems: long term study. M.G. GANDOLFI, S. ZANNA, C. PRATI, C. BARONI, and R. MONGIORGI* (Center of Biomineralogy, Crystallography and Biomaterials, University of Bologna, Italy)
0480Er,Cr:YSGG Laser for Root Caries Removal: Microleakage and Morphometric Evaluation. V.R. GERALDO-MARTINS*, M.P.A. MAYER, and M.M. MARQUES (University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil)
0481Coating Effects of Antibacterial Resins Containing MDPB on Root Surface. E. ENEREN*, S. IMAZATO, A.V. KANESHIRO, S. EBISHU, and S. GURGAN (Hacettepe University, School of Dentistry, Ankara, Turkey)
0482Effect of a Resin Coating on Prevention of Root Caries. K. TAJIMA*, G. INOUE, T. NIKAIDO, and J. TAGAMI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Jordan)
0483Structural Analysis of Acid-base Resistant Zone Using Self-etching Primer Systems. Y. IIDA*, D. WEERASINGHE, G. INOUE, T. NIKAIDO, and J. TAGAMI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
0484Fissure sealant adaptation and penetration into enamel. B. KANE*, C. GARCIA-GODOY, J. ROTHROCK, and F. GARCIA-GODOY (Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA)
0485In Vitro Penetration of Adhesives into Proximal White-Spot Caries Lesions. S. MARTIGNON*, O.L. ZARTA, L.E. LUNA, M. TELLEZ, M.C. HUERTAS, A.L. ZULUAGA, J.S. LARA, and I. QUINTERO (Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia)
0486Influence of surface sealants in microleakage, roughness and superficial hardness. M.S. MIRANDA*, D.P.M. HONCZAR, and L.C. MENDES (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil)
0487Influence of coating materials on conventional glass-ionomer cement. K. KATO*, H. YARIMIZU, H. NAKASEKO, and T. SAKUMA (GC CORPORATION, Tokyo, Japan)
0488Comparison of PMMA Bone Cements to a New Resin-Modified Glass-Ionomer. A. TIBA*, W.H. ANDERSON, III, J.C. RAGAIN, and D.G. CHARLTON (Naval Institute for Dental and Biomedical Research, Great Lakes, IL, USA)
0489Fluoride Release and Physical Properties of High Fluoride Materials. I.F. STANNARD* and S.R. STANNARD (Denali Corporation, Hanover, MA, USA)
0490Evaluation of the Anticariogenic potencial of an experimental GIC. G.C. PADOVANI*, B.C.I. RIBEIRO, M.J. BERTOLINI, M.A. ZAGHETE, A.C. PIZZOLITTO, and M.S.M. CANDIDO (Sao Paulo State University - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil)
0491Thermal protective effects of an RMGIC liner during irradiation. C.A. FELIX* and R.B. PRICE (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)

Seq#: 78Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 6: Polymer-based Materials - Physical Properties and Performance - Color and Staining of Resin Composites
0492Stain of four composite by the phytotherapic Punica granatum L.. C. WERKMAN*, P.F. AMSCHLINGER, W. STEAGAL-JUNIOR, F.C. SAMPAIO, and S.D.M. RODE (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Sao José dos Campos, Brazil)
0493Effects of Different Mouthrinses on Color Stability of Resin Composites. C. CELIK, B. YUZUGULLU, S. ERKUT*, and K. YAMANEL (Baskent University Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara, Turkey)
0494Color Stability of Resin Composites Storaged in Staining Solutions. P.H. DOS SANTOS*, L.S.N. ARAÚJO, S. PAVAN, A. CATELAN, A.L.F. BRISO, and R.H. SUNDFELD (Universidade Estadual Paulista, Aracatuba SP, Brazil)
0495Color Change of a Composite: Influence of Beverages and Brushing. C.P. LEPRI* and R.G. PALMA-DIBB (University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
0496Staining drinks effect on colour and microhardness of Z250 composite. D. ANGERAME, F. ANTONIOLLI, G. CLOCHIATTI*, S. ZIGANTE, and C.N. CORBO (University of Trieste, Italy)
0497Surface and Compatibility Topography of Restorative Materials after Artificial Aging. A. LORENZINI*, M. MATTIOLI-BELMONTE, G. ORSINI, F. GIULIODORI, A. CERUTTI, F. MANGANI, F. SAMPALMIERI, and A. PUTIGNANO (Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy)
0498Effect of Bleaching on Surface Roughness of Composites. V. MORTAZAVI*, M. FATHI, and M. SHIRBAN (Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran)
0499Whitening Effect of Two Toothpaste on Stained Composite Resin. K.R. DIAS*, L. BONATO, and A.P. KALIX (UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
0500Effect of In-Office Bleaching on New and Stained Resin Composites. R. HAFEZ, D.R. AHMED, W. EL-BADRAWY, A. SHEBL*, and O. EL-MOWAFY (University of Toronto, Canada)
0501Color Shifting of Resin Composites. R.D. PARAVINA*, G.N. FREY, W.M. JOHNSTON, and J.M. POWERS (University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston, USA)
0502Reflectance, direct transmittance and fluorescence of resin composite systems. R. HIRATA* and K. DIAS (Universidade Do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
0503Colorimetric evaluation of nanofilled resin composites. T. KATAYAMA*, N. HIROSE, Y. OZAWA, S. ISHIHARA, and H. MURAI (Meikai University, Saitama, Japan)
0504Comparative Translucency of Proprietary Composites in Relation to Tooth Structure. E.-A. RYAN*, L.E. TAM, and D. MCCOMB (University of Toronto, Canada)

Seq#: 79Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 8: Other Materials - Chemistry, Properties and Performance - Therapeutic Materials, Tissue Regeneration, and Others
0505Preliminary Investigation: Oral Adhesive Patches for the Delivery of Fluoride. B.C. SLIGHLY*, W. WAGNER, D.E. CLEMENT, and D. SCHNEIDER (University of Detroit Mercy, MI, USA)
0506Fluoride Release of a Nanoparticulated Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Cement. M.A.B. PASCHOAL*, A.C. MAGALHÃES, D. RIOS, R.C.C. ABDO, C.V. GURGEL, J.V.S. CHAVES, M.A.R. BUZALAF, and M.A.A.M. MACHADO (Bauru School of Dentistry, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
0507Optical characteristic of Fluoride-releasing Tooth-colored Restorative Material Containing S-PRG Filler. K. KIMOTO*, T. NAKATSUKA, M. GOTO, M. DEGUCHI, and N. NEGORO (Shofu Inc, Kyoto, Japan)
0508Nanomaterials for functional repair of enamel microfractures. A SEM Study. S. ZANNA, B. DE CARLO*, G. PITZOLU, S. ANDREANA, and R. MONGIORGI (Center of Biomineralogy, Crystallography and Biomaterials, University of Bologna, Italy)
0509In Vitro Study of Dentinal Tubule Occlusion with Sol-gel DP-bioglass. Y.Y. FANG* and C.-P. LIN (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
0510Evaluation of tooth surface after chemomechanical treatment with Papacárie®. C.C. GUEDES*, M.M. PINTO, L.J. MOTTA, E.M. SANTOS, K.P.S. FERNANDES, M.D. MARTINS, and S.K. BUSSADORI (Centro Universitário Nove de Julho, São Paulo, Brazil)
0511Loss of Stiffness of Demineralized Dentin Associated with Collagen Solubilization. M.R. CARRILHO*, K. AGEE, L. BRESCHI, A. MAZZONI, L. TJADERHANE, F.R. TAY, and D.H. PASHLEY (University of Campinas/Piracicaba School of Dentistry, Brazil)
0512An Animal Study of Self-solidfying Composites for Pulp Capping. X. XU*, J.-J. ZHAO, and J.-L. HAN (Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
05133D scaffold with carbon nanotube coated collagen sponge. E. HIRATA*, M. UO, H. TAKITA, F. WATARI, and A. YOKOYAMA (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
0514Development of Novel Mini-Tetrapod Bone Fillers. K. IGAWA*, K. TOMIZUKA, J. LEE, S.J. CHOI, K. YAMAMOTO, T. TAKATO, N. SASAKI, and U.-I. CHUNG (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
0515Development of a Photocurable Material for the Periodontal bone Defects. C. FUKAYA*, Y. NAKAYAMA, Y. HOSAKA, and T. NAKAGAWA (Keio University, Tokyo, Japan)
0516Fabrication of Electrospun Thai Silk Fibroin-Polyethylene Oxide Nanofiber. T. DAMRONGRUNGRUANG*, K. KAMANARONG, S. MAENSIRI, and S. NUCHDAMRONG (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
0517In-vitro antimicrobial evaluation of 4 different sutures, using DCT assays. H. SLUTZKY*, A. KOZLOVSKY, E.I. WEISS, and S. MATALON (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)
0518Static and Dynamic Analysis of Dental Implant Using Numerical Calculations. G.H. KYUNG* and S. LEE (Temple University, North Wales, PA, USA)

Seq#: 80Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Diagnostic Sciences - Caries Diagnosis, Tooth Bleaching
0519Cone-Beam Images Detect Proximal and Occlusal Surface Caries. R. HODGES*, J. LEE, S. YOUNG, T.-L. CHANG, D. ELASHOFF, and S.C. WHITE (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)
0520Time-Course Diffusion of Hydrogen Peroxide Using Modern Tecnologies. F.L. FLOREZ, Sr.*, O.B. DE OLIVEIRA, and V.S. BAGNATO (São Paulo State University - UNESP, São Carlos, Brazil)
0521Does Calculus Confound PRS and OCT Detection of Early Caries?. A. HUMINICKI*, C.C.S. DONG, B.M. CLEGHORN, and L.-P. CHOO-SMITH (NRC- Institute for Biodiagnostics, Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
0522Detection of Proximal Caries in Conventional and Digital Radiographs. P.H.C. SOUZA*, M.I.B. ROCKENBACH, E.B. VEECK, N.P.D. COSTA, I.S. GOMES FILHO, and S.A. BERTI (Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil)
0523A Comparison of MDP and QLF in Early Caries Detection. M.R. MEHARRY*, J.D. HARLESS, D.V. DAWSON, and J.S. WEFEL (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA)
0524Conventional versus Direct Digital Radiography for Occlusal Primary Molars Caries. P.R.D. SILVA, M.M. MARQUES, F.M. MENDES, and C.A. LASCALA* (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
0525Effectiveness of Logicon Caries Detector™ in diagnosis of caries. K. ARAKI*, Y. MATSUDA, and T. OKANO (Showa University School of Dentistry, Ohta-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
0526LED based occlusal and approximal caries detection in vitro. F. KRAUSE*, D.J. MELNER, R. STAWIREJ, S. JEPSEN, and A. BRAUN (University of Bonn, Germany)
0527Quantitative Analysis of Incipient Dental Mineral Loss. A. MATVIENKO, A. MANDELIS*, R. JEON, S.H. ABRAMS, and B.T. AMAECHI (University of Toronto, Canada)
0528Thermophotonic Detection of Demineralized Root and Enamel Lesions. R. JEON, A. HELLEN, A. MATVIENKO, A. MANDELIS, S.H. ABRAMS*, and B.T. AMAECHI (Four Cell Consulting, Scarborough, Ontario, ON, Canada)
0529Photothermal and Modulated Luminescence Detection of Demineralized Tooth Restoration Interfaces. A. HELLEN*, R. JEON, S.H. ABRAMS, A. MANDELIS, and B.T. AMAECHI (University of Toronto, Canada)
0530Optical Coherence Tomography-Based Detection of Dental Decay. F. TRANG*, J. BARRERA, Y. AHN, K. SRAN, Z. CHEN, and P. WILDER-SMITH (University of California- Irvine, USA)
0531Quantification of Tooth Stain Using Novel Digital Techniques. N. MOHAN*, M.R. MAHESH, V.I. VARGHESE, A. TAYLOR, I.A. PRETTY, and R.P. ELLWOOD (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
0532Investigation of Light Distribution in teeth for Dental Bleaching. F.L.E. FLOREZ, Sr., P.P. PORTERO, L.T. MORIYAMA, V.S. BAGNATO, and O.B. DE OLIVEIRA* (São Paulo University - USP/IFSC, São Carlos, Brazil)
0533Digital and Conventional Radiography's Diagnostic Value in Recurrent Caries Detection. N. ANBIAEE*, A. RASHED MOHASSEL, M. IMANI MOGHADDAM, and S.M. MOAZAMI (Dental research center of Mashhad dental school ,Mashhad university of medical science, Iran)
0534Novel Approach to Rapid Mercury Analysis in Whole Saliva. S. MISCI*, X. YU, W.L. SIQUEIRA, D. NATHANSON, F.G. OPPENHEIM, and D. WALT (Boston University School of Dental Medicine, Department of Biomaterials and Restorative Sciences, MA, USA)

Seq#: 81Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Geriatric Oral Research - Morita Awards
0535Elderly population diagnosis related to oral primary health care. A.F. BULGARELLI*, I.C. PINTO, W. MESTRINER JR, S.F. MESTRINER, and A.R.X. MANÇO (University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
0536Social Isolation, Body-Image and Oral Health Among Elder Women. L.R. DONNELLY* (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
0537Self-Care Behaviours and Use of Dental Services among Nigerian Elderly. Y. SALAMI*, O. UTI, and O. SOFOLA (University of Lagos, Nigeria)
0538Seniors Oral Health: Are Treatment Recommendations Followed-up?. A.T.T. WONG*, D. MATTHEWS, J.B. CLOVIS, M.J. FILIAGGI, and M. MCNALLY (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
0539Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Correlates amongst Elderly Indian Population. S. TANDON* (Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal (Manipal University), India)
0540Testing a Model for Assessing Quality of Dental Geriatric Programs. M. PRUKSAPONG* and M.I. MACENTEE (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
0541Dietary and Other Caries Risk Factors Associated with Psychiatric Medications. A.A. BROWN*, M.L. SINGH, A.S. PAPAS, and A.R. BIESBROCK (Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA)
0542Oral Health and Nutrient Intake Among Elderly Brazilians. F.B. ANDRADE*, A.F. CALDAS JUNIOR, P. KITOKO, and J.E.M. BATISTA (University of Pernambuco, Vitoria, Brazil)
0543Relationship of Periodontal Status and Physical Fitness in Bangladeshi population. N.M.M. HASSAN*, R. AKHTER, S. MORIYA, H. KASHIWAZAKI, N. INOUE, and M. MORITA (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
0544Swallowing function and oral sensation in young and elderly humans. R. YAHAGI*, N. WAKABAYASHI, T. SUZUKI, and Y. KITADA (Iwate Medical University, Japan)
0545Oropharyngeal Sensory Stimulation in Healthy Older Adults. J. THEURER*, K. CZACHOROWSKI, L. MARTIN, and R.E. MARTIN (University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)
0546The effectiveness of 2-implant overdentures- a pragmatic international multicenter study. F. RASHID*, M.A. AWAD, J.M. THOMASON, A. PIOVANO, G. SPIELBERG, P. MOJON, F. MUELLER, M. SPIELBERG, G. HEYDECKE, G. STOKER, D. WISMEIJER, P.F. ALLEN, J. SHOTWELL, and J. FEINE (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0547Perceived sleep quality in edentulous elders. E. EMAMI*, G. LAVIGNE, P. ROMPRÉ, P. DE GRANDMONT, and J. FEINE (Université de Montréal, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0548Botox - the Magic Panacea?. L. SPEVACK*, M.A. WISEMAN, and M. PANISSET (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0549Effects of Tooth Loss and Aging on Memory in Rats. K. YAMAZAKI*, N. WAKABAYASHI, T. SUZUKI, J. FURUYA, and T. KOBAYASHI (Iwate Medical University, Japan)

Seq#: 82Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Caries Research - Epidemiology, Access, Utilization
0550A case-control study on children's caries in China. H.-C. LIN*, R. ZHANG, E.C.M. LO, and Q.H. ZHI (Sun Yat-sen University, Guang Zhou, China)
0551A group-randomized caries-prevention trial for Cree children: baseline measures compared. J. VERONNEAU*, R. HARRISON, B. LEROUX, and J. SNOWBOY-MATOUSH (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0552Caries and Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women. D.C. OLIVEIRA*, L.S. VIANNA, I.S. GOMES-FILHO, J.S. PASSOS, S.S. CRUZ, E.M.M. CERQUEIRA, G.F. MACHADO, P.T.J. BRANDÃO, and R.C. WANDERLEY-CRUZ (Feira de Santana State University, Brazil)
0553Caries prevalence in children: implications for orthodontic treatment need?. C. TRINN*, R. REINHARDT, H. WEHRBEIN, and B. WILLERSHAUSEN (University Hospital Mainz, Germany)
0554Caries prevalence six years after the cessation of an RCT. M.M.T. CURNOW*, C.M. PINE, G. BURNSIDE, J.A. NICHOLSON, and A.J. ROBERTS (NHS Tayside, Perth, United Kingdom)
0555Child'S FIRST Dental VISIT. R. MEERA*, M.S. MUTHU, V. RATHNAPRABHU, and M. PHANIBABU (Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, India)
0556Construct Validity of Children's Experience of Caries Reported by Mothers. G. VEILLEUX*, M. GENEREUX, J.-M. BRODEUR, and J. DUROCHER (Direction de santé publique, Agence de la santé et des services sociaux, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0557Epidemiology of Dental Caries in an Urban Area in India. A. MARU*, S. NARENDRAN, and J. LALUMANDIER (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)
0558Exploring the Relationship between Obesity and Dental Caries in Children. H. HITIMANA*, H. HITIMANA, S.D. TRAN, M. LAMBERT, J. O'LOUGHLIN, C. CARON, A. TREMBLAY, B. NICOLAU, and B. NICOLAU (Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0559Modeling Caries Risk in Formerly Sealed Teeth. S.O. GRIFFIN*, S. GRAY, D.M. MALVITZ, and B. GOOCH (Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, USA)
0560Multilevel analysis and geographic information systems in assessing dental health. S.M. PEREIRA*, K.L. CORTELLAZZI, E.P.S. TAGLIAFERRO, G.M.B. AMBROSANO, C.A. VETTORAZZI, Sr., S.F.D.B. FERRAZ, F.R. PAULA, M.C. MENEGHIM, and A.C. PEREIRA (Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba - State University of Campinas, Brazil)
0561Non-cavitated and cavitated caries prevalence and associated factors in 13-year-old-children. O. CHANKANKA*, S.M. LEVY, B. BROFFITT, J.J. WARREN, K. WEBER-GASPARONI, M.J. KANELLIS, and J.E. CAVANAUGH (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA)
0562Oral Health in Children 0-71 Months from Low-Income Communities, Peru. R.S. VILLENA*, Y.D. SANCHEZ, M.L. CARRASCO, and F.B. PACHAS (Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru)
0563Parental and professional oral health assessment of Brazilian preschool children. D.M. CARVALHO*, M. SALAZAR, B.H. OLIVEIRA, F. BARJA-FIDALGO, M. SÉLLOS, T. PELEGRINO, R. FLORENCIANO, A. FALCÃO, and M. PERFEITO (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil)
0564Polarization of dental caries in Brazilian schoolchildren. F.S. CARVALHO*, A.F. MAIA-JUNIOR, A.K. BASSI, C. LOPES-JUNIOR, M.L. ROCHA, A. SALES-PERES, S.H.C. SALES-PERES, and J.R. BASTOS (University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil)
0565Prevalence of Early Childhood Caries in very young Mexican-American Children. S.E.D. CUNNINGHAM*, M. FAROKHI, M. BAEZ, and S. CANO (University of Texas San Antonio / Health Science Ctr, USA)
0566Relationship between Obesity and Caries in Children Ages 1 – 6. K.L. NEWSOM, S. FADAVI*, A. KOERBER, I.C. PUNWANI, and G. ADAMI (University of Illinois - Chicago, USA)
0567Sealant Survival in a High Caries Population. A.K. MASCARENHAS* and P. SOPARKAR (Boston University, MA, USA)
0568The Effect of S-ECC on Growth in Young Children. C. HAYES*, P.S. CASAMASSIMO, A. TATE, S. WILSON, J.E. JOHNSON, and R. GARCIA (Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA)

Seq#: 83Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Oral Health Status in Populations
0569A School-Based Study of Dental Erosion In Ontario Children. A. JOKOVIC*, D. LOCKER, P. PRAKASH, and H. MURRAY (University of Toronto, Canada)
0570Establishing Presence of Noma in Haiti: a preliminary national survery. S.E. PROPHETE*, G. JEAN-CHARLES, C.C. NOEL, J.E. JOSEPH, A. AUGUSTE, R.V. KATZ, and W.J. PSOTER (State University of Haiti, Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
0571Evaluated the dental wear in deciduous and permanent teeth. S.H.C. SALES-PERES, S.M. CARVALHO*, C.P. CARVALHO, J.A. MARSICANO, A.C. SALES-PERES, A.N. OLIVEIRA, F.M. COSTA, and J.R. LAURIS (Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
0572Investigating traumatic dental injuries among Quebec children. C.A. NOUEIHED*, T.A. BARNETT, S.D. TRAN, J. FEINE, J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. LAMBERT, C. CARON, A. TREMBLAY, and B. NICOLAU (Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0573Oral Health of Kuwaiti Children Attending Kindergarten. S. ALHAWAJ*, J. ARIGA, S. AL-MUTAWAA, P. SOPARKAR, and A.K. MASCARENHAS (School Oral Health Program, Kuwait-Forsyth, Hawally, Kuwait)
0574Oral Health Status in Hill Tribe of Northern Thailand. T. VACHIRAROJPISAN*, N. THAKSINMANEE, and P. BHURIDEJ (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)
0575Oral health status of patients in oral health consultation center. X.-Y. DING*, W.S. RONG, C.M. PENG, and J. WANG (Capital Medical University, Beijing, China)
0576Orthodontic Treatment Need and Self-perception of 8-14 year-old Turkish Children. G. AREN*, D. ONER OZDAS, and E. YAMAC (University of Istanbul, Turkey)
0577Prevalence and Distribution of Malocclusions in Teenagers. M. ZAZUETA*, L. HERRERA, A. MAY, and A. SÁNCHEZ (Universidad Autonoma de Campeche, Campeche, Campeche, Mexico)
0578Prevalence of Dental Caries in Adults Living in Southern Nevada. M. DITMYER*, C. MOBLEY, G. DOUNIS, M.M. MCCLAIN, and C. DEMOPOULOS (University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine, USA)
0579Prevalence of Dental Trauma in Pan American Games Athletes. R.A. ANDRADE*, P.L.S. EVANS, A.L.S. ALMEIDA, J.J. RODRIGUES-DA-SILVA, A.M.L. GUEDES, F.R. GUEDES, D.N. RANALLI, A. MODESTO, and E.M.B. TINOCO (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
0580Prevalence of Dental Trauma in Para-Pan American Games Athletes. R.A. ANDRADE, P.L.S. EVANS, A.L.S. ALMEIDA, J.J. RODRIGUES-DA-SILVA, A.M.L. GUEDES, F.R. GUEDES, D.N. RANALLI*, A. MODESTO, and E.M.B. TINOCO (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
0581Prevalence, Severity and self-perception of dental fluorosis. N.A. SALIBA*, S.A.S. MOIMAZ, O. SALIBA, L.B. MARQUES, and P.E. GONÇALVES (Unesp São Paulo State University, Araçatuba/SP, Brazil)
0582Sampling weights in the 2003 Brazilian Oral Health Survey. R.C.S. QUEIROZ*, M.C. PORTELA, and M.T.L. VASCONCELLOS (Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca/Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil)
0583The national oral health status of Chinese children and adults. W.J. WANG*, W.S. RONG, and W.H. WANG (Peking University, Beijing, China)
0584The prevalence of Dental Anxiety among UAE college-populations. S. HAWAMDEH and M.A. AWAD* (University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates)
0585Traumatic dental injuries in South African school children. S. NAIDOO*, G. TZAKOS, and A. SHEIHAM (University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa)
0586Trends of Toothbrushing Frequency among Finnish Adolescents in 1977-2007. E. HONKALA*, S. HONKALA, L. PERE, A. RIMPELÄ, and M. RIMPELÄ (University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Finland)

Seq#: 84Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Education Research - Technologies in Dental Education
0587New Technologies in Health Care - a Legal and Ethical Dilemma. B. LAI*, A. LEBUIS, E. EMAMI, and J. FEINE (Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0588Development of patient simulation systems: Investigation of GUI part III. W. MIYASHITA*, N. SHIBUI, S. UZUKA, S.-I. TSUKADA, H. AKIYAMA, K. NAKAMURA, T. OKADA, S. YOKOZAWA, S. HARA, M. ADACHI, H. MITSUYASU, O. MUNEMURA, M. SUMITOMO, and S. NAKAHARA (The Nippon Dental University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan)
0589Development of patient simulation systems: Investigation of discomfort part III. S. UZUKA*, N. SHIBUI, W. MIYASHITA, S.-I. TSUKADA, H. AKIYAMA, K. NAKAMURA, T. OKADA, S. YOKOZAWA, S. HARA, M. ADACHI, H. MITSUYASU, O. MUNEMURA, M. SUMITOMO, and S. NAKAHARA (The Nippon Dental University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan)
0590Construction of three-dimensional human tooth models - Abnormal tooth models -. S. NAGASAWA*, T. YOSHIDA, K. TAMURA, Y. ARAI, H. UTSUNO, O. TADOKORO, K. INOUE, and M. ITO (Matsumoto Dental University, Nagano, Japan)
0591Representative survey on CAD/CAM-technology among German dentists and dental technicians. A. WEBER, A.L.S. THÖNE, M. WALTER, H. RUDOLPH, S. QUAAS, and R.G. LUTHARDT* (Ulm University, Germany)
0592E-learning education - a five years follow up study. M. VALENTIC-PERUZOVIC*, D. ILLES, I. ALAJBEG, and I. PELIVAN (School of Dental Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia)
0593Effect of E-learning on Learning Level of Dental Students. A. FAYAZ*, M. SOLTANI, M. NOURI, M. HOSSEIN ZADEH, and A.R. AKBAR ZADEH BAGHBAN (Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran)
0594On-demand video library system for dental practice with integrated authentication. T. NAKAHARA*, T. NISHIHARA, and J.-I. FUKUDA (Kyushu Dental College, Fukuoka, Japan)
0595Qualitative Evaluation of an Online Research Network for Dental Practitioners. N. MAKANSI*, P.J. ALLISON, and C. BEDOS (Mcgill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0596How Can Use of Tablet PCs in Classroom/Clinic Facilitate Learning?. B. HOJJATIE*, H. HOOSHMAND, L. LEADER, and K. SODERHOLM (Valdosta State University, GA, USA)
0597Internet Use among U.S. Dentists. A. MENEZES*, J.D. RUESCH, and K. BURGESS (American Dental Association, Chicago, IL, USA)
0598Podcasts - an evaluation of their use in Undergraduate Teaching. A.D. WALMSLEY*, D.G. PERRYER, C.S. LAMBE, and K.B. HILL (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
0599Students` Motivations and Online Discussion Group Participation. K. PAHINIS, E. TSITROU*, C.W. STOKES, and G. CANNAVINA (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 85Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Cariology Research - Dentin Caries/Clinical Studies
0600Effects of S-PRG Powder on Dentinal Tubule Occlusion in vitro. K. TOMIYAMA*, Y. MUKAI, T. SHIIYA, M. SUZUKI, and T. TERANAKA (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, Japan)
0601Cysteine cathepsins activity in sound and carious dentin. C.L. MINCIOTTI, S. GERALDELI*, I.L.D.S. TERSARIOL, and L. TJADERHANE (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA)
0602Removal of caries dentin by various dental cutting burs. M. OIKAWA*, M. KUSUNOKI, K. ITOH, and H. HISAMITSU (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
0603Anticaries effectiveness of low-fluoride acidic dentifrice: a randomized clinical trial. F.V. VILHENA* and M.A.R. BUZALAF (Bauru Dental School/University of São Paulo, Bauru-SP, Brazil)
0604Influence of ozone on caries incidence around orthodontic brackets". A.H. AL SHAMSI*, E. LYNCH, P.-J. LAMEY, J.L. CUNNINGHAM, and M.C. GROOTVELD (Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom)
0605Symmetry of dental caries: nearest-neighbor analysis with Monte Carlo simulation. M.C.P. SARAIVA* (Universty of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
0606Measuring Enamel-Remineralisation during the Retention Phase of Orthodontic Treatment. A.A. ADEYEMI*, G.N. KOMAROV, S.M. PENDER, N. PENDER, and S.M. HIGHAM (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)
0607Effects of Education on Plaque Acid and Mutans Streptococci. K.A. PLONKA*, W.K. SEOW, A. BARNETT, L.J. WALSH, M. PUKALLUS, and T. HOLCOMBE (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
0608Dental Treatment Needs Among Secondary Schoolchildren in Saudi Arabia. A.M. ALDOSARI*, N. KHAN, E. AKPATA, and T. AL-SHALAN (King Saud University, Riyadh 11545, Saudi Arabia)
0609Later effects of school-based caries preventive programs. A. NAKAMURA*, S. SAKUMA, A. YOSHIHARA, T. DEGUCHI, M. YAGI, and H. MIYAZAKI (Niigata University School of Dentistry, Japan)
0610Effectiveness of Fluoride Varnish Application in Preschoolers: One-year Follow-up. M. SALAZAR*, D.M. CARVALHO, B.H. DE OLIVEIRA, P. NADANOVSKY, G.S. JULIÃO, A.P.P. DOS SANTOS, M.A.A. DE OLIVEIRA, and K. CAMPOS (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil)
0611Effectiveness of Preventive Methods in High/Low Caries Risk Children. M.C. MENEGHIM*, E.P.S. TAGLIAFERRO, F.L. MIALHE, G.M.B. AMBROSANO, A.C. PEREIRA, and V. PARDI (Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba - State University of Campinas, Brazil)
0612Clinical predictors of mutans streptococci colonization in pre-school children. A.M. ZIMBALDI*, V.M. PALERMO, J.C. RAMACCIATO, R.B. BRITO-JÚNIOR, M.A.J. WASSALL, G.M.B. AMBROSANO, M.I. KLEIN, A.C. PEREIRA, R.B. GONCALVES, and F.M. FLÓRIO (São Leopoldo Mandic Dentistry School, Campinas, Brazil)
0613School Based Tooth Brushing with Fluoridated Toothpaste at Residential School. B. NANDLAL* (JSS Dental College and Hospital , Mysore, India, India)
0614Clinical, salivary, and microbiological parameters in Down syndrome individuals. A.R.F. CASTILHO*, V. PARDI, W. ORCINI, and C.V. PEREIRA (University of Sagrado Coração, Bauru, Brazil)
0615Caries Incidence Is Not Increased in Cleft Individuals From Patagonia. M. MCMEANS*, F. POLETTA, M. BRITTO, J. MEREB, I. ORIOLI, E. CASTILLA, and A. VIEIRA (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
0616Caries Experience in Cleft Lip and Palate Patients in China. J. LI*, W. ZHU, L. XU, and J. XIAO (West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)

Seq#: 86Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Cariology Research - Fluoride/Caries Inhibition
0617Fluoride content of foods and beverages imported from Mexico. A.E. SOTO-ROJAS*, R.T. FREEMAN, J.M. JONES, and E.A. MARTINEZ-MIER (Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA)
0618Total Fluoride Intake by 27 to 34 Month-old Venezuelan Infants. D. GOMEZ*, A.M. ACEVEDO, M.C. SOCORRO, and F. ROJAS-SANCHEZ (Ministerio de Salud y Desarrollo Social, Caracas, Venezuela)
0619Urinary Fluoride Excretion by Preschool Children from a Rural-Community. M.L.A. JUÁREZ-LÓPEZ*, J.C. HERNÁNDEZ-GUERRERO, D. JIMÉNEZ-FARFÁN, and N. MOLINA-FRECHERO (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico)
0620Effect of Fluoridatred Milk to Fingernail Fluoride. P. PHANTUMVANIT*, P. SIRASITTIKORN, and P. LIKITANUPARB (Thammasat University, Pathumtani, Thailand)
0621Effect of fluoride theraphies on the surface of bleached enamel. R.F. MAZUR*, J.M.H. MARTIN, P. SOARES, V. TORNO, R.N. RACHED, A. MARINI, J.B. ALMEIDA, and E.A.R. ROSA (Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Parana, Curtiba, PR, Brazil)
0622Low-fluoride Dentifrice and the Effect of Rinsing on Salivary fluoride. C.B. ZAMATARO*, L.M.A. TENUTA, and J.A. CURY (Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba UNICAMP, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil)
0623 Paper Withdrawn.
0624The Protective Effect of Histatins on Tooth Human Enamel Demineralization. W.L. SIQUEIRA*, H.C. MARGOLIS, E.J. HELMERHORST, F.M. MENDES, and F.G. OPPENHEIM (Boston University School of Dental Medicine, MA, USA)
0625Enhanced Enamel Fluoride Uptake from NovaMin®-Containing Fluoride Dentifrices. A.H. STONE*, B.R. SCHEMEHORN, and A.K. BURWELL (NovaMin Technology, Inc, Alachua, FL, USA)
0626Fluoride varnish: Effect on in vitro enamel caries formation. A. GARCIA-GODOY*, C. GARCIA-GODOY, F. GARCIA-GODOY, J. HICKS, C. FLAITZ, and G. WESTERMAN (Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA)
0627Demineralization Protection of a New Protective Coating. R.P. RUSIN, A.M. PFARRER*, M.D. ERICSON, J. LLOYD, K.M. CUMMINGS, and D. TANTBIROJN (OMNI Preventive Care, A 3M ESPE Company, West Palm Beach, FL, USA)
0628CaviStat® Effect on Occlusal Caries in Permanent First Molars. C. MACHADO*, M. MONTERO, A.M. ACEVEDO, and I. KLEINBERG (Alcaldia Municipio Sucre, Caracas, Venezuela)
0629Anti-cariogenic effect of maltitol chewing gum in situ models. E.J. LEE, J.Y. KIM, K.H. BAE, B.H. JIN, and D.I. PAIK* (Seoul National University, South Korea)
0630Effect of Galla chinensis on remineralization of bovine root carious. B. GUO*, K. QUE, X. ZHOU, J. YANG, J. LIU, Q. XIA, and F. YANG (Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China)
0631Effect of Galla Chinese on Enamel Demineralization in Vitro. L.L. ZHANG*, W. LI, and L. ZOU (Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)
0632Reaction of Silver Diammine Fluoride with Hydroxyapatite and Collagen. Y.L. LOU* (The University of Hong Kong, China)
0633Silver ions distribution and caries hardness after silver fluoride application. C.H. CHU* and E.C.M. LO (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)

Seq#: 87Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Oral Health Research - Tobacco, Oral Diseases, Clinical Trials, Oral Hygiene
0634Oral complications in Crohn's disease and their relation with medication. H.S. BRAND*, E.M.H. SMIT, and A.V. NIEUW AMERONGEN (Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Netherlands)
0635Brazilian¢s Pregnant Women: Knowledge and Practices of Oral Health. L.F. BASTOS*, N.P. LEAL, U. MEDEIROS, R.B. CARVALHO, and L.S. CITY (Universidade Do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
0636Oral health in young women and men: A matched-pair study. E. HORNECKER*, B. SCHWERDTFEGER, D. ZIEBOLZ, and R.F. MAUSBERG (University of Goettingen, Germany)
0637 Paper Withdrawn.
0638Breast- Feeding to Patient with Cleft of Lip and Palate. M.M.P. RENDEIRO*, L. VELMOVITSKY, L.G. MOTTA, U. MEDEIROS, and S. VENTURA (ENSP/UNIGRANRIO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
0639Efficacy of Oil Pulling on Oral Health Status. A. SHARATH*, J. JEEVARATHAN, M.S. MUTHU, V. RATHNAPRABHU, E. PAMELA, R. RAGHURAMAN, and G.S. CHAMUNDESWARI (Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, India)
0640Dental Care for Adults in Nursing and Residential Care Homes. A. BELSI, J. GONZALES, K. JONES, D. WRIGHT, and J.E. GALLAGHER* (King's College London Dental Institute, United Kingdom)
0641Perception of oral- and general health among dissatisfied conventional denture-wearers. T.A. TROVIK*, H. GJENGEDAL, A.G. GRØNNINGSÆTER, and E. BERG (University of Bergen, Norway)
0642Lower incisor retention with fixed or vacum formed retainers. P. MCDERMOTT*, D. MILLETT, D. FIELD, A. VAN DEN HEUVEL, and I. ERFIDA (University College Cork, Ireland)
0643Influence of root fillings on direct and indirect restoration survival. P. LUMLEY*, F.J.T. BURKE, and S. LUCAROTTI (University of Birmingham, England, Uk)
0644Prospective Study of Oral Health in Epilepsy Patients. K. KÁROLYHÁZY*, P. SCHMIDT, P. HERMANN, P. FEJÉRDY, and Z. ARÁNYI (Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary)
0645Perceived oral health in patients with Crohn's disease. S. RIKARDSSON*, J. JÖNSSON, M. HULTIN, A. GUSTAFSSON, and A. JOHANNSEN (Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden)
0646Cigarette Smoking and Perception of Oral Health among Nigerian Prisoners. O.G. UTI* and O. SOFOLA (University of Lagos, Nigeria)
0647 Paper Withdrawn.
0648Variability of Oral Syphilis diagnosis in the last 12 years. D.C. GONZÁLEZ, M. DÍAZ, G. NALLI, S.D. VERDÚ, M.J. SCOLLA, M. TOLCHINSKY, and H. LANFRANCHI* (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
0649Orthokeratinizing Odontogenic Cyst: A Classification Conundrum. J.R. NESIBA*, N. NARAYANA, and B.W. BRODERSEN (University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA)

Seq#: 88Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Mineralized Tissue - Amelogenin & Amelogenin Cleavage Products
0650Amelogenesis Imperfecta Is Related to Decreased Amelogenin-MMP20 Interactions. W. LI*, K. TANIMOTO, L. ZHU, T.Q. LE, S. HABELITZ, and P. DENBESTEN (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
0651Amelogenin Activates the Wnt/β-catenin Pathway. M. MATSUZAWA*, R. KOMORI, T. MUROI, S. KIMOTO, T. KAWASE, C.T. HUANG, T.J. SHEU, and J.E. PUZAS (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)
0652Binding Ability of Amelogenin to Fluorotic and Nonfluorotic Enamel Crystals. A. CZAJKA-JAKUBOWSKA*, S. CHANG, H. CHEN, J. LIU, J.P. SIMMER, and B.H. CLARKSON (Poznañ University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland)
0653Characterization of LRAP Hydrolytic Peptides and Their Biological Activities. T.Q. LE*, P.P.K. DENBESTEN, J.D.B. FEATHERSTONE, and W. LI (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
0654Differences in Self-Assembly Between Native and Recombinant Full-Length Porcine Amelogenin. F.B. WIEDEMANN-BIDLACK*, J.P. SIMMER, Y. YAMAKOSHI, and H.C. MARGOLIS (The Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
0655Effects of Amalogenin Peptides on Human Periodontal Ligament Cells. S. OIDA*, A. KAKEGAWA, and M. FUKAE (Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan)
0656Effects of MMP-20 on amelogenin self-assembly and crystal growth. M.-K. KIM, V. USKOKOVIC*, L. ZHU, W. LI, and S. HABELITZ (University of California - San Francisco, USA)
0657Fluorescence indicates hierarchical amelogenin self-assembly. S. HABELITZ*, P. CUBAS, L. ZHU, and W. LI (University of California - San Francisco, USA)
0658Inhibitory effect of porcine amelogenins on spontaneous mineralization. S.-Y. KWAK*, F.B. WIEDEMANN-BIDLACK, A. LITMAN, E. BENIASH, Y. YAMAKOSHI, J.P. SIMMER, and H.C. MARGOLIS (The Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
0659MMP-20 and KLK4 Digestion of LRAP and TRAP. T. NAGANO*, A. KAKEGAWA, K. GOMI, T. ARAI, and J.P. SIMMER (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0660Proline repeat motif length determines matrix pattern and crystal habit. T. JIN*, X. LUAN, X. LIAO, and T. DIEKWISCH (University of Illinois - Chicago, USA)
0661The cooperative self-assembly of 25 kd and 23 kd amelogenins. X.D. HE*, W. LI, S.J. MARSHALL, and S. HABELITZ (University of California - San Francisco, USA)
0662Upregulation of MMP-20 expression by P70T mutation in amelogenin. L. ZHU*, W. LI, R. QIANG, Y. ZHANG, P. DENBESTEN, and C.W. GIBSON (University of California - San Francisco, USA)

Seq#: 89Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Mineralized Tissue - Bone Cell Signaling
0663cAMP Regulates BSP Expression in Human Breast Cancer Cells. D.-S. KIM*, H. TAKAI, N. KATO, Y. SASAKI, S. WANG, Y. NAKAYAMA, and Y. OGATA (Nihon University, Chiba, Japan)
0664Effect of Heat Shock on Apoptosis and Necrosis in Osteoblasts. R. NORDIN*, N. MORDAN, and S. MEGHJI (UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, United Kingdom)
0665Effects of perfusion cell culture method on human osteoblastic cell. K.-S. JIN*, Y.-K. LEE, K.-N. KIM, and K.-M. KIM (BK 21 Project, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea)
0666EGCG diminishes CCL2 expression in human osteoblasts. S.-K. LIN*, S.-H. KOK, and C.-Y. HONG (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
0667Emdogain increase osteoclast formation and RANKL/OPG expression in osteoblasts. S. KAMOLMATYAKUL*, N. WATTANAROONWONG, S. JITPUKDEEBODINTRA, and P. TAPHAONOI (Prince of Songkla University, Hadyai, Songkla, Thailand)
0668Estrogen Receptor Alpha-36 Expression and Function in Osteoblast Plasma Membranes. R. CHAUDHRI*, R. OLIVARES-NAVARRETE, Z. SCHWARTZ, and B.D. BOYAN (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA)
0669Immunohistochemical Study of Apoptosis of Osteoclasts During Bone Remodeling. A. HIRAMATSU*, T. DOMON, and A. YOKOYAMA (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
0670Rac1 and Rac2 in Osteoclastogenesis: A Cell Immortalization Model. Y. WANG*, D.D. BELSHAM, and M. GLOGAUER (University of Toronto, Canada)
0671Runx2 Regulates HIF1α-Induced Angiogenic Gene Expression. T.-G. KWON*, X. ZHAO, and R. FRANCESCHI (Kyungbuk National University, Taegu, South Korea)
0672Serum BMP-2, 4, 7, and AHSG in Healthy Humans. K. FATHIMANI, J. ALBILIA*, C. CLOKIE, G. SANDOR, and S. PEEL (University of Toronto, Canada)
0673Signaling in osteoclastogenesis: use of affinity purified chicken antibodies. M. ASKARI*, P.C. LEAVIS, and P. VALVERDE (Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA)
0674The Role of Osteoclasts in Osteoblasts Regulation. J.E. FONG*, N. CASSIR, D. LE NIHOUANNEN, and S.V. KOMAROVA (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0675Type III collagen regulates growth of human osteoblastic cells. Y. MAEHATA*, S. TAKAMIZAWA, S. OZAWA, K. IZUKURI, Y. KATO, S. SATO, F. YOSHINO, M.C.-I. LEE, and R.-I. HATA (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)

Seq#: 90Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Mineralized Tissue - Dentin & Dentin Proteins
0676Androgen Receptor Regulates Bone Sialoprotein Gene Expression. H. TAKAI*, Y. NAKAYAMA, D.-S. KIM, S. ARAKI, M. MEZAWA, N. KATO, and Y. OGATA (Nihon University, Chiba, Japan)
0677Dentine Organic Matrices Effect on Osteoclastogenesis. W. SRIARJ*, K. AOKI, K. OHYA, Y. TAKAGI, and H. SHIMOKAWA (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
0678Effects of Kaempferol on Bone Sialoprotein Gene Transcription. L. YANG*, D.-S. KIM, H. TAKAI, S. ARAKI, M. MEZAWA, X. LI, Z. LI, Z. WANG, and Y. OGATA (Nihon University, Chiba, Japan)
0679Fluorapatite and Calcium Fluoride Bioavailability in Rat Dentin. C.H.D. OLIVEIRA*, C.M.S. EGG, L. SERPE, C.F. MAUKOSKI, and V.A. KOZLOWSKI JR (Ponta Grossa State University, Brazil)
0680Forskolin Regulates Bone Sialoprotein Expression in Human Prostate Cancer Cells. Z. LI*, H. TAKAI, D.-S. KIM, S. ARAKI, M. MEZAWA, X. LI, L. YANG, Z. WANG, and Y. OGATA (Nihon University, Chiba, Japan)
0681Immunohistochemical analysis of versican in human dentin matrix. A. RUGGERI*, G. ORSINI, F. NATO, A. MAZZONI, G. MAZZOTTI, and L. BRESCHI (University of Bologna, Italy)
0682In vitro mineralization by pulp cells. S. PREUßKER*, N. KORNELI, G. RICHTER, R. KOCH, and W. KLIMM (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
0683Influence of amelogenesis and dentinogenesis imperfecta on dentin bond strength. G.A.G.R.M. SANTOS*, F.C.P. GARCIA, A.C.A. POPPE, J.A. ARAÚJO, and L.M. DE PAULA (Universidade de Brasília - UnB, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde - FS/UnB, Brazil)
0684Isolation of dentin matrix proteins by EDTA and calcium hydroxide. N. KORNELI*, U. HEMPEL, and W. KLIMM (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
0685Length Polymorphisms in the Porcine Dentin Phosphoprotein Coding Sequence. Y. LU*, J.-W. KIM, T. IWATA, and J.P. SIMMER (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0686Low and high degrees of saturation for remineralization of dentin. L.E. BERTASSONI, S. MARSHALL, S. HABELITZ, and G.W. MARSHALL* (University of California - San Francisco, USA)
0687Study of SIBLING Proteins in the Dentin of Hyp Mice. B. ZHANG* and Y. SUN (Harbin Medical University, the 2nd affiliated hospital, China)
0688Tooth size patterns in patients with hypodontia and supernumerary teeth. A.H. BROOK, R.C. GRIFFIN*, R.N. SMITH, G.C. TOWNSEND, G. KAUR, G.R. DAVIS, and J.M. FEARNE (International Collaborating Centre in Oro-facial Genetics and Development, School of Dentistry, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 91Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Mineralized Tissue - Enamel & Enamel Proteins
0689A Novel ENAM mutation in Autosomal Dominant Amelogenesis Imperfecta. H.-Y. KANG*, F. SEYMEN, S.-K. LEE, M. YILDIRIM, E.B. TUNA, K.-E. LEE, and J.-W. KIM (Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, South Korea)
0690Adaptive Evolution in Enamelin and Human Tooth Enamel Thickness. D.M. DAUBERT*, C.G. KLEIST, K. NGUYEN, I. KHOSH, J.L. KELLEY, W.J. SWANSON, and F.A. ROBERTS (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
0691Cubam, Cathepsin K and Dipeptidyl Peptidase I Expression During Amelogenesis. C.E. TYE*, Y. DING, and J.D. BARTLETT (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
0692Early Enamel Maturation observed in VDR Deficient Mice. X. ZHANG*, F. RAHEMTULLA, P. BECK, M. MACDOUGALL, and H.F. THOMAS (UAB School of Dentistry, Birmingham, AL, USA)
0693Enamel Mineralization Induced by Pyrophosphate-Stabilized Calcium Phosphate Solutions. A. LITMAN* and H.C. MARGOLIS (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
0694Genotype-Phenotype Autosomal-Dominant Amelogenesis Imperfecta Study in Families: Exonic Mutations Exclussion. S.J. GUTIERREZ*, D.M. TORRES, I. BRICENO, L.F. GAMBOA, M. CHAVES, L. OTERO, A. CORDOBA, A. GOMEZ, and E. BAQUERO (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia)
0695Role of APin during amelogenesis. J.-T. PARK*, H.-J. KIM, M.-H. LEE, D.-S. LEE, H.-H. SON, H.S. BAE, M.-I. CHO, and J.-C. PARK (College of Dentistry, Chosun University, Kwangju, South Korea)
0696Self-assembly Peptide for Dental Enamel Biomimetics. L. WANG*, H. FENG, and W. BAI (Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China)
0697Stress-Related Genes are Upregulated in Maturation Stage Ameloblasts. M. TSUCHIYA, R. SHARMA*, C.E. TYE, T. SUGIYAMA, and J.D. BARTLETT (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
0698The Enamelin Gene Mutation in an Autosomal Dominant Amelogenesis Imperfecta. H. SEKIGUCHI* and M. YAKUSHIJI (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba City Chiba, Japan)
0699VDR Deficiency Caused Enamel and Dentin Hypoplasis in Mice. F. RAHEMTULLA*, X. ZHANG, M. MACDOUGALL, and H.F. THOMAS (University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA)

Seq#: 92Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Salivary Research - Salivary Diagnostics
0700Analysis of human tissue kallikrein expression in salivary gland tumours. N. HASHEM*, K. KWAN, T.W. MARA, K. FUNG, T.D. DALEY, and M.R. DARLING (University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)
0701Assessing dry mouth symptoms:development of a "Bother Index". G.B. PROCTOR*, S.M. OSAILAN, R. PRAMANIK, S. SHIRODARIA, S.C. MASON, D. URQUHART, and S.J. CHALLACOMBE (King's College London Dental Institute, United Kingdom)
0702CELL-Based THERAPY: Future of Regenerative MEDICINE in Treating SjÖgren'S Syndrome. C.Q. NGUYEN*, S. MAYORAL, J. TAO, M.Y. JO, C. STEWART, and A.B. PECK (University of Florida College of Dentistry, Gainesville, USA)
0703Comparison of Saliva Proteins in Healthy and Gingivitis Patients. Y. YANG*, H.M. TRIVEDI, and T. XU (Colgate-Palmolive Technology Center, Piscataway, NJ, USA)
0704Differences in the pathogenesis of Mikulicz's disease and Sjögren's syndrome. M. MORIYAMA*, J.-N. HAYASHIDA, S. SHINOZAKI, K. OHYAMA, A. TANAKA, and S. NAKAMURA (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
0705Does Adult Rat Submandibular Gland Regeneration Follow the Embryonic/Perinatal Pathway?. E. COTRONEO*, G.B. PROCTOR, K.L. PATERSON, and G.H. CARPENTER (King's College London, United Kingdom)
0706Evaluation of oral halitosis in patients after radiotherapy oral cancer. L.E. CHINELLATO*, D.F. ALBUQUERQUE, O. TARZIA, C. ARAKAWA, C.F. RUBIRA, and J.R. LAURIS (University of Sao Paulo, Bauru, Brazil)
0707IL-27 Expression In Salivary Gland Tissues Of Sjögren's Syndrome. B.H. LEE, C.Q. NGUYEN, C. STEWART, and A.B. PECK* (University of Florida College of Dentistry, Gainesville, USA)
0708Immunoexpression of Matrilysins in Pleomorphic Adenomas. G.J.F. NASCIMENTO*, A.P.V. SOBRAL, L.B. SOUZA, L.M.G. QUEIROZ, H.C. GALVÃO, and R.A. FREITAS (Rio Grande do Norte Federal University, Natal, Brazil)
0709Inflammatory-caspases critical for apoptosis in Sjögren's syndrome prior to disease-onset. M. BULOSAN, K. PAULEY, K. YO, E.K. CHAN, J. KATZ, A.B. PECK, and S. CHA* (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
0710mRNA expression of secretory proteins in salivary glands. R. SATO* (Nippon Dental University College at Niigata, Japan)
0711Proteomic analysis of mice salivary proteins tightly adsorbed on hydroxyapatite. K. OSHIMA*, T. OHSHIMA, and N. MAEDA (Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan)
0712Salivational damage on xerostomia in rat submandibular gland. K. UCHIHASHI*, S. TANIWA, and Y. NISHIKAWA (Osaka Dental University, Japan)
0713Significance of saliva autoantibodies in diagnosis of patients with pSS. H. HUA*, J. HUANG, and Y. XU (Peking University, School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China)

Seq#: 93Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Streptococci A
0714Arginine Deiminase Gene Regulation in Streptococcus gordonii. Y. LIU*, Y. DONG, Y.-Y.M. CHEN, and R.A. BURNE (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
0715Effect of a grape seed extract on Streptococcus mutans. M.-C. BADET, A. FURIGA, A. LONVAUD-FUNEL, and M. WATTS* (Pierre Fabre MEDICAMENT, Castres, France)
0716Effect of a Grape Seed Extract on GTFs activity. M.-C. BADET*, A. FURIGA, M. DOLS-LAFARGUE, and A. LONVAUD-FUNEL (U.F.R. of Odontology, Bordeaux Cedex, France)
0717The Discrimination of Oral Microorganisms with the Metabonomics Technique. L. XIAO*, J. ZHOU, X. KONG, J. LU, P. XIONG, and W. LI (State Key Laboratory of Stomatology(Sichuan University), Chengdu, China)
0718Invasion of Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Cells by Streptococcus mutans. J. ABRANCHES*, L. ZENG, M. BELANGER, P.H. RODRIGUES, D. AKIN, W. DUNN JR, A. PROGULSKE-FOX, and R.A. BURNE (University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, NY, USA)
0719dbl gene repertoire variation among S. sobrinus strains. K. OKAMOTO-SHIBAYAMA and Y. SATO* (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba city, Japan)
0720Effect of a water-soluble extracts of propolis on Streptococcus mutans. D. YANG*, L. GE, and C. ZHANG (Capital medical University school of stomatology, Beijing, China)
0721Photoactivated disinfection of Streptococcus intermedius through dentin disc. T. BONSTEIN*, L.M. MIKULSKI, M. BUSH, and P.J. BUSH (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
0722Effect of KappaZincTM on Streptococcus mutans biofilms. S.W. LIU*, S.G. DASHPER, and E.C. REYNOLDS (University of Melbourne, Australia)
0723Effect of Radix Glycyrrhizae Against Streptococcus Mutans in Vitro. Y. HE*, Y. WEN, H. WAN, X. KONG, and J. LU (Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)
0724Erythrocyte Membrane Receptors for Streptococcus gordonii Sialic Acid-Binding Adhesin. A. YAJIMA, Y. TAKAHASHI*, Y. URANO-TASHIRO, K. SHIMAZU, E. TAKASHIMA, and K. KONISHI (Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentisty at Tokyo, Japan)
0725Suppression of macrophage-derived nitric-oxide production by A.actinomycetemcomitans cytolethal distending toxin. E.S. ANDO*, M. RUSSO, E.A.G.M. NASCIMENTO, A. VOLGINA, J. DIRIENZO, and M.P.A. MAYER (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
0726Streptococcus mutans: Quorum sensing within mixed biofilms. B.-Y. WANG*, A. DEUTCH, and H.K. KURAMITSU (State University of New York - Buffalo, USA)
0727Effect of Awur Tea Drink on Salivary Mutans Streptococci. S. MANGUNDJAJA*, A. DJAIS, and S. SOEKANTO (University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia)
0728Fusobacterium nucleatum Enters the in Vitro Engineered Human Oral Mucosa. G. DABIJA*, M. CIMPAN, V. BAKKEN, N. SKAUG†, A.C. JOHANNESSEN, and D.E. COSTEA (University of Bergen, Norway)
0729The adhering capacity of single- and mixed-species bacteria. Z.H.A. RAHIM*, H. WAN NORDINI, and F. ABDUL RAZAK (University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
0730A gene encoding for bacteriocin of Prevotella nigrescens. R. TEANPAISAN* and S. NARAWATTANA (Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Thailand)
0731Analyses of Glucosyltransferase Gene of Streptococcus orisuis Isolated from Pig. N. SHINOZAKI*, K. TAKADA, and M. HIRASAWA (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Chiba, Japan)
0732Adhesion capacity of Streptococcus gordonii– effects of an srtA mutation. J.R. DAVIES*, M.C. HERZBERG, and G. SVENSATER (Malmö University, Sweden)
0733Environmentally stress-induced suicide module in Streptococcus mutans. V. NGO* and C.M. LEVESQUE (University of Toronto, Canada)
0734DETECTION OF Streptococcus mutans IN PREDENTATE INFANTS. M.J. RODRIGUEZ*, V. MARTINEZ, A.M. VILLAMIZAR, R.A. DURAN, J.M. GONZALEZ, L.A. COLMENARES, and L.T. FLOREZ (Universidad Santo Tomas, Floridablanca, Colombia)
0735Roles of genes to biofilm formation in Streptococcus mutans. M. MOTEGI*, H. YONEZAWA, R. NAKAO, S. YONEDA, Y. TAKAGI, and H. SENPUKU (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
0736Role of Streptococcus gordonii Cbe protein in periodontopathic biofilm development. M. KUBONIWA*, E. HASHINO, Y. YAMAMOTO, R.J. LAMONT, and S. SHIZUKUISHI (Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Japan)
0737Transcriptional Profiling of Streptococcus mutans Biofilms Co-cultured with Streptococcus gordonii. A. YOSHIDA*, H.K. KURAMITSU, and T. TAKEHARA (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)
0738GbpB Expression in Oral Isolates of Streptococcus mutans. K. FUJITA*, M. NAKANO, and T. OOSHIMA (Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Suita, Osaka, Japan)

Seq#: 94Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Endodontic Microbiology
0739Microbial Flora of Root Canal Treatment Failure Cases. Q. WANG*, C. MA, X. YIN, Q. LIN, L.-H. GUO, and C. ZHANG (Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China)
0740Nd:YAG laser irradiation inactivates endotoxins of dental root dentine. J.R.D.F. ARCHILLA and M.M. MARQUES* (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
0741Detection of Herpesviruses from Endodontic Patients Exhibiting Apical Periodontitis. V.P. CHEN*, H. LI, K. KENT, J.C. BAUMGARTNER, and C.A. MACHIDA (Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA)
0742Microarray Detection of Bacteria in Chronic Endodontic Infection. Z. TANG*, H. CAO, Z. LIU, H. JIANG, and J. LIANG (The Ninth People's Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
0743Functional Analysis of Pattern Recognition Receptors Expression in Pulpal Cells. K. HIRAO*, H. YUMOTO, T. NAKANISHI, K. TAKAHASHI, K. MUKAI, M. YONEDA, and T. MATSUO (The University of Tokushima, Japan)
0744Evaluation of Endodontic Irrigants Using Biofilms of Enterococcus faecalis. Q. WANG*, S. GARTON, P.W. SMITH, S.M. HIGHAM, and C.K. HOPE (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)
0745Developing an Extracted Tooth Model for Evaluating Endodontic Irrigants. S. GARTON, Q. WANG, P. FARRELLY, and C.K. HOPE* (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)
0746Transmission of Periodontopathic Bacteria from Natural Tooth to Implants. M. AOKI*, K. ISHIHARA, K. TAKANASHI, S. HOMMA, T. ITO, Y. YAJIMA, K. OKUDA, and T. SATO (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
0747Basic research on effect of root canal with Er,Cr:YSGG laser. Y. MIYOSHI*, N. HAMADA, T. TSUDA, K. TSUKINOKI, E. KUBOTA, and T. TAKAHASHI (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka Kanagawa, Japan)
0748Comparative Efficacy of an Engineered Cationic Peptide against E. fecalis. J.G. THOMAS* and J. NOORE (West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA)
0749Influence of pH and Eh upon Endodontic Irrigant Microbial Efficacy. J.G. THOMAS, J. NOORE*, J.S. ELLIS, and D. GRAY (West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA)
0750Characterization of biofilm and lesion on human root surface. L. MEI, H.H. FANG, K. YIP HK*, L. JIN, and D. YU (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
0751Diversity and Sources of Enterococcus Spp in Endodontic Infections. R. NANDAKUMAR*, M. TOFIGH, B.J. PASTER, S. BARBUTO, and A. FOUAD (University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA)
0752Intracellular-Survival and Inflammatory-Potential of Enterococcus-Faecalis- Biofilm on Root-Cannal-Dentine. S. MATHEW*, Y.C. LIM, and A. KISHEN (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
0753Antimicrobial activity of root canal filling materials for primary teeth. F. BARJA-FIDALGO*, B.H. OLIVEIRA, and R. HIRATA, Jr. (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil)
0754Detection of inflammatory mediators in collected dentinal fluid. S. GERALDELI, R.R. MAIA*, L. TJADERHANE, T.A. MORGAN, D.H. PASHLEY, and K.A. BROGDEN (UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Seq#: 95Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Periodontal Research - Pathogenesis - Periodontal Pathology Posters
0755Multilevel Models For Gingival Bleeding in a Steady-state Plaque Environment. H.-P. MULLER* and K.M. BARRIESHI-NUSAIR (Tromsoe University, Breivika, Norway)
0756Effectiveness of application of microscope to treatment-resistant apical periodontitis. H. YAMAGUCHI*, F. IINO, N. HOSOYA, K. GOMI, M. TAKAMIZU, and T. ARAI (Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan)
0757Effects of Oradex, Gengigel Salviathymol N Mouthwash on Dental Plaque. F. AL-BAYATY* (University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
0758Low-energy laser irradiation stimulates tooth movement via RANK/RANKL and c-fms/M-CSF. M. YAMAGUCHI*, S. FUJITA, T. UTSUNOMIYA, H. YAMAMOTO, and K. KASAI (Nihon University school of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan)
0759Increased HSP47 expression in human gingival fibroblasts by cyclosporin A. T.-Y. CHANG*, S. YANG, C.-H. TSAI, and Y.-C. CHANG (Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan)
0760Effect of HB-EGF on Wound-Healing in PDL. J.M. KIM, Y.-J. YOO, E.J. PAK, and J.-H. CHA* (Yonsei Univerisity College of Dentistry, BK21 project, Oral Science Research Center, Seoul, South Korea)
0761Expression Levels of Adiponectin Receptors and the Etiology of Periodontitis. N. YAMAGUCHI*, T. HAMACHI, K. MAEDA, K. NONAKA, and Y. YAMASHITA (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
0762Serum Adipocytokine and C-reactive Proetin Levels after Periodontal Treatment. Y. SHIMADA*, I. IKEZAWA-SUZUKI, Y. KOMATSU, N. SUGITA, and H. YOSHIE (Niigata University, Japan)
0763Inhibitory effect of EMD on gingival epithelial cells. S. FUJIMOTO*, H. MAEDA, K.K. GUNJIGAKE, K. YAMAGUCHI, and T. NISHIHARA (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)
0764Up-regulation of sFRP4 in chronic periodontitis tissues. J. KHONGCHAROENSUK*, D. HORMDEE, W. PITIPHAT, J.A. BOCH, and N. WARA-ASWAPATI (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
0765CD68-positive cells in the periodontium of Goto-Kakizaki rats. M. UEDA*, A. TANAKA, and M. UEDA (Osaka Dental University, Japan)
0766Sho-saiko-to increases calprotectin expression in human oral epithelial cells. Y. HIROSHIMA*, M. BANDO, M. KATAOKA, M.C. HERZBERG, K.F. ROSS, T. NAGATA, and J.-I. KIDO (Periodontology and Endodontology, Institute of Health Biosciences,The University of Tokushima Graduate School, Japan)
0767Expression and immunolocalization of CFTR in the human gingiva. L.C. AJONUMA*, Q. LU, B.P.K. CHEUNG, W.K. LEUNG, L.P. SAMARANAYAKE, and L.J. JIN (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
0768Irsogladine Maleate inhibits S100 protein expression in Gingival Epithelial cells. Y. UCHIDA*, T. FUJITA, H. SHIBA, M. KAJIYA, S. MATSUDA, H. KAWAGUCHI, and H. KURIHARA (Hiroshima University, Japan)
0769CGRP-cleavage enzyme detection using a biotinylated hydroxymate affinity probe. D.J. QUINN, B. WALKER, C. SHAW, D.F. ORR, P. HARRIOTT, B. GREER, G.J. LINDEN, and F.T. LUNDY* (Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom)
0770The expression of Toll-like receptors in human gingival epithelium. Y.-C. CHEN*, T.-Y. HU, C.-M. LIU, and C.-C. KU (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
0771The effect of aging on functions of Malassez's epithelial rest. T. NEZU*, E. MOTEGI, K. SUEISHI, S. MURAKAMI, K. MASTUZAKA, and T. INOUE (Tokyo Dental College, 1-2-2, Masago Mihama-ku Chiba, Japan)
0772Sphingosine Kinase 1 regulated HBD-2 induction in oral keratinocytes. M. BENAKANAKERE*, Q. LI, B.G. ROSE, M. ESKAN, P.G. STATHOPOULOU, P. ZHANG, and D.F. KINANE (University of Louisville, KY, USA)
0773Characterization of stratum intermedium in postnatal BALB/c mouse. S. LI* and K. TANG (Shandong University, Jinan, China)

Seq#: 96Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Periodontal Research - Pathogenesis - Tissue Breakdown
0774Metyrapone can act as a modulator of periodontal breakdown. G.R. NOGUEIRA-FILHO*, D. PERUZZO, and F.H. NOCITI, Jr. (FBDC/School of Dentistry, Salvador-Bahia, Brazil)
0775Bone Preservation During Ligature-Induced Periodontitis in C1q-Knockout Mice. M.M. LEE*, M.M. LEE, F.A. ROBERTS, P.B. ROBERTSON, G.L. STAHL, and S. BORDIN (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
0776Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase Inhibition Blocks Bone Resorption in Periodontal Disease. E.L. BATISTA, Jr.*, M.M. CAMPOS, C. DEVES, L.A. BASSO, and D.S. SANTOS (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
0777Effect of Treatment of Chronic Periodontitis on Levels of MMP-9. K.Y. HO*, C.C. TSAI, C.F. WANG, P.F. WEI, Y.P. HO, and Y.M. WU (Kaohsiung Medical University and Hospital, Taiwan)
0778Host-DNA-Fragments in Periodontal Pockets before and after Periodontal Treatment. B. THAWEBOON*, P. LAOHAPAND, C. AMORNCHAT, J. MATSUYAMA, T. SATO, H. UEMATSU, and E. HOSHINO (Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand)
0779MMP-2 and MMP-14 Expressions by Epithelial-mesenchymal Inteactions in vitro. M. SHIMONISHI*, I. TAKAHASHI, T. UJIIE, S. SAITOH, M. KOMATSU, and M. KIKUCHI (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
0780E2 suppressed RANKL expression via inhibition of upstream inflammatory stimulators. L. SHU*, S.M. GUAN, T. GUO, and S.M. FU (The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China)
0781Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 and -9 Gelatinase Activity in Inflamed Gingiva. L. DA ROS GONCALVES, P.A. HURTADO*, A. FEITOSA, I. OTAZU, P.C. TRACKMAN, and E.J. FERES-FILHO (Boston University, MA, USA)
0782Fas,FasL, Caspase-3 and DNA Fragmentation-Markers of Periodontal Disease. S. HALUBAI*, M. LAYHER, C. KLAUSNER, H. ABUHUSSEIN, K. PACHIYAPPAN, J.Y. PARK, A. GHOSH, N.E. JOO, H. BOURI, A. MENEGHINI, A. STATZ, W. GIANNOBILE, and Y. KAPILA (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0783MKP-1 Protects from Inflammatory Bone Loss. R. SARTORI*, J. JOSEPH, F. LI, C. FENNO, and K. KIRKWOOD (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0784DNA methylation profiles of gingival tissues in periodontal disease. S. BARROS*, S. ZHANG, J. BECK, and S. OFFENBACHER (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
0785The Reduction of Caspase-3 Expression Delays Apoptosis in LAP PMN. T. OHIRA*, K. OMORI, L. LISZKA, T. IWATA, M. YAGI, M. COURTNEY, Jr., H. HASTURK, A. KANTARCI, and T.E. VAN DYKE (Boston University, MA, USA)
0786Regulation of Inflammatory Markers via PARs in Gingival Epithelial Cells. M.G. ROHANI*, H. DOMMISCH, B. M. HACKER, B.A. DALE, and W.O. CHUNG (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)

Seq#: 97Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Periodontal Research - Therapy - Guided Tissue Regeneration/Enamel Matrix Proteins/Light Therapy
0787Evaluation of a three-layered electrospun membrane for guided tissue regeneration. Y. DUAN*, J. JIA, S. ZHANG, and Z. WANG (the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China)
0788Study to Develop Resorbable Membrane for Guided Periodontal Tissue Regeneration. C. SANGUANPONG, S. RASSAMEEMASMAUNG*, W. PUNYODOM, R. MOLLOY, K. SUCHIVA, and K. SUPUTTAMONGKOL (Mahidol University, Faculty of Dentistry, Bangkok, Thailand)
0789Effect of Simvastatin on Guided Bone Regeneration. J.M. CHAMBERLAIN*, M.D. SCHIEBER, M.R. BYARLAY, P.J. GIANNINI, A.C. KILLEEN, D.B. MARX, and R.A. REINHARDT (University of Nebraska Medical Center, Lincoln, USA)
0790Periodontal Regeneration with a Doxycycline Containing Barrier and Autogeneous Bone. A. KLOCKE*, B. EHMKE, M. ZILLY, A. HEINECKE, H. TOPOLL, and T. FLEMMIG (University of Muenster, Germany)
0791Proteoglycan Bioactivation of Barrier Membranes in GTR Improve Healing. A.L. ELLIS*, E. SEALES, J. WHITELOCK, and A.A. DECARLO (Agenta Biotechnologies, Inc, Birmingham, AL, USA)
079210 Year Results of GTR Therapy (case series). B. PRETZL*, T.-S. KIM, R. HOLLE, and P. EICKHOLZ (University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany)
0793Histological Evaluation of Retrieved ePTFE Membranes After GTR. F. DORI*, A. SCULEAN, I. GERA, D. TAKACS, and Z. SUBA (Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary)
0794Regulation of cytokines by EMD in inflamed and wounded conditions. J. DESCHNER*, J. WINTER, H. DOMMISCH, B. RATH-DESCHNER, and S. JEPSEN (University of Bonn, Germany)
0795EMD Enhances Fibroblast Colonization And Morphologic Changes On Root Surface. N.Z. MOSTAFA*, P. SCOTT, M.R. DOSCHAK, D.N. DEDERICH, and T.H. EL BIALY (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada)
0796 Paper Withdrawn.
0797Bone Reaction to Bovine Hydroxyapatite in the Mandibular Defects. J.-Y. PARK*, T.-I. KIM, Y.-J. SEOL, Y.-M. LEE, Y. KU, C.-P. CHUNG, S.-B. HAN, and I.-C. RHYU (Seoul National University, South Korea)
0798Effects of platelet-rich fibrin on human periodontally related cells. S.-Y. SHEN*, C.-H. TSAI, and Y.-C. CHANG (Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan)
0799The Flavonoid Naringenin Inhibits Human Osteoclastogenesis and Osteoclastic Bone Resorption. V.D. LA*, S.-I. TANABE, and D. GRENIER (Universite Laval, Quebec city, QC, Canada)
0800Socket Preservation with Synthetic Bone Substitute or a Bovine Xenograft. N. MARDAS*, V. CHADHA, and N. DONOS (UCL, Eastman Dental Institute, London, United Kingdom)
0801Laser phototherapy and in vitro release of fibroblast growth factors. C.A. DAMANTE*, G. DE MICHELI, S.H. MIYAGI, I.S. FEIST, and M.M. MARQUES (Universidade de São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil)
0802LLLT influences on periodontal tissue remodeling in rat tooth movement. K. SEONG-SIK*, Y.-D. KIM, W.-S. SON, S.-B. PARK, H.-J. KANG, and N.-R. KIM (Pusan National University, South Korea)

Seq#: 98Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Pharmacology, Therapeutics, & Toxicology - PTT Poster Session #1
0803Effects of estrogen on genioglossus contractile properties in CIH rat. Y. LIU*, J. QI, and S. JIA (Tongji University, Shanghai, China)
0804Effects of estrogen on genioglossus SERCA activity and gene expression. S. JIA, Y. LIU, and W. SONG* (Tongji University, Shanghai, China)
0805Oral prophylactic use of diclofenac sodium for interappointment pain. Q. SU* (Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)
0806Genotoxicity and mutagenicity of Arecoline to Chinese hamster ovary cells. C.-C. LIN* and J.-H. JENG (Kaohsiung Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Taiwan)
0807LPS from Porphyromonas gingivalis Induces Functional Kinin B1 Receptor Upregulation. F.N. DORNELLES, D.S. SANTOS, J.B. CALIXTO, E.L. BATISTA, Jr., and M.M. CAMPOS* (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS, Porto Alegre, Brazil)
0808Sublingual piroxicam and ketorolac efficacy after lower third molar removal. P.A.K. TRINDADE*, F.P.M. GIGLIO, A.M. CALVO, C.R. SIPERT, B.L. COLOMBINI, K.C.S. MODENA, D.A. RIBEIRO, T.J. DIONÍSIO, J.R.P. LAURIS, and C.F. SANTOS (University of São Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
0809Single oral dose of lysine clonixinate in postoperative dental pain. L. SERPE*, C.M.S. EGG, R. DENARDI, C.H.D. OLIVEIRA, R. CACELANI, L.D. MARTINS, M. ZARDO, and V.A. KOZLOWSKI, Jr. (Ponta Grossa State University, Brazil)
0810The function of Hsp25 induced by compressing force in osteoblasts. D. NAGAO*, N. MIZUSAWA, K. YOSHIMOTO, Y. TOMOTAKE, and T. ICHIKAWA (Tokushima University, Japan)
0811Statins in the Osteoblastic Differentiation of Mouse Periodontal Ligament Cells. I.S. KIM*, B.-C. JEONG, H.J. CHUNG, J.T. KOH, and H.S. OH (Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea)
0812HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors (Statins), LDL and Periodontal Disease. P. MEISEL* and T. KOCHER (University of Greifswald, Germany)
0813Salivary pharmacokinetic of metronidazole in smokers and non-smokers. V.A.M. MONTALLI*, F.P. NOLASCO, C.D.C. BERGAMASCHI, F.C. GROPPO, J. RAMACCIATO, R.B. BRITO, Jr., and R.H.L. MOTTA (CPO Sao Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brazil)
0814Metronidazole availability during bacterial growth in microplates. D. CABRAL*, J.M. GOODSON, H. CABRAL, and V.A. KOZLOWSKI JR (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
0815Selaginella tamariscina inhibits the invasion on oral cancer cell. J.-S. YANG*, Y.-S. HSIEH, Y.C. CHANG, and S.-F. YANG (Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan)
0816Induction of Non-apoptosis by α,β-Unsaturated Ketones in OSCC Cell Lines. H. SAKAGAMI*, K. HASHIMOTO, M. ISHIHARA, H. NAGASAKA, M. KAWASE, and J. DIMMOCK (Meikai University School of Dentistry, Sakado, Japan)
0817Antimetastatic potentials of Kaempferol on oral cancer cell. S.-F. YANG*, Y.-S. HSIEH, and Y.C. CHANG (Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan)

Seq#: 99Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Neuroscience / TMJ - Neuroscience/TMJ Posters I
0818Ethnic background as a factor in TMD complaints. M.J. VAN DER MEULEN*, F. LOBBEZOO, I.H.A. AARTMAN, and M. NAEIJE (Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam, Netherlands)
0819Anxiety and depression in chronic TMD-pain patients and controls. N.N. GIANNAKOPOULOS*, L. KELLER, and M. SCHMITTER (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
0820Expression of Muscle-specific Desmin in the Rat Temporomandibular Joint Synoviocytes. K. NOZAWA-INOUE*, M. NIWANO, A. SUZUKI, Y. KAWANO, and T. MAEDA (Niigata University, Japan)
0821Comparison of Symptoms and Treatment Outcomes in Young TMD Patients. H. KARIBE*, G. GODDARD, S. WARITA, K. AOYAGI, T. KAWAKAMI, K. OGATA, and C. MCNEILL (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
0822Chewing performance of TMD vs. Controls: A new experimental model. Z. QURESHI*, M. WILKOSZ, and R. OHRBACH (University at Buffalo, NY, USA)
0823Sagital TMJ disc changes over time: A retrospective study. P.M. KIMOS* (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada)
0824ERα polymorphism may increase the susceptibility of Temporomandibular Disorder. M. RIBEIRO-DASILVA*, C.M. RIZZATTI-BARBOSA, S.R.P. LINE, M.C.G.L. SANTOS, W. HOU, and R. FILLINGIM (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
0825Effects of Thickness and Hardness of Mouthguard on Soleus H-reflex. N. KODAMA*, K. OHTA, S. MINAGI, and R. MATSUO (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
0826Involvement of P2X7 Receptor on the Inflammatory Hyperalgesia in TMJ. C.A. PARADA*, J.M. TEIXEIRA, M.C. OLIVEIRA, F.H. NOCITI JR, and C.H. TAMBELI (Universidade de Campinas - Unicamp, Brazil)
0827Mechanisms underlying 5-HT-induced nociception in the TMJ. C. TAMBELI*, M.C. DE OLIVEIRA, J. CLEMENTE, A. PELEGRINI-DA-SILVA, and C. PARADA (State University of Campinas - Piracicaba Dental School, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil)
0828Cross-sectional area of condylar head and TMJ internal derangement. H.-Y. WANG*, Y.T. CHIEN, A.Y.-J. CHEN, T.-F. SHIH, J.-S. WANG, and Y.-Y. SHIAU (Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan)
0829Unitary discharges of TMJ mechanosensitive neurons in the rabbit. Y. TAKAFUJI*, A. TSUBOI, S. ITOH, K. NAGATA, T. TABATA, and M. WATANABE (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
0830Identification And Characterization of Precursor Cells in Mouse Temporomandibular Joint. J. CHEN*, Y. BI, and S. WADHWA (University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, USA)
0831Oropharyngeal intubation - contributing factor in the development of TMD. D. ILLES*, S. HUSEDZINOVIC, I. ALAJBEG, I. PELIVAN, I. HUSEDZINOVIC, and M. VALENTIC-PERUZOVIC (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
0832Gene Expression of Proteoglycans in TMJ Disc of Growing Rats. N. TORIYA*, N. KOADA, T. ARAKAWA, T. TAKUMA, Y. SASANO, and I. MIZOGUCHI (School of Dentistry Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan)
0833New diagnostic criteria of TMJ internal derangement by using orthopantomogram. W.-S. LIN*, J.-S. WANG, Y.-Y. SHIAU, and A.Y.-J. CHEN (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
0834Does Sleep Bruxism Relate to TMJ Click Incidence in Adolescence?. C. SAKAGUCHI*, H. MINAKUCHI, A. KAWAKAMI, R. KUROI, Y. MATSUKA, and T. KUBOKI (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
0835Estrogen and altered loading regulate chondrogenesis of the mouse TMJ. J. CHEN, Z. KALAJZIC*, C. MURPHY, M.F. YOUNG, and S. WADHWA (University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA)
0836Pain and quality of life in temporomandibular disorders (TMD). M.A. MOUFTI*, R.W. WASSELL, J.G. MEECHAN, and J. STEELE (Newcastle University, United Kingdom)
0837TMD Screening in Elderly Federal University Rio de Janeiro Patients. A.A. MONTEIRO, J.A.R.D. SILVEIRA*, L.C. MOTA, and T.A. ALFAIA (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
0838Muscle Injection in Treating Masseter Myalgia Following TMJ Inflammation Subsided. W.-S. CHANG*, T.-G. WANG, H.-K. WANG, A.Y.-J. CHEN, J.-S. WANG, and Y.-Y. SHIAU (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
0839The relationship between chronic TMJD pain, F2-isoprostane and comorbidities. A.M. VELLY*, L..J. KEHL, J. SWIFT, D. BASI, P. HUGHES, P.A. LENTON, A.K. JACKSON, J.L. SPRINGSTEEN, S. KAIMAL, D.A. BESSPIATA, and E.L. SCHIFFMAN (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
0840Evidence of TMD in professional SCUBA-divers from Croatia. J. VISKIC*, I. PELIVAN, and M. VALENTIC-PERUZOVIC (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
0841Comorbidity and Temporomandibular disorders (TMD). R. LEESON* and C. FEINMANN (Eastman Dental Institute for Oral Health Care Sciences, University College London, United Kingdom)
0842Association of Heart Murmur and Mitral Valve Prolapse to TMD. S. KAIMAL*, S. BEIRAGHI, M.J. DEROCHER, S.L. MYERS, A.M. VELLY, W. KANG, and J. FRICTON (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
0843fMRI Brain Representation of Non-facial Tactile Stimulation in TMD. M.B. NEBEL, S. FOLGER, M. HOLLINS, and G. ESSICK* (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
0844Jaw and temple pain as distinct components within TMD pain. D.R. NIXDORF*, M.T. JOHN, M.M. WALL, and J.R. FRICTON (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)

Seq#: 100Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Oral Medicine & Pathology - Epithelial Biology, Cancer Pathogenesis
0845Evaluation of oral tissues and dentition abnormalities among schizophrenia. A. JAVANBAKHT, N. SAGHRAVANIAN, M. BASAFA, and M. ZAREIAN JAHROMI* (dental school of Shahed university, Tehran, Iran)
0846A Peptide within Laminin-2 Promotes Nerve Cell's Attachment through Syndecan. D.H. JANG*, S.Y. JUNG, J.-M. KIM, H.K. KANG, and B.-M. MIN (Seoul National University, South Korea)
0847Inhibitory Effects of Triclosan on Gene Expression of Inflammatory Pathways. S. BARROS, S. WIROJCHANASAK*, F. PANAGAKOS, and S. OFFENBACHER (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
0848Establishment and characterization of spontaneously immortalized human oral keratinocytes. B.-M. MIN*, J.-I. LEE, D.H. JANG, and S. ROH (Seoul National University, South Korea)
0849Expression of RANKL, RANK and OPG in human OSCC. S.-S. HSUE*, Y.-K. CHEN, L.-M. LIN, and F.-H. CHUANG (China Medical College, Taichung, Taiwan)
0850Bioinformatic Prediction of Leader Genes in Oral Lichen Planus. G. DERCHI*, B. ORLANDO, G. CHIAPPE, L. GIACOMELLI, A. BARONE, and U. COVANI (University of Genoa, Lido Di Camaiore(lucca), Italy)
0851Periodontal space histomorphometry after orthodontic movement in short-term diabetic rats. T.L. AN*, F.A. BERTOZ, and A.M. ARANEGA (Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba, Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Brazil)
0852Maintained expression of von Willebrand Factor during endothelial apoptosis. Z. KARAMI* and H. ZOELLNER (Westmead Center for Oral Health, Sydney, Australia)
0853Risks of Fas and FasL polymorphisms in Taiwan OSCC patients. Y.-C. LIN*, S.-C. TING, L.-H. WANG, C.C. TSAI, H.-I. HUANG, C.-L. TSAI, and C.-H. CHEN (Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan)
0854LOX-PP Inhibits FGF-2 Induced Ras Signaling in Oral Cancer. A.H. PALAMAKUMBURA*, S.R. VORA, G.E. SONENSHEIN, and P.C. TRACKMAN (Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine, MA, USA)
0855The role of SIRT3, NAD-dependant deacetylases, in oral cancer carcinogenesis. T. ALHAZZAZI*, P. KAMARAJAN, E. VERDIN, and Y. KAPILA (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0856Ameloblastin Mutations in Dental Oral Tumors. L. IRISH*, J. DONG, P. DEVILLIERS, Y. WU, Z. LUI, and M. MACDOUGALL (The University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
0857The colony forming ability of HNSCC lines in-vitro. K. KITAJIMA*, L.J. HARPER, D.E. COSTEA, and I. MACKENZIE (Nippon Dental University, Niigata, Japan)
0858Subgroups of Oral Epithelial Dysplasia Identified by Immunostaining. E.N. GENTER*, J.G.L. LOVAS, B.A. WRIGHT, G. FLOWERDEW, N. RENAULT, and R. HOWELL (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)

Seq#: 101Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Craniofacial Biology - Orthodontic Treatment Outcomes
0859Effectiveness of Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment in Reducing Malocclusions. G. KING* and P. BRUDVIK (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
0860Treatment Timing and Profile Cephalometrics Comparison: Early vs. Deferred Treatment. L. FARHANG-AZAD*, L. ZOKAEI, L. CHUN, R. MATIN, H.S. OH, and S. BAUMRIND (University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA)
0861Orthodontic Extraction Rates by Age at First Visit. D. GEHANI*, H.S. OH, K. ADAIR, S. DUGONI, and S. BAUMRIND (University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA)
0862Lip positional changes asssociated with upper incisor AP correction. P.K. PALETI*, J.G. BURCH, R.S. MASELLA, T.L. HOTTEL, and P.C. HARDIGAN (Nova Southeastern University, Sunrise, FL, USA)
0863A Cephalometric Evaluation of Vertical Changes Following First Premolar Extraction. A. SIVAKUMAR* and A. VALIATHAN (Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal (Manipal University), India)
0864RCT comparing maxillary molar anchorage loss using two retraction techniques. T.-M. XU*, X. ZHANG, H.S. OH, R.L. BOYD, and S. BAUMRIND (Peking University School of Stomatology, Beijing, China)
0865Dentoskeletal Changes Following Headgear Therapy In Class II Malocclusion. G. ESLAMI AMIRABADI* (Shahed university dental school, Tehran, Iran)
0866Post-Correction Relationships of Various Facial Axes to Skeletal Components. W.A. MARSHALL*, L.M. ANDRIA, and L.P. LEITE (Medical University of South Carolina, College of Dental Medicine, Charleston, USA)
0867Orthopedic effects of maxillary protraction combined with chin cap appliance. P.H. LIU*, H.-P. CHANG, and C.-H. CHANG (I-Shou University, Kaohsiung Country, Taiwan)
0868Muscular Effects of Posterior Crossbite Treatment. M. DE ROSSI*, M.B.D. GAVIÃO, J. DE ROSSI, M. VITTI, and S.C.H. REGALO (State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil)
0869Tooth wear of anterior teeth during and after orthodontic treatment. M.A.R. KUIJPERS*, S. KILIARIDIS, A. RENKEMA, E.M. BRONKHORST, and A.M. KUIJPERS-JAGTMAN (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
0870External Apical Root Resorption in Maxillary Incisors of Orthodontic Patients. K. NANEKRUNGSAN*, V. PATANAPORN, A. JANHOM, and N. KORWANICH (Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
0871Esthetic Evaluation of Buccal Corridor Width in Top Female Models. W. DUNN* and J. CASKO (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA)
0872Effectiveness of 0.50 and 0.75% chlorhexidine dentifrice in orthodontic patients. P.V.P. OLTRAMARI*, J.M. TITARELLI, J.A. MARSICANO, J.F.C. HENRIQUES, G. JANSON, J.R.P. LAURIS, M.D. SPIN, and M.A.R. BUZALAF (Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
0873Friction produced by a new passive ligature in sliding mechanics. P. DING, J. LIN*, Y.-H. ZHOU, and L. OUYANG (Peking University, Beijing, China)

Seq#: 102Thursday, July 3, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Craniofacial Biology - Stem Cell, Osteoblast, Chondrocyte, and PDL Cell Biology
0874Effect of Ultrasound on Human Umbilical Cord Perivascular-Stem Cell Expansion. T.A. ALDOSARY*, H. ULUDAG, M. DOSCHAK, J. CHEN, Y. TSUI, and T. EL-BIALY (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada)
0875Dental Structures: a niche of neural crest stem cells. G.S. COURA*, R.C. GARCEZ, C.B.N. MENDES DE AGUIAR, M. ALVAREZ-SILVA, R.S. MAGINI, and A.G. TRENTIN (Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil)
0876Notch1 Signaling During Osteogenic Differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Y.-C. HUANG*, K. TANIMOTO, Y. TANNE, Y.-Y. LIN, T. KAMIYA, R. KUNIMATSU, M. YOSHIOKA, M. MICHIDA, C. NISHIO, N. TANAKA, and K. TANNE (Hiroshima University, Japan)
0877Abnormal intracellular localization and transport of a PTH-R mutant protein. J. SHIMOMURA-KUROKI*, K. YAMASHITA, K. ODA, S. SHIMOOKA, and N. AMIZUKA (The Nippon Dental University, School of Life Dentistry at Niigata, Japan)
0878Effects of Transforming growth factor-beta3 on osteoblast proliferation and differentiation. B. MCINTYRE*, J. THOENDEL, A.M. MOURSI, and S. PREMARAJ (University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry, Lincoln, USA)
0879Fak/src Suppresses Early Chondrogenesis: Central Role of CCN2. D. PALA*, A. WOODS, L. KENNEDY, S. LIU, S. CHEN, L. BURSELL, K. LYONS, D.E. CARTER, F. BEIER, and A. LEASK (University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)
0880Novel roles of Ten-m/Odz3 in development of mandibular condylar cartilage. T. MURAKAMI*, T. FUKUNAGA, N. TAKESHITA, K. HIRATSUKA, T. YAMASHIRO, Y. ABIKO, and T. TAKANO-YAMAMOTO (Okayama University, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
0881Anti-angiogenic rAAV-Vastatin gene transduction retarded mandibular condylar growth. Q.F. LI*, A.B.M. RABIE, and M.C. LIN (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
0882Characterization of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts in three-dimensional collagen gels. A.J. HECKLER*, I.J. PEREIRA, P.J. BROOKS, S.-G. GONG, M.F. MANOLSON, and C.A. SIMMONS (University of Toronto, Canada)
0883Differentiation of PDL Cells Cultured with High Glucose Media. S.-S. JUE*, D.-J. LEE, M. NAKATSUKA, and J.-W. SHIN (Kyung Hee University, School of Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea)
0884Craniofacial Growth Of Streptozotocin-induced Diabetes mellitus In Rat. M.A. ABBASSY*, I. WATARI, and K. SOMA (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
0885Effect of Iron on MMP-9 Expression in HNSCC Cell Lines. W. PONGPETCHPRAI*, O. POONSAKPAISAN, P. SUMREJKANCHANAKIJ, and N. SANCHAVANAKIT (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)

Seq#: 103Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Pulp Biology & Regeneration Research - Pulp Inflammation, Microbiology, and Neurobiology
0886IL-1ß and IL-8 Production From Primary Tooth Pulp Fibroblasts. D.C.D. FERREIRA, D.G. BRITO, and B.N. CAVALCANTI* (Ibirapuera University, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
0887Reversible Pulp Damage after Spontaneous Pain. T. HANIASTUTI*, H. OHSHIMA, T. TAKUSHIGE, and E. HOSHINO (Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan)
0888Toll-like Receptor and Chemokine Profiles of Healthy Human Dental Pulp. J.-F. KELLER*, F. CARROUEL, S.H. DURAND, A. ROMEAS, F. BLEICHER, S. LEBECQUE, M.-J. STAQUET, and J.-C. FARGES (University Claude Bernard, Lyon Cedex 08, France)
0889Analysis of MMP-2/-9 and TIMP-2 in inflamed human dental pulp. T. ACCORSI-MENDONCA*, A.P. SOUZA PARDO, K.M.R. DUARTE, S.R.P. LINE, and A.A. ZAIA (Piracicaba Dental School. State University of Campinas, Brazil)
0890Temporal Induction of SLPI in Odontoblast by Infections and Wounds. B.D. CHOI*, H.J. KIM, J.C. PARK, B.O. KIM, H.K. HWANG, and M.J. JEONG (Chosun University, Gwangju, South Korea)
0891Ozonated Water Inhibits Effects of Lipopolysaccharide on Odontoblast-Like Cells. F. NOGUCHI*, C. KITAMURA, M. NAGAYOSHI, T. MASAMICHI, and T. NISHIHARA (Kyushu Dental Collage, Kitakyushu, Japan)
0892Development of a detoxified polymethyl methacrylate-based resin for cells. N. KOJIMA*, M. YAMADA, W. ATT, S. OZAWA, Y. TANAKA, and T. OGAWA (Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan)
0893Signaling mechanisms of PGF2alpha-induced Interleukin-8 Production in dental pulp cells. M.-C. CHANG*, P.-S. LIN, P.-Y. JENG, and J.-H. JENG (Chang-Gung Institute of Nursing, Taoyuan, Taiwan)
0894Absence of sympathetic innervation and sprouting in rat dentinal tubules. Y. SHIMENO*, Y. SUGAWARA, M. IIKUBO, N. SHOJI, and T. SASANO (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
0895In vitro susceptibility of necrotic-pulp bacteria to newMix-MP and 3Mix-MP. J. MALARAT, K. NILASRI, and C. AMORNCHAT* (Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand)
0896Tooth Pulp Inflammation Reduces the Efficacy of Local Anesthetics. K. NIU*, M. GOLD, and N. CAPRA (University of Maryland Dental School, Baltimore, USA)
0897Latent TNFa-mediated expression of MMPs by pulp versus PDL cells. F.W.G.P. SILVA*, A. GHOSH, L.A.B. SILVA, and Y. KAPILA (University of Michigan School of Dentistry, Ann Arbor, USA)
0898Effect of Catechins on Cytokine Production in Human Odontoblast-like Cells. K. MUKAI*, T. NAKANISHI, H. YUMOTO, K. TAKAHASHI, K. HIRAO, and T. MATSUO (The University of Tokushima, Japan)
0899Antimicrobial Activity of Newly Developed Root Canal Sealer Containing Titanium-Oxide. N. AYAMI*, H. WANIBE, M. YAMAMOTO, T. WATANABE, N. KITAMURA, N. SHIBATA, K. NAKATA, S. TSURUTA, T. KAWAI, and H. NAKAMURA (Aichi Gakuin University, Nagoya, Japan)
0900Assessment of intraradicular bacterial composition by T-RFLP analysis. R.B. GONÇALVES*, D. SAITO, J.F. HÖFLING, and T.L. MARSH (Faculté de Medicine Dentaire, Université Laval, Quebec, QC, Canada)
0901Neuropeptide Y Knockout Alters Periapical Lesion Development. D. HOFFMAN*, K.E. OLSON, and R. SPEARS (Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA)
0902EVALUATION of Cytotoxic effects of GUEDES-PINTO'S PASTE AND CALCIUM HYDROXIDE. M.A. BORGES*, S.K. BUSSADORI, A.C. GUEDES-PINTO, and E.M. SANTOS (Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco, São Paulo, Brazil)
0903TLR4 Expression by Human Pulp Stem Cells and Fibroblasts. T.M. BOTERO*, D. VODOPYANOV, Z. ZHANG, and J.E. NOR (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0904New method for evaluating elimination-rate of protein-I/II(streptococcus-mutans) by different irrigants. M. SOELL*, D. SELIMOVIC, F. NAGANO, M. HASSAN, A. MILIAUSKAITE, and Y. HAIKEL (University of Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France)
0905The effect of Propolis on Inflammatory Cytokines. R. PILEGGI*, C. VARELLA, J.E. NOR, T.M. BOTERO, S. POP, and L.S. HOLLIDAY (College of Dentistry, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
0906Monocyte Chemotatic Protein-1 Induces Hydrolytic Activity in Pulp Fibroblasts. K.S. GREGSON* and L.J. WINDSOR (Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA)

Seq#: 104Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Prosthodontics Research - Removable Prosthodontics
0907Evaluation of the hardness discrimination for elastic and viscous bodied. T. OHMARU*, K. MASUDA, Y. NAKANO, Y. SUMI, T. IBUKI, T. TAKARADA, J. YAMAZOE, Y. AKIYAMA, and Y. HIGUCHI (Kyushu University Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan)
0908Removable partial prosthesis model evaluation in dental laboratory. J.C.D.O. CASTRO*, C.D.R. BRITO, C.D.V.S. MOURA, and R.V. ZANETTI (Centro de Pesquisas Odontológicas São Leopoldo Mandic, Teresina - Piaui, Brazil)
0909Retention Characteristics of Magnetic Overdenture Attachments After Cyclic Loading. K.-H. CHUNG*, M. FLETCHER-STARK, M. ANDERSON, G. JOHNSON, J. WATAHA, and J.-G. DUH (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
0910Effect of mucosa thickness and resilience on overdentures stress distribution. V.A.R. BARÃO*, W.G. ASUNÇÃO, L.F. TABATA, E.A.C. DE SOUSA, J.A. DELBEN, É.A. GOMES, and E.P. ROCHA (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil)
0911 Paper Withdrawn.
0912Relationships Between Facial Form and Alveolar Ridge Height. C. NAKAMURA*, K.T. OCHIAI, H. IKEDA, and N. GARRETT (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
0913Customized 3-dimensional anterior teeth computer model according to facial shape. S.-R. NOH*, J.-H. OH, and M.S. KIM (Chosun University, Kwangju, South Korea)
0914Bizygomatic width for selection of denture teeth in four races. F. VARJAO*, S.S. NOGUEIRA, and J. LOVE (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)
0915Representative Points of the Morphology of Mandibular Edentulous Alveolar Ridges. Y. TAKAYAMA*, H. SASAKI, M. GOTO, K. MIZUNO, M. SAITO, and A. YOKOYAMA (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
0916Clinical Useability of an "Examination Scale" for Residual Ridge Assessment. S. ISHIBASHI*, Y. SATO, N. KITAGAWA, S. HARA, Y. HOSONO, and H. ISHIHARA (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
0917Bond strength between an acrylic resin and artificial tooth. D.C. BARCA*, H. CASTRO, G. SAAVEDRA, R.N. TANGO, Sr., M.A. BOTTINO, and E.T. KIMPARA (UNESP SJC, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil)
0918Improving Removable Partial Denture Adherence for Elderly Patients. E. DREYER*, C. CÓRDOVA, G. JORQUERA, S. MAGGIOLO, and G. MONCADA (Universidad de Chile, Santiago, RM, Chile)
0919Effects of denture disinfection methods on survival of Candida albicans. J.-E. KIM* (Seoul National Unuversity, South Korea)
0920Relationship between location of main occluding area and occlusal support. Y. NAKATSUKA*, S. YAMASHITA, S. MIZOUE, and K. HASHII (Matsumoto Dental University, Nagano, Japan)
0921Changes in vertical dimension and occlusive contacts in complete dentures. L.R. SILVA-CONCILIO*, C.M. RIZZATTI-BARBOSA, C.B. MELOTO, P.O. SERRANO, L.G. CUNHA, and A.C.C. NEVES (Taubaté University - UNITAU, Brazil)
0922Hard denture liners: Effect of cleansers on color and roughness. M. FRANGOU*, A. PANTOPOULOS, and G. POLYZOIS (Dental School University of Athens, Greece)
0923Effect of denture cleansers on hardness of denture-base resins. G. POLYZOIS*, F. DAVIS, R. JAGGER, and R. VOWLES (Dental School University of Athens, Greece)
0924Wire Position Effect on Repaired Acrylic Removable Partial Denture Strength. M. EZZAT EL-SAYED, A. EL-TANTY*, A. FENTON, and O. EL-MOWAFY (University of Toronto, Canada)
0925Pressure stress area of mandibular alveolar mucosa under complete denture. Y.-L. LU*, J. XU, J. DONG, Q.-G. RONG, and H.-D. LOU (An-Zhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China)
0926Efficacy of denture cleansers on denture liners with Candida species. A.A. DEL BEL CURY*, M.A.L. FERREIRA, T. PEREIRA-CENCI, L.M. VASCONCELLOS, and R.C.M. RODRIGUES GARCIA (Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, Brazil)
0927Effect of investment and flask closure on the denture accuracy. R.L.X. CONSANI*, M.F. MESQUITA, L. CORRER-SOBRINHO, M.A.C. SINHORETI, and S. CONSANI (Campinas State University, Piracicaba, Brazil)
0928Factors Influence Adhesion of Candida Albicans on the Denture Surfaces. C.-L. HUNG*, C.-H. LIN, T.-M. WANG, L.-D. LIN, and J.-S. WANG (National Taiwan University, Taipei,Taiwan, Taiwan)
0929Effect of Injection molding on Flexural Properties of Denture resins. M.M. EL-SHEIKH* (Tanta University Faculty of dentistry Egypt, Egypt)
0930Influence of ridge type on mandibular removable partial denture. R. FERRAÇO*, B.P. TONELLA, E.P. PELLIZZER, F.L. SOUZA, B.J. CAZAES, J.V.Q. MAZARO, and H. GENNARI-FILHO (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil)
0931Incidence of partial denture usage and Kennedy classification. K. ENOKI*, K. IKEBE, T. HAZEYAMA, K. ISHIDA, K.-I. MATSUDA, and Y. MAEDA (Osaka University, Japan)
0932Dual Component Removable Partial Denture improves practicality and physiological outcomes. B. LOU* (West China of Stomatology College, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)
0933Mucosa characteristics effect on complete dentures and overdentures stress distribution. E.A. GOMES*, V.A.R. BARÃO, W.G. ASSUNÇÃO, L.F. TABATA, J.A. DELBEN, E.P. ROCHA, and E.A.C. DE SOUSA (São Paulo State University - UNESP. Araçatuba Dental School, Brazil)
0934The Influence of Reinforcement on Strain within Maxillary Complete Denture. T. GONDA*, T. TAKAHASHI, and Y. MAEDA (Osaka University, Japan)
0935The Accuracy of the CAD/CAM System for Fabricating Complete Dentures. M. KANAZAWA*, Y. SATO, S. MINAKUCHI, K. OHYA, Y. KAIBA, and N. OHBAYASHI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
0936Influence of Wearing Complete Dentures on Body Balance in Elderly. M. OKUBO*, Y. FUJINAMI, S. MINAKUCHI, and I. WATANABE (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
0937Influence of Complete Denture Adjustment to Brain Activity. Y. YONEYAMA*, M. MOROKUMA, H. HIRATA, and T. HOSOI (Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan)
0938Influence of Tissue Conditioning to Complete Denture Wearer's Brain Activity. M. MOROKUMA*, Y. YONEYAMA, and T. HOSOI (Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan)
0939Study on Recognition of Denture(s) Using a Structural Equation Modeling. K. TAKEUCHI*, K. YAMAMOTO, M. HATTORI, H. MURAKAMI, T. KIDOKORO, I. IKEDO, S. MATSUMURA, and Y.D. LI (Aichi-Gakuin University, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan)

Seq#: 105Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms - Interface
0940Effect of Adhesives, Thermocycling and Dentin Regions on Bond Strength. S. GURGAN, Y. KORKMAZ*, E. YAZICI, and D. NATHANSON (Baskent University, Ankara, Turkey)
0941Morphological Interfacial Observations and Bond Strengths of Self-etch Adhesives. N. AKIMOTO*, M. HANABUSA, M. HARA, and Y. MOMOI (Tsurumi University, School of Dental Medicine, Yokohama, Japan)
0942NaOCl and etching acid effects on primary and permanent dentin. A.F.S. BORGES*, R.M. PUPPIN-RONTANI, R.A. BITTAR, F. PASCON, L. CORRER-SOBRINHO, and A.A. MARTIN (State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil)
0943Bonding strength of the hydroxyapatite film on tooth using powder-jet-deposition. R. AKATSUKA*, M. NOJI, M.S. SEPASY ZAHMATY, T. ANADA, T. KURIYAGAWA, O. SUZUKI, and K. SASAKI (Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai, Japan)
0944Stress Distribution on the Dentin/Adhesive Interface Varying the Dentin Depths. R.B. ANCHIETA*, E.P. ROCHA, R.H. SUNDFELD, C.-C. KO, M. MARTIN JR, and C.M. ARCHANGELO (Araçatuba School of Dentistry, São Paulo State University - UNESP, Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil)
0945The effect of flow-composite on interfacial-chemistry and morphology of Dentin/bonding. N. EMAMI*, A. LINDBERG, and J.W.V. VAN DIJKEN (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden)
0946Correlation between Hybrid layer, Tags and Bond Strength to dentin. R.H. SUNDFELD*, F.G. OLIVEIRA, E.P. ROCHA, L. MARQUEZINI JR, R.S.D. ALEXANDRE, V. RAHAL, R.B. ANCHIETA, L.S. MACHADO, and M.L.M.M. SUNDEFELD (Araçatuba School of Dentistry, São Paulo State University - UNESP, Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil)
0947Biochemical modification to the dentin collagen improves bond strength. A. AL-AMMAR*, J. DRUMMOND, and A.K.B. BEDRAN-RUSSO (University of Illinois - Chicago, USA)
0948Valiant PhD-XT Amalgam Delayed-Addition Self-Adhesion Shear-Bond Strength Study. C. ROGGENKAMP*, F. BERRY, and H. LU (Loma Linda University, CA, USA)
0949Bonding potential to dentin of one-component self-etch adhesives. M. BELOICA, C. GORACCI*, M. MARGVELASHVILI, C.A. CARVALHO, F. PAPACCHINI, A. VICHI, and M. FERRARI (University of Siena, Italy)
0950Effect of Doubling Applications of Acetone-Adhesives on Microtensile Bond Strength. D. ELKASSAS*, H. TAHER, N. ELSAHN, R. HAFEZ, and W. EL-BADRAWY (Cairo UNiversity, Egypt)
0951Hardness, Young's Modulus and Ultrastructure of Bonded Primary Tooth Dentin. Y. HOSOYA*, F.R. TAY, T. ONO, S. UEKUSA, and M. MIYAZAKI (Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Japan)
0952Chemical Interaction of RMGI with Hydroxyapatite via ESCA and FTIR. C. HUDSON*, C.-Y. LEE, S.B. MITRA, S.J. PACHUTA, G.A. KORBA, H.T. BUI, and R.P. RUSIN (3M ESPE, London, ON, Canada)
0953Improvement of Bond Strength to Caries-Affected Dentin. G. TANIGUCHI*, S. KUNAWAROTE, K. HOSAKA, N. IWAMOTO, M. IKEDA, M. NAKAJIMA, and J. TAGAMI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
0954Flexural property of resin-infiltrated demineralised dentin after water storage. S. CHIARAPUTT*, S. MAI, B. HUFFMAN, R. KAPUR, K. AGEE, C. YIU, D.C.N. CHAN, C. HARNIRATTISAI, D. AROLA, F.A. RUEGGEBERG, D. PASHLEY, and F.R. TAY (Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand)
0955Effects of water-sorption on creep of resins and macrohybrid layers. K. AGEE*, S. CHIARAPUTT, D. AROLA, F.R. TAY, and D. PASHLEY (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA)

Seq#: 106Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 2: Adhesion - Leakage/Margin Assessments - Dentin-Bonding Interface
0956Prevention of water-contamination of ethanol-wet dentine and hydrophobic hybrid layers. S. SAURO*, D.H. PASHLEY, F. MANNOCCI, F.R. TAY, and T.F. WATSON (King's College London, England)
0957The Nanoleakage Patterns of Experimental Hydrophobic Adhesives After Load Cycling. D.-H. SHIN, J. CHANG, I.-B. LEE, H.-H. SON, and S.-J. SOHN* (Seoul National University, South Korea)
0958Nanoleakage with Three Generations of Self-etching Adhesives. M. MORIGAMI*, J. SUGIZAKI, S. UNO, M. KONDO, and T. YAMADA (Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo, Japan)
0959Internal Marginal Gap Formation using a Novel Resin Composite Restorative. C. SABATINI*, M. CAMPILLO, P. BUSH, W.R. DIAS, and C. MUNOZ (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA)
0960Hybridization quality of adhesive systems according to dentin interaction. L. SALVIO*, M.F. DE GOES, V. DI HIPÓLITO, A. MARTINS, and A. LIMA (Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil)
0961Microleakage of Recent Self-etch Adhesive Systems under Thermocycled Repeated-load Stress. T. MASEKI*, M. HARA, T. YAMADA, A. SHIROTA, T. SUZUKI, T. KIMISHIMA, Y. NARA, and I.L. DOGON (The Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
0962Influence of dental morphology on microleakage of resin composite restorations. C.M.C. ALVES*, M.P. FORTES, J.F. COSTA, C.C.C. RIBEIRO, and R.H.M. GRANDE (Federal University of Maranhão, São Luiz, Brazil)
0963Microleakage under adhesive systems used as sealants in primary molars. S.I. MYAKI*, E.D.C. SEQUINHO, D.G. BRITO, A.M. ANDRADE, and R.H.M. GRANDE (Universidade Ibirapuera, São Paulo, Brazil)
0964Diffusion of GM primer and dentin bonding agent into dentin. C. TANI*, Y. NASU, K. ITOH, and H. HISAMITSU (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
0965Marginal Adaptation of Adhesive Systems Following Different Cavity Disinfectants. C.A. SCHNEIDER*, Z. DROSOS, I. CALIC, M. KERN, C.E. DÖRFER, and J. EBERHARD (Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany)
0966Evaluation of Thermal and Mechanical Cycling in Adhesive Interface Effectiveness. O.M.M. GOMES*, A.S. AYALA, G.M. GOMES, M. LAGRAVÈRE, and J.C. GOMES (Ponta Grossa State University, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brazil)
0967Thermocycling effect on elastic modulus of dentin bonding interfaces. D.-H. SHIN, S.-J. SOHN, I.-B. LEE, H.-H. SON, and J. CHANG* (Seoul National University School of Dentistry, South Korea)
0968In Vitro Study of Polypeptide Catalyzed Biosilicification of Dentin Surfaces. R.B. KAZEMI*, M.C. ADVINCULA, T. KOMABAYASHI, P. PATEL, P.T. MATHER, D.G. GOBERMAN, and A.J. GOLDBERG (University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, USA)

Seq#: 107Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 2: Adhesion - Leakage/Margin Assessments - Resin Cements/Luting Agents and Other Restoratives
0969Nanoleakage Expression in the Resin Cement-Dentin Interface. P. MAKISHI*, Y. SHIMADA, A. SADR, S. WEI, S. ICHINOSE, and J. TAGAMI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
0970Bonded and Self-Adhesive Cements' Bond Strengths between Zirconia-Crowns and Dentin. R. PERRY, J. CAREY, C. DEFURIA*, J. ORFANIDIS, and P. STARK (Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA)
0971Nanoleakage of luting agents for bonding posts after thermo-mechanical fatigue. K. BITTER*, J. PERDIGAO, C. HARTWIG, S. PARIS, and A. KIELBASSA (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany)
0972Sealing Ability and Microleakage of New Resin Luting Cements. J. WOO*, L. TAM, and D. MCCOMB (University of Toronto, Canada)
0973Effect of rewetting cavities with HEMA-desensitizers on microleakage of adhesive-luting-cement. E. UZER CELIK, N. KUMBARACI, E. CAL*, and M. TURKUN (Ege University School of Dentistry, Izmir, Turkey)
0974Sealing potential of a self-adhesive fissure sealant. J. PERDIGAO* and A. SEZINANDO (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
0975Effect of MRI on Microleakage of Amalgam Restorations. P. BRONOOSH, S. SHAHIDI*, A. ALAVI, B. ZAMIRI, and A.R. SADEGHI (Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Dental School, Iran)
0976Internal 3D-fit of CAD/CAM-made zirconia copings. A comparative in-vitro study. O. MOLDOVAN*, N. CORCODEL, R.G. LUTHARDT, and H. RUDOLPH (Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Ulm, Germany)
0977Sealing ability of white and grey MTA root-end filling materials. S. ASGARY, Z. GHORBANI, B. SHADEMAN, and M.J. EGHBAL* (Iranian Center for Endodontic Research, Dental Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University MC, Tehran, Iran)
0978Clinical Evaluation of New Dental Adhesive in Posterior Composite Restorations. S.S. LEE, H. RITER, M. ARAMBULA*, N. ABDEL-SALAM, and Y. LI (Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, CA, USA)
0979Pilot Study of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment with/without tooth surface conditioning. O. IBIYEMI*, S.T. IBIYEMI, and G.A. OKE (University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria)
0980Hydrolytic Degradation of a PPF Modified Hybrid Composite Resin. S.T. THERIOT, J.S. SO, S. CHEUK*, and N.K. SARKAR (Louisiana State University, New Orleans, USA)
0981Influence of surface sealant on roughness and color of composites. H.-R. JANG*, M.-K. KANG, S.-J. JIN, Y.-C. HWANG, I.-N. HWANG, and W.-M. OH (Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea)

Seq#: 108Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 3: Ceramic-based Materials and Cements - Resin Cement Mechanical Properties, Glass Iomoners
0982Effect of Photocuring vs. Autocuring on Properties of Resin Cements. A.M. BINMAHFOOZ* and D. NATHANSON (Boston University, MA, USA)
0983Resistance to the Flexion of Resinous Cements of Double Polymerization. L.G. MOTTA*, L. VELMOVITSKY, T. MAGALHÃES FILHO, K. WEIG, S.D.C. WEYNE, and R. THUIN (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
0984Time-dependent polymerization of dual-cured luting agent beneath ceramic. L. CORRER-SOBRINHO*, R.R. MORAES, W.C. BRANDT, E. PIVA, R.L.X. CONSANI, and M.A.C. SINHORETI (State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil)
0985Mechanical properties of three resin cements after accelerated aging. C. ALVAREZ-GAYOSSO*, B.J. LAU, P.A. FERNANDEZ, and M.A. ALVAREZ (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, México city, Mexico)
0986Degradation of resin-cements in intraradicular environment: a micro-hardeness study. L.F. PEGORARO*, A.P.R.V. PEDREIRA, T.A. PEGORARO, M.F. DE GOES, and R.M. CARVALHO (University Of Sao Paulo, Bauru, Brazil)
0987Three-body and toothbrush abrasion of novel self-adhesive resin cements. U. LOHBAUER*, H. BROENNER, and A. PETSCHELT (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
0988Property Evaluation of Several Light Curable Veneer Cements. S. JIN*, W. JIA, and J. TURCOTTE (Pentron Clinical Technologies, Wallingford, CT, USA)
0989Behavior of four dental cements in strength of mechanical properties. B.M.H. SILVA*, J. MONDELLI, C.A. FREITAS, Sr., L.E. RODRIGUES FILHO, E.M. PEREIRA, and H.B. PINHEIRO (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
0990Physical Properties of Temporary Cements. T. CHAU*, E. NGUYEN, D. XIE, and D. TOBIA (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA)
0991Setting Behavior of New Ion-releasing Temporary Cement Containing S-PRG filler. S. TAKANO*, H. TACHIDOKORO, T. NAKATSUKA, M. DEGUCHI, and N. NEGORO (Shofu Inc, Kyoto, Japan)
0992Glass-Ionomer Restoratives – What Test Provides the Best Performance Indicator?. Z. ALI* and G.J.P. FLEMING (Dublin Dental School & Hospital, Ireland)
0993Glass-ionomer restoratives – do encapsulated materials offer increased performance?. A.H. DOWLING* and G.J.P. FLEMING (Dublin Dental School & Hospital, Ireland)
0994Efficiency of LED Polymerization of a Resin-modified Glass-ionomer Cement. L.M. MARTINS*, A.N.S. RASTELLI, V.S. BAGNATO, L.M. SILVA, P.A.S. FRANCISCONI, and G. BONFANTE (Universidade de São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil)
0995Incorporation of Recaldent into glass ionomer cement luting agents. R. WONG*, J. PALAMARA, P.R. WILSON, M.F. BURROW, and E. REYNOLDS (University of Melbourne, Melbourne VIC, Australia)
0996Photo-curing and storage time influences on volumetric change of resin-modified-glass-ionomer-cement. I.M. VIEIRA, P.A.S. FRANCISCONI, M.F.L. NAVARRO, and M.T. ATTA* (Bauru Dental School, University of São Paulo, Brazil)
0997Ion Release of Resin-Modified Bioactive Glass-Ionomer Cement for Restorative Dentistry. F. PELOGIA*, H.B. DAVIS, J.C. MITCHELL, A. DELLA-BONA, and J.L. FERRACANE (Sao Paulo State University, São José dos Campos, Brazil)

Seq#: 109Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 4: Clinical Trials, Biocompatibility and Biologic Effects - Biological Assessment of Materials for Direct Pulp Capping and Endodontic Treatment
0998Effect of Calcium Hydroxide Associated with Chlorhexidine on Cultured Cells. R.A.B. SILVA*, L.A.B. SILVA, M.R. LEONARDO, P.T. DE OLIVEIRA, A.I. MEDEIROS, L.H. FACCIOLI, L.M.S. DE CASTRO, and A.L. ROSA (Faculdade de Odontologia - Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
0999Cytotoxicity of new MTA-products on L929 and human PDL cells. A. U. ELDENIZ*, S. BELLI, K. ARVIDSON, and K. MUSTAFA (Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey)
1000Cytotoxicity of Polymer Modified Portland Cement. A. BAKER*, S. MADHAVAN, S. AGARWAL, C. MACHADO, and W. JOHNSTON (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
1001Combined effect of MTA and Emdogain on human pulp cells. K.S. MIN*, S.H. YANG, H.W. RYU, C.U. HONG, and E.C. KIM (Wonkwang University, Iksan, South Korea)
1002The Effects of Root-End Filling Materials on CELL Attachment. A.S. AL-HIYASAT* and O.R. AL-SA'EED (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan)
1003Cytotoxicity of Root Canal Sealers on Human Periodontal Ligament Cells. K. PATTAMAPUN* and K. PREEYANUCH (Faculty of Dentistry and BioMedical Engineering Center, Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
1004Cytotoxicity of endodontic instruments and materials on 3T3 fibroblasts. S.-Y. CHEN*, W.-C. HWANG, M.-G. TU, and M.-J. JOU (China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan)
1005Cytotoxicity and ROS production in cells by root canal sealers. C.H.R. CAMARGO*, S.E.A. CAMARGO, M.C. VALERA, K.-A. HILLER, H. SCHWEIKL, and G. SCHMALZ (Paulista State University – UNESP, São José dos Campos, Brazil)
1006Cytotoxicity and ROS production by pulp capping materials in cells. S.E.A. CAMARGO*, C.H.R. CAMARGO, K.-A. HILLER, S.M. RODE, H. SCHWEIKL, and G. SCHMALZ (São Paulo State University, São José dos Campos, Brazil)
1007Upregulation of MMPs by root canal sealers in human osteoblasts. F.-M. HUANG* and Y.-C. CHANG (Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung R.O.C, Taiwan)
1008Differential Cytotoxic Effects Elicited by Three Commonly Used Endodontic Irrigants. A. DASCALU*, J. MORENO, S.J. DIXON, and S. HATIBOVIC-KOFMAN (University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)
1009Biocompatibility Evaluation of Three Different Root-end Filling Materials. B. HOU*, X. LIU, Y. LU, and S. WEI (Capital Medical University, Beijing, China)
1010Healing after Root-end Sealing using 4-META/MMA-TBB Resin following Apicoectomy. K. OHTANI*, T. SUGAYA, M. TOMITA, Y. HASEGAWA, Y. MOTOKI, H. MIYAJI, Y. TAKANAWA, and M. KAWANAMI (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
1011Portland cement alternative to calcium hydroxide direct pulp covering. S. REKAB* (Damascus University, Syria)
1012Dentin/Pulp Biocompatibility of an Adhesive System for Silorane Restorative. Y. LI, S. LEE, W. ZHANG*, S. ZUNT, M. ROHRER, and J. KIM (Loma Linda University, CA, USA)
1013Direct-pulp-capping Effect of Experimentally Developed adhesive-resin-systems Containing Reparative Dentin-promoting-agents. C. KATO*, M. SUZUKI, K. SHINKAI, and Y. KATOH (The Nippon Dental University, Niigata, Japan)
1014Direct-pulp-capping Effect with Synthetic-peptide-derivatives of Dentin-matrix-protein1. Y. KATOH*, M. SUZUKI, T. OGISU, C. KATO, K. SHINKAI, J. YAMAUCHI, and T. ASAKURA (The Nippon Dental University, Niigata, Japan)
1015Development of an ex-vivo model for endodontic antibacterial protocols assessment. G. VILLETTE*, S. MANEK, M. LEGNER, T. FILLERY, S. FRIEDMAN, and C. TORNECK (University of Toronto, Canada)

Seq#: 110Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 4: Clinical Trials, Biocompatibility and Biologic Effects - Clinical and Experimental Evaluation of Bleaching
10167-Day Clinical Trial Comparing Two at-Home Whitening Systems. R.W. GERLACH, M.K. ANASTASIA, M.L. BARKER, S.K. FIEDLER, and J.K. CARSON* (The Procter and Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA)
1017Clinical efficiency of home whitening agents. A. ISHIKAWA*, Y. ISHII, and I. OKADA (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
1018Clinical effectiveness of over-the-counter bleaching systems. J.A. RODRIGUES*, E.R. TOYOSHINA, A. CASSONI, and A.F. REIS (Guarulhos University, Brazil)
1019Color change with two commercial tooth whiteners and a placebo. W.D. BROWNING*, D. CHAN, W.W. BRACKETT, and M.G. BRACKETT (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA)
1020Clinical Comparison of Dissolving and Non-dissolving Marketed Whitening Strips. M.T. FEIZ*, F. GARCIA-GODOY, C. GARCIA-GODOY, M.L. BARKER, D.L. BOOKER, S. FARRELL, and R.W. GERLACH (Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA)
1021Relative Efficacy of Two Marketed Hydrogen Peroxide Whitening Strips. J. ROTHROCK*, C.E. GARCIA-GODOY, F. GARCIA-GODOY, R.W. GERLACH, M.L. BARKER, S. FARRELL, and M.K. ANASTASIA (Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA)
1022Clinical Evaluation of Dissolving Whitening Strips and a Marketed Control. J.F. SIMON*, J. HARRISON, L. POWELL, S. FARRELL, R.W. GERLACH, L.A. BOWMAN, and M.L. BARKER (University of Tennessee, Memphis, USA)
1023Clinical Evaluation of In-Office Whitening System. S. KIM-PUSATERI*, S. CIANCIO, and M. BESSINGER (State University of New York - Buffalo, USA)
1024Effect of preoperative Ibuprofen on tooth sensitivity from in-office bleaching. P. CHARAKORN*, L. CABANILLA, W. WAGNER, W.-C. FOONG, J. SHAHEEN, R. PREGITZER, and D. SCHNEIDER (University of Detroit Mercy, MI, USA)
1025Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial with Combined Whitening Strips and Dentifrice. R.W. GERLACH, M.L. BARKER, D.L. BOOKER, H. SHAHIDI, and L. ARCHILA* (University of Texas - San Antonio / Health Science Ctr, USA)
1026Clinical Efficacy of the e-Bright Tooth Whitening Accelerator Home Edition. Y.-F. REN, R. CACCIATO*, L. NING, and H. MALMSTROM (University of Rochester Eastman Dental Center, NY, USA)
1027In-Office Bleaching Gel-Application Time Evaluation (3x15min X 1x45min) : Pilot studies. F.C. MARSON, L.G. SENSI, H. STRASSLER, L. MIRAZIZ*, and H. RIEHL (University of Maryland Dental School, Baltimore, USA)
1028In-Office Bleaching Gel Application Times: Clinical Evaluation. F.C. MARSON, L.G. SENSI*, H. STRASSLER, H. RIEHL, and R. REIS (University of Maryland Dental School, Baltimore, USA)
1029Effects of Home-Use Bleaching Gels on Enamel Gloss and Roughness. S.S. LEE*, H. LU, W. ZHANG, C. VANDERVOORT, J. KIM, and Y. LI (Loma Linda University, CA, USA)
1030A Thermal Investigation During Dental Bleaching in Vitro Study. W. KABBACH*, D.M. ZEZELL, T.M. PEREIRA, F.G. ALBERO, F. NOGUEIRA, and M. FERRAREZI (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araraquara, Brazil)
1031Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy of Bleached Enamel and Dentin. R.L. VON KOPPENFELS*, H. GOETZ, H. DUSCHNER, D.J. WHITE, and M. KLUKOWSKA (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)
1032Fluoride and Calcium-Phosphate Effects on Fracture Toughness of Bleached Dentin. M. CIPOLLA*, E.A. RYAN, and L.E. TAM (University of Toronto, Canada)
1033Transdentinal cytotoxic effects of different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. C.A. DE SOUZA COSTA*, C. HUCK, E.A. CAMPOS, and J. HEBLING (São Paulo State University - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil)
1034Effect of Bleaching on IL-1B and IL-10 in Gingival Crevicular Fluid. S. GURGAN*, E. YAZICI, Ö. YÜCE, E. ERCAN, F. CAKIR, and E. BERKER (Hacettepe University, School of Dentistry, Ankara, Turkey)

Seq#: 111Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 6: Polymer-based Materials - Physical Properties and Performance - Mechanical Properties of Resin Composites
1035Physical Properties of Modern Filling Composites. T. NEUMANN*, M. DANEBROCK, and R. MALETZ (VOCO GmbH, Cuxhaven, Germany)
1036A High Filler Loaded Flowable Composite, "CLEARFIL MAJESTY FLOW". Y. KUBOE*, H. KITA, Y. OHARA, and Y. TAKAHATA (KURARAY MEDICAL INC, Kurashiki, Japan)
1037Biaxial Flexural Strength and Modulus of Resin Luting Cements. M. GIANNINI*, M. DI FRANCESCANTONIO, G.M.B. AMBROSANO, D. METTENBURG, and F.A. RUEGGEBERG (Dental School of Piracicaba - UNICAMP, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil)
1038Biaxial flexural strength of nanocomposites. R. BENEDICT*, C. GARCIA-GODOY, M. FEIZ, J. ROTHROCK, F. GARCIA-GODOY, J. SEEBERG, and T. HOTTEL (Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA)
1039Physical Properties of Herculite XRV Ultra Nanohybrid Composite. J.C. TAYLOR* and A. KOBASHIGAWA (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA)
1040Mechanical Properties of Titania Nanotube-Polymer Composites. C. CHAN*, S.M. KHALED, G.C. SANTOS JR, and A.S. RIZKALLA (The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)
1041Influence of post head design on DTS of composite cores. M.J.M.C. SANTOS*, S. JUMAILY, O. EL-MOWAFY, A. RIZKALLA, and G.C. SANTOS-JUNIOR (Universidade Federal Da Bahia, London, ON, Canada)
1042Diametral Tensile Strength and Knoop Hardness of Commercial Core Materials. A.P. FREITAS*, S. JUMAILY, G.C. SANTOS-JUNIOR, and A. RIZKALLA (UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA BAHIA, London, ON, Canada)
1043Influence of Thermocycling on Microhardness of Indirect Resins. F.E. TAKAHASHI*, P.C. PEREIRA, A.A. CASTILHO, R.O.A. SOUZA, S.M.A. MICHIDA, H.A.M. BARBOSA, and F. GOYATÁ (UNESP SJC, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil)
1044Hardness and Flexural Strength of Direct Restorative and Laboratory-Processed Composites. S. PAVAN*, M.R.E. SANTO, P.H. DOS SANTOS, E.P. ROCHA, and W.G. ASSUNÇÃO (Universidade Estadual Paulista, Aracatuba SP, Brazil)
1045Water sorption and solubility of different resin composites. F.C.P. GARCIA*, L.M. DE PAULA, P.M. YAMAGUTI, E.M. MORELLI, J.C.F. ALMEIDA, M.R.O. CARRILHO, L. WANG, C.R. MESQUITA, and V. MACHADO (University of Brasília, Brasilia, Brazil)
1046Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) of Temporary Crown and Bridge Materials. L. BERGMEIER*, S. HADER, U. HOHEISEL, and V. JONES (3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany)
1047Fracture Resistance of Temporary Crown and Bridge Materials after Chewing-Simulation. S. HADER*, U. HOHEISEL, and R. HECHT (3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany)
1048Repair Bond Strength of Aged Composites Using Different Bonding Techniques. R. HAFEZ, E. POLYMERIS*, and W. EL-BADRAWY (York University, Toronto, ON, Canada)
1049In vitro evaluation of air bubbles entrapped in composite restorations. X.-Y. ZHAO*, H. LU, W. ZHANG, S. LEE, and Y. LI (The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China)

Seq#: 112Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 6: Polymer-based Materials - Physical Properties and Performance - Wear and Biomechanics of Materials
1050Fracture Resistance of Different Cavity Designs and Restorative Materials. W.-C. WU, P.-R. LIU*, M. ESSIG, L.C. RAMP, and Y.-H. CHANG (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
1051Cusp Deflection in Class V Cavities Restored with Composites. M. KIM*, J. PARK, H.-H. SON, B. LIM, and I. LEE (Seoul National University, South Korea)
1052In-vitro evaluation of stressing patterns in loaded glass-ionomer-cement sandwich restorations. J. PATEL, W. PALIN, and O. ADDISON* (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
1053Wear and Surface Structure of Various Core Materials and Composites. P. SCHMAGE*, I. NERGIZ, F. SITO, U. PLATZER, and M. ROSENTRITT (University of Hamburg, Germany)
1054Effects of Irradiation Period on Toothbrush Wear of Restorative Materials. H. MINAMI*, H. KURASHIGE, K. FUJII, S. SUZUKI, and T. TANAKA (Kagoshima University, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan)
1055Influence of photoactivation methods on resin-composite wear resistance. P.M.C. SCAFFA*, E.B. FRANCO, R.F.L. MONDELLI, and W. BASEGGIO (Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
1056Wear Resistance of Resin-based Restorative Composites. T. NIHEI*, K.-H. KUNZELMANN, A. DABANOGLU, K. OHASHI, R. MORI, R. HICKEL, and T. TERANAKA (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)
1057In Vitro Wear of Experimental Fluoride-releasing Dental Composite. Y. WANG*, L. LING, X. XU, L. CHEN, D. CAKIR, and J.O. BURGESS (Louisiana State University, New Orleans, USA)
1058Comparison of In-Vitro Wear with Physical Properties of Composite Resins. A. KOBASHIGAWA* and V. BUI (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA)
1059Wear Comparison of Indirect Restoratives Using Two Profiling Systems. W.W. BARKMEIER, M.A. LATTA, and T.M. WILWERDING* (Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA)
1060Effect of Fiber Quantity on Fracture Load of Acrylic FPDs. J.-C. WANG*, C.-W. WONG, W.-C. CHEN, and C.-C. HUNG (Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan)
1061Numerical simulation of long span fiber-reinforced provisional fixed partial denture. Y.-S. LIN*, C.-L. LIN, and J.-C. WANG (Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan)
1062Flexural Strength of PMMA/MMA-Based Material Reinforced with Sisal. S. KONDO*, Y. NODASAKA, and H. SHIMOKOUBE (Biomass Materials Research, Sapporo Hokkaido, Japan)
1063Reinforced Composite with Pre-Tensioned Fiberglass: The Influence of Prestressing. L.H. SCHLICHTING, M.A.C.D. ANDRADA*, L.C.C. VIEIRA, and G.M.D.O. BARRA (Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil)
1064Water Influence on Fracture Toughness of Fibre-Reinforced Composite. D. WEICHHOLZ*, J. BRUCKNER, D. GOBER, K. FUNG, M.S. WOLFF, and L. XU (State University of New York - Stony Brook, USA)
1065SEM evaluation of fiber-reinforced fixed bridges. M. ZAROW*, P.A. BRUNTON, and J. KRUPINSKI (Silesian Medical Academy, Bytom, Poland, Poland)

Seq#: 113Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 7: Metal-based Materials - Properties of Metallic Restorations and Appliances
1066Calcium Phosphate Shell on Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles. W.C. CHEN*, S.H. CHEN, J.C. WANG, C.C. HUNG, W.Y. LI, and C.K. WANG (Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan)
1067The retention force attenuation of titanium clasps on PFM crown. D. ZHENG*, W. GAO, and J. LI (School of Stomatology, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China)
1068Study on volunteer to detect MRI artifacts caused by FPDs. B. WEI* and Y.Y. HU (No 9th hospital ,Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
1069MRI Metallic Artifacts of Crown Shaped Alloys and Magnetic Keepers. T. ANDO*, H. MIZUTANI, D. DESTINE, and Y. IGARASHI (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
1070Friction Force Between the TiN and non-TiN Coated Metal Brackets. C.T. KAO*, J.U. GUO, and T.H. HUANG (Dental Department, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan, Taichung, Taiwan)
1071Retention of magnetic keepers in cast noble metal alloy. E.H.N. POW*, K.H.C. CHAN, H.W.K. LUK, A.P.L.H. DIAS, and A.S. MCMILLAN (University of Hong Kong, China)
1072Degradation and Crystallinity of PLD HA Films on Ternary Ti-Alloy. H.-C. CHOE*, Y.-M. KO, W.-A. BRANTLEY, and W.A.T. CLARK (Chosun University and BK21, Gwangju, South Korea)
1073Torsional Properties and Micro-XRD of Miniscrew Implants with Different Compositions. M. IIJIMA*, T. MUGURUMA, W.A. BRANTLEY, T. YUASA, H. OHNO, and I. MIZOGUCHI (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan)
1074Failure of Soldered Bar Attachments in Implant Overdentures. J.N. WADDELL*, T. ALBRECHT, I. DECKARDT, P.I. ICHIM, and M. SWAIN (School of Dentistry, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)
1075Investigation of Bond Strength between Antibacterial HA and Ti. Z.Y. ZHU*, F.Q. ZHANG, and X.B. ZHENG (9th People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
1076Effect of Firing Temperature of Opaque in Metal/Porcelain Bond Strenght. L.G.O. VASCONCELLOS*, L. BUSO, R.O.A. SOUZA, G.H.L. LOMBARDO, A.N. KOJIMA, L.V. ZOGHEIB, L. NOGUEIRA JÚNIOR, and M.A. BOTTINO (Paulista State University, São josé dos Campos, Brazil)
1077Bond Strength of Composite-resin to Supercast-alloy: Effect of Thermocycling. A.K. GOURTANI*, M. KHOROUSHI, IV, and M. BAZAZZADEH (Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran)
1078Microstructure and bonding of basic alloys to a resin cement. J.R.O. BAUER*, C.N. CARVALHO, A. REIS, A.D. LOGUERCIO, D.N.D. SOUZA, and M.M. PINTO (University of São Paulo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil)
1079Effect of Surface Treatments on Porcelain Adherence to Non-Cast Titanium. M.-C. LIN*, S.-C. LIN, C.-W. LIN, H.-C. HSU, C.-C. CHEN, L.-Y. CHI, M.-L. HSU, and H.-H. HUANG (Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taichung, Taiwan)

Seq#: 114Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 8: Other Materials - Chemistry, Properties and Performance - Bleaching – External/Internal
1080Efficacy of Different Over-the-Counter Bleaching Systems on Human Teeth. A.J. ST-GEORGES*, M.G. COROERU, L. PANAITE, and P. ROMPRÉ (Universite de Montreal, Canada)
1081In-vitro comparison of in-office physical catalyzed bleaching with at-home techniques. G.J. GALLEGO, C. SANCHEZ, M.C. POSADA, J.D. GAVIRIA, L.F. RESTREPO*, C.P. GARCÍA, and A. PELÁEZ-VARGAS (CES-LPH Research Group. Faculty of Dentistry. Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia)
1082In-Office Power Bleaching: Light or No Light?. D.R. AHMED*, A.Y. ASHOUR, and O. EL-MOWAFY (University of Toronto, Canada)
1083Time dependent influence of stain exposure following power bleaching. J.C. ONTIVEROS*, M.S. ELDIWANY, and B. BENSON (University of Texas, Dental Branch, Houston, USA)
1084 Paper Withdrawn.
1085Novel bleaching system using by titanium dioxide with hydrogen peroxide. F. YOSHINO*, A. YOSHIDA, K. KOBAYASHI, Y. MAEHATA, and M.C.-I. LEE (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)
1086Effect of light on 3.5% hydrogen peroxide containing titanium dioxide. T. NAKAZAWA*, J. KATO, Y. HIRAI, Y. KUMAGAI, and H. KURATA (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
1087The evaluation of bleaching efficacy and tooth sensitivity. Y.-S. LIM*, S.-B. KANG, and J.-B. MIN (Chosun University, Gwangju, South Korea)
1088Effect of Bleaching Gel Containing ACP or Fluoride on Enamel. M. HALL*, L. HOUGHTON, R. RASCO, S.S. LEE, W. ZHANG, J. STEPHENS, and Y. LI (Loma Linda University, CA, USA)
1089Effect of Antioxidants on Minocycline Discoloration in a Rat Model. S. AGUILERA*, D.C. CHAN, M. WATKINS, M. MOZAFFARI, and S. HSU (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA)
1090Generation of Hydroxyl Radical from Hydrogen Peroxide by LED Irradiation. Y. TSUJIMOTO*, S. MATSUI, K. MATOBA, and K. MATSUSHIMA (Nihon University, Matsudo, Chiba, Japan)
1091Optimum Wavelength of 3.5% Hydrogen Peroxide Bleach containing TiO2. T. TOKO*, R. HOASHI, K. TAMAOKA, K. NISHIMURA, and H. HISAMITSU (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
1092Spectrophotometric analysis of internal dental bleaching using carbamide peroxide. G.B. OLIVEIRA*, M.D. SAMPAIO, G.P. FREITAS, A.P. FREITAS, and R.P.C. ARAUJO (Faculdade de Odontologia Da UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
1093Bleaching effect of sodium perborate on discolored pulpless teeth. M.D. SAMPAIO*, G.P. FREITAS, A.P. FREITAS, M.J. LIMA, and R.P.C. ARAUJO (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil)
1094Non-vital bleach method using 3.5% hydrogen peroxide with titanium dioxide. J. KATO*, T. NAKAZAWA, Y. HIRAI, Y. KUMAGAI, and H. KURATA (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
1095Effect of bleaching treatment over enamel microhardness from bulimic patients. A.S. CARVALHO*, A.M.R. JUNQUEIRA, Y.B.O. LIMA-ARSATI, F.M. FLÓRIO, and F.L. CUNHA (São Leopoldo Mandic Faculty of Dentistry and Research Center, Campinas, Brazil)
1096In-office bleaching treatment effect over enamel microhardness from bulimic patients. A.M.R. JUNQUEIRA*, D.E. FARIA, F.L. CUNHA, Y.B.O. LIMA-ARSATI, F. ARSATI, and A.S. CARVALHO (São Leopoldo Mandic Faculty of Dentistry and Research Center, Campinas, Brazil)

Seq#: 115Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 9: Instruments and Equipment - Devices for Measuring Composite Variables
1097Controlled Caries Removal with a Novel Polymer Bur: TEM observation. A.F. REIS*, A.C. KASAZ, R.A. DIAS, V.P. THOMPSON, and N.R. SILVA (Guarulhos University, Guarulhos, SP, Brazil)
1098Reliability of a handheld radiometer in contrast to an Ulbricht-sphere. I. BUSEMANN, A. SCHATTENBERG, M. KHALILULLAH*, B. WILLERSHAUSEN, and C.-P. ERNST (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany)
1099Reliability of Radiometers Measuring Different Light Curing Units. B. ZIMMERLI*, D. SADIKU, D. SCHMIDLI, T. BINGGELI, W. BÜRGIN, and A. LUSSI (University of Bern, Switzerland)
1100Distance Dependent Depth of Cure of a New Curing Light. M. HARTUNG*, K. SCHEPKE, and O. KAPPLER (3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany)
1101Temperature rise in pulp chamber by curing lamps. S.-H. PARK*, S. HEINTZE, and J.-F. ROULET (Yonsei University, Koyang City Keyung-ki Do, South Korea)
1102Curing Efficiency and Temperature Increasement Produced by Photo-activation Devices. E.D.P. GODOY*, S.K. PEREIRA, and B.M. CARVALHO (Universidade Estadual De Ponta Grossa, Brazil)
1103Utilization of aluminum matrix band made with aluminum cans. D.A.B.S.D. ANDRADE*, T.R.D. OLIVEIRA, A. BOLANHO, and J.R. RODRIGUES (São José dos Campos Dental school, Brazil)
1104Efficient Removal of the Smear Layer Using Er:YAG Laser. Y. YOSHIMINE*, H. MATSUMOTO, S. NISHIGAKI, C. GOTO, and A. AKAMINE (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, Japan)
1105Comparison between different finishing methods in Class II adhesive restorations. L. TACCHINI*, L. MADINI, D. AUGUSTI, A. PUTIGNANO, F. MANGANI, and A. CERUTTI (University of Brescia, Italy)

Seq#: 116Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Geriatric Oral Research - QOL and Epidemiology in the Elderly
1106Oral Function Promotion Program for the Independent Elderly in Japan. C. HAKUTA*, C. MORI, M. UENO, K. SHINADA, and Y. KAWAGUCHI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
1107Perceived oral symptoms and health among the elderly in Korea. N.H. KIM*, D.H. HAN, W.G. CHUNG, and H.D. KIM (YONSEI University, Kangwondo, South Korea)
1108Oral Health of the Elderly: Self-Perception and USE of Services. A.L.S.F. MELLO* and S.J. MOYSES (Federal University of SantaCatarina, Florianopolis SC, Brazil)
1109Oral Health-Related Quality of Life in Brazilian Frail Elderly. L.B. RIHS* and M.L.R. SOUSA (Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil)
1110Evalualtion on OHIP of the elderly who experienced oral prophylaxis. Y.-M. KANG*, M.-J. JUN, D.-K. KIM, B.-J. LEE, and I.-Y. GU (College of dentistry , Chosun university, Gwang-ju, South Korea)
1111Oral health status of elderly dementia patients in hospitals. J. MEE-JIN*, Y.-M. KANG, B.-J. LEE, and D.-K. KIM (College of dentistry, Chosun university, Gwang-ju, South Korea)
1112Five-year cohort study on risk predictors for toothloss in elderly. T. KONDO*, A. YOSHIHARA, and H. MIYAZAKI (Niigata University School of Dentistry, Niigata city, Japan)
1113Correlates of Periodontal Decline and Biological Markers in Older Adults. J.R. SWOBODA*, H.A. KIYAK, G.R. PERSSON, and R. DARVEAU (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
1114Oral Health Parameters as Predictors of Mortality of the Elderly. H. PAJUKOSKI*, J.H. MEURMAN, J. FURUHOLM, and R. SULKAVA (University of Helsinki, Finland)
1115Aging Affects Oral Microflora in Japanese Elderly. M. RYU*, T. UEDA, K. SAKURAI, T. SAITO, and K. ISHIHARA (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
1116Oral Hygiene by Utilization of Different Dental Brushes in Elderly. H.C. ROGGENDORF*, B. RÜTHER, and H. STARK (University of Bonn, Germany)
1117Association of salivary mutans streptococci with DMFT index in elderly. T. OGAWA*, K. IKEBE, K.-I. MATSUDA, Y. MAEDA, S. IMAZATO, and S. EBISU (Osaka University, Japan)
1118Optimal dental treatment time for the elderly. Y. TAMAZAWA* and K. TAMAZAWA (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)

Seq#: 117Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Oral Cancer, Oral Health, and Systemic Health
1119Coping and Psychological Distress among Head and Neck Cancer Patients. H. ELANI*, L. EDGAR, and P.J. ALLISON (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
1120Disparities in Stage at Diagnosis among Adults with Oral Cancer. J.F. YEPES* and T. TUCKER (University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA)
1121Geographic Variations in Oral Cancer Rates in New York State. S. GAJENDRA* and R. BILLINGS (Eastman Dental Center/University of Rochester, NY, USA)
1122Histological Grade As a Predictor of Oral Cancer Survival. K. LESKIV* and D.E. MORSE (New York University College of Dentistry, USA)
1123Impact of ECC on physical growth among 9-24-months-old children. S. THITASOMAKUL*, W. PITHPORNCHAIYAKUL, A. THEARMONTREE, S. PIWAT, O. CHANKANKA, S. MADYUSOH, and L. MO-SUWAN (Faculty of Dentistry, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand)
1124Increased Proinflammatory Mediators Are Associated with Gingivitis in Type-2 Diabetes. O.M. ANDRIANKAJA*, S. OFFENBACHER, K. MOSS, and J. BECK (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Dentistry, USA)
1125Maternal Pesticide Exposure and Oral Clefts: an Exploratory Study. B.S. GONZÁLEZ*, M.M. GARCÍA, K. VERDUZCO, and M.L. LÓPEZ (Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Toluca, Mexico)
1126Oral Cancer Screening Practices and Attitudes of Cypriot Healthcare Professionals. S. MOIN*, C. BALDWIN, A. KIMON, P. DEMOKRITOU, and A. ZAVRAS (Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA)
1127Oral cancer screenings: factors associated with likelihood of participation. G. JEAN-CHARLES, S.L. RUSSELL, and R.V. KATZ* (New York University College of Dentistry, USA)
1128Oral Manifestations and HAART in HIV-Infected Children. R.S. PINHEIRO*, N. OLISCOVICZ, L. POMARICO, I.P.R. SOUZA, and G.F. CASTRO (Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janiero, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
1129Oropharyngeal Cancer in Israel: 1970-2006. A. ZINI* and H.D. SGAN-COHEN (Hebrew University-Hadassah, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel)
1130Physician Intervention Concerning Oral Health and Pregnancy: A Pilot Study. C. CHRISTENSEN* and S. PYLE (Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, MO, USA)
1131Prevalence of Medical Problems in a Dental School Patient Population. K.M. VO*, D.T. HAMAMOTO, and N.L. RHODUS (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
1132Sense of coherence levels among head and neck cancer subjects. L.D.D. VILELA* and P.J. ALLISON (McGill University, Montreal, PQ, Canada)
1133Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Health-Related Quality-of-Life in Head/Neck Cancer Survivors. K. MULLER*, B. NICOLAU, G.S. NETUVELI, J.G. VARTANIAN, L.P. KOWALSKI, and P.J. ALLISON (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
1134The oral microenvironment in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma. C. WESTWATER, T.A. DAY, M.B. GILLESPIE, K.B. CARTMELL, N.G. DUFFY, D.I. QUIGLEY, C.C. OLTMANN, T.C. PIERCE, and S.G. REED* (Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA)
1135Tooth number and physical complaints in a 15-year cohort study. K. FUKAI*, T. TAKIGUCHI, Y. ANDO, and H. SASAKI (Fukai Insitute of Health Science, Saitama, Japan)
1136Statistical Methods in the Comparison of Rates. L.C.M. LOFFREDO* and J.A.D.B. CAMPOS (Araraquara Dental Scholl/UNESP, Araraquara-SP, Brazil)

Seq#: 118Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Risk Indicators for Oral Disease
1137Adverse Events are Associated with Oral Piercings: A Systematic Review. J. PETERSON*, C. WEHLER, and J.A. JONES (Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA)
1138Determinants of first and second molar caries in South Africa. T.C. POSTMA*, O.A. AYO-YUSUF, and P.J. VAN WYK (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
1139Differences in thermal sensations by age, sex, measure, and site. M.W. HEFT* and M. ROBINSON (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
1140Effects of Different Types of Opioid Abuse on Oro-dental Health. S. ASADOLAH ZADEH*, H. EKHTIARI, A. MOKRI, and M. PAKNAEJAD (Iranian National Center for Addiction Studies, Tehran, Iran)
1141Environmental cadmium exposure and pediatric dental caries. M. ARORA*, J. WEUVE, M. HOPKINS, A. ETTINGER, J. SCHWARTZ, C. DOUGLASS, and R.O. WRIGHT (Population Oral Health, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney, Australia)
1142Factors Associated with Dental Erosion Among Children in the U.S. C.E. OKUNSERI*, J. MCGUIRE, S. JACKSON, C. GONZALEZ, G. BRADLEY, and A. SZABO (Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA)
1143Fluorosis of the Late-Erupting Teeth and Timing of Fluoride Intake. S.M. LEVY*, J.J. WARREN, B. BROFFITT, K. WEBER-GASPARONI, and M. KANELLIS (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA)
1144Infant Formula and Fluorosis; a Systematic Review. L.G. ZINA*, P. HUJOEL, S.A.S. MOIMAZ, and J. CUNHA-CRUZ (Unesp São Paulo State University, Araçatuba/SP, Brazil)
1145Jowar Consumption Predicts Severity of Dental Fluorosis in Karnataka, India. J. CHANDRASHEKAR*, K.R. THANKAPPAN, and K.R. SUNDARAM (Amrita School of Dentistry Amrita University, Cochin, India)
1146Relationship between body balance and bite rising. Y. SASAKI* and Y. TAKAHASHI (J.S.D.F Central Hospital, Miyamae, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan)
1147 Paper Withdrawn.
1148Risk indicators for periodontal disease among Aboriginal Australian adolescents. L. JAMIESON*, W. GUNTHORPE, S. SAYERS, and K. ROBERTS-THOMSON (University of Adelaide, Australia)
1149Self-reported Oral Health Status Among Intravenous Drug Users. N. FARRAHI-AVVAL* and C. STRIKE (University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, ON, Canada)
1150Temporomandibular Disorder, Arthralgia and Risk Indicators in a Young Population. A. SÁNCHEZ*, M. ZAZUETA, and B. DURAN (Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, San Francisco de Campeche, Mexico)
1151Tooth absence and chewing, swallowing and speech complaints in adults. M.L. CALDANA*, A.K. BASSI, T.M. JORGE, S.D. YARID, J.R. BASTOS, R.P.R. SILVA, A.N. OLIVEIRA, and H.M. SILVA (School of Dentistry of Bauru, Brazil)
1152Utility of self-reported oral health as a surveillance measure. L. BARKER*, P. GRIFFIN, and S.O. GRIFFIN (U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA)

Seq#: 119Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Education Research - Education of the Dental Team
1153Selecting 21st Century Dentists for Practice in the Global Village. K.M. PIPER* (Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, United Kingdom)
1154Clinical Relevance of the Dental Admission Test in Innsbruck, Austria. U.S. BEIER* and H. DUMFAHRT (Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria)
1155Students' perspective about the importance of Biochemistry for their career. R.C. OLIVEIRA*, N.F.G. MONTEIRO, F.G. IANO, T.L.D. SILVA, and M.A.R. BUZALAF (Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru-Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
1156Learning Accomplishment for Oral Surgery: Integrated v.s. Separated PBL Courses. Y. CHANTRAVEKIN* (Thammasat University, Pathumthani, Thailand)
1157Boards Timing and Clinical Performance. K.H. ANDRUS* and B. ASBURY (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
1158Gender Differences in Dental Career Choices Following Graduation. W.P. KELSEY*, N.S. KIMMES, J.T. AULT, III, and W.W. BARKMEIER (Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA)
1159Dental Career: Motives and Perceptions of New and Graduating Students. F. SHENKOYA*, O.O. SOFOLA, and O.G. UTI (University of Lagos, Nigeria)
1160Evaluation of Peer Review Activities in a Post Graduate Institute. S. PAREKH* (UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, United Kingdom)
1161Ethical approach of the patient in dental university clinics. E. PEGON-MACHAT and S. TUBERT-JEANNIN* (University of Auvergne, France, Clermont-Ferrand, France)
1162Background of the patients cooperating with the dental clinical training. K.-I. TONAMI*, I. SHIOZAWA, Y. SASAKI, M. SATO, A. OHYAMA, H. HAMANO, S. OHARA, C. SHIMIZU, H. NITTA, K. ARAKI, N. KUROSAKI, and S. MATAKI, D.D. (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
1163Practice Patterns and Satisfaction with Dental School Preparation. D. WILLIAMS*, W.P. KELSEY, N.S. KIMMES, J.T. AULT, III, and W.W. BARKMEIER (Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA)
1164Patient Satisfaction with Dental Treatment from Undergraduate Dental Students. M. HOPCRAFT*, E. MILFORD, S. HU, A. TRAN, T. LI, J. NA, G. SHAKOURZADEH, D. TAY, and A. YANG (University of Melbourne, Australia)
1165Learning climate in dental hygiene education in Japan and Canada. A. SAITO*, S. SUNELL, Y. SATO, G. CATHCART, L. RUCKER, and M. WILSON (Tokyo Dental College, Japan)
1166Qualification of dental assistants in the Netherlands. B. VAN DAM*, J. BRUERS, J. DEN BOER, and W. VAN DIJK (Dutch Dental Association, Nieuwegein, Netherlands)
1167UK Primary Care Dental Therapists: education and teamwork issues. V.R. FIRMSTONE*, A.D. BULLOCK, and J. FRAME (University of Birmingham, England, Uk)

Seq#: 120Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Cariology Research - Caries Management/Diagnostics
1168Non-invasive caries management: dentist and practice staff perceptions. A. SBARAINI*, S.M. CARTER, B. CURTIS, and R.W. EVANS (University of Sydney, Australia)
1169Disconnect between Science and Practice: Management of High Caries Risk. N. KAUFMAN*, B. HECKMAN, S.A. GANSKY, J.A. WEINTRAUB, S. SILVERSTEIN, C. KAVANAGH, and M. WALSH (Private Practice, Berkeley, California, USA)
1170Introducing caries risk assessment for a teaching clinic. N. KENNEDY*, M. MCNALLY, and D. MATTHEWS (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)
1171Caries-risk Assessment in the Public Dental Service, Ireland: Pilot Results. P. JAMES, C. PARNELL*, and H. WHELTON (Oral Health Services Research Centre, Cork, Ireland)
1172Beliefs/Practices of Canadian Pediatric Dentists Regarding Caries-risk Assessment and Prevention. S.M.H. NAINAR* and K.J. WRIGHT (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada)
1173Risk assessment of food retention related to occlusal morphology. L.L. MENEGHEL*, K.B.P. FERNANDES, L. STURION, L. WANG, A. FERELLE, and L.R.F. WALTER (North Parana University-UNOPAR, Londrina-PR, Brazil)
1174Evaluation of enamel prisms surrounding enamel lamellae - histomorphometric studies. K. MEHR*, T.B. MATTHEWS-BRZOZOWSKA, P.R. PIOTROWSKI, and B. MISKOWIAK (Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland)
1175Detection of Incipient Interproximal Lesions Using Dye Enhanced Fluorescence. S. KHORASHADI*, S. PARK, J. DASILVA, and S. NAGAI (Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA)
1176Detection of Proximal lesions: ICDAS II versus Caries Detection Devices. N. MEHTA*, A. ZANDONA, M. ANDO, and G. ECKERT (Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA)
1177Non-invasive ultrasonic device to evaluate demineralized dentine lesions. Y. YAMADA*, J. SUZUKI, T. ENDO, N. TANDA, K. IKAWA, S. OMATA, M. KOMATSU, K. TAURA, and T. KOSEKI (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
1178Longitudinal Assessment of Dynamic Caries Process with Microfocus Computed Tomography. M. ANDO*, G.J. ECKERT, and D. ZERO (Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA)
1179Microstructural analysis of sound enamel, remineralized and active carious lesions. S. URIBE, C. PEREZ*, M.E. ORTIZ, and S. GOMEZ (Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile)
1180Correlation Between ICDAS II Clinical Scores and Digital Images Scores. M. GARCIA-CORRETJER*, A. FERREIRA ZANDONA, H. EGGERTSSON, E. SANTIAGO, M. FRANCO, and G. ECKERT (Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA)
1181Comparison of Two Scoring Methods for Occlusal Caries Detection. M. MONTERO*, A.M. ACEVEDO, C. MACHADO, F. ROJAS-SANCHEZ, and I. KLEINBERG (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela)
1182Effect of etching on laser fluorescence values in sealants. S.K. POWELL*, A.E. SOTO-ROJAS, M. ANDO, and G. ECKERT (Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA)
1183Validity-Reproducibility of QLF on Occlusal Caries under Clear Sealants. L.C. VILLALTA-FLOREZ*, M. ANDO, G.J. ECKERT, and M. FONTANA (Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA)

Seq#: 121Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Cariology Research - Epidemiology/ Early Childhood Caries
1184Survey of dental caries in Filipino-Canadian preschool children. K.G. CARINO* and R. HARRISON (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
1185The epidemiology of dental caries in preschool inner-city children. D.T. KOPYCKA-KEDZIERAWSKI*, R.J. BILLINGS, and P.G. RAGUSA (University of Rochester, NY, USA)
1186Sugar and Caries in Riga's 6- and 12- year olds. J. GUDKINA*, A. BRINKMANE, and I. ROGOVSKA (Riga Stradins University, Latvia)
1187analysis of caries prevalence of 12 year-old children in Shanghai. C. XINMING*, C. LI, and Q. SHEN (Shanghai stomatological Disease Center, China)
1188Evaluation of dental health and sugar consumption in 12-year-old schoolchildren. V. PARDI*, S.M. PEREIRA, E.P.S. TAGLIAFERRO, M.S. CENCI, K.L. CORTELLAZZI, G.M.B. AMBROSANO, M.D.C. MENEGHIM, and A.C. PEREIRA (University of Sagrado Coração, Bauru, Brazil)
1189Dental Caries Status of Karen Hill Tribe Students in Thailand. N. KORWANICH*, S. WANACHANTARARAK, B. MAHAWAN, and N. SUKSU-ART (Chiangmai University, Thailand)
1190Prevalence of caries in Germany assessed by DMS and SHIP. D. GÄTKE*, B. HOLTFRETER, G. BRAUCKHOFF, W. MICHEELIS, T. KERSCHBAUM, U. SCHIFFNER, E. SCHRÖDER, and T. KOCHER (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University, Greifswald, Germany)
1191Factors Associated with Adult Rampant Caries in Kuwait. E.S. AKPATA*, A. AL-ATTAR, and P.N. SHARMA (Kuwait University, Safat, Kuwait)
1192Sample Size and Costs Estimate in Dental Caries Epidemiological Surveys. A.C. PEREIRA*, M.L. BELLON, G.M.B. AMBROSANO, S.M. PEREIRA, E.P.S. TAGLIAFERRO, M.C. MENEGHIM, and S.H.C. SALES-PERES (Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba - State University of Campinas, Brazil)
1193Effectiveness of early diagnosis and intervention for early childhood caries. S. URIBE*, J. ONETTO, P. LIRA, Sr., and R. MARIÑO (University of Valparaiso CHILE, Chile)
1194Pain among children with Severe-Early-Childhood-Caries: A Pilot Study. R. SCHROTH, L.M. BREAU, and A. SEREBNITSKI* (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
1195Pattern of the Effect of Fluoride Varnishes On Early Caries. B.T. AMAECHI* (University of Texas Health Science Ctr at San Antonio, USA)
1196Breastfeeding period and caries prevalence in primary dentition. M.A. DE LA GARZA-RAMOS and E. NIETO-RAMIREZ* (Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico)
1197Prevalence and Incidence of Dental Caries in Venezuelan Infants. A.M. ACEVEDO*, K. HAGGARD, D. GOMEZ, and F. ROJAS-SANCHEZ (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela)
1198Cariogenic potential of sugared infant formula. C.P.M. TABCHOURY*, A.M.C. PAPA, A.A. DEL BEL CURY, L.M.A. TENUTA, R.A. ARTHUR, and J.A. CURY (Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba UNICAMP, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil)
1199Adjunctive Chemotherapeutic Suppression of MS in Children with Severe ECC. R. BERKOWITZ*, H. KOO, M. MCDERMOTT, M.T. WHELEHAN, P. RAGUSA, and R. BILLINGS (University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, NY, USA)

Seq#: 122Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Implantology Research - Implant Prosthodontics
1200An Evidence-based Evaluation The Dental Implants Application To Diabetes Patients. M. WANG*, W.T.Y. LOO, and M. CHEUNG (West China College of Stomatology, Chengdu, China)
1201Load Fatigue Performance of Implant -Ceramic Abutment Combinations. Q.H. NGUYEN*, K.B.C. TAN, and J.I. NICHOLLS (Alexandra Hospital, Singapore, Singapore)
1202New Matching Formulae to Examine Precision Fit of Implant Framework. R.-F. WANG*, B.R. LANG, and M.E. RAZZOOG (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
1203Fracture Resistance of Ceramo-metal Restorations, Variously Retained to implants. L.A. ABU-NABA'A*, R.M. SHADID, W.M. AL-OMARI, B.M. EL-MASOUD, and K.R. ASFAR (Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan)
1204Precision of fit of one-piece zirconia and cast frameworks. M. SIERRAALTA*, J.L. VIVAS, M.E. RAZZOOG, and R.-F. WANG (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
1205Open and closed tray technique accuracy with two impression materials. M. JAVAN* and K. SEYEDAN (Shahid Beheshti of Medical Sciences Dental School, Tehran, Iran)
1206Precision of Fit of Titanium and Cast Implant Frameworks. J.L. VIVAS*, M. SIERRAALTA, M.E. RAZZOOG, and R.-F. WANG (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
1207Implant-supported Laserwelded Titanium Frameworks in Edentulous Mandibles: 15-Years Follow-up. A. ÖRTORP* and T. JEMT (Institute of Odontology, The Sahlgrenska Academy, Göteborg, Sweden)
1208Position accuracy of manually repositioned abutments in various implant-abutment interfaces. W. SEMPER*, S. HEBERER, J. MEHRHOF, T. SCHINK, and K. NELSON (Charité Berlin, Germany)
1209Abrasion of Abutemt Screw Coated with TiN. J.-H. JEONG*, H.-J. KIM, and S.-R. LEE (Chosun University, Kwangju, South Korea)
1210Abutment Sinking and Fitness of Conical Internal Connection Implant System. H.-J. KIM*, H.-L. LEE, and J.-H. JEONG (Chosun University, Kwangju, South Korea)
1211Fracture Strength of Implant Crowns after Different Zirconia Abutment Preparations. M. MITSIAS*, S.-O. KOUTAYAS, S. WOLFART, F. LEHMANN, and M. KERN (Univ. of Kiel, FRG, Germany)
1212External versus internal implants: Survey of opinions and decision making. Y. HAGIWARA*, T. TSUGE, H. MATSUMURA, and A. CARR (Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)
1213Immediately loaded post-extractive implants: 3-year follow-up. I. VOZZA, M. MARCHETTI, T. DI CARLO, L. PICCOLI, and M. QUARANTA* (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)
1214Immediate loading of post-extraction implants: 3-year follow-up. I. VOZZA, M. MARCHETTI, A. QUARANTA*, S. DI CARLO, and G. POMPA (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)
1215Torsional test at the interface between implant and implant abutment. F. WATANABE*, Y. TAWADA, I. TAKASE, and K. UEDA (Nippon Dental University, Niigata, Japan)
1216Pre-Load of Implant Screw: Effect of Methods Torque and Time. A.A. CASTILHO*, P.C. PEREIRA, A.N. KOJIMA, R.O.A. SOUZA, R. FARIA, F.E. TAKAHASHI, S.M.A. MICHIDA, and M.A. BOTTINO (Paulista State University, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
1217Misfit and stress analysis of multi-unit implant-retained restorations. G.E.P. HENRIQUES*, M.F. MESQUITA, M.A.A. NÓBILO, and W.S. FRAGOSO (Campinas State University, Piracicaba, Brazil)
1218Clinical Performance of Zirconia Implant Abutments for Single-Tooth Implants. S. RINKE* (Dental Practice, Hanau, Germany)
1219Influence of the Implants Diameter on Maximum Resistant Load. H. YANAGIDA*, T. SUGAWARA, Y. SATO, N. KITAGAWA, and K. UCHIDA (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
1220Three-dimensional Loads on Implants-supporting Fixed Prostheses in vivo. Y. GUNJI*, N. YODA, T. OGAWA, T. KURIYAGAWA, T. KAWATA, and K. SASAKI (Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai, Japan)
1221Development of non-loosening abutment screw for implant. H. KOGA*, H. KIDO, Y. KATSUKI, M. KOGA, K. BEPPU, F. TAKAFUMI, and M. MASARO (Fukuoka Dental College, Japan)
1222Evaluation of torque removal in abutment submitted to cyclic test. M. GONÇALVES*, G. PORTELA, P. RANGEL, R. FARIA, F. TAKAHASHI, and M. ITINOCHE (Sao Paulo State University, São José dos Campo, Brazil)
1223Immediate loading of orthodontic palatal implants with masticatory forces. A. VEGH* and G. BORSOS (Heim Pal Children's Hospital, Budapest, Hungary)
1224Removal torque of taper and indexed abutment: mechanical loading effect. R. FARIA*, S.C. ZAMBONI, F. GOYATÁ, H. CASTRO, D.C. BARCA, and M.A. BOTTINO (Sao Paulo State University, São José dos Campo, Brazil)
1225Misfit level of implant-supported frameworks: influence of veneering technique. L.V. OLIVEIRA*, M.F. MESQUITA, G.E.P. HENRIQUES, R.L.X. CONSANI, A.P. FREITAS, L.G.D. DAROZ, and M.A.D.A. NOBILO (Campinas State University, Piracicaba, Brazil)
1226Influence of abutments and porcelain firing on strains around implants. V.S. TRAMONTINO*, G.E.P. HENRIQUES, M.F. MESQUITA, and M.A.A. NÓBILO (FOP - UNICAMP, Piracicaba - SP, Brazil)
1227Is there correlation between marginal misfit and strains around implants?. L.F. LUTHI, Sr.*, V.S. TRAMONTINO, G.E.P. HENRIQUES, M.F. MESQUITA, L.G.D. DAROZ, and M.A.D.A. NOBILO (Campinas State university, Piracicaba, Brazil)
1228Influence of loading frequency on implant fatigue. M. KARL and J.R. KELLY* (University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA)
1229Reliability of Implant-supported Zirconia Three-Unit Fixed-Partial-Dentures using different veneering Porcelains. C.F. STAPPERT, B. KIM, J. PEREZ*, E.D. REKOW, and V.P. THOMPSON (New York University, USA)
12307-year Clinical Performance of Immediately Loaded Single-Tooth Implants. F. TODESCAN*, R. FARIA, J. BOSSEMA, M. ÖZCAN, and M.A. BOTTINO (Sao Paulo State University, São José dos Campos, Brazil)
1231Influence of Cementation-Mode on Reliability of Zirconia Implant-Abutment-Crown-Systems. C.F. STAPPERT, M. CABRERA, K. MEDINA*, E. HEGENBARTH, E.D. REKOW, and V.P. THOMPSON (New York University, USA)

Seq#: 123Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Implantology Research - Simulation and Drugs Study
1232Clinical evaluation of implants following radical oral-cancer-surgery with/without adjuvant radiotherapy. S. LINSEN*, U. SCHMIDT-BEER, M. MARTINI, B. KOECK, and H. STARK (University of Bonn, Germany)
1233Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) and Rat Dental Implant Osseointegration. D. QUINTERO*, J.N. WINGER, N.N. DO, Y. VIERA, W. RUAN, C.A. LAPP, M. YU, B. TOBIAS, and J. BORKE (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA)
1234Effects of Simvastatin on Femoral Biomechanics in Ovariectomized Rats. J. CHEN*, X. JIAN, and Z.B. DU (Affiliated stomatological hospital of Fujian medical univeresity, Fuzhou, China)
1235Phisical Terapies and Primary Bone Reparation in Implantoprosthesis. M. CORIGLIANO, E. BALDONI, and A. CIPOLLINA* (N/A, Rome, Italy)
1236Biofilm Formation on Amorphous Carbon and Titanium Films. S.E. RODIL*, A. ALMAGUER-FLORES, R. OLIVARES-NAVARRETE, L.A. XIMENEZ-FYVIE, and A. LECHUGA-HERNANDEZ (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales, Mexico)
1237Bone Density Around Endosseous Implants In Patients Taking Alendronate (Fosamax®). G. GRIFFITHS* (Veterans Administration Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA)
1238Effect of calcium,vitamin D on implant in ovariectomized rats. S.H. SHIN*, J.Y. LEE, I.K. CHUNG, W.W. SONG, E.G. JUNG, G.C. KIM, and C.H. KIM (Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea)
1239Influence of nicotine and implant surface on osseointegration in rabbits. A.T. PETTA*, M.S.S. LINDEN, F.A. SANTOS, F.C. GROPPO, M.S. TRENTIN, M.A.L. SOUZA, and J.C. RAMACCIATO (Faculdade de Odontologia São Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brazil)
1240Implant-Bone Interface Biomechanics Distribution in Immediate-Loading Implants of Different Sizes. X. DING*, X. ZHU, and X. ZHANG (The First Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College, China)
1241Influence of implant shape and placement design to stress distribution. M. SUTPIDELER* and S. ECKERT (Military Hospital, Izmir, Turkey)
1242Optimal Biomechanical Selections of Implant Neck Taper and End Fillet. L. KONG*, Y. SUN, and B. LIU (The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China)
1243Orthodontic mini-implant design using the FE and Taguchi method. Y.-H. LIN*, C.-L. LIN, C.-H. LIN, and J.-H. YU (Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan)
1244Finite Element Analysis of Implant-embedded Maxilla Model from CT Data. N. OKUMURA*, R. STEGAROIU, H. NISHIYAMA, K. KUROKAWA, E. KITAMURA, T. HAYASHI, and S. NOMURA (Niigata University, Japan)
1245Biomechanical Analysis of an Implant Splinted to Endodontically treated Tooth. S.-F. HUANG*, J.-C. WANG, and C.-L. LIN (Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan)
1246Isotropic Heterogeneous FEM Model versus Isotropic and Anisotropic Homogeneous Models. R. STEGAROIU*, S. EJIRI, K. KUROKAWA, T. SATO, Y. SATO, and S. NOMURA (Niigata University, Japan)
1247Effects of sizes and designs on an immediate-load maxillary implant. H.-L. HUANG*, J.-T. HSU, L.-J. FUH, M.-G. TU, M.Y. CHEN, and Y.-W. SHEN (China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan)
1248Effects of cortical bone thickness on an immediate-load implant. W.-C. LIAO*, H.-L. HUANG, J.-T. HSU, L.-J. FUH, M.-G. TU, W.-H. CHENG, and H.-N. KUO (China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan)
1249Loading of three unit implant-supported prosthesis: strain gauge measurements. A.N. KOJIMA*, R.S. NISHIOKA, A.M.M. MESQUITA, A.A. CASTILHO, R.O.A. SOUZA, L.G.O. VASCONCELLOS, and P.C. PEREIRA (Paulista State University, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
1250Minimum number of implants for restoring maxillary edentulous situations. Y. MAEDA*, M. SANO, K. IKEBE, and T. GONDA (Osaka University, Japan)
1251Influence of cusp inclination in implant supported dentures. R.M. FALCÓN-ANTENUCCI*, E.P. PELLIZZER, P.S.P.D. CARVALHO, P.Y. NORITOMI, J.V.L. SILVA, A.Y. UEHARA, and D.T. KEMMOKU (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil)
1252Photoelastic analysis: prosthesis-retained cemented/screwed with different implant geometric configurations. E.P. PELLIZZER*, É. ALMEIDA, R.M. FÁLCON-ANTENUCCI, J.V.Q. MAZARO, R. FERRAÇO, B.P. TONELLA, and P.S.P. CARVALHO (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil)
1253Stress analysis of zirconia abutment. Y. NOGUCHI*, S. AOYAGI, N. FUJII, and M. TAKAYAMA (GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan)
1254Biomechanical Analysis of Craniofacial Implants: Effects of Loading Conditions. T. YAMAMORI*, T. FURUHASHI, T. KATO, N. MATSUMURA, T. MORIKAWA, and K. SEINO (Ohu University, Koriyama, Japan)
1255Preliminary Study on the mechanical properties of human alveolar trabecula. F. LIU* and Y. FENG (West china college of stomatology, Chengdu, China)
1256Finite-Element Analysis via Microcomputed Tomography of Implant-supporting tissues. P.-C. CHANG*, Y.J. SEOL, N. KIKUCHI, and W. GIANNOBILE (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
1257Influence of ridge and implant location on mandibular RPD association. L.D.A.P. CUNHA*, E.P. PELLIZZER, F.R. VERRI, J.A. PEREIRA, J.V.Q. MAZARO, H. GENNARI-FILHO, and M.C. GOIATO (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil)
1258Stress Comparison Between Orthodontic Miniscrews Using Finite Element Analysis. J.K. POLLEI*, E.P. ROCHA, and C.-C. KO (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
1259Influence of abutments in stress induction by implanted-supported frameworks. M.A.A. NOBILO*, M.F. MESQUITA, G.E.P. HENRIQUES, R.L.X. CONSANI, and A.D. DAMACENO (Campinas State University, Piracicaba, Brazil)
1260Effects of Length and Width of Microimplants on Stress Generation. G.R. WERNER*, B. ASBURY, C.E. CIRAC, and A.A. CAPUTO (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)
1261Stress Distribution of Implant-Supported Fixed Partial Dentures with Cantilever Extension. A.M.M. MESQUITA*, R.O.A. SOUZA, S.M.A. MICHIDA, A.N. KOJIMA, T.J.A. PAES-JUNIOR, M.A. BOTTINO, and E.T. KIMPARA (São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil)

Seq#: 124Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Anesthesiology Research - Dental Anesthesiology Posters I
1262Postoperative sedative management with dexmedetomidine after pediatric anesthesia. H. KAWAAI*, S. OGAWA, K. SHIMAMURA, Y. SUZUKI, T. SAITO, and S. YAMAZAKI (Ohu University Hospital, Koriyama, Fukushima, Japan)
1263Post-sedation events in pediatric dental patients. L.T. CAO, R. CURRAN, R. MUSSELMAN*, and P. RITWIK (Louisiana State University, New Orleans, USA)
1264Midazolam effectively suppresses sympathetic activation during mental arithmetic task. R. TSUGAYASU*, T. HANDA, T. ICHINOHE, and Y. KANEKO (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
1265Effects of beta-blocker on postoperative short-term outcomes following orthognathic surgery. H. AGATA*, T. KOITABASHI, T. OUCHI, N. UMEMURA, and Y. INNAMI (Tokyo Dental College Ichikawa General Hospital, Ichikawa-city, Chiba, Japan)
1266Remifentanil Decreases Bone Marrow Blood Flow during Anesthesia in Rabbits. M. KEMMOCHI*, T. ICHINOHE, and Y. KANEKO (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
1267Triazolam Reversal by a Single Intraoral Fixed-Dose of Submucosal Flumazenil. K. HOSAKA*, D.L. JACKSON, J.E. PICKRELL, M. HEIMA, and P. MILGROM (Matsumoto Dental University, Shiojiri, Japan)
1268Induction of non-apoptotic cell death by oxidative product of opioids. R. TAKEUCHI*, H. HOSHIJIMA, H. KIKUCHI, H. SAKAGAMI, and H. NAGASAKA (Saitama Medical University, Moroyamamachi, Japan)
1269an Evaluation of Nutritional Status in Preoperative Mentally Retarded Persons. M. YOSHIDA*, S. SHIIBA, N. HARANO, A. KAI, H. KAWAHARA, and O. NAKANISHI (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)
1270Propofol-fentanyl interaction for a flexible laryngeal mask airway insertion. J. YUMURA*, Y. KOUKITA, K.-I. FUKUDA, Y. KANEKO, and T. ICHINOHE (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
1271Complications occuring with anesthesia administration during dental treatment. C. LEWIS*, S. BOYNES, J. ZOVKO, and P. MOORE (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
1272Cell Death of P19 Embryonal Carcinoma Cells by Intravenous Anesthetics. T. KONDO, Y. DEYAMA, Y. YOSHIMURA, K. FUKUSHIMA, and K. SUZUKI* (Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Sapporo, Japan)
1273Evaluation of two sedation methods during third molar surgery. R.F.D. SILVA*, R.M.F. GIRONDO, F.C. GROPPO, R.H.L. MOTTA, R.G. TEIXEIRA, and J. RAMACCIATO (CPO Sao Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brazil)
1274Is the antinociceptive effect of fentanyl related to the genotype?. K.-I. FUKUDA*, M. HAYASHIDA, K. IKEDA, N. SAITA, M. HANDA, M. KASAHARA, Y. KOUKITA, and Y. KANEKO (Tokyo Dental College, Japan)

Seq#: 125Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Oral Health Research - Periodontal Health/Plaque Development and Plaque Control
1275Effect of Tea Polyphenol Gum on Reducing Gingival Crevicular Fluid. D.Y. TAO*, C.B. SHU, and X.P. FENG (Shanghai Jiao Tong University College of Stomatology, China)
1276Effect of microwave disinfection in the treatment of denture stomatitis. M.M. SILVA*, C.E. VERGANI, E.G.O. MIMA, A.C. PAVARINA, A.L. MACHADO, and E.T. GIAMPAOLO (Araraquara Dental School, Sao Paulo State University-UNESP, Brazil)
1277Effects of licorice on Porphyromonas gingivalis growth and biofilm viability. C. BERGERON*, C. BODET, S. GAFNER, A. MICHAUD, L. DUMAS, and D. GRENIER (Tom's of Maine, Kennebunk, USA)
1278Comparison of Plaque Development Using Static and Dynamic In-vitro Models. S.M. WETTERER*, J. BIDDESCOMB, C. DULLEA, and H. NGUYEN (GlaxoSmithKline, Parsippany, NJ, USA)
1279In vitro evaluation of inhibitory effect on cell-death by dryness. A. FUJII*, K. FUJISAWA, and Y. OTA (Sunstar Inc, Osaka, Japan)
1280Partial Versus Whole Mouth Grading of Disclosed Plaque. J.M. DUNAVENT*, M.L. BARKER, R.W. GERLACH, M. SINGH, and A.S. PAPAS (The Procter and Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA)
1281In vitro Bactericidal Efficacy of Periowave Photodynamic Disinfection System. R.M. APRECIO and Y. LI* (Loma Linda University, CA, USA)
1282The Modified Gingival Margin Plaque Index - a Predictable Clinical Method. V.M. BARNES*, M. VANDEVEN, R. RICHTER, and T. XU (Colgate-Palmolive Technology Center, Piscataway, NJ, USA)
1283Real-time Monitoring of Intracellular ROS and Screening of Antioxidant Actives. D. CHEN* and H.M. TRIVEDI (Colgate-Palmolive Co, Piscataway, NJ, USA)
1284Auto-antibody-detection in oral-mucous-membrane-pemphigoid-patients specific to N-terminal-region of extracellular-domain of a6-integrin-subunit. A. MILIAUSKAITE*, D. SELIMOVIC, F. NAGANO, Y. HAIKEL, and M. HASSAN (Saarland University Hospitals, Homburg/Saar, Germany)
1285Induction of indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase in head/neck-squamous-cell-carcinoma by an interferon gamma-independent mechanism. F. NAGANO*, M. HASSAN, A. MILIAUSKAITE, Y. HAIKEL, H. SANO, and D. SELIMOVIC (Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Sapporo, Japan)
1286Antimicrobial-protein-S100A15-induction by microbial pathogens in oral cells mediated by ASK1-JNK/p38-NF-kB-pathways. A. SOBKE*, M. HASSAN, F. NAGANO, A. BUCHAU, Y. HAIKEL, and D. SELIMOVIC (Institute of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology, St. Gallen, Switzerland)
1287Relationship between folic acid intake and gingival health in non-smokers. R. AKHTER*, M. ESAKI, K. AKINO, D. EKUNI, and M. MORITA (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
1288ATP Bioluminescence: Quantitative Assessment of Plaque Bacteria Surrounding Orthodontic Appliances. R. SAUERWEIN, P. PELLEGRINI, T. FINLAYSON, J. KIMMELL, I. KASIMI, D. COVELL, Jr.*, T. MAIER, and C.A. MACHIDA (Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA)
1289Efficacy of denture microwave disinfection in treating denture stomatitis. C.E. VERGANI*, E.T. GIAMPAOLO, A.C. PAVARINA, M.M. SILVA, E.G.O. MIMA, and A.L. MACHADO (Araraquara Dental School, São Paulo State University-UNESP, Brazil)

Seq#: 126Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Mineralized Tissue - Cementogenesis and the PDL
12901, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 Increases VDR and RANKL Expression in hPDLCs. X. TANG*, H. MENG, L. ZHANG, J. HOU, J. HAN, and F. ZHANG (Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China)
1291BMP-7 regulates mineralization of Periodontal Ligament Cells. S.S. HAKKI*, M. SUDEMEN, B.S. BOZKURT, and E.E. HAKKI (Selcuk University, Faculty of Dentistry, Konya, Turkey)
1292Bone Morphogenetic Proteins in Periodontal Ligament Homeostasis. M. CHIBA*, A. SATO, S. TSUCHIYA, K. IGARASHI, and H. HAYASHI (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
1293Characterization of pannexin 3 as a regulator of chondrocyte differentiation. T. IWAMOTO*, T. NAKAMURA, S. FUKUMOTO, K. NONAKA, and Y. YAMADA (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
1294Comparative Analysis of Gene Expression between Cementum and Periodontal Ligament. H. KONDO*, Y. YOKOYAMA, Y. DATE, T. DAMRONGRUNGRUANG, M. ODA, S. KURODA, S. ISEKI, K. OHYA, and S. KASUGAI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
1295Differences in protein distribution of cells forming mineralized periodontal tissues. I. GIL-CHAVARRIA*, H. ARZATE, J. REYES-GASGA, and L.F. JIMÉNEZ-GARCÍA (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico, Mexico)
1296Differential expressions of connexin32&43 in periodontal ligament-derived cells during mineralization. D. PARISUTHIMAN*, A. TAOPRAYOON, V. SIRAVISITPORN, and S. KOONTONGKAEW (Faculty of Dentistry Thammasat University, Pathumthani, Thailand)
1297Elevated extracellular Ca2+ induces fibroblast growth factor-2 mRNA in cementoblasts. S. KANAYA*, E. NEMOTO, M. SOMERMAN, and H. SHIMAUCHI (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
1298IL-6 and sIL-6R increase cartilage matrix proteins expression in chondrocyte. A. NAMBA*, Y. AIDA, Y. WATANABE, K. HONDA, O. SHIMIZU, N. SUZUKI, Y. YONEHARA, and M. MAENO (Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)
1299LMP1 regulates osteolineage differentiation of human PDL fibroblasts. Z. LIN*, Q. JIN, J. SUGAI, and W. GIANNOBILE (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
1300 Paper Withdrawn.

Seq#: 127Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Candida
1301Microwave sterilization of dentures contaminated with fluconazole-resistant Candida ssp. P.V. SANITÁ*, C.E. VERGANI, J. PIÃO, A.L. MACHADO, E.T. GIAMPAOLO, and A.C. PAVARINA (Araraquara Dental School, São Paulo State University - UNESP, Brazil)
1302Photoinactivation of Candida albicans on simulated complete dentures. E.G.O. MIMA*, A.C. PAVARINA, L.N. DOVIGO, D.G. RIBEIRO, F. ALVES, and V.S. BAGNATO (Araraquara Dental School, Sao Paulo State University-UNESP, Brazil)
1303Protease Inhibitors Attenuate Adherence of Candida albicans to Acrylic Surface. P.C.S. TSANG* and I. HONG (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
1304Cranberry Polyphenols Suppress Candida albicans-Induced Inflammatory Response in Epithelial Cells. S.-I. TANABE*, V.D. LA, M. YOKOYAMA, M. YOSHIOKA, D. HINODE, and D. GRENIER (Universite Laval, Quebec city, QC, Canada)
1305Synergistic Inhibition of Candida biofilms by Lysozyme and Common Antifungals. Y.H. SAMARANAYAKE, L.P. SAMARANAYAKE*, B.P.K. CHEUNG, N. PARAHITIYAWA, J.Y.Y. YAU, and S.K.W. YEUNG (University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong)
1306Yeast-Form Fungi from Dog Oral Cavity. K. HAYASHI*, K. TAKADA, and M. HIRASAWA (Nihon University, School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Chiba, Japan)
1307Discovering Antifungal Resistance Mechanisms and Drug Targets of Candida Biofilms. J. SENEVIRATNE*, Y. WANG, Y. ABIKO, L.J. JIN, and L. SAMARANAYAKE (Faculty of Dentistry, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong)
1308Photoinactivation of fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans and Candida glabrata. L.N. DOVIGO*, A.C. PAVARINA, D.G. RIBEIRO, E.G.D.O. MIMA, L.F. BALLAN, and V.S. BAGNATO (Araraquara Dental School, Sao Paulo State University-UNESP, Brazil)
1309Salivary IgA in Candida-associated Denture Stomatitis. B. DOROCKA-BOBKOWSKA*, A. SZUMALA-KAKOL, K. LESNIEWSKA, and K. KONOPKA (University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland)
1310Standardization of XTT reduction assay for evaluating Candida biofilms. W.J. SILVA*, J. SENEVIRATNE, N. PARAHITIYAWA, E.A.R. ROSA, A.A. DEL BEL CURY, and L.P. SAMARANAYAKE (Piracicaba Dental School - University of Campinas, Piraciba, Brazil)
1311Candida Species Biofilm on Silicone and Latex from Pacifiers. M.B. PORTELA*, L.C.D. SILVEIRA, S. CHARONE, L.C. MAIA, and R.M.D.A. SOARES (Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janiero, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
1312Dental Treatment Effect on Candida spp. Colonisation in HIV Children. M.S.D. CHAGAS*, M.B. PORTELA, D. CERQUEIRA, R.M.D.A. SOARES, I.P.R.D. SOUZA, and G.F. CASTRO (Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janiero, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
1313Antimicrobial Activity of Peptide-Mimetics Against Biofilm Cultures of Candida albicans. R. YAMARTHY*, S. FELSENSTEIN, R. SCOTT, G. TEW, K. MARKOWITZ, and G. DIAMOND (UMDNJ-New Jersey Dental School, Newark, USA)
1314Presence of Candida spp. in periodontal pockets of diabetic patients. J.C.O. SARDI*, C. DUQUE, G.C. CRUZ, J.F. HOFLING, and R.B. GONÇALVES (University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil)

Seq#: 128Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Infection Control A
1315Microorganisms protein degradation through photocatalysis using nanoparticles for instrumental sterilization. C.S. PORTO*, A.S. SANTOS-PINTO, M. GUGELMIN M .C. M. S, E. LONGO, and S. PORTO (Araraquara School of Dentristry-UNESP, Araraquarara-SP, Brazil)
1316 Paper Withdrawn.
1317Infection control of exhaust contamination in dental unit suction system. H. KATSURAGI*, H. OGURA, M. MIKAMI, T. NAKAMURA, and M. WATANABE (Nippon Dental University, Niigata City, Japan)
1318Clinical Anti-microbial Efficacy of New Zinc Citrate Dentifrice Formulation. D. FURGANG*, M. MCKIERNAN, K. MARKOWITZ, D. TISCHIO-BERESKI, P.K. SREENIVASAN, W. DEVIZIO, and D. FINE (New Jersey Dental School - UMDNJ, Newark, USA)
1319Quantification and Identification of Bacteria Within Acrylic Resin Denture Bases. Y. TAKEUCHI*, K. NAKAJO, T. SATO, Y. SAKUMA, K. SASAKI, and N. TAKAHASHI (Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai, Japan)
1320Molecular Analysis for Bacterial Contamination in Dental Unit Water Line. A. WATANABE*, N. TAMAKI, I. TANIMOTO, H. MAEDA, N. SATOH, S. TAKASHIBA, S. KOKEGUCHI, and K. FUKUI (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
1321The use of polymeric nanoparticles in antimicrobial photodynamic therapy. X. SONG*, J. CHEN, C.R. FONTANA, H. DEVALAPALLY, K. RUGGIERO, F. FOSCHI, J. DUNHAM, Z. SKOBE, T. PAGONIS, R. KENT, M.M. AMIJI, and N.S. SOUKOS (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
1322Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Citrox® mouthwashes containing citrus bioflavonoids. S.J. HOOPER*, M.A.O. LEWIS, and D.W. WILLIAMS (Cardiff University, United Kingdom)
1323An Oral Rinse That Predicts Treatment Outcomes Following Bone-marrow Transplantation. C. FORSTER*, J. LIPTON, and M. GLOGAUER (University of Toronto, Canada)
1324Profiling microbial diversity in endotracheal tube biofilms. D.W. WILLIAMS*, J. THOMAS, S.J. HOOPER, M. WISE, P. FROST, S. MALIC, S. CAIRNS, and M. LEWIS (Cardiff University, United Kingdom)
1325Disinfection of Bacterial Contaminated Hydrophilic PVS Impresion Materials. E.W. ESTAFANOUS, C. PALENIK*, and J.A. PLATT (Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA)
1326Correlation between oral malodor and bacterial composition in saliva. T. TAKESHITA*, N. SUZUKI, Y. NAKANO, M. YONEDA, Y. SHIBATA, S. SHIOTA, N. KAMIO, T. HIROFUJI, and Y. YAMASHITA (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
1327Application of Neutral Water to Dental Unit. M. KOBAYASHI*, A. KANAISHI, H. TSUKASAKI, A. SHIBA, K. BABA, M. KIMURA, H. SHINOZAKI, and H. IWAMOTO (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
1328Plaque-pH After Mouthrinse Pre-Treatment with Different Fluorides. L. STÖSSER* and W. TIETZE (University of Jena, Germany)
1329Preventive Effects of Hinokitiol Against C.albicans Adherence to Epithelial Cells. M. NAKAMURA*, T. FUJIBAYASHI, A. TOMINAGA, T. KAWARAI, N. SATOH, T. YAMAZAKI, and H. SENPUKU (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
1330Ex-vivo Modelling of Antimicrobial Control Measures in Pulpal Disease. J.L. ROBERTS*, D.W. WILLIAMS, R.J. WADDINGTON, M.J. WILSON, S. DENYER, J.-Y. MAILLARD, and A.J. SLOAN (Cardiff University, Wales)
1331Clinical disinfection of complete dentures by microwave irradiation. D.G. RIBEIRO*, A.C. PAVARINA, E.G.D.O. MIMA, L.N. DOVIGO, A.L. MACHADO, and D.M.P. SPOLIDORIO (Araraquara Dental School, Sao Paulo State University-UNESP, Brazil)
1332An Infant Formula Blocking HIV Transmission via Breastfeeding. R. CHANG and L. TAO* (University of Illinois Chicago, USA)
1333Penicillin G Sensitivity of Staphylococcus Aureus Isolated from Athletic Mouth-Guards. B.D. CURTIS*, T.-A. WILSON, R.T. GLASS, J. BULLARD, and R.S. CONRAD (Oklahoma State University - Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa, USA)
1334Effect of slightly-acidic electrolyzed water to oral microorganisms and fibroblast. H. MIYAKAWA*, M. FUJITA, A. KAMAGUCHI, and F. NAKAZAWA (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Tobetsu, Japan)
1335Bactericidal effects of tea tree oil on E. faecalis. F.B. MATOSO*, M.A. MARCHESAN, C. TEIXEIRA, R.C. ROPERTO, R.L. PIETRO, and M.D. SOUSA-NETO (University of Ribeirao Preto (UNAERP), Curvelo, Brazil)
1336Triclosan Dentifrice and Tongue Cleaner in the Treatment of Malodor. J.J. ZAMBON*, P. MOSES, B. CLARK, V.I. HARASZTHY, P.K. SREENIVASAN, and W. DEVIZIO (State University of New York - Buffalo, USA)
1337Effects of Colgate-Total® and Crest Pro-Health® on Oral Microcosms. R.G. LEDDER*, P. GILBERT, P.K. SREENIVASAN, W. DE VIZIO, and A.J. MCBAIN (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
1338Isolation and antimicrobial resistance of Staphylococcus aureus on orthodontic pliers. R.B.C. FRANCO*, C.D.C. BERGAMASCHI, F.C. GROPPO, J. RAMACCIATO, F.R. GONÇALVES, and R.H.L. MOTTA (CPO Sao Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brazil)
1339Biocidal Activity of Antiseptic Mouthrinses in Saliva-Derived Biofilm Model. R. LUX*, P. PAN, S.D. CASTANEDA, J.-H. SIM, D.S. HARPER, and W. SHI (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)
1340Disinfection degree in depth by diode laser irradiation – Intracanal study. E.B.D. SOUZA, J.L. LAGE-MARQUES*, M.R.L. SIMIONATO, and S. CAI (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
1341Antimicrobial Activity of Propolis and Chlorexidine over Streptococcus Mutans Strains. M.P. DE LUCA, J.C. BACHIEGA*, S.K. BUSSADORI, A.F. MARANGONI, R.A. MESQUITA-FERRARI, E. ESPÓSITO, and E.M. SANTOS (Centro Universitário Nove de Julho, São Sebastião, Brazil)
1342Antimicrobial Activity of Copaifera langsdorffii Oleoresin on Streptococcal Species. S.L. SALVADOR*, D.S. MASSON, and M.A.C. FRADE (University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil)
1343Short-term Effect of NaF-mouthrinse on Glucose-induced pH Fall in Plaque. K. NAKAJO*, T. ASANOUMI, A. SHIBATA, Y. YAGISHITA, K. KATO, and N. TAKAHASHI (Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai, Japan)
1344Evaluation of POMx lozenges' antimicrobial activity against saliva-derived biofilm. K. LOWE*, L. LI, L. GUO, W. SHI, M. DREHER, M. KNIGHT, and R. LUX (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)

Seq#: 129Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery - Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Poster Session #1
1345Parotid Duct Repair with Suturing and Anastomosis Using Tissue Adhesive. R. GHEISARI* and M. GHOREISHIAN (Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran)
1346Targeted drug delivery system for cancer therapy using sonoporation. H. MAEDA*, K. IWANAGA, F. NAGAO, T. TSUJISAWA, K. TOMINAGA, J.-I. FUKUDA, and T. NISHIHARA (Kyushu Dental College, Fukuoka, Japan)
1347Evaluation of Effects of diode laser On Post Extraction Healing. N. ALEALI*, A. KAMALI, and H. ETMINAN (Azad university of dentistry, Tehran, Iran)
1348Immunohistochemical localization of GDD1 gene product. K. MIZUTA*, S. FUJIMOTO, and N. KAMATA (Hiroshima University, Japan)
1349Influences of hydroxyapatite and ß-TCP on biomaterials bioactivity in vivo. S.M. GHANAATI*, S. STUBINGER, C. ORTH, M. BARBECK, P. BOOMS, M. WIELAND, S. BIESTERFELD, R. SADER, and C.J. KIRKPATRICK (Johannes Gutenberg University, Insitute of Pathology, Mainz, Germany)
1350Effect on Horizontal Distraction Osteogenesis by Using Nitrified Distractor. S.-Y. KIM, K.-Y. SEOL, and C.-M. PARK* (Chosun University, Gwangju, South Korea)
1351Determination of transcription start-site of CXCL14/BRAK in squamous cell carcinoma. R. KOMORI*, S. OZAWA, Y. KATO, H. SHINJI, S. KIMOTO, and R.-I. HATA (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)
1352p38 signaling up-regulates BRAK expression in squamous cell carcinoma. S. OZAWA*, Y. KATO, S. ITO, R. KOMORI, Y. MAEHATA, E. KUBOTA, and R.-I. HATA (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)
1353Importance of oral functions and aesthetics of maxillofacial rehabilitation patients. M. MATSUYAMA*, Y. TSUKIYAMA, S. HABU, E. OGURA, and K. KOYANO (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
1354Odontogenic Infectious Diseases in Mongolian Children Aged 0-15 Years. J. ODKHUU*, L. KHENTII, and G. ARIUNTUUL (Central Clinical Hospital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
1355Innovative Maxillary Expansion Technique with Mini-Screw Supported Modified Hyrax Appliance. S. ALAVI* and S. NOOROLLAHIAN (Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Dental Faculty, Iran)
1356Effects of 1% Hyaluronan Gel on Critical Size Defects-Radiographic Evaluation. B.B. BEZERRA*, M.A. BRAZÃO, D.C. PERUZZO, F.H. NOCITI JR, E.A. SALLUM, and A.W. SALLUM (FACULDADE DE ODONTOLOGIA DE PIRACICABA - UNICAMP, Piracicaba, Brazil)
1357Clinical Observations of Postoperative Delirium after Surgery for Oral Carcinoma. M. SHIIBA*, T. ISHIGAMI, H. NOMURA, K. FUSHIMI, Y. YAMANO, K. SHINOZUKA, Y. SAKAMOTO, K. ONO, K. OGAWARA, H. BUKAWA, H. YOKOE, K. UZAWA, and H. TANZAWA (Chiba University, Japan)
1358DEC2 negatively regulates VEGF expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma. U.K. BHAWAL*, F. SATO, H. KIJIMA, and E. KUBOTA (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)
1359The study of immunolipo-sodium morrhuate applied on HEVCs in vitro. J.-B. TU*, Z.-Q. YANG, Y. SONG, and Z.-H. WANG (Stomatological Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China)
1360Healing after dental extraction: a randomized clinical trial using Canova. E.A.L. GONCALVES*, R.V. HUBNER, A.J. PAVAN, N.C. KAMEI, and N. PIALARISSI (MARINGA STATE UNIVERSITY, Maringa - PR, Brazil)
1361Laser Improves Bone Repair in Rats Treated with Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. M.A. MATSUMOTO, III* and D.A. RIBEIRO, Sr. (University of Sacred Heart, Bauru, Brazil)
1362A follow up study of facial fractures in Medellín (Colombia):1998-2003. E. MARTINEZ* and F.L. DUQUE, Sr. (Universidad de Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia)
1363 Paper Withdrawn.
1364 Paper Withdrawn.
1365Accelerated Bone Healing After Osteotomy with Conventional Dental Ultrasonic System. M.R.P. MACEDO*, N. MACIEL-OLIVEIRA, T.C. OLIVEIRA, N. GARONE-NETTO, and V.E. ARANA-CHAVEZ (University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo - Cidade Universitaria, Brazil)

Seq#: 130Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Periodontal Research - Pathogenesis - Connective Tissues
1366PLAP-1/asporin Antagonizes BMP-2 Function Through LRR-5. S. YAMADA*, M. TOMOEDA, Y. OZAWA, T. KAJIKAWA, and S. MURAKAMI (Osaka University, Suita Osaka, Japan)
1367Relaxin Modulates Collagen and MMP-1 Expression in Human PDL cells. M. TAKANO*, M. YAMAGUCHI, R. NAKAJIMA, T. KOJIMA, and K. KASAI (Nihon University school of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan)
1368Calmodulin-Kinase-II: A Key Regulator of CTGF/CCN2 Expression in Gingival Fibroblasts. S.A. BLACK*, M. BAHAMMAM, and P.C. TRACKMAN (Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine, MA, USA)
1369Gene expression profile of human gingival fibroblasts induced by interleukin-1beta. S. VARDAR-SENGUL*, S. ARORA, H. BAYLAS, and D. MERCOLA (University of California, Irvine, USA)
1370Effect of H2O2 on Expression of Proinflammatory Cytokines in PDLCells. Y.-S. LEE, E.J. BAK, J.-H. CHA, and Y.-J. YOO* (BK21 project, Oral Science Research Center College of Dentistry Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea)
1371Prevotella Intermedia Regulates MMPs Production in Human Periodontal Ligament Cells. S.-M. GUAN*, L. SHU, S.-M. FU, B. LIU, and J.-Z. WU (The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China)
1372Diffferences in susceptibility of gingival fibroblasts to butyric-acid induced apoptosis. T. KURITA-OCHIAI*, N. SUZUKI, K. OCHIAI, and M. YAMAMOTO (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan)
1373Study on Modified Collagen Matrix Loaded Human Periodontal Ligament Cells. Y. DING*, L. WANG, Z. CHEN, H. ZHAO, and B. JIANG (West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)
1374Hypoxia decreases the osteogenic activity of human periodontal ligament cells. K. NAKAO*, T. GOTO, K. GUNJIGAKE, M. YAMAMURA, S. KOBAYASHI, and K. YAMAGUCHI (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)
1375HLA-II - induced Cytokines from Gingival Fibroblasts Promote HUVEC Proliferation. Y. OKADA*, F. NISHIMURA, M. MEGURO, S. YOSHIZAWA, H. OHYAMA, H. ARAI, and S. TAKASHIBA (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
1376Relationship between Gingival Overgrowth and Lipopolysaccharide Induced Apoptosis. R. TAKEUCHI*, H. MATSUMOTO, Y. AKIMOTO, and A. FUJII (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Chiba, Japan)
1377Characteristics of Side population cells existing in Periodontal ligament cells. Y. KOIDE*, M. KOBAYASHI, and M. YAMAMOTO (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
1378Interleukin-6 decreases FGF-2 expression of human periodontal ligament cells. H. FUJIWARA*, T. YAEGASHI, D. SASAKI, Y. ISHIHIRA, K. ABE, O. MURAI, and K. KUNIMATSU (Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Iwate, Japan)
1379Aberrant Collagen Fibril Morphology in Periodontal Ligament of SPARC-null mice. A.D. BRADSHAW*, Y. ZHANG, and R. VISCONTI (Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA)
1380Human gingival fibroblasts release HMGB1 after stimulation with LPS. K. FEGHALI*, K. IWASAKI, K. TANAKA, and Y. IZUMI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
1381Periodontal Ligament Cells from Patients with Hypophosphatasia Exhibit Limited Mineralization. T.L. RODRIGUES, B.L. FOSTER, K.G. SILVERIO, M. SOMERMAN, and F.H. NOCITI, Jr.* (University of Campinas, Piracicaba-SP, Brazil)
1382Stem cell properties of primary human periodontal ligament cells. K.G.S. RUIZ*, B.B. BENATTI, R. COLLETA, M. CASATI, E. SALLUM, and F.H. NOCITI JR (University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil)
1383Ras-p21 Activation by Nicotine in Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts. S.M. ELSARAJ*, A.K. MADAN, and R.P. BHULLAR (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
1384Epithelial Mesenchymal Transition in Gingival Overgrowth. S. SUME*, A. KANTARCI, H. HASTURK, and P.C. TRACKMAN (Boston University, MA, USA)
1385Collagen Glycation Promotes Myofibroblast Differentiation and Migration. A. YUEN*, J. BIREK, C. MCCULLOCH, and C.A. SIMMONS (University of Toronto, Canada)
1386Actin-dependent Regulation of a-Smooth Muscle Actin Expression. M.W.C. CHAN*, P.D. ARORA, and C.A. MCCULLOCH (University of Toronto, Canada)

Seq#: 131Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Periodontal Research - Therapy - Antimicrobial Agents/Anti-inflammatory Agents
1387Antibacterial Effect of Chlorine Dioxide and Hyaluronate on Dental Biofilm. T. TAIYEB-ALI*, F. HASHIM, F. AL-BAYATY, and M.A. ABDULLA (University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
1388Platelet-rich plasma has antimicrobial activity against dental plaque in vitro. J. QIAO*, X.Y. OUYANG, and C.F. CAO (Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China)
1389Bactericidal Activity of Mastic Against Porphyromonas gingivalis. H. WATANABE*, S. ICHINOSE, and Y. IZUMI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
1390Propolis:anti-Porphyromonas gingival activity and synergism with ornidazole. J.H. LIN*, L. JIANG, J.H. WANG, and L. YUE (Affiliated Stomatology Hospital,ChongQing Medical University, China)
1391Increased Efficiency of PDT Compared to Chlorhexidine on Exvivo Biofilm. B. SIGUSCH*, A.-C. VOOS, A. VÖLPEL, and V. ALBRECHT (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany)
1392Antimicrobial Activity of Medicinal Plants against Periodontopathogenic Bacterias. M.A. DE LA GARZA-RAMOS, Y. MONTEMAYOR-VILLARREAL*, and M. DE LA ROSA (Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico)
1393Thymosin Beta-4 is Cytoprotective in Human Gingival Fibroblasts. R. RETI*, M. WHEATER, and G. SOSNE (University of Detroit Mercy, Windsor, ON, Canada)
1394Antibiotic Resistance in Periodontal Streptococcus intermedius Clinical Isolates. T.E. RAMS* and A.J. VAN WINKELHOFF (Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
1395Anti-inflammatory effects of ginseng extracts on gingival cells. S.P. LEE, J.-H. YU, T.-I. KIM, S.-E. NAM*, M.-S. CHANG, and K.-S. PAIK (Seoul National University, School of Dentistry, South Korea)
1396Antibacterial Effects of Eel Galectin on Periodontopathic Bacteria. S. TAKAYAMA*, R. KIMIZUKA, E. SAITOH, S. YAMADA, K. OKUDA, and T. KATO (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
1397Microbial Assessment of Chlorhexidine Diacetate Delivery System: Phase I Trial. S. KALACHANDRA, H.R. HOWELL*, S.M. VAN SCOYOC, D.W. PAQUETTE, D.A. BARROW, and R.R. ARNOLD (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
1398Effects of Anacardium Occidentale Mouthwash on Plaque Deposition and Gingivitis. W. WORAPAMORN*, T. CHATURAPITRA, P. SAENGYUENYONGPIPAT, R. DATEBOONYAPICHART, and W. LINLAWAN (Faculty of Dentistry, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla, Thailand)
1399Clinical effect of a new toothpaste formulation on experimental gingivitis. N.B. ARWEILER*, J. KUENZ, A. SCULEAN, E. HELLWIG, and T.M. AUSCHILL (Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Freiburg i.Brsg, Germany)
1400Antibacterial effect of a new toothpaste formulation on experimental gingivitis. T.M. AUSCHILL*, G. PERGOLA, A. SCULEAN, E. HELLWIG, and N.B. ARWEILER (Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg, Freiburg i.Brsg, Germany)
1401Comparative Clinical Trial with a Paste, Power Brush & Rinse. R.W. GERLACH, A.R. BIESBROCK, M.L. BARKER, K. KARPINIA, and I. MAGNUSSON* (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
1402Comparison of Two Systemically- administered Ibuprofen Dosages in Gingivitis Treatment. S. AMINI SEDEH*, V. ESFAHANIAN, and R. MALEKPUR (Islamic Azad University Khorasgan Branch, Esfahan, Iran)
1403A 17 Year Survey of Triclosan Efficacy on Supragingival Plaque. V.I. HARASZTHY, J.J. ZAMBON, P.K. SREENIVASAN, and W. DEVIZIO* (Colgate-Palmolive Company, Piscataway, NJ, USA)

Seq#: 132Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Neuroscience / TMJ - Neuroscience/TMJ Posters II
1404Treatment seeking behaviour in Southern Chinese people with orofacial pain. A.S. MCMILLAN*, J. ZHENG, M.C.M. WONG, Y. LUO, and C.L.K. LAM (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
1405Meta-analysis Assessing Persistent Pain Following Root Canal Therapies. E.J. MOANA FILHO*, D.R. NIXDORF, M.T. JOHN, L.A. MCGUIRE, and A.S. LAW (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
1406Orofacial pain in Southern Chinese people: Predictors of outcome. J. ZHENG*, A.S. MCMILLAN, M.C.M. WONG, Y. LUO, and C.L.K. LAM (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
1407Sensory and masticatory complications after surgical treatment for trigeminal neuralgia. S.R. SIQUEIRA, M.J. TEIXEIRA, and J.T. SIQUEIRA* (Medical School, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
1408Projection from median raphe to mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. M. SHIRASU*, T. TAKAHASHI, M. SHIRASU, H. NAKAMURA, K. ITHO, and S. SATO (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)
1409Single axon tracing from Locus Coeruleus to Mesencephalic Trigeminal Nucleus. T. TAKAHASHI*, M. SHIRASU, M. SHIRASU, H. NAKAMURA, K. ITOH, and S. SATO (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)
1410Topographic Projections from Cortex to Trigeminal Motoneurons through Premotor Neurons. C. IIDA*, A. YOSHIDA, I. TAKI, M. MORITANI, A. TOMITA, S. YAMAMOTO, S. SEKI, T. HAQUE, and K. TAKADA (Osaka University, Suita, Japan)
1411Enhancement of Caudalis Neuronal Excitability in Trigeminal Nerve-regenerated Rats. K. SAITO*, Y. TSUBOI, S. HITOMI, I. SUZUKI, M. KONDO, B.J. SESSLE, and K. IWATA (Nihon University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan)
1412Astroglial involvement in orofacial hyperalgesia in trigeminal nerve-injured rats. K. IWATA*, A. OGAWA, I. SUZUKI, J.W. HU, and B. SESSLE (Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)
1413Modulation of principalis nucleus neuronal excitability in trigeminal nerve-injured rats. Y. TSUBOI* and K. IWATA (Nihon University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan)
1414Effect of non-functional tooth contact on tactile and pain thresholds. I. OKAYASU*, K. OI, and A. DE LAAT (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
1415Role of acid-sensing receptor TRPV1 in inflammatory pain. T. NAGAYAMA*, K. HATA, T. YONEDA, and S. EBISU (Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Japan)
1416Simultaneous-recordings of Periodontal Neurons in Rat-trigeminal ganglion and Mesencephalic Nucleus. N. AMANO*, S. MIYATA, T. SATODA, S. KAWAGISHI, K. YOSHINO, and Y. NISHIKAWA (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)
1417The effect of trigeminal efferent stimulation on HPA axis. T. KATAURA*, K. SUGIMOTO, N. SHOJI, and T. SASANO (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
1418TRP expression in the trigeminal system following tooth injury. T.J. WHITAKER, M. GAUTAM, J. WELLS, and K. ROWLAND* (Southern Illinois University, Alton, USA)
1419Depression / Somatization and Pain Thresholds in Orofacial Pain Subjects. R. CIANCAGLINI*, S. FAMILIARI, R. SANLORENZO, A. MARCHESI, and G. RADAELLI (University of Milan, Italy)
1420Botulinum toxin for myogenous orofacial pain : a randomized controlled trial. O. HANDFIELD*, A.-C. VALCOURT, R. PAQUIN, and J.-P. GOULET (Universite Laval, Quebec, QC, Canada)

Seq#: 133Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Oral Medicine & Pathology - Salivary Gland Tumors, Carcinogenesis
1421Chemoprevention of Herbal Compound Dongju on Tongue Carcinogenesis in Rats. Z. ZHOU* and S. GE (Chinese Society of Oral Medicine, Shanghai, China)
1422Protective Effects of EGCG on Salivary Gland of NOD Mice. K. GILLESPIE*, I. KODANI, H. QIN, D. DICKINSON, K. OGBUREKE, S. LOONEY, A. CAMBA, G.S. SCHUSTER, J.L. BORKE, J.N. WINGER, F. BISCH, and S. HSU (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA)
1423Cox-2 Expression During Rat Tongue Carcinogenesis Induced by 4-Nitroquinoline 1-Oxide. D.A. RIBEIRO, Sr.* and D. SALVADORI (Federal University of Sao Paulo - UNIFESP, Santos, Brazil)
1424Trends of Salivary Gland Cancer Among Whites in the US. M.D. MACGINNIS*, M. MERU, L. LIU, and S. KUMAR (University of Southern California School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, USA)
1425Salivary Gland Cancer Incidence in the United States. M. MERU*, M.D. MACGINNIS, L. LIU, and S. KUMAR (University of Southern California School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, USA)
1426A retrospective study of intra-oral salivary gland tumors from Thailand. K. DHANUTHAI*, M. BOONADULYARAT, T. JAENGJONGDEE, and K. JIRUEDEE (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)
1427Distinct Effects of Genetic and Chronologic Aging on Oral Carcinogenesis. B. BOJOVIC* and D.L. CROWE (University of Illinois - Chicago, USA)
1428Grp94 as a Target in Human Oral Carcinogenesis. Y. YAMANO*, K. UZAWA, H. NOMURA, D. NAKASHIMA, Y. KOUZU, Y. ENDO, K. KAWASAKI, T. WATANABE, H. BUKAWA, and H. TANZAWA (Chiba University, Japan)
1429Evaluation of Stromal Myofibroblast in Odontogenic Cysts and Ameloblastoma. F. MASHHADIABBAS* and S. ATARBASHI (Shaheed Beheshti Medical University, Tehran, Iran)
1430MDM2 And P53 Expressions In Ameloblastoma And Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor. N. MOHTASHAM*, N. SHARIFI, S. JAMSHIDI, N. SAGHRAVANIAN, and P. MOSANNEN (dental research center of Mashhad dental faculty ,Mashhad university of medical sciences, Iran)
1431Genome-wide comparative analysis of human oral cancer and precancer cells. X. TANG*, X. ZHANG, M. ZHANG, and Z. SUN (School of Stomatology, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China)
1432Oral Mucosal Reconstruction Using Autologous Cultured Oral Epithelial Sheets. T. AMEMIYA*, T. NAKAMURA, T. YAMAMOTO, S. KINOSHITA, and N. KANAMURA (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan)
1433Anti-Hypertensive Drugs on Oral Epithelial Tissues. M.C. KOMESU* and C. FORTUNATO (Universidad e de Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil)
1434Anterior temporalis and masseter muscles electromyographic evaluation in cerebral palsied. M.T.B.R. SANTOS*, R.D.O. GUARÉ, E.R. ALMEIDA, J.E.P. PELINO, J.C. ZIDOI, F.G. CARMAGNANI, and D.A. DUARTE (Unicsul, São Paulo, Brazil)
1435Association of Periodontal Disease with Atherosclerosis in Hypertensive Patients. K. TAMAZAWA*, Y. TAMAZAWA, and H. SHIMAUCHI (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
1436Oral Health in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome. S. THANAKUN*, U. CHOMKHAKHAI, S. PIBOONNIYOM-KHOVIDHUNKIT, S. THAWEBOON, and W. KHOVIDHUNKIT (Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand)

Seq#: 134Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Craniofacial Biology - Dental Developmental Biology and Genetics
1437Establishment and Characterization of Human Ameloblast Lineage Cell Lines. P. HE*, Y. ZHANG, J. CHEN, S.O. KIM, W. LI, and P. DENBESTEN (University of California - San Francisco, USA)
1438Characterization of Putative Amelogenic Cells Isolated from Human Dental Follicle. Y. TSUCHIMOTO*, W. SONOYAMA, Y. OKAMOTO, M. OSHIMA, Y. MATSUKA, and T. KUBOKI (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
1439Angiogenetic markers expressed in the human tooth germ development. Y. MIWA*, M. YAMAZAKI, M. SUNOHARA, and I. SATO (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
1440Expression profile of microRNA during tooth germ development. K. TANAKA*, H. SUZUKI, Y. KIMURA, S. AIZAWA, T. IWAMOTO, A. YAMADA, M. ARAGAKI, E. FUKUMOTO, and S. FUKUMOTO (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
1441Identification and Characterization of a New ECM Protein, TM14 (Fibulin-7). S. DE VEGA*, T. IWAMOTO, T. NAKAMURA, K. HOZUMI, D.A. MCKNIGHT, L.W. FISHER, S. FUKUMOTO, and Y. YAMADA (NIDCR, Bethesda, MD, USA)
1442Gap junctional communication regulates TGF-β1 induced ameloblastin expression. A. YAMADA*, E. FUKUMOTO, T. IWAMOTO, H. HARADA, K. NONAKA, and S. FUKUMOTO (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
1443Possible functions of Protogenin in the tooth development. K. FUKIWAKE*, T. KIYOSHIMA, I. KOBAYASHI, K. NAGATA, and H. SAKAI (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
1444The timing of CNC migration is critical for dental patterning. L. ZHANG*, L. LI, G.H. YUAN, and Z. CHEN (School and Hospital of Stomatology,Wuhan University, China)
1445Epithelial-mesenchymal signaling interactions induce differentiation of dental lineage cells. Y. ZHANG*, S. VITAL, J. CHEN, and P. DEN BESTEN (University of California - San Francisco, USA)
1446Cytomegalovirus Induces Embryonic Mouse Tooth Defects. G. ABICHAKER*, T. JASKOLL, N. JANGAARD, P. BRINGAS, and M. MELNICK (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA)
1447Molecular signaling during reptilian tooth development. J. RICHMAN*, G. HANDRIGAN, and M. BUCHTOVA (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
1448Variation patterns of dentin phosphoprotein in normal human population. Y. SONG*, C. WANG, and Z. BIAN (School and Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, China)
1449Functional analysis of an Ectodysplasin mutation causing isolated tooth agenesis. G. MUES, H. KAPADIA*, R.N. D'SOUZA, and P. SCHNEIDER (Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA)
1450Unilateral Lower Second Premolar Hypodontia May Be an Agenesis Subphenotype. E. KUCHLER*, M. COSTA, P. FILHO, A. MODESTO, and A. VIEIRA (Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janiero, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
1451Gender Ratios in Dental Anomalies of Number. A. COSTA*, E. KUCHLER, M. COSTA, and A. VIEIRA (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Seq#: 135Thursday, July 3, 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Craniofacial Biology - Epidemiology of Malocclusions and Psychosocial Aspects of Orthodontic Treatment
1452OHRQoL and Treatment Expectations in Adults and Children Undergoing Orthodontics. M. SKOLNICK, H. BRODER*, and G. CISNEROS (New Jersey Dental School UMD, Newark, USA)
1453Malocclusion and its Treatment Effects on Adolescents' Quality of Life. K. RYAN-TAYLOR*, H.A. KIYAK, G.J. HUANG, G.M. GREENLEE, C.J. JOLLEY, and G.J. KING (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
1454Therapeutic Yield of Orthodontic Treatment in Acceptability of Occlusal Condition. A.J. SPENCER*, D.S. BRENNAN, and G.D. SLADE (School of Dentistry, Adelaide, Australia)
1455Sensitively and responsiveness of the CPQ to orthodontic treatment. C. MCGRATH*, U. HAGG, and M. ZHANG (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
1456Prevalence of Bolton tooth–size discrepancies among Iranian orthodontic patients. P. NASIBI*, P. POURFAKHR, and H. GHADIRIAN (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)
1457Prevalence of Tooth Wear in Angle Class II Malocclusion Patients. R.B.D.S. OLIVEIRA*, P.V.P. OLTRAMARI, S.H.C. SALES-PERES, J.F.C. HENRIQUES, and G. JANSON (Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
1458Prevalence of Palatally Displaced Canines in a Kentucky Orthodontic Population. C.W. ALDRIDGE*, C.S. BEEMAN, E.P. HICKS, H.M. BUSH, J.F. YEPES, and M.A. WELLS (University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA)
1459Genetic study of maxillary midline diastema. S. HEETLAND*, K. HEETLAND, and M.M. TOLAROVA (University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, San Francisco, CA, USA)
1460Factors in Choosing an Orthodontic Practice: Preliminary Results. B. ST. LOUIS, A.R. FIRESTONE*, S. SHANKER, K.W.L. VIG, W. JOHNSTON, and A. LOGUE (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
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