website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

Chronological Listing of Sessions and Abstracts



Seq#: 1Wednesday, July 2, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Hands-on Workshop, Room 711
Hands-on Workshop - Validation Studies of the RDC/TMD: Progress toward Version 2
Chairpersons: R. Ohrbach and P. Svensson
Sponsored by: Neuroscience / TMJ, International RDC/TMD Consortium Network
0001Workshop Introduction. R. OHRBACH* (University at Buffalo, NY, USA)
 Session Introduction. C. GREENE* (University of Illinois - Chicago, USA)
 Overview of Classifciation Systems for TMD and Pain. J.-P. GOULET* (University of Laval, Ste-Foy, QC, Canada)
 Overview of RDC/TMD Validation Project: Need for a Gold Standard. J.O. LOOK* (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
 Proposed Revisions of Algorithms for Myofascial Pain and Arthralgia. E. SCHIFFMAN* (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
 Proposed Revisions of Algorithms for Disk Displacements, Arthrosis, and Arthritis. E. TRUELOVE* (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
 Coffee Break.
 Reliability and Validity of TMJ MRI, CT and Panoramic Images. M. AHMAD* (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
 Reliability and Validity of Axis II Biobehavioral Instruments. R. OHRBACH* (University at Buffalo, NY, USA)
 Discussant. F. LOBBEZOO* (Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam, Netherlands)
 Reaching a consensus for RDC/TMDv2: Using the Delphi Method. M.T. JOHN* (University of Leipzig, Germany)
 Moderate Discussion. C. GREENE* (University of Illinois - Chicago, USA)
 Lunch Break (on your own).
 Introduction to Session II: Toward RDC/TMD version 2. P. SVENSSON* (University of Aarhus, School of Dentistry, Aarhus c, Denmark)
 Nomenclature and Classification of Joint and Muscle Pain. S. PALLA* (Zentrum fur Zahn, Mund, und Kieferheilkunde, Zurich, Switzerland)
 Nomenclature and Classification of Intra-Articular Disorders. B. STEGENGA* (University Hospital of Groningen, Netherlands)
 Are Some Forms of Temporalis Tension-type Headaches a Form of TMD?. R. JENSEN* (Danish Headache Centre, Glostrup, Denmark)
 What You Can and Cannot See in TMJ Imaging. A. PETERSSON* (Malmoe University, Faculty of Odontology, Sweden)
 Coffee Break.
 IMMPACT Recommendations for Clinical Trials: Opportunities for the RDC/TMD. J.A. HAYTHORNTHWAITE* (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA)
 Summing Up: Current Status and Future Relevance of the RDC/TMD. S.F. DWORKIN* (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
 Moderate Discussion. P. SVENSSON* (University of Aarhus, School of Dentistry, Aarhus c, Denmark)
 Closing and Next Steps. R. OHRBACH AND P. SVENSSON* (University of Minnesota and University of Aarhus, Buffalo, NY, USA)

Seq#: 2Wednesday, July 2, 1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 701A
Symposium - NIDCR's 60th Anniversary Symposium: Contributions of Canadian Pain Research
Chairperson: B. Sessle
Sponsored by: NIDCR
0002Overview of Canadian Pain Research & The NIDCR Partnership. B.J. SESSLE* (University of Toronto, Canada)
 Imaging Pain in the Brain. C. BUSHNELL* (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
 Gene-by-Environment Interactions (GXE) Controlling Chronic Pain Levels. Z. SELTZER* (University of Toronto, Canada)
 Developing Animal Models of Common Pain Patholgies: Why and How. J.S. MOGIL* (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)

Seq#: 3Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Hands-on Workshop, Room 809
Hands-on Workshop - Nutrition and Oral Health Outcomes Research: State of the Science and Future Directions
Chairperson: R. Touger-Decker
Sponsored by: Geriatric Oral Research, Nutrition, Periodontal Research
0003Oral Health as an Outcome of Diet and Nutrition Related Health Status/Behaviors: Progress to Date. M. GLICK* (ATSU-Arizona School of Dental and Oral Health, Mesa, USA)
 Nutrition as an Outcome of Oral Diseases and Dental Treatments: The Next Phase. R. TOUGER-DECKER* (New Jersey Dental School - UMD, Newark, USA)
 Measuring Nutrition Outcomes in Clinical Research: Challenges and Ptifalls. P. MOYNIHAN* (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
 Priorities for Nutriton and Oral Health Outcome Studies: Best Practices. P. LINGSTROM* (University of Goteborg-, Sweden)

Seq#: 4Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 718A
Symposium - Knowledge Translation: How to Get Your Research to the People to Whom It Matters Most
Chairperson: D. Matthews
Sponsored by: Behavioral Sciences, Cariology Research, Periodontal Research, Prosthodontics Research, EBDN
0004Introduction. ()
 Collaborating with Decision-makers to Design Research Questions and Disseminate Findings. M. MCNALLY* (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)
 Crafting the Message and Disseminating the Research Results. J. GRIMSHAW* (Canadian Cochrane Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada)
 Using "Evidence" to Affect Change in Clinical Practice. S. RIGGS* (Delta Dental Plan of Minnesota, Eagan, USA)
 Evaluating KT Programs. J. CLARKSON* (University of Dundee, United Kingdom)
 Discussion. D. MATTHEWS* (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)

Seq#: 5Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 718B
Symposium - Zirconia-based Restorations: Successes, Failures, and Clinical Recommendations
Chairpersons: S. Imazato and S. Antonson
Sponsored by: Dental Materials
0005Effect of Prostheses Design in Extending the Survival Time . K.J. ANUSAVICE* (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
 Fatigue and Damage Modes in Layered Ceramics. V.P. THOMPSON* (New York University, USA)
 Clinical Findings for Zirconia and MCR Supported Restorations. I. SAILER* (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
 The Ceramic Resin Interface: in vitro Investigation and Clinical Experience. M.B. BLATZ* (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)

Seq#: 6Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 716B
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Risk Indicators for Oral Disease
Chairpersons: F. Ramos-Gomez and K. Roberts-Thomson
0006Pediatric Caries Risk Assessment (CAMBRA) Utilization In A Community Clinic. F. RAMOS-GOMEZ*, N.Y. CHING, S.A. GANSKY, C. BROWN, and J.D. FEATHERSTONE (University of California Los Angeles, USA)
0007Preschool and Later Caries in Deciduous Teeth: Different Risk Indicators?. K.F. ROBERTS-THOMSON*, L.G. DO, J.M. ARMFIELD, and A.J. SPENCER (University of Adelaide, Australia)
0008Obesity, Body Fat Distribution and Periodontitis in Older Men. K.R. PHIPPS*, K.R. HEXEM, L.M. MARSHALL, P. WANG, E.S. ORWOLL, and C.E. LEWIS (Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA)
0009Candidate Gene Associations with Fluorosis in the Early Permanent Dentition. D.V. DAWSON*, X. XIAO, S.M. LEVY, S. SANTIAGO-PARTON, J.J. WARREN, B. BROFFITT, M.J. KANELLIS, and M.C. WILLING (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA)
0010Maternal/Infant Caries Prevention Program Impact on Children of HIV/AIDS Mothers. M.E. GUERRA*, V. TOVAR, A. RODRIGUEZ, E. GARRIDO, L. BLANCO, J.R. LEON, and L. LOPEZ (University of Central de Venezuela, Caracas, DF, Venezuela)
0011Prospective Tooth Loss Predicts Poor Cognitive Function in Older Men. E.A. KRALL*, A. VALENCIA, A. SPIRO, and R.I. GARCIA (Boston University, MA, USA)

Seq#: 7Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 713B
Cariology Research - Enamel/Microbiology/Genetics
Chairpersons: E. Morou-Bermudez and A. Vieira
0012Role of heat and organic matrix on enamel diffusion. L. HUANG and C.-Y. HSU* (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
0013Intra-subject variability of microbial diversity in caries lesions. F. GU*, Z. CHEN, M.C. PETERS, E. BRESCIANI, J.C. FENNO, and Y. LI (University of NorthCarolina,Chapel Hill, NC, USA)
0014Alkali- and Acid-producing Bacteria Associated with Caries and Health. E. MOROU-BERMUDEZ*, M.M. NASCIMENTO, E. SUAREZ-PEREZ, and R.A. BURNE (Univerisity of Puerto Rico School of Dentistry, San Juan, PR, USA)
0015Diversity and stability of mutans streptococci genotype in children. K.C. CHEON, S.A. MOSER, J.F. WHIDDON, R.C. OSGOOD, S. MOMENI, B. RAHIMA, J.D. RUBY, and N.K. CHILDERS* (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
0016 Paper Withdrawn.
0017 Paper Withdrawn.

Seq#: 8Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 717A
Craniofacial Biology - TMJ Development, Pathology, Properties, and Imaging
Chairpersons: M. Embree and S. Kapila
0018Expression of IGF Family in Developing Mouse Mandibular Condylar Cartilage. S. SHIBATA*, T. YOKOHAMA-TAMAKI, and Y. SUZUKI (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan)
0019Utilizing Gene Electroporation and Role of FGFs in Mandibular Development. F. TERAO*, I. TAKAHASHI, H. MITANI, N. HARUYAMA, Y. SASANO, O. SUZUKI, and T. TAKANO-YAMAMOTO (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
0020Extracellular Matrix Proteoglycans Regulate Condylar Chondrocyte Activity. M. EMBREE*, Y. BI, T. KILTS, F. SYED-PICARD, M. KARSDAL, and M. YOUNG (Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA)
0021Solute Diffusion in TMJ Disc Measured Using FRAP. C. SHI, C. BOWERS*, L. ZHANG, and H. YAO (Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA)
0022Condylar Morphology in Temporomandibular Disorder using 3D Shape Analysis. D.G. WALKER*, L.H.S. CEVIDANES, P.F. LIM, M. STYNER, and C. PHILLIPS (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
0023Collagenase-1 and -3 Differentially Regulate MG63 Cell Osteoblastic Differentiation. T. HAYAMI*, Y.L. KAPILA, and S. KAPILA (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)

Seq#: 9Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 703
Dental Anesthesiology Research - Keynote Address and Dental Anesthesiology Research
Chairpersons: M. Yamashiro and Z. Messieha
0024Keynote Address: Ambulatory and Office-based Anesthesia - A Discussion of Current Research. Z. MESSIEHA* (University of Illinois at Chicago, Glen Ellyn, USA)
0025Anesthetic Efficacy of Articaine Hydrochloride versus Lidocaine Hydrochloride: A Meta-Analysis. K.R. PAXTON*, D.V. DAWSON, D.R. DRAKE, A.E. WILLIAMSON, W.T. JOHNSON, and J. XU (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA)
0026Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting of Ambulatory Anesthesia for the disabled. M. YAMASHIRO*, M. MIURA, and N. MIYASHITA (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
0027The effect of acupuncture on dental anxiety. A systematic review. S. CHOUDHRY, J. GONZALEZ*, N. WILSON, and A.N.A. DONALDSON (King's College London Dental Institute, United Kingdom)
0028Efficacy of Liposome-Encapsulated Mepivacaine for Infiltrative Anesthesia in Volunteers. G.R. TÓFOLI*, C.M.S. CEREDA, F.C. GROPPO, M.C. VOLPATO, M. FRANZ MONTAN, J. RANALI, and E. DE PAULA (Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Instituto de Biologia, Brazil)

Seq#: 10Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 801B
Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms - Strength of Restorative Materials
Chairpersons: J. Mecholsky and B. Loomans
0029Effect of multiple crack interactions on the strength of glass. J.J. MECHOLSKY, Jr.* (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
0030Silanation Enhancement for High Strength Dental Ceramics. J.R. PIASCIK*, B.R. STONER, S. GREGO, and J.Y. THOMPSON (RTI International, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA)
0031Effect of proximal contour of composite restorations on fracture resistance. B.A.C. LOOMANS*, J.J.M. ROETERS, N.J.M. OPDAM, and R.H. KUIJS (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Netherlands)
0032Loading Effect on µTBS of All-In-One Adhesives – Indirect Bonding. G.J. DORSMAN*, X. DING, N. BRESLIN, B. OZCOPUR, C. YESILYURT, and S. BELLI (Danville Materials, Inc, Santa Ana, CA, USA)
0033Loading Effect on µTBS of All-In-One Adhesives – Direct Bonding. G.J. DORSMAN, X. DING, B. OZCOPUR, C. YESILYURT, G. BULUT, and S. BELLI* (University of Selcuk, Konya, Turkey)
0034Shear bond strength of repaired composite-resin using different repair protocols. I.R. BLUM*, K. ANDREWS, and M.E. BARBOUR (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 11Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 801A
Dental Materials 6: Polymer-based Materials - Physical Properties and Performance - Resin Polymerization
Chairpersons: R. Price and R. Guggenberger
0035Effectiveness of Class Two Polymerization With QTH and LED Lights. F.A. DAYOUB and T.F. NAHLAWI* (Faculty of Dental Medicine, Damasus University, Damascus, Syria)
0036LED lights with nine wavelengths: Influence on composite properties. K. VOGEL* and V. RHEINBERGER (IvoclarVivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein)
0037Connective Forces between Layers of FiltekTM Silorane versus Methacrylate Composites. K. DEDE, A. SYREK, O. KAPPLER, R. GUGGENBERGER, W. WEINMANN, and C. THALACKER* (3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany)
0038Effect of Irradiance on the Rate of Resin Polymerization. C.M. FELIX* and R.B. PRICE (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)
0039Can CQ completely be replaced by Alternative Initiators in Dental-Adhesives?. N. ILIE* and R. HICKEL (Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany)
0040How Much Energy Does a Class I Restoration Receive?. M. MCLEOD*, C.M. FELIX, and R.B. PRICE (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)

Seq#: 12Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 803A
Dental Materials 7: Metal-based Materials - Wires for Rotary Instruments, Orthodontic Wires, and Bonding
Chairpersons: W. Brantley and A. Goldberg
0041Nanomechanical Properties of M-Wire and Superelastic Wires for Rotary Instruments. W. BRANTLEY*, M. IIJIMA, S. ALAPATI, W.A.T. CLARK, J. LIU, I. MIZOGUCHI, and W.B. JOHNSON (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
0042Mechanical Properties of New NiTi Wire for Rotary Endodontic Instruments. S. ALAPATI*, R. DRAUGHN, W. BRANTLEY, W.A.T. CLARK, M. IIJIMA, J. LIU, and W.B. JOHNSON (Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA)
0043Polyphenylene Orthodontic Wire Properties Unaltered by Thermoforming Conditions. A.J. GOLDBERG*, K.A. ECKROTE, and C.J. BURSTONE (University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, USA)
0044Effect of Fluoride on Ni-Ti and Cu-Ni-Ti Archwires- Invivo Study. A. RAMALINGAM*, V. KAILASAM, S. PADHMANABAN, and A. CHITHARANJAN (Shri Ramachandra Dentl College, Chennai, India)
0045Orthodontic Bonding to High Copper Amalgam with Different Adhesive Cements. M. ULKER, S. MALKOC*, H.E. BOTSALI, M. YALCIN, and M. MALKOC (Selcuk University, Deparment of Orthodontics, Konya, Turkey)

Seq#: 13Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 803B
Dental Materials 9: Instruments and Equipment - Instrumentation for Measuring Materials
Chairpersons: N. Samet and P. Pospiech
0046Evaluating the effect of ozone gas in managing dentin hypersensitivity. A. AZARPAZHOOH*, H. LIMEBACK, H.P. LAWRENCE, and E.D. FILLERY (University of Toronto, Canada)
0047A method to validate profilometric tooth wear measurements. J.M. RODRIGUEZ*, R. CURTIS, and D. BARTLETT (King's College London Dental Institute, United Kingdom)
0048Fit of crowns, accuracy of an innovative measuring method. S. RUES*, F. BECKER, J. MAHABADI, C. EIFFLER, A. HASSEL, M. SCHMITTER, and P. RAMMELSBERG (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
0049Feasibility of computerized color formulation for layered composite restorations. N. SAMET*, J. DASILVA, and S. NAGAI (Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA)
0050Validity of teeth and arch measurments on conventional versus 3Dmodels. M. NOURI*, S. AZIMI, R. MASSUDI, A. AKBARZADE, and M. KATCHOOI (Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran)
0051Development of a new bite force measurement device. P.R. POSPIECH*, T.D. GESSNER, T. KUBERCZYK, G. SCHULTES, and F.P. NOTHDURFT (Saarland University, Homburg/Saar, Germany)

Seq#: 14Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 713A
Implantology Research - Bone Regeneration
Chairpersons: I. Naert and J. Geis-Gerstorfer
0052Influence of Young's Modulus of Loaded Implants on Bone Remodelling. N. STOPPIE, H. VAN OOSTERWYCK, J.A. JANSEN, J.G.C. WOLKE, M. WEVERS, and I. NAERT* (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven / BIOMAT Research Cluster, Belgium)
0053Bone Regenerative Properties of Platelet-rich Plasma. A.S. PLACHOKOVA*, J. VAN DEN DOLDER, J.J.P. VAN DEN BEUCKEN, and J.A. JANSEN (Radboud University Nijmegen, Medical Center, Netherlands)
0054One Year Chemical Degradation of HA/TCP Scaffolds for Bone Regeneration. J. GEIS-GERSTORFER*, E. SCHWEIZER, M. DARD, A. NEIDHARDT, and D. STEINHOFF (University Hospital Tuebingen, Germany)
0055Influence of immediate implant loading on early bone healing processes. E. SLAETS, I. NAERT, G. CARMELIET, and J. DUYCK* (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
0056Biodegradable scaffolds and tissue reactions a pilot study in mice. K.E. SCHANDER*, E. HELLEM, A.I. BOLSTAD, K. ARVIDSON, S. HAMMER ŘSTVOLD, S. DĹNMARK, A.-C. ALBERTSSON, P. PLIKK, A. WISTRAND, and K. MUSTAFA (Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen, Norway)
0057Sinus augmentation with a nano-structured biomaterial: clinical and histological results. S. STÜBINGER*, S.M. GHANAATI, C. ORTH, O. SEITZ, P. BOOMS, C.J. KIRKPATRICK, and R. SADER (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Medical School, Frankfurt, Germany)

Seq#: 15Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 716A
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Immune Mechanisms
Chairpersons: T. Kawai and M. Mayer
0058Possible effects of IgG immune complexes on RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis. M.P.A. MAYER*, G. GIRO, K. OUHARA, X. HAN, M.A. TAUBMAN, and T. KAWAI (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
0059Topical OPG-Fc ameliorates RANKL-dependent rat periodontal bone-loss possibly involving FcRn. T. KAWAI*, K. OUHARA, P. STASHENKO, and M. TAUBMAN (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
0060Responses of Phagocytic Cells from Inbred Mice to Th1 Cytokines. Y. HU*, C.S. FARAH, and R.B. ASHMAN (Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China)
0061Activation of Th1 and Th17-polarised responses in experimental oral candidiasis. J. SAUNUS, A. KAZOULLIS, M.A. MATIAS, S. WAGNER, and C.S. FARAH* (University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD, Australia)
0062Systemic Immunoinflammatory Markers in Periodontitis Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction. A. URAZ*, G. TACOY, M. KARCHED, Z. TURGUT, S. YUKSEL, B. DOGAN, A. BODUR, and S. ASIKAINEN (Gazi Universitesi, Ankara, Turkey)
0063Plasma membrane charge distribution during neutrophil chemotaxis. M.A.O. MAGALHAES*, R.P. ELLEN, and M. GLOGAUER (University of Toronto, Canada)

Seq#: 16Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 714A
Mineralized Tissue - Enamel Gene Expression & Transgenics
Chairpersons: T. Diekwisch and P. Papagerakis
0064Frog amelogenin overexpression in mice disrupts enamel prism formation. Y. ITO, T. JIN, C.G. WALKER, S. DANGARIA, X. LUAN, and T. DIEKWISCH* (University of Illinois - Chicago, USA)
0065Transgenic mice that express amelogenin lacking the C-terminus. M.K. PUGACH*, Y. LI, J.T. WRIGHT, C. SUGGS, D. SIMMONS, M. ARAGON, Z.-A. YUAN, A.B. KULKARNI, and C.W. GIBSON (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)
0066Generation of a Kallikrein 4 Knockout/LacZ Knockin Mouse. Y.Y. HU*, R. LERTLAM, J.P. SIMMER, and J.C.-C. HU (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0067XBP1 Expression May Determine the Size of the Ameloblast ER. M. TSUCHIYA, C.E. TYE, R. SHARMA, C.E. SMITH, and J.D. BARTLETT* (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
0068Regulation of Enamelin Tissue-specific Expression. P. PAPAGERAKIS*, Y.Y. HU, and J.C.-C. HU (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
0069Enamel Agenesis and Aberrant Mineralizations Occur in Enamelin Null Mice. C.E. SMITH*, Y.Y. HU, J.P. SIMMER, and J.C.-C. HU (Universite de Montreal, Canada)

Seq#: 17Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 705
Neuroscience / TMJ - Bruxism: Associations, Measurement, and Treatment
Chairpersons: C. Restrepo and B. Matthews
0070Tooth wear: a discriminator between young sleep bruxers and controls?. S. ABE*, T. YAMAGUCHI, P. ROMPRÉ, C. MANZINI, D. DAIGLE-LANDRY, and G. LAVIGNE (Université de Montréal, Canada)
0071Effect of a Titrable Mandibular Advancement Appliance on Sleep Bruxism. P.H. ROMPRÉ*, A. LANDRY-SCHÖNBECK, P. DE GRANDMONT, and G.J. LAVIGNE (Université de Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada)
0072Automated assessment of rhythmic masticatory muscle activity. M. FARELLA*, P. ROMPRÉ, G. LAVIGNE, S. PALLA, and L.M. GALLO (Zentrum fur Zahn, Mund, und Kieferheilkunde, Zurich, Switzerland)
0073Treatment of bruxism in children. A systematic review. C.C. RESTREPO* and S. GOMEZ (CES-LPH Research Group Universidad CES, Medellín, Colombia)
0074The Relationship of Psychosocial Disorders to Bruxism in Male Adolescents. K. ESFAHANIZADEH*, S. FERDOSI, N. VALAEE, and H. BAYRAMI (Tehran Islamic Azad School of Dentistry, Iran)
0075Structural Equation Modelling of the Relationship Between Parafunctions and Pain. A. GLAROS, K. WILLIAMS*, and L. LAUSTEN (UMKC-School of Dentistry, Kansas City, MO, USA)

Seq#: 18Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 709
Oral Health Research - Oral Health Promotion, Tobacco Use
Chairpersons: S. Nagarajappa and H. Whelton
0076Self-perception of Dental Appearance and Prophylactic Habits in Smoking Patients. H.A. COLOSI*, D. DUDEA, J.F. LASSERRE, A. SINCA, B. CULIC, M. VLAD, and C. ALB (Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
0077Factors Associated with Smoking Among an Urban Underserved Adolescent Population. S.H. KIM*, G. CRUZ, A.R. KERR, and R. BRAXTON (New York University, USA)
0078Integrating Adolescents' Oral Health Promotion with Smoking Prevention: A Randomised-Trial. O.A. AYO-YUSUF*, P.S. REDDY, and H.W. VAN DEN BORNE (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
0079Oral Microbiota, Caries and Periodontal Status in Smokeless Tobacco chewers. S. NAGARAJAPPA* and K.V.V. PRASAD (K. D. Dental College and Hospital, Mathura, India)
0080General Dentists' Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Tobacco Control. B. HECKMAN, S. GANSKY, J. WEINTRAUB, S. SILVERSTEIN, C. KAVANAGH, and M. WALSH* (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
0081Nicorette® gum reduces tooth staining during smoking cessation. H. WHELTON*, R. KINGSTON, D.M. O'MULLANE, F. NILSSON, and V. KELLEHER (National University of Ireland - Cork, Ireland)

Seq#: 19Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 701B
Periodontal Research - Pathogenesis - Keynote Address and Host-Bacterial Interactions
Chairpersons: H. Larjava and A. Gustafsson
0082Keynote Addresss: Porphyromonas gingivalis Lipopolysaccharide: Modulation of Innate Host Defense. R.P. DARVEAU* (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
0083Cytokine concentrations in plasma from patients with periodontitis. A. GUSTAFSSON*, K. BUHLIN, and B. KLINGE (Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden)
0084Oxygen tension modulates oral epithelial cytokine response to bacterial stimuli. M.M. GRANT*, R.T. KOLAMUNNE, I.L. CHAPPLE, and H.R. GRIFFITHS (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
0085Absence of avb6 Integrin is Linked to Periodontal Disease. F. GHANNAD, D. NICA, M.I. GARCIA FULLE, D. GRENIER, S. JOHNSTON, A. ESLAMI, L. KOIVISTO, G. JIANG, E.E. PUTNINS, M.D. MCKEE, L.T. HÄKKINEN, and H.S. LARJAVA* (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
0086PAR silencing affects bacterial stimulation of NOD in gingival epithelia. W.O. CHUNG*, J. AN, M.G. ROHANI, H. DOMMISCH, and B.A. DALE (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)

Seq#: 20Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 715
Pharmacology, Therapeutics, & Toxicology - Keynote Address and Pharmacology, Therapeutics, & Toxicology
Chairpersons: K. Kirkwood and W. Holbrook
0087Keynote Address: Supporting Marketing Claims: One Aspect of This Clinical Pharmacologist's Career. E. HERSH* (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)
0088Monocaprin and doxycycline as a treatment for cold sores. W.P. HOLBROOK*, S. SKÚLASON, T. KRISTMUNDSDÓTTIR, and H. THORMAR (University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland)
0089Inhibition of Chemoresistant Human Oral Squamous Carcinoma by Pseudomonas Exotoxin. G.-C. KIM*, K.-D. LEE, I.-R. KIM, H.-H. KWAK, and B.-S. PARK (Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea)
0090Bisdemethylcurcuminoid effects on IL-6 and PGE2 Production from Gingival Fibroblasts. N. AROONRERK*, C. CHANGTAM, K. KIRTIKARA, and A. SUKSAMRARN (Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand)

Seq#: 21Wednesday, July 2, 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Oral, Room 717B
Prosthodontics Research - Arthur R. Frechette Research Awards Finalists
Chairperson: S. Rosenstiel
0091Prospective study of fixed CAD/CAM-titanium-ceramic restorations: 2-year results. A.F. BOECKLER*, A. STADLER, A. PSOCH, and J.M. SETZ (Martin-Luther-University, Halle/ Saale, Germany)
0092Thermal Shock of Porcelain Veneered Zirconia with Various Surface Treatments. M. FAHMI*, R. GIORDANO, and R. POBER (Boston University, MA, USA)
0093Fiber Post Bonding Effectiveness to Root Canal and Composite Core. A. RATHKE*, D. HAJ-OMER, and B. HALLER (University of Ulm, Germany)
0094Static-Magnetic-Fields of Dental Magnets Influence Calcium Channels of Trigeminal-Ganglion-Neurons. J.-F. SHEN*, L. DU, and Y.-L. CHAO (Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China)
0095Control of oral fibroblast growth and function by N-acetyl cysteine. N. SATO*, K. KUBO, T. SUZUKI, N. TSUKIMURA, and T. OGAWA (University of California Los Angeles, USA)
0096Novel osteogenic specific transcription factors on mesenchymal stem cells. F. SUEHIRO*, M. NISHIMURA, K. KAMADA, M. TSUBOI, K. SEKIYA, S. SADAMORI, and T. HAMADA (Hiroshima University, Japan)
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