website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

Chronological Listing of Sessions and Abstracts



Seq#: 250Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 718A
Symposium - Meeting Oral Health Needs to Promote the Well-being of the Geriatric Population: Education Research Issues
Chairpersons: A. Bullock and H. Best
Sponsored by: Education Research, Geriatric Oral Research, EBDN
2827Educational Systems and the Impact of Socio-demographic and Epidemiological Issues. M.I. MACENTEE* (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
 Teaching, Learning and Assessment: Researching Models of Practice. N. SHAH* (All India Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi, India)
 Educational Program Components: Clinical and Non-clinical Issues. A.W.G. WALLS* (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, Uk)
 The Future - Research Challenges. R.L. ETTINGER* (University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA)

Seq#: 251Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 718B
Symposium - Methodological Challenges in the Design and Analysis of Split-mouth Trials
Chairperson: I. Needleman
Sponsored by: Behavioral Sciences, Cariology Research, Periodontal Research, EBDN
2828The Role of Split-Mouth Trials in Oral Health Research. B. PIHLSTROM* (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
 A Critical Review of Split-mouth Studies. C. REDMOND* (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
 Appropriate Statistical Methods for Split-mouth Studies. E. LESAFFRE* (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
 Split-mouth Studies and Systematic Reviews. I. NEEDLEMAN* (UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, England, Uk)

Seq#: 252Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Symposium - Group/Division Sponsored, Room 701A
Symposium - Orofacial Pain in Children and Adolescents: Epidemiology, Risk Factors, Impact, and Management
Chairperson: M. Drangsholt
Sponsored by: Neuroscience / TMJ, International RDC/TMD Consortium Network
2829Chronic Pain in Children/Adolescents: a View from Outside of Dentistry. P. MCGRATH* (University of Toronto, Canada)
 Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Orofacial Pain in Children/Adolescents. L. LERESCHE* (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
 Consequences of Orofacial Pain in Youth: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Approaches. I.-M. NILSSON* (Linkoping Health Centre, Sweden)
 Management of Orofacial Pain in Children/Adolescents. T. LIST* (Malmo University, Sweden)

Seq#: 253Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 716B
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Psychosocial and Behavioral Issues in Oral health
Chairpersons: A. Koerber and M. Litt
2830Learned resourcefulness and coping with crying in dentists and students. J.L. PETTIT, A. KOERBER*, I.C. PUNWANI, J. HENDERSHOT, S. FADAVI, and B. JOHNSON (University of Illinois - Chicago, USA)
2831Parental caries-related behaviour and knowledge change following education. S. LI*, J. VERONNEAU, M.C. LOIGNON, S. SHAPIRO, R.W. PLATT, and P.J. ALLISON (Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA)
2832Changes in children's dental fear during 3.5-year period. S. LAHTI*, M. TOLVANEN, and H. HAUSEN (University of Oulu, Finland)
2833Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for TMD Pain: Initial Results. M. LITT*, D. SHAFER, C. IBANEZ, and Z. TAWFIK-YONKERS (University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA)
2834Anxiety, Depression and Pain: Differences by Primary Cancer. D.J. FISCHER*, D.J. WILKIE, and Y.O. KIM (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
2835Sense of control modifies relationship between stress and temporomandibular disorder. G.D. SLADE* and A.E. SANDERS (School of Dentistry, Adelaide, Australia)

Seq#: 254Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 713B
Cariology Research - Diagnostics
Chairpersons: D. Fried and N. Pitts
2836Hidden Dentinal Caries Detection Using a Novel Electrical Impedance Device. N.B. PITTS*, C. LONGBOTTOM, D. RICKETTS, and A. CZAJCZYNSKA-WASZKIEWICZ (University of Dundee, United Kingdom)
2837Factors Affecting the DIAGNOdent's Ability to Detect Small Occlusal Caries. K. MARKOWITZ*, D. FURGANG, and D.H. FINE (New Jersey Dental School - UMDNJ, Newark, USA)
2838Determining depths of incipient caries from OCT imaging. L.-P. CHOO-SMITH*, P. QIU, D.P. POPESCU, M. HEWKO, C.C.S. DONG, B.M. CLEGHORN, and M.G. SOWA (National Research Council Canada, Winnipeg, MB, Canada)
2839Nondestructive assessment of the inhibition of demineralization with PS-OCT. D. FRIED*, D. HSU, S. MANESH, and C. DARLING (University of California, San Francisco, USA)
2840Four-dimensional µCT Analysis of Remineralization in Enamel and Root Caries. Y. KANRI*, Y. SHIMAZU, K. SATO, S. ASADA, Y. SAEKI, and T. AOBA (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
2841Monitoring of caries lesions in enamel by Terahertz Pulsed Imaging. D. CHURCHLEY*, F. LIPPERT, A. PORTIERI, and J. ALTON (GlaxoSmithKline, Weybridge, Surrey, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 255Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 701B
Craniofacial Biology - Keynote Address and Genetics and Biology of Cleft Lip / Palate
Chairpersons: L. Opperman and A. Nawshad
2842Keynote Address: Sub-clinical Phenotypes in Families with Non-syndromic Orofacial Clefts (Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate): Genetic Analyses and Implications for Clinical Practice. A. VIEIRA* (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
2843AXIN2, Orofacial Clefts and Positive Family History for Cancer. R. MENEZES*, T. MCHENRY, M. COOPER, K. BARDI, C. BRANDON, A. LETRA, M. MARAZITA, and A. VIEIRA (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
2844Splice variants of ALK5 regulate medial palatal seam cell morphogenesis. C. LIU, S. AHMED, and A. NAWSHAD* (University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA)
2845MSX1 Interacts with PRDM16 in Clefts and Tooth Agenesis. A. MODESTO*, B. BJORK, R. MEIRA, J. AVILA, S. DAACK-HIRSCH, D. BEIER, J. MURRAY, and A. VIEIRA (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
2846Interaction Between IRF6 and TGFA Genes Contribute to Isolated Clefting. A. LETRA*, R. FRAGELLI, R. MENEZES, J.M. GRANJEIRO, E. CASTILLA, I. ORIOLI, B.C. SCHUTTE, and A. VIEIRA (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)

Seq#: 256Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 801B
Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms - Polymerization
Chairpersons: S. Duarte and F. Zicari
2847Effect of chlorhexidine on conversion of resins of different hydrophilicities. F. ANTONIOLLI*, M. CADENARO, L. BRESCHI, C. NAVARRA, G. MARCHESI, R. DI LENARDA, F.R. TAY, and D.H. PASHLEY (University of Trieste, Italy)
2848Coherences between micro-mechanical properties and degree of cure. N. ILIE, S. MOSER*, and R. HICKEL (Dental College, Munich, Germany)
2849Effects of residual ethanol on percent conversion of experimental adhesives. M. CADENARO*, L. BRESCHI, F.A. RUEGGEBERG, M. SUCHKO, K. AGEE, A. MAZZONI, R. DI LENARDA, F.R. TAY, and D.H. PASHLEY (University of Trieste, Italy)
2850Performance of Different Adhesives to a New Low Shrinkage Composite. S. DUARTE, Jr.*, J.-H. PHARK, F. VARJAO, M.B. BLATZ, and A. SADAN (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)
2851Effect of Ethanol Application on Post Luting to Intraradicular Dentin. C.A.R. CARVALHO*, A. CANTORO, A. MAZZONI, C. GORACCI, L. BRESCHI, and M. FERRARI (USP - Bauru School of Dentistry and University of Siena, Conselheiro Lafaiete, Brazil)
2852Influence of surface treatment on bonding effectiveness of different fiber-posts. F. ZICARI*, B. VAN MEERBEEK, R. SCOTTI, and I. NAERT (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)

Seq#: 257Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 803A
Dental Materials 3: Ceramic-based Materials and Cements - Stress, Fatigue, and Reliability of Ceramics
Chairpersons: J. Griggs and N. Katsube
2853KI estimation of small interfacial cracks in adhesive ceramic restorations. Y. WANG, N. KATSUBE*, S. ROKHLIN, and R. SEGHI (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
2854Modulus Mapping of Layered Dental Ceramics Using Nanoindentation. A. THEOCHAROPOULOS*, M.J. CATTELL, A.J. BUSHBY, K.M.Y. P'NG, R.M. WILSON, and K.E. TANNER (Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, United Kingdom)
2855Off-axis sliding contact fatigue reliability of veneered alumina and zirconia. T. SANTANA, Y. ZHANG, D.E. REKOW, V.P. THOMPSON, and N.R. SILVA* (New York University, USA)
2856Fatigue Testing of Two Porcelain-Zirconia All-Ceramic Crown Systems. P.G. COELHO*, N.R.F.A. SILVA, M. CABRERA, E.A. BONFANTE, E.D. REKOW, and V.P. THOMPSON (New York University, USA)
2857FE Analysis of Endodontically Treated Teeth With Coronoradicular Stabilization Posts. E. ELDAWAKHLY*, J.A. GRIGGS, A. MOKHTAR, and E. ANWAR (Cairo University, Egypt)
2858Fatigue Lifetimes of Endodontically Treated Teeth With Coronoradicular Stabilization Posts. E. ELDAWAKHLY, J.A. GRIGGS*, A. MOKHTAR, and E. ANWAR (University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, USA)

Seq#: 258Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 803B
Dental Materials 4: Clinical Trials, Biocompatibility and Biologic Effects - Assessment of Devices and Dentifrices
Chairpersons: A. Woda and S. Nachnani
2859Magnification Effects on Visual Ratings by Clinical Research Investigators. A. RAJAN*, P.A. BAUER, J.L. VIVAS, M.E. MCLEAN, M. FITZGERALD, M.C. PETERS, and S.C. BAYNE (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
2860Clinical Comparison of Proximal Contacts Obtained with Different Matrix Systems. E. WIRSCHING*, B.A.C. LOOMANS, H.J. STAEHLE, and C.E. DORFER (Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany)
2861In Vivo Strain Measurement Analyzing Tooth Movement during Invisalign Treatment. T. BROSH*, D. ROBBINS, and A.D. VARDIMON (Tel-Aviv University, Israel)
2862Development and Validation of a Mastication Simulator. A. WODA*, A. MISHELLANY-DUTOUR, O. FRANCOIS, J.-P. MEUNIER, C. HARTMAN, M. ALRIC, and M.-A. PEYRON (Universite D'auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France)
2863Randomized Trial Evaluating 0.454% Stannous Fluoride Dentifrice with Restorative Dentistry. G. KUGEL, S. SHARMA*, S.F. FERREIRA, M. SOMOGYI-MANN, and R.W. GERLACH (Tufts University School Of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA)
2864Oral Malodor Reduction with 3-week Use of 0.454% SnF2 Dentifrice. S. NACHNANI*, S. LA, S. LEE, S. FARRELL, M.L. BARKER, and R.W. GERLACH (University Health Resouces Group, Inc, Culver City, CA, USA)

Seq#: 259Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 801A
Dental Materials 8: Other Materials - Chemistry, Properties and Performance - Keynote Address and Materials for Remineralization and Desensitization
Chairpersons: P. Kanjirath and M. Peters
2865Keynote Address: Evaluation of Laboratory Methods to Assess the Performance of Remineralizing Therapies/Materials. C. GONZÁLEZ-CABEZAS* (Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA)
2866Fluoride release and re-uptake of dental materials with fluoride varnish/gel. S.Y. KIM*, J.-B. KIM, S.J. RA, and J.S. KIM (Ajou University School of medicine, Suwon, South Korea)
2867CO2 Laser Irradiation Enhances Interaction of 45S5 Bioglass with Dentin. A.S. BAKRY*, K. MATIN, Y. TANAKA, H. TAKAHASHI, M. OTSUKI, K. YAMASHITA, and J. TAGAMI (Tokyo Medical and Dental University & COE Program, FRMDRTB at TMDU, Japan)
2868Reduction in Dentin Permeability Using a Fluoride-Calcium-Phosphate Containing Solution. S. TAKAGI* and L.C. CHOW (American Dental Association Foundation, Gaithersburg, MD, USA)

Seq#: 260Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 713A
Implantology Research - Cell Culture Studies
Chairpersons: S. Peel and W. Yang
2869The effect of non-collagenous proteins on BMP retention and activity. S.G. ROBERTSON, C.M.L. CLOKIE, and S.A. PEEL* (University of Toronto, Canada)
2870Deconvoluting the mechanisms of crestal bone loss around dental implants. Y. UJIIE*, R. TODESCAN, and J.E. DAVIES (Toronto University, Canada)
2871The bone formation effect of the PCL-TCP, rhBMP-2, dMSCs. H. PARK*, J.S. OH, I. HAN, S.-J. KIM, G.H. KIM, and S.-W. SHIN (Korea University, Seoul, South Korea)
2872Monocytes induce survival and activation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. W. YANG* and A. JEWETT (University of California - Los Angeles, Chicago, IL, USA)
2873Modulation of Osteoblast Signaling and Differentiation by Novel Substratum Topographies. D.W. HAMILTON* and D.M. BRUNETTE (University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)
2874Cellular effect of nano and macrocoatings on cpTi surfaces. S. YENIYOL*, T. OZDEMIR, A. BILIR, and A.F. CAKIR (University of Istanbul, Turkey)

Seq#: 261Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 716A
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Oral Microbiology II
Chairpersons: R. Wu and G. Diamond
2875Vitamin-D Induction of Antimicrobial Peptide Genes in Gingival Epithelial Cells. G. DIAMOND*, S. YIM, K. SCHWARTZ, and E. BROWN (UMDNJ-New Jersey Dental School, Newark, USA)
2876Evidence for Considerable Demineralization Potential of Pyruvate Formate-Lyase Generated Acids. T. THURNHEER*, H. HOLMES, and R. GMÜR (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
2877Quantitative Organelle Proteomics of Histatin-Treated C. albicans. E. SALIH*, E.J. HELMERHORST, W.L. SIQUEIRA, and F.G. OPPENHEIM (Boston University, School of Dental Medicine, MA, USA)
2878Virulence gene expression in covR/vicK mutants of Streptococcus mutans. R.N. STIPP*, R.B. GONÇALVES, J.F. HOFLING, D.J. SMITH, and R.O. MATTOS-GRANER (University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil)
2879 Paper Withdrawn.
2880Isolation of an in vivo protein-complex required for Fap1 glycosyaltion. R. WU*, M. ZHOU, and H. WU (UAB, Birmingham, AL, USA)

Seq#: 262Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 714A
Mineralized Tissue - Bone/Dentin Formation & Resorption
Chairpersons: A. Sloan and S. Huja
2881Expression of Bone Morphogenetic Protein Inhibitors by Rat Gingival Fibroblasts. M.S. GHUMAN*, M. AL-MASRI, I.J. MCKAY, and F.J. HUGHES (Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, United Kingdom)
2882An Ex-Vivo Murine Mandible Culture Model for Inflammatory Bone Destruction. S.Y. TAYLOR, E.L. SMITH, X.-Q. WEI, R.J. WADDINGTON, and A.J. SLOAN* (Cardiff University, Wales)
2883Lysophosphatidic Acid Elevates Cytosolic Calcium and Enhances Osteoclast Survival. D.M. LAPIERRE*, M.M. LEBLANC, S.J. DIXON, and S.M. SIMS (University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)
2884Zoledronic acid decreases bone formation without causing osteocyte death. S.S. HUJA*, C.A. PHILLIPS, S.A. FERNANDEZ, and J. EVANKO (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
2885Short term zoledronic acid induces necrotic foci in dog jaws. A.S. MASON*, C.A. PHILLIPS, S.A. FERNANDEZ, and S.S. HUJA (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
2886Use of αSMA-GFP to define progenitor cells in dental pulp. R. FATAHI*, A. BALIC, I. KALAJZIC, and M. MINA (University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, USA)

Seq#: 263Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 705
Neuroscience / TMJ - Occlusion, Corticomotor Pathways, and Quality of Life
Chairpersons: H. Van der Glas and W. McCall
2887Intracortical Excitability in Healthy Human Subjects After Tongue-training. L. BAAD-HANSEN*, J. BLICHER, N. LAPITSKAYA, J.F. NIELSEN, and P. SVENSSON (University of Aarhus, School of Dentistry, Aarhus c, Denmark)
2888Quality of Life for myogenous TMD and other pain disorders. H.W. VAN DER GLAS* and R.J. VAN GROOTEL (University Medical Center Utrecht, Str. 4. 115, Netherlands)
2889Physical and Psycho-social Characteristics of Occlusal Dysesthesia. Y. TSUKIYAMA*, A. YAMADA, R. ICHIKI, and K. KOYANO (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
2890Effects of oral deafferentation to chewing-related prefrontal cortex activity. N. NARITA*, K. KAMIYA, K. YAMAMURA, and M. FUNATO (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan)
2891Reliability of EMG Activity versus Bite Force during Static Biting. W.D. MCCALL*, Y.M. GONZALEZ, L.R. IWASAKI, R. OHRBACH, T. SPEERS, and J.C. NICKEL (State University of New York at Buffalo, USA)
2892Cerebral Cortical Processing of Saliva and Water Bolus Swallowing. R.E. MARTIN*, P. SOROS, and Y. INAMOTO (University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada)

Seq#: 264Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 709
Oral Health Research - Public Health, Oral Cancer Post-treatment Effects
Chairpersons: M. Walker and M. Rothen
2893Application of Spatial Covariance Structure to Post-radiation Tooth Destruction. A.-L. CHENG*, M.P. WALKER, K.B. WILLIAMS, C.-I. CHENG, and B.D. WICHMAN (University of Missouri -Kansas City, USA)
2894Post-radiation Dental Lesion Severity: Association with Tooth-level Radiation Dose. M.P. WALKER*, K.B. WILLIAMS, B.D. WICHMAN, A.-L. CHENG, and N. ALDERMAN (University of Missouri -Kansas City, USA)
2895Is a public dental program for high-risk pregnant women effective?. D. LIN*, R. HARRISON, and J. ALEKSEJUNIENE (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
2896Relationship between oral hygiene behaviours and Sense of Coherence. M. DORRI*, R. WATT, and A. SHEIHAM (University College London, United Kingdom)
2897Inter-examiner Reliability of Resting and Stimulated Salivary Tests. M. ROTHEN*, J. CUNHA-CRUZ, B. LEROUX, L. MANCL, B. LATZKE, J. COYNE, and J. BERG (Northwest PRECEDENT - University of Washington, Seattle, USA)

Seq#: 265Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 715
Periodontal Research - Diagnosis / Epidemiology - Risk Markers for Periodontitis
Chairpersons: P. Eke and D. Haubek
2898Assessment of Self-report Measures for Predicting Prevalence of Periodontitis. P. EKE* and B.A. DYE (Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, USA)
2899Serum Antibodies to Periodontal Bacteria as Diagnostic Markers of Periodontitis. C. VLACHOJANNIS*, B.A. DYE, M. HERRERA-ABREU, J. LERCHE-SEHM, L. PIKDOKEN, B. PRETZL, A. SCHWARTZ, and P.N. PAPAPANOU (Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, NY, USA)
2900Periodontitis and Alcohol in the Copenhagen City Heart Study. J. KONGSTAD*, U.A. HVIDTFELDT, M. GRONBAEK, and P. HOLMSTRUP (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
2901Novel LAMP Method Detecting the JP2 Clone of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. M. SEKI*, K. POULSEN, D. HAUBEK, and M. KILIAN (Nihon University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan)
2902Two-year colonization stability of the JP2 clone of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. D. HAUBEK*, O.-K. ENNIBI, M. VAETH, S. POULSEN, and K. POULSEN (University of Aarhus, Aarhus C, Denmark)
2903MIP-1a: A Salivary Biomarker in Aggressive Periodontitis. D. FINE*, D. FURGANG, K. MARKOWITZ, M. MCKIERNAN, J. FERRANDIZ, K. FAIRLIE, and R. DONNELLY (New Jersey Dental School - UMDNJ, Newark, USA)

Seq#: 266Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 707
Periodontal Research - Pathogenesis - Systemic Interactions
Chairpersons: I. Chapple and K. Barouch
2904Human Gingival Tissue: a New Site of C-Reactive Protein Formation?. L. JIN* and Q. LU (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China)
2905Atherosclerosis Lipid Risk Markers Before and After Periodontal Treatment. K. BUHLIN*, A. GUSTAFSSON, and B. KLINGE (Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden)
2906Oxidative, Inflammatory and Diabetic status in Type-2 Diabetics with Periodontitis. E.M. ALLEN, D. O' HALLORAN, J.B. MATTHEWS, and I.L.C. CHAPPLE* (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
2907Statin Use and Periodontal Inflammation. J.B. CARROLL*, J.A. KATANCIK, A.J. MORETTI, and M. MADJID (University of Texas - Houston/Health Science Center, USA)
2908ROS production induced by TNF-α in Down syndrome. K.K. BAROUCH*, T. KOMATSU, Y. MAEHATA, A. SASAHARA, F. YOSHINO, A. MIYAGI, M. IKEDA, and M.-I. LEE (Boston University, MA, USA)
2909Crevicular Fluid Resorption Marker: Correlation with Alveolar and Systemic Bone. R.A. REINHARDT*, J.A. STONER, H.M. LEE, P.V. NUMMIKOSKI, L.M. GOLUB, and J.B. PAYNE (University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry, Lincoln, USA)

Seq#: 267Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 809
Pharmacology, Therapeutics, & Toxicology - Pharmacology, Therapeutics, & Toxicology
Chairpersons: M. Yamashiro and A. Meyer
2910Pain Management Between Endodontic Treatment Sessions: Tramadol, Naproxen, or Novafen?. P. MEHRVARZFAR, S. TABESHFAR*, S.A. VAHDATI, and A. DELVARANI (Private Practice, Tehran, Iran)
2911In utero exposure to TCDD on tooth development in mice. X. ZHANG*, H. GENG, and J. ZHANG (Guangdong Provincial Stomatological Hospital, South Medical University, Guangzhou, China)
2912In-vitro Tissue-on-tissue Friction Model Differentiates Performance of Dry-mouth Products. A.E. MEYER*, R. GANESH, S.C. NAYAK, and R.E. BAIER (State University of New York - Buffalo, USA)
2913Osteonecrosis of the Jaw in Two Dental PBRN Health Plans. J.L. FELLOWS, D.B. RINDAL, A. BARASCH*, W. RUSH, C. GULLION, D.J. PIHLSTROM, L.A. WAIWAIOLE, and F.T. DPBRN COLLABORATIVE GROUP (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
2914Methacrylates Less Toxic than Acrylates in Correlating Cell Membrane Damage. E.L. KOSTORYZ-NALVARTE*, G. ACHARYA, and D.M. YOURTEE (University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA)
2915Proteomic analysis of urine in fluoride-treated rats. C.A.N. KOBAYASHI*, T.L.D. SILVA, A.L. LEITE, L.D. SANTOS, R.C.D. OLIVEIRA, M.S. PALMA, G.B. DOMONT, and M.A.R. BUZALAF (Bauru Dental School/University of São Paulo, Brazil)

Seq#: 268Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 717B
Prosthodontics Research - Esthetic and Functional Considerations in Prosthodontics
Chairpersons: H. Assaf and Y. Chao
2916Outcome of light-cured microhybrid composite copings: 4 years follow-up. B. ERNST, P. GERMANIER, L. REALI*, M. FARELLA, and S. PALLA (Zentrum fur Zahn, Mund, und Kieferheilkunde, Zurich, Switzerland)
2917Temperature Change in Dentin using an Electric Slowspeed Handpiece. S.R. GOODWIN*, S.C. SIEGEL, and P. HARDIGAN (Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA)
2918Influence of varying a spectrophotometer's angulations on shade-selection accuracy. N.F. DEGESYS*, J.-H. PHARK, T.R. JASINEVICIUS, and A. SADAN (Cleveland State University, OH, USA)
2919Shade-selection Consistency by Dentists with Minimal Training in Spectrophotometer Utilization. S.T. TEICH*, J.-H. PHARK, T.R. JASINEVICIUS, and A. SADAN (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)
2920Clinical reproducibility of shade measurements using a spectrophotometer. H. ASSAF*, J.-H. PHARK, T.R. JASINEVICIUS, and A. SADAN (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)
2921Color Difference delta E for Ideal Esthetics in All-Ceramic Crowns. M. SAKAI*, S. KHORASHADI, and S. NAGAI (Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA)

Seq#: 269Saturday, July 5, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Oral, Room 711
Pulp Biology & Regeneration Research - Potential Markers and Clinical Treatments of the Pulp
Chairpersons: P. Murray and A. Jewett
2922Effect of Iontophoresis of 20%Lidocaine through Carious Dentine in Humans. K. SMITAYOTHIN, K. VONGSAVAN, P. KRAIVAPHAN, and N. VONGSAVAN* (Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand)
2923Heat-Shock Protein Expression as a Measure of Dental Materials Biocompatibility. P.E. MURRAY* and F. GARCIA-GODOY (Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA)
2924Ultrasound Induces DMP-1 Isoform Expression in Human Tooth Slice Culture. S. AL-DAGHREER*, M. DOSCHAK, A. SLOAN, and T. EL-BIALY (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada)
2925Direct Cell-to-cell Network in Human Odontoblasts in the Tooth Disk. H. IKEDA* and H. SUDA (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
2926NFI-C Protein Expression Associated with Tooth Root Formation. E. LAMANI*, J. DONG, A.C. ACEVEDO, and M. MACDOUGALL (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
2927NAC prevents pulpal toxicity without affecting esthetic effects of bleaching. A. JEWETT*, A. PARANJPE, E.C. SUNG, and W. HUME (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)

Seq#: 270Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 716B
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Social Determinants of Oral Health
Chairpersons: A. Ismail and T. Newton
2928Affluent Neighborhoods Protect Tooth Retention among Adults with Low Income. A.E. SANDERS* and G.D. SLADE (University of Adelaide, Australia)
2929Social cognitive correlates of oral hygiene behaviour in periodontal disease. A. RENZ, M. IDE, and T. NEWTON* (King's College London, United Kingdom)
2930Social gradients in quality of life of older people. G. TSAKOS*, A. SHEIHAM, S. ILIFFE, K. KHARICHA, D. HARARI, C.G. SWIFT, G. GILLMAN, and A.E. STUCK (University College London, United Kingdom)
2931Predictors of Dental Caries Progression in Primary Teeth. A.I. ISMAIL*, W. SOHN, S. LIM, and J. WILLEM (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
2932Effects of vertical and horizontal social capital on oral health. J. AIDA*, T. HANIBUCHI, M. NAKADE, H. HIRAI, and K. KONDO (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
2933Exploring Florida's Racial Disparities in Oral and Pharyngeal Cancer Treatment. S.L. TOMAR* and H. LOGAN (University of Florida College of Dentistry, Gainesville, USA)

Seq#: 271Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 713B
Cariology Research - Epidemiology/Root Caries
Chairpersons: C. Gernhardt and L. Pimenta
2934Study of Risk Factors for Dental Caries in Rural Madagascar. P. TREHAN*, D. KRAUSE, N. ODINGO, L. HYMAN, A. KUCINE, L. WYNN, F. FERGUSON, and C. CUTLER (Stony Brook University, Stonybrook, NY, USA)
2935Occlusal molar surfaces in 12- and 15-y-old children in Iceland. H. EGGERTSSON*, H. GUDMUNDSDOTTIR, H. AGUSTSDOTTIR, I. ARNADOTTIR, S.T. ELIASSON, S. SAEMUNDSSON, J.O. GUDLAUGSSON, S.H. JONSSON, and W.P. HOLBROOK (Indiana University/Purdue University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis, USA)
2936Predictors of Root Caries in Older Adults in US. L.A. PIMENTA*, A. RITTER, and J. BECK (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)
2937Microbial Profiles in Root Caries of the Elderly. D. PREZA*, I. OLSEN, T. WILLUMSEN, B. GRINDE, S. BOCHES, S.L. COTTON, and B.J. PASTER (University of Oslo, Norway)
2938Remineralization Effects of Grape Seed Extract on Artificial Root Caries. Q. XIE*, A.K. BEDRAN-RUSSO, and C.D. WU (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
2939Influence of Desensitizing Agents on Root Dentin De- and Remineralisation. C.R. GERNHARDT*, A. FREUDENBERG, and H.-G. SCHALLER (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)

Seq#: 272Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 717A
Craniofacial Biology - Pre- and Post-natal Regulation of Craniofacial Growth
Chairpersons: D. Covell and Z. Liu
2940Craniofacial Morphological PARAMETERS - Growth Hormone Receptor Gene Variant. D.D. M.R*, D.A. B.C, D.D. R.M, D.P. C.S, D.A.S. K.R, and D.R.R. ANNAMANENI (RV Dental College, Bangalore, India)
2941Craniofacial bone and tooth morphogenesis of mecp2 null mice. K. TAKAMORI*, M. ITOH, and S. WATANABE (Meiki University, Tokyo, Japan)
2942Disrupted Alveolar Bone, Calvaria, and Teeth with Altered Glucocorticoid Signaling. L.B. TRETTEL*, J.R. HARRISON, D.J. ADAMS, M. MINA, and B.E. KREAM (University of Connecticut, Farmington, USA)
2943Synchondrosis Development and Growth Require Wnt/ß-catenin Signaling. M. NAGAYAMA*, M. IWAMOTO, A. HARGETT, H. TAKEUCHI, M. PACIFICI, M. ENOMOTO-IWAMOTO, and E. KOYAMA (Asahi University School of Dentistry, Gifu-Mizuho, Japan)
2944Tongue Volume Reduction Effects on Craniofacial Growth:A Longitudinal Study. Z.J. LIU*, V. SHCHERBATYY, G.M. GU, and J.A. PERKINS (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
2945The α-smooth muscle actin promoter defines osteoprogenitors in the periodontium. S.M. SAN MIGUEL*, H. LI, J. IGWE, D. GRAN, H.L. AGUILA, and I. KALAJZIC (University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, USA)

Seq#: 273Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 801A
Dental Materials 2: Adhesion - Leakage/Margin Assessments - Dentin-Bonding Interface
Chairpersons: T. Nikaido and Y. Wang
2946Ultrastructure of acid-base resistant zone in a fluoride-releasing adhesive system. T. NIKAIDO*, D. WEERASINGHE, G. INOUE, and J. TAGAMI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
2947Biodegradation of the Composite Resin -Dentin Interface Contributes to Bacterial Microleakage. S. KERMANSHAHI*, J.P. SANTERRE, D.G. CVITKOVITCH, L. TAM, and Y. FINER (University of Toronto, Canada)
2948Dentin Permeability of a New Protective Coating on Smear-Layer Dentin. R.P. RUSIN*, K. AGEE, M. SUCHKO, K.M. CUMMINGS, A.M. PFARRER, and D.H. PASHLEY (3M ESPE Dental Products, Saint Paul, MN, USA)
2949Effect of Radiotherapy on Resin/Dentin Adaptation using One-Step Bonding System. T. YOSHIKAWA*, M. MIURA, and J. TAGAMI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
2950Conversion of Filtek Silorane Adhesive determined by Raman spectroscopy. C.O. NAVARRA*, M. CADENARO, F. ANTONIOLLI, S. ARMSTRONG, J. JESSOP, R. DI LENARDA, and L. BRESCHI (University of Trieste, Italy)
2951Multivariate FTIR Imaging Analyses to Unveil Chemistry of Adhesive/Dentin Interfaces. Y. WANG*, X. YAO, and R. PARTHASARATHY (University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA)

Seq#: 274Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 801B
Dental Materials 7: Metal-based Materials - Chemical Breakdown, Cast Titanium, and Mercury
Chairpersons: J. Mitchell and I. Watanabe
2952Novel Coatings to Prevention Ion Loss From Stainless Steel Alloys. J.C. MITCHELL* (Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA)
2953Fretting Corrosion Behavior of Ni-based Dental Alloy. S.S. GAO, H.Y. YU*, Z.B. CAI, and M.H. ZHU (Sichuan University, ChengDu, China)
2954Corrosion Potential Behavior of Machined and Electrochemcially Oxidized Implants. E.J. SUTOW*, B. DAVIS, A. ROCHA, D. CHAYTOR, M. MILLAR, and G. HALL (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)
2955Effect of Casting Force on Castability of Titanium Alloys. A. KRYSIAK*, M. KOIKE, and T. OKABE (Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA)
2956Hardness depth-profiles of laser-treated cast titanium. I. WATANABE*, P. NEWTON, and K. KURTZ (Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA)
2957TCLP Analysis of Chairside Dental-Unit Wastewater Samples. D.L. BERRY, M.E. COHEN, M.E. STONE*, U.M. KHAN, and A.D. BUSH (Naval Institute for Dental and Biomedical Research, Great Lakes, IL, USA)

Seq#: 275Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 711
Education Research - Simulation and Clinical Skills in Dentistry
Chairpersons: L. Johnson and E. Davenport
2958Simulated Class-3 Tooth Preparation Effect on Subsequent Psychomotor Skill Acquisition. P.A. BAUER*, M. FITZGERALD, S.K. GRAYDEN, E. MASLOWSKI, L.A. JOHNSON, K.-P. BEIER, and S.C. BAYNE (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
2959“Low-Cost Simulation” Effectiveness for Psychomotor Learning in a Complex Model. S.K. GRAYDEN*, M.E. MCLEAN, P.A. BAUER, M. FITZGERALD, E. MASLOWSKI, and S.C. BAYNE (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
2960Development of The Three-dimensional Dental Developmental Stage Model. S. KUBO*, Y. SHIGETA, T. OGAWA, S. FUKUSHIMA, and M. YAKUSHIJI (Tokyo Dental College, Japan)
2961Development of New Artificial Teeth for Caries Removal Training. T. SAITO*, K. HANDA, Y. YASUDA, S. ITO, K. ENDO, and H. OHNO (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Tobetsu, Japan)
2962Dental Haptic Simulator to Train Hand Skill of Student. T. SOHMURA*, Y. YOSHIDA, F. TAKESHIGE, T. NAGASHIMA, K. WAKABAYASHI, S. YAMAGUCHI, Y. KAWAMOTO, K. NOBORIO, and Y. KAMISAKI (Osaka University, Suita, Japan)
2963Methods to teach and evaluate dental clinical skills using Haptics. P.A. REYNOLDS*, T. NEWTON, M.J. COX, W. HARWIN, B. ELSON, M. WOOLFORD, S. DUNNE, J. HINDMARSH, B. ROBINSON, B. MILLAR, A. BARROW, and B. TSE (King's College London, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 276Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 707
Geriatric Oral Research - Oral Health Care Needs and Services in the Elderly
Chairpersons: E. Ghezzi and K. Tsuga
2964Characteristics of Frail Elders with Limited Access to Dental Care. A.M. GOSSETT* and H.A. KIYAK (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
2965Oral Health Status of Elderly in Skilled Nursing Facilities. N. MUNOZ*, R. TOUGER-DECKER, B. GREENBERG, L. BYHAM-GRAY, J. YORK, and D. RIGASSIO-RADLER (School of Health related Professions, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Sicklerville, USA)
2966Oralhealth and Quality of Life of Aged Tribals in Southindia. M.R. MAHESH*, A. SOMAN, S. HAMEED, M. SREENATH, V.I. VARGHESE, and G.S. NETUVELI (Government Dental College, Kozhikode, India)
2967Oral Health Care Access and Adequacy in Alternative Long-term Care. E.M. GHEZZI*, B. SMITH, M. MANZ, and C. MARKOVA (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
2968The OIDP and self-reported quality of life in elderly people. K.C.R. PEREIRA, J.T. LACERDA, and J. TRAEBERT* (Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina, Tubarao, Brazil)
2969Maximum Voluntary Tongue Pressure in Eichner's Group C Denture Wearers. K. TSUGA*, Y. UTANOHARA, G. OKADA, T. KAWAMURA, M. YOSHIKAWA, R. HAYASHI, M. YOSHIDA, and Y. AKAGAWA (Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Japan)

Seq#: 277Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 713A
Implantology Research - Clinical Studies
Chairpersons: L. Cooper and M. MacEntee
2970Immediate Implant Loading in Healed Ridges Versus Extraction Sockets. L.F. COOPER*, G. RESIDE, F. RAES, H. DE BRUYN, J. SOLIVA, and H. ALFARO (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
2971Immediate transmucosal implant placement in molar extraction sites. G.E. SALVI*, C. CAFIERO, S. MATARASSO, and N.P. LANG (University of Berne, Switzerland)
2972Investigation of Peri-implant Microflora in Patients with Orthodontic Implant Anchorage. B.A. JUNG*, H. WEHRBEIN, W. HOPFENMÜLLER, and M. KUNKEL (University Hospital Mainz, Germany)
2973Results with Overdentures Retained by One or Two Implants. J.N. WALTON and M.I. MACENTEE* (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
2974Resonance Frequency Analysis and Biomarkers around One Stage Dental Implants. V. SHAPIRO*, T. EUBANK, C. MARSH, F.M. BECK, D.N. TATAKIS, and B. LEBLEBICIOGLU (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
2975RCT of Patients Treated with Immediately Loaded Implant-Supported Fixed Prostheses. S. ALFADDA*, L. DAVID, and A. JOKSTAD (University of Toronto, Canada)

Seq#: 278Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 716A
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - MIIC Systematic Reviews
Chairpersons: A. Weinberg and A. Kamaguchi
2976Gene expression of Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilm. A. KAMAGUCHI*, M. FUJITA, H. MIYAKAWA, and F. NAKAZAWA (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Tobetsu, Japan)
2977Transcriptional Levels of wzt of Biofilm-Forming Escherichia hermannii. C. SUGIMORI*, T. YAMANAKA, K. YAMANE, C. MASHIMO, T. FURUKAWA, C. WALKER, K.P. LEUNG, and H. FUKUSHIMA (Osaka Dental University, Japan)
2978Lactate enhances the production of hydrogen sulfide by oral Veillonella. J. WASHIO*, A. FUKUSHIMA, T. OGAWA, S. OKADA, and N. TAKAHASHI (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
2979TGF-β Regulates the Development of Dendritic cell-derived Osteoclasts. M. ALNAEELI* and Y.T.A. TENG (University of Rochester, NY, USA)
2980HSP60 Induces TNF-alpha in Chronic Periodontitis and Coronary Heart Disease. A. HASAN*, D. SADOH, M. FOO, R. PALMER, and T. LEHNER (KCL DENTAL INSTITUTE, London, United Kingdom)
2981Expression of hBD-2 in Endothelial Cells Associated with Oral Cancer. H. KAWSAR, S. GHOSH, S. HIRSCH, A. WEINBERG*, and G. JIN (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)

Seq#: 279Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 714A
Mineralized Tissue - Bone/Dentin Cell Signaling
Chairpersons: B. Boyan and M. Ono
2982Osteoblast-specific constitutive activation of PTH/PTHrP receptor enhances marrow-ablation-induced osteoprogenitor activities. N. ONO*, K. NAKASHIMA, E. SCHIPANI, T. HAYATA, Y. EZURA, K. SOMA, H. KRONENBERG, and M. NODA (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
2983Defective alternative pathway of NF-κB causes mild osteopetrosis in mice. N. SOYSA*, N. ALLES, K. AOKI, H. SHIMOKAWA, E. JIMI, and K. OHYA (Center of Excellence program for Frontier Research ,Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
2984WISP-1/CCN4 Potentially Regulates Bone by Controlling Osteogenic Differentiation through BMP-2. M. ONO*, C. INKSON, and M.F. YOUNG (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA)
2985Enamel Matrix Derivative Subfractions Have Direct Effects on Osteoblasts. B.D. BOYAN*, R. OLIVARES-NAVARRETE, P. RAZ, S. HYZY, M. WIELAND, M. DARD, and Z. SCHWARTZ (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA)
2986DMP-1 Signals Through MAPK in hMSC, MDPC23 and MC3T3 Cells. H. WU*, P.N. TENG, J.H. LI, P.Y. LEE, Y.Y. DUAN, J. FENG, and C. SFEIR (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
2987Peptides Resulting from DMP1 Degradation by MMP2 Promote Cell Differentiation. C. CHAUSSAIN MILLER*, J.J. HAO, A. EAPEN JOHN, S. RAVINDRAN, and A. GEORGE (University Paris Descartes, Montrouge, France)

Seq#: 280Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 705
Neuroscience / TMJ - TMJ Discs, Oral Parafunctions, and Animal Models
Chairpersons: L. Iwasaki and J. Nickel
2989Variables that Affect Tractional Force on Porcine TMJ Discs. J.C. NICKEL*, L.R. IWASAKI, M.W. BEATTY, and D.B. MARX (University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA)
2990Model-predicted TMJ Loads in Humans With and Without Disc Displacement. L.R. IWASAKI*, M.J. CROSBY, Y.M. GONZALEZ, W.D. MCCALL, Jr., R. OHRBACH, T. SPEERS, D.B. MARX, and J.C. NICKEL (University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA)
2991Static-Magnetic-Fields of Dental Magnets Influence Voltage-gated Sodium Channels of Neurons. J.-F. SHEN*, L. DU, and Y.-L. CHAO (Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China)
2992Nerve branching in rat molars. B. MATTHEWS*, O. AJCHARANUKUL, N. VONGSAVAN, and S. WANACHANTARARAK (University of Bristol, England, Uk)

Seq#: 281Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 709
Oral Health Research - Caries Prevention & Risk Assessment, Oral Health Quality of Life
Chairpersons: P. Milgrom and R. Harrison
2993 Paper Withdrawn.
2994A caries-prevention trial for Cree children: challenges of subject recruitment. R. HARRISON*, J. VERONNEAU, B. LEROUX, and J. SNOWBOY-MATOUSH (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
2995Can early toothbrushing with fluoridate toothpaste lead to dental fluorosis?. W.S. RONG*, W.J. WANG, and J.Y. BIAN (Peking University, Beijing, China)
2996Lifetime exposure to water fluoridation and child caries experience. J.M. ARMFIELD*, A.J. SPENCER, K.F. ROBERTS-THOMSON, and G.D. SLADE (University of Adelaide, Australia)
2997Prevalence of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization in Thai Children. R. SAVISIT, N. POOMAT, A. SUBARNBHESAJ, and W. PITIPHAT* (Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
2998The Monitor Practice Program: Two Year Efficacy Results. R.W. EVANS*, B. CURTIS, A. SBARAINI, and E. SCHWARZ (University of Sydney, Westmead, NSW, Australia)

Seq#: 282Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 703
Oral Medicine & Pathology - Oral HIV/AIDS Research Alliance; Epithelial Proliferation
Chairpersons: C. Shiboski and E. Shillitoe
2999The Oral HIV/AIDS Research Alliance: Overview and Scientific Agenda. C. SHIBOSKI*, J. WEBSTER-CYRIAQUE, M. GHANNOUM, J.S. GREENSPAN, and M. NOKTA (University of California San Francisco, USA)
3000Effects of Herpes Simplex Virus on Human Papillomavirus Promoters. E. SHILLITOE*, S. NOONAN, and C. GRIFFITH (State University of New York, Syracuse, USA)
3001RalB Loss in E-Cadherin-Deficient Tumor Cells Promotes 3D Tissue Hyperproliferation. S.L. JORDAN*, A. ALT-HOLLAND, A. SOWALSKY, L. FEIG, and J. GARLICK (Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA)
3002Attitudes on Screening for Medical Conditions by Oral Healthcare Professionals. B. GREENBERG*, M. GLICK, J. FRANTSVE, and M.L. KANTOR (New Jersey Dental School - UMD, Newark, USA)
3003Osteopontin Regulates Infection-stimulated Periapical Bone Loss. S.R. RITTLING*, K. YAGIZ, and H. SASAKI (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)

Seq#: 283Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM
Oral, Room 701B
Periodontal Research - Pathogenesis - Gene Expression
Chairpersons: P. Papapanou and S. Engebretson
3004Gene expression patterns in chronic periodontitis. S.P. ENGEBRETSON*, D. GASIOR, and D. HAVAS (State University of New York - Stony Brook, USA)
3005 Paper Withdrawn.
3006NFκB-dependent Gene Expression of CCL20 in Gingival Epithelial Cells. H. DOMMISCH*, W. CHUNG, S. JEPSEN, and B.A. DALE-CRUNK (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
3007Transcriptomes in Healthy and Diseased Gingival Tissues. P.N. PAPAPANOU*, R. DEMMER, J.H. BEHLE, D. WOLF, M. HANDFIELD, M. KEBSCHULL, R. CELENTI, and P. PAVLIDIS (Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, NY, USA)
3008Predominant Expression of Chemokine GCP-2 (CXCL6) in Periodontitis Lesions. M. KEBSCHULL*, R.T. DEMMER, J.H. BEHLE, P.B. BELUSKO, A. POLLREISZ, J. HEIDEMANN, R. CELENTI, P. PAVLIDIS, and P.N. PAPAPANOU (Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York, NY, USA)
3009hsa-miR-105 modulates TLR2 expression in oral keratinocytes. M. BENAKANAKERE, Q. LI, J. ZHAO, M. ESKAN, P.G. STATHOPOULOU, J. GALICIA, and D.F. KINANE* (University of Louisville, KY, USA)

Seq#: 284Saturday, July 5, 10:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Oral, Room 717B
Prosthodontics Research - Outcomes of Prosthodontic Treatment and Reconstructive Care
Chairpersons: O. El-Mowafy and A. Fenton
3010Reinforcement of Acrylic Removable Partial Denture Using Different Wire Positions. M. EZZAT EL-SAYED, A. FENTON*, and O. EL-MOWAFY (University of Toronto, Canada)
3011Effects of Implant/Tissue Support of Dentures on Muscle Effort. N. GARRETT*, S. ANCOWITZ, D. SZE, J. PUCHER, J. CALLAHAN, and K. FUEKI (UCLA School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, CA, USA)
3012Immediate loading of 2-implants mandibular overdentures - a new treatment protocol. G. STOKER* and D. WISMEIJER (ACTA Dental School, Amsterdam / Simonshaven, Netherlands)
3013In-Vitro: Reproducibility of Periotest and Resonance Frequency Analysis. H. MORRIS*, S. ALMUSA, R. JANDALI, P. AUBREY, M. SADEK, F. KHAN, R. KITCHEN, and R. PLEIZA (Department of Veteran's Affairs, Ann Arbor, MI, USA)
3014Retention of Overdenture Posts Cemented with Self-Adhesive Resin Cements. M. EZZAT EL-SAYED, O. EL-MOWAFY*, and A. FENTON (University of Toronto, Canada)
3015Longterm costs for reconstructive care in patients with birth defects. O. KRIEGER, E. INCICI, G. MATULIENE, J. HÜSLER, G.E. SALVI, B.E. PJETURSSON, N.P. LANG, and U. BRÄGGER* (University of Berne, Switzerland)
3016Multicenter Trial of Chlorinated Polyethylene Elastomer (CPE) for Maxillofacial Prosthetics. L. GETTLEMAN*, M.S. CHAMBERS, R.F. JACOB, J.D. ANDERSON, D.A. JOHNSTON, R.A. SHEPPARD, G.S. HAUGH, and S. KIAT-AMNUAY (University of Louisville, School of Dentistry, KY, USA)

Seq#: 285Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
IADR/Unilever Hatton Awards - IADR/Unilever Hatton Awards - Junior Category
3017Wnt/B-catenin Signaling Regulates Dental Pulp Stem Cell Properties. E.L. SCHELLER*, J. CHANG, and C.-Y. WANG (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
3018Use of 3-Dimensional Culture Chambers for Osseous Tissue Engineering. J. BOEHRS*, R. ZAHARIAS, D. SEABOLD, J. LAFFOON, Y.J. KO, and G. SCHNEIDER (University of Iowa College of Dentistry, Iowa City, USA)
3019BMP Signaling is Required for Development of the Maxillary Process. B. WANG*, S. FOPPIANO, D. HU, and R.S. MARCUCIO (University of California - San Francisco, USA)
3020Stress-adaptive enzyme and ion channels in xerostomia model mouse. H. HIGUCHI*, K. OKAMOTO-SHIBAYAMA, Y. SATO, and K. OHTA (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
3021The Prevalence of Abuse Against Dentists in Kuwait. M.B. BURASHED* and H.A. AL-BUAIJAN (Kuwait University, Kuwait)
3022Expression of Hypoxia-inducible Factor in Periodontal Cells by Orthodontic Forces. M. YAMAMURA*, K.K. GUNJIGAKE, K. NAKAO, S. KOBAYASHI, and T. GOTO (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)
3023Functional Analysis of Phosphorylation Sites in Candida albicans Cdr1p. S. RAJU*, A. HOLMES, E. LAMPING, B. MONK, and R. CANNON (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)
3024Salivary Proteins Inhibit the Mouth- Feeling of Astringency. A. NAYAK* and G.H. CARPENTER (King's College London, United Kingdom)
3025Effect of Polishing on Surface Roughness of Nanofilled Resin Composite. W. WISITRASAMEEWONG*, K. PIPATPUNYANUGOON, and V. PATANAPIRADEJ (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)
3026Proteomic Characterization of Human Saliva after Alpha Amylase Removal. O. DEUTSCH*, Y. FLEISSIG, B. ZAKS, G. KRIEF, D.J. AFRAMIAN, and A. PALMON (Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel)

Seq#: 286Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
IADR/Unilever Hatton Awards - IADR/Unilever Hatton Awards - Senior Category - Basic Science
3027Development of Genetic Tools for Analysis of Streptococcus sanguinis. L.S. TURNER*, S. DAS, T. KANAMOTO, C.L. MUNRO, and T. KITTEN (Virginia Commonwealth University - VCU/MCV, Richmond, USA)
3028Methionine Sulfoxide Reductase Protects Surface Adhesins on Streptococcus gordonii. Y. LEI*, Y. ZHANG, J. KRETH, and M.C. HERZBERG (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
3029Porphyromonas gingivalis increases keratinocyte transfer of HIV-1 to permissive cells. R.A. GIACAMAN*, A.C. ASRANI, K.H. GEBHARD, E.A. DIETRICH, A. VACHARAKSA, K.F. ROSS, and M.C. HERZBERG (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
3030Role of starch and sucrose in Streptococcus mutans biofilms formation. M.I. KLEIN*, S. DUARTE, and H. KOO (University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, NY, USA)
3031NG2, novel proapoptotic receptor, opposes integrin a4 to mediate anoikis. N.E. JOO*, T. WATANABE, C. CHEN, M. CHEKENYA, W.B. STALLCUP, and Y. KAPILA (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
3032Restricted HIV-1 Infection in TERT-2 Oral Keratinocytes. A. VACHARAKSA*, A.C. ASRANI, R.A. GIACAMAN, K.F. ROSS, and M.C. HERZBERG (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
3033Filamin A regulates cell spreading and survival via β1 integrins. H. KIM*, A. SENGUPTA, M. GLOGAUER, and C.A. MCCULLOCH (University of Toronto, Canada)
3034Expression, Characterization of 3-AS Novel Gene in Human Tooth Tissues. J.L. SUÁREZ-FRANCO*, B. CARMONA-RODRÍGUEZ, H. ARZATE, and M.A. ÁLVAREZ-PÉREZ (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, México D.F, Mexico)
3035Effect of Substrate Elastic Modulus on Failure Behaviour of GIC. Y. WANG* and B.W. DARVELL (Sun Yat-sen University, Guang Zhou, China)
3036Population Analysis of Candida dubliniensis Using Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST). B.A. MCMANUS*, D.J. SULLIVAN, G.P. MORAN, C. D'ENFERT, and D.C. COLEMAN (Dublin Dental School and Hospital, Ireland)
3037Degradation of Human Laminin-332 by Candida Proteases. P. PÄRNÄNEN*, K. KARI, I. VIRTANEN, T. SORSA, and J.H. MEURMAN (University of Helsinki, Finland)
3038Response of Porphyromonas gingivalis to Environmental Stimuli Identifies Therapeutic Targets. C.S. ANG*, S.G. DASHPER, P.D. VEITH, and E.C. REYNOLDS (The University of Melbourne, Melbroune, Australia)
3039RhoA and Rac1 are important for Amelogenin and DSPP expression. M.T. BIZ*, M.R. MARQUES, V.O. CREMA, F. MODOLO, A.S. MORISCOT, and M.F. SANTOS (University of Planalto Catarinense, Lages, Brazil)
3040Gene-expression Profiles of Dendritic Cells Transfected with Targeted Anti-caries Plasmid. Q.-A. XU* and M.-W. FAN (School & Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, China)
3041The effect of dentifrice with nano-carbonate apatite for dentin hypersensitivity. S.Y. LEE*, H.K. KWON, and B.I. KIM (Brain Korea 21 Project, Research Center for Orofacial Hard Tissue Regeneration, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea)
3042Patterning of enamel knots in tooth development. S.-W. CHO*, H.-J. KWON, J.-M. LEE, K.-W. CHO, and H.-S. JUNG (Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea)
3043Pro-inflammatory Roles of NOD2 in Human Gingival Fibroblasts. I. HOSOKAWA*, Y. HOSOKAWA, K. OZAKI, H. YUMOTO, H. NAKAE, and T. MATSUO (The University of Tokushima, Japan)
3044Effect of VEGFR Inhibition on Tumor Angiogenesis. M. MIYAZAWA*, Z. DONG, Z.C. ZHANG, K.G. NEIVA, M. CORDEIRO, D.T. OLIVEIRA, and J.E. NÖR (University of São Paulo - Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
3045Gene-Expression of Streptococcus mutans in Biofilm: Reflection of Virulence Properties. M. SHEMESH*, A. TAM, and D. STEINBERG (Hebrew University Hadassah, Jerusalem, Israel)
3046Regulatory mechanism by BDNF in human cemento-blast-like cells. M. KAJIYA*, H. SHIBA, T. FUJITA, K. TAKEDA, M. KITAGAWA, T. TAKATA, and H. KURIHARA (Hiroshima University, Japan)
3047Acemannan stimulates GFs proliferation, KGF-1, VEGF expressions and wound healing. S. JETTANACHEAWCHANKIT*, S. SASITHANASATE, P. SANGVANICH, W. BANLUNARA, and P. THUNYAKITPISAL (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)
3048Bortezomib-induced apoptosis in HNSCC cells is both p38/JNK pathways-dependent activation. D. SELIMOVIC*, A. MILIAUSKAITE, F. NAGANO, M. SOELL, Y. HAIKEL, and M. HASSAN (University of Louis Pasteur / INSERM U 595, Strasbourg, France)
3049The Isolation of Multipotent Cells From the Oral Lamina Propria. L. DAVIES*, J. ROBERTS, D. JONES, C. ARCHER, D.W. THOMAS, and P. STEPHENS (Cardiff University, United Kingdom)
3050Microleakage in Amalgam Restorations Using Three Groups of Dental Materials. S. RAJBARAN* and M. DANNHEIMER (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
3051Cholinergic Autoantibodies and Oral Health in HIV+ Patients. G.A. SANCHEZ*, A.F. SQUASSI, L.R. D'ERAMO, L. STERIN-BORDA, and E.S. BORDA (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
3052Role of IL-18 Signaling in Dendritic Precursor Cells. A. KOUTOULAKI*, M.S. LANGLEY, D.P. AESCHLIMANN, and X.-Q. WEI (CARDIFF UNIVERSITY, Cardiff, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 287Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
IADR/Unilever Hatton Awards - IADR/Unilever Hatton Awards - Senior Category - Clinical Research
3053Etiological Factors of Dentine Hypersensitivity among Nigerian Patients. C.T. BAMISE* (Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria)
3054Prevalence of composite Interleukin-1 genotype in South Africa. T.A.S. ABU SALEH*, L. STEPHEN, M.J. KOTZE, and A.N. PRETORIUS (University of the Western Cape - Dental Faculty, Cape Town, South Africa)
3055Distribution of Polymorphic Genotypes in Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Mexican Populations. A. PEREZ-SORIA*, V. GARCIA-LEE, A.P. RODRIGUEZ-HERNANDEZ, D. CARRASCO-ORTIZ, J.A.I. MADRIGAL-ESCALERA, A.P. PONTIGO-LOYOLA, M.L. MARQUEZ-CORONA, and L.A. XIMENEZ-FYVIE (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Facultad de Odontologia, Mexico city, Mexico)
3056Mechanical Stress-Induced Glutamate Signaling in Periodontal Ligament Cells. C. FUJIHARA*, S. YAMADA, S. YONEDA, T. TAUCHI, T. KAJIKAWA, Y. OZAWA, and S. MURAKAMI (Osaka University, Suita, Japan)
3057A significant increase in breathing amplitude precedes sleep bruxism. S. KHOURY*, G.A. ROULEAU, P.H. ROMPRÉ, P. MAYER, J.Y. MONTPLAISIR, and G.J. LAVIGNE (Universite de Montreal, Montréal, QC, Canada)
3058Long Term Changes in the Molar Position in Adults. P. CHRISTOU* and S. KILIARIDIS (University of Geneva, Switzerland)

Seq#: 288Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Pulp Biology & Regeneration Research - Pulp Assessment and Clinical Studies
3059Effect of Er:YAG , Nd:YAG Lasers & Bur on Intrapulpal Temperature. R.N. DAYEM* (College of Dentistry / University of Sulaimani, Sulaimaniyah, Iraq)
3060Development of Basic Endodontic Treatment (BET) - 6 Month Clinical Results. R.A. JORDAN*, A. HOLZNER, L. MARKOVIC, and P. GAENGLER (University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany)
3061Measuring Parameters for Working Length Determination with the Impedance Method. J. JAN* and D. KRIžAJ (Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
3062Efficacy of Cone Beam Computed Tomography for Detecting Canal Lumina. N. CHUGAL*, C. MAUPIN, D. ELASHOFF, T.-L. CHANG, G. LONGHURST, M.K. KANG, and S. WHITE (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)
3063 Paper Withdrawn.
3064Comparison of traditional and novel endodontic obturation techniques. L. MARKOVIC*, L. VESPERMANN, R. BEER, R.A. JORDAN, and P. GAENGLER (University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany)
3065Evaluation of Obturation by volumetric analysis using Spiral CT. M.S. MUTHU*, M. PHANIBABU, and D. KANDASWAMY (Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, TN, India)
3066Clinical Evaluation of Local Infiltration Technique of Lower Mandibular Teeth. M. SOO-AMPON, S. LERTTHIRAPHAN, T. TRIRATANA*, S. SOO-AMPON, and N. VONGSAVAN (Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand)
3067Effect of tooth preparation on LDF signals from pulp. S. WANACHANTARARAK*, T. MALISORN, S. CHAN-IN, S. CHINTAKANAN, S. BOONPRASERT, N. VONGSAVAN, and B. MATTHEWS (Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
3068Pulp response after CO2 laser irradiation to rat exposed dentin. S. MURAKAMI*, D.-H. LEE, S.Z. KHAN, S. TAKANO, M. TSURUOKA, H. TOKIKAWA, K. MATSUZAKA, and T. INOUE (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
3069Pain and Swelling Related to One-step Pulp Treatment in Children. M. LIU*, S. LI, E. CHEN, Q. XU, Y. WEI, and J. ZHANG (West China College of Stomatology, Chengdu, China)
3070Pulp Space Obliteration Potential after Reimplantation of Avulsed Immature Teeth. A. ABD-ELMEGUID*, M. ABDELDAYEM, and D. YU (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada)
3071Assessment of Apical Seal Using Three Condensation Techniques. A. AL YAHYA* and S. KHATTAB (King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
3072Periapical repair after endodontic treatment with different root canal sealers. M. TANOMARU-FILHO*, J.M.G. TANOMARU, M.R. LEONARDO, and L.A. SILVA (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araraquara, Brazil)
3073Root resorption identification and accuracy of two digital radiographic systems. D.Z. REIS, G. LEANDRO, G. ROSSI-FEDELE*, and J.A.P. FIGUEIREDO (Private Practice, London, United Kingdom)
3074Defects in EndoSequence new Instruments : A SEM Study (Pilot Study). U. RUIZ*, L. FABELA, I. JIMENEZ, C. CENTENO, and E. SAMANO (Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico, Metepec, Mexico)
3075Surgical vs. non-surgical endodontic retreatments: A PennEndo database study. N. KARNEY* and M. IQBAL (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA)

Seq#: 289Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Prosthodontics Research - Fixed Prosthodontics and Esthetics
3076Intensity of Quartz-Tungsten-Halogen Lights Used in Private Clinics in Egypt. E. MOBARAK, W. EL-BADRAWY*, and O. EL-MOWAFY (University of Toronto, Canada)
3077Dimensional stability of model produced by modified putty-wash polyvinyl-siloxane impression. N. CHAIMATTAYOMPOL* and D. PARK (Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA)
3078Disinfection Effect on Linear-Dimensional-Change and Detail-Reproduction of Hydrophilic PVS Impressions. E.W. ESTAFANOUS*, J. PLATT, C. PALENIK, N. GEBRAEEL, C. ANDRES, D.T. BROWN, and S.T. HOVIJITRA (The University of Iowa College of Dentistry, Iowa City, USA)
3079Insertion Forces of VPS Automixed Putty Impression Materials. A. MAURER*, S. HADER, R. GUGGENBERGER, J. FETZ, and J. ZECH (3M ESPE AG, Seefeld, Germany)
3080Influence of Silane on Resin Cement Bond Strength to Zirconia. K. SRISUKHO* and R.R. SEGHI (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
3081Surface Treatment: Durability of Alumina Ceramic Bonded to Resin Cement. S.P. PASSOS*, M.J.C. SANTOS, G.C. SANTOS-JUNIOR, S.C. ZAMBONI, R.O.A. SOUZA, S. MASAE, M.A. BOTTINO, and E.T. KIMPARA (São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil)
3082Influence of Coping Design on CAD/CAM All-Ceramic Crowns Using 3D-FEA. Y.-W. GUNG*, K.-D. CHANG, M.-L. HSU, S.H. KUANG, and C.-S. CHEN (National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan)
3083Effect of Ceramic Thickness and Dentine on Color of CAD-CAM. R. KOSONITTIKUL*, S. CHATCHAIWIWATTANA, and N. JUNTAVEE (Khon Kaen University, Thailand)
3084Effect of External Light Conditions During Matching of Tooth Color. N. CORCODEL*, P. RAMMELSBERG, O. MOLDOVAN, J. DREYHAUPT, and A. HASSEL (University of Heidelberg, Germany)
3085Stress distribution on the tooth varying the ceramics restorations. A.C. FREITAS JÚNIOR, E.P. ROCHA, P.H. SANTOS, E.O. ALMEIDA, M. MARTÍN JÚNIOR*, and R.B. ANCHIETA (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araçatuba, Brazil)
3086Clinical Evaluation of All Ceramic FPDs Using Y-TZP Framework. K. NOZAKI*, M. MIYASAKA, Y. KIZUKI, H. ABE, and H. MIURA (Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan)
3087Do tinted glasses influence the shade determination capability?. W.B. HANNAK*, A. HUGGER, T. KLINKE, and H.A. JAKSTAT (Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany)
3088Color vision perception tested in dental students. R. SECELEANU*, A. SECELEANU, S. NEAMTU, and R. GALATUS (Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "Iuliu Hatieganu" Cluj-Napoca, Cluj Napoca, Romania)
3089Effects of Gingival Color on Ceramic Crown Color. M.-C. LEE*, R.F. WRIGHT, J. DASILVA, and S. NAGAI (Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA)
3090Clinical Evaluation of the Crystaleye Spectrophotometer®. C. ODAIRA*, S. ITOH, M. ISHIOKA, and K. ISHIBASHI (Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Japan)
3091Impact of Ambient Light on Tooth Shade Determination by Spectrophotometry. A. TURCOTTE*, J. DU, S. ABI-NADER, and R. ALBUQUERQUE JUNIOR (McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada)
3092Structural Optimization of Fibre-reinforced Composite in a Three-unit Dental Bridge. L. SHI* and A.S.L. FOK (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
3093Fatigue-resistance of teeth restored with FRC: effect of luting cements. M.A. BOTTINO*, L.W. ZARDIN, M. AMARAL, P. BALDISSARA, L.F. VALANDRO, G. GALHANO, and M.A. DE VILLA (São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil)
3094Rotational Resistance Form of 2-Dimensional Simulated-Fixed Partial Dentures. J.F. BOWLEY* (Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine, MA, USA)
3095Bond Strength of Two- and Three-unit Resin Bonded Bridges. M. BOTELHO* and T.L. WONG (Prince Philip Dental Hospital, Hong Kong, China)
3096Comparison Load-Fatigue Performance of Self-Adhesive Resin Cements Bonded To Dentin. Y. CHAIYABUTR* and J.C. KOIS (Kois Center Research, Seattle, WA, USA)
3097In vitro and in vivo biocompatibility tests of XeraCem™. C.H. PAMEIJER, E. TENA, S. JEFFERIES, J. LÖÖF, E. WIKSELL*, and L. HERMANSSON (Animech AB, Uppsala, Sweden)
3098Microleakage Evaluation of XeraCem™ in Cemented Crowns. C.H. PAMEIJER, S. JEFFERIES, J. LÖÖF*, and L. HERMANSSON (Doxa Dental AB, Uppsala, Sweden)
3099A comparative crown retention tests using XeraCem™. C.H. PAMEIJER*, S.R. JEFFERIES, J. LÖÖF, and L. HERMANSSON (University of Connecticut, Simsbury, USA)
3100Physical Properties of XeraCem™. S. JEFFERIES*, J. LÖÖF, C.H. PAMEIJER, D. BOSTON, C. GALBRAITH, and L. HERMANSSON (Kornberg School of Dentistry, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA)
3101A Comparative Study between Two Preformed Provisional Crown Fabrication Techniques. V. TSAKALELLI*, N. CHAIMATTAYOMPOL, E. ANTONELLOU, and D. PARK (Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston, MA, USA)
3102The Effect of Storage to Marginal Fit of Temporary Crown. R.S. DEWI* (Prof Dr Moestopo University, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia)
3103Casting accuracy of titanium frameworks for implant-fixed partial dentures. C. OHKUBO*, N. OKAMOTO, M. KOBAYASHI, H. SHIMPO, Y. ISHIKAWA, D. KURIHARA, Y. KOKUBO, and T. HOSOI (Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan)
3104Pain Relief Effects on Temporomandibular Disorders using a Nd:YAG Laser. Y. ISHIKAWA*, C. OHKUBO, H. SHIMPO, D. KURIHARA, and T. HOSOI (Sakuragawa Dental Clinic, Aomori, Japan)

Seq#: 290Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms - Orthodontics/Enamel Adhesion
3105Effects of argon laser on bond strength of orthodontic brackets. N. FARHADIAN*, M. KHOSROSHAHI, and S. TAMASSOKI (Hamadan University, Iran)
3106Long-term antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of BAC incorporated 4-META/MMA-TBB resin. K. SAITO*, T. HAYAKAWA, R. KAWABATA, D. MEGURO, and K. KASAI (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Matsudo, Chiba, Japan)
3107Shear bond strength of two types of metalic brackets. R.J. ARKADER*, U. MEDEIROS, M. GRINSTEIN, R.B. CARVALHO, and L.S. CITY (Universidade Do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
3108Shear Bond Strength of Aegis® Orthodontic Adhesive with ACP. H. POZEN*, S. STEELE, and C. LEMME (Harry J. Bosworth Company, Skokie, IL, USA)
3109A New One-Part Self-Etching Orthodontic Primer. S. TZOU and J.D. HANSEN* (3M Company, Monrovia, CA, USA)
3110Adherence strength of brackets glued with different LED equipments. L. VELMOVITSKY*, M. GRINSTEIN, U. MEDEIROS, R.B. CARVALHO, and R.J. ARKADER (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
3111Development of novel resin cement for direct bonding system. J. LI*, Y. TANIMOTO, I. SHIBUYA, and N. NISHIYAMA (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Japan)
3112Bond Durability of Transbond PLUS Color Change Adhesive. S. TZOU* (3M Company, Monrovia, CA, USA)
3113A study of enamel bond strength to two-step self-etching system. J.-B. MIN*, S.-H. MIN, and H.-S. SON (Chosun University, Gwangju, South Korea)
3114Bond Strength to Dry and Wet Enamel with Self-etching Adhesives. F. SHAFIEI ALAVIJEH* and M. MORADMAND (Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Dental School, Iran)
3115Bond Strength of Different Dentin Bonding Systems to Fluorosed Enamel. M. TÜRKÜN*, F. ERTUGRUL, L.S. TÜRKÜN, M. TOMAN, and E. CAL (Ege University School of Dentistry, Izmir, Turkey)
3116Fatigue Limits of Enamel Bonds with Etch-and-Rinse and Self-Etch Adhesives. W.W. BARKMEIER*, R.L. ERICKSON, and N.S. KIMMES (Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA)
3117Bonding potential to intact and ground enamel of all-in-one adhesives. M. MARGVELASHVILI*, M. BELOICA, C. GORACCI, C.A. CARVALHO, A. CANTORO, and M. FERRARI (University of Siena, Italy)
3118MicroTBS of Sealants on Different Enamel Substrate under Cariogenic Challenge. K.R. KANTOVITZ*, F.M. PASCON, F.G. CARVALHO, M.C. ALVES, C.P.M. TABCHOURY, and R.M. PUPPIN-RONTANI (State University of Campinas, Piracicaba -SP, Brazil)
3119Effect of Er:YAG Laser on Bond Strength of Sealants. Y. GUVEN, H. COMLEKCI, S. PAMUK, and O. AKTOREN* (University of Istanbul, Faculty of Dentistry, Turkey)
3120Micro-Shear Bond-Strength of Resin-Inlays to Different Enamel Regions. M.A. UZZAMAN*, Y. SHIMADA, J. TAGAMI, and M.T. JUNAIDI (International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuantan, Malaysia)
3121Sealant Bond Strength to Enamel with and without Surface Treatment. K. LIZENBOIM*, B. ZALSMAN, A. SUVOROV, I. SUVOROV, A. VALDMAN, A. KHASKIN, N. ZALTSMAN, and W.A. MCHALE (BJM Laboratories Ltd, Or Yehuda, Israel)

Seq#: 291Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 1: Adhesion - Bond Strength Testing and Mechanisms - Surface Treatment
3122Surface Energy and Wettability of Dental Polymers. J. GALAN JR*, F. NAMEN, Sr., and E. FERRANDINI (Veiga de Almeida University -RJ, Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, AK, Brazil)
3123Influence of Home Bleaching on Bond Strength of Dentin Adhesives. H.-G. SCHALLER*, K.V. BRANDT, K. BEKES, and C.R. GERNHARDT (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
3124Effect of Cross-Linking Agents on Sound and Caries-Affected Dentin Bonding. G.V. MACEDO*, A.B. BEDRAN-RUSSO, and M. YAMAUCHI (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
3125Priming dentin with glutaraldehyde affects resin-dentin bond strength. R. CILLI*, A. PRAKKI, P.A.S. FRANCISCONI, and P.A. ARAÚJO (University of São Paulo - Bauru Dental School, Bauru, SP, Brazil)
3126Evaluation of Bond Strength with the Immediate Dentinal Sealing Technique. N.C. LAWSON* and J. BURGESS (UAB School of Dentistry, Birmingham, AL, USA)
3127Hemostatic Agent Rinse Time Effect on Composite to Dentin Bonds. S.J. MCNALLY*, N.S. KIMMES, and W.W. BARKMEIER (Creighton University, Omaha, NE, USA)
3128Bond strength of Epiphany prepared with resinous solvent. F.J.A. RACHED-JUNIOR*, A.E. SOUZA-GABRIEL, E. ALFREDO, Y.T.C. SILVA-SOUSA, and M.D. SOUSA-NETO (University of Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
3129Effect of blood contamination with 2-step self-etching adhesives. R.-Y. LIM* (Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea)
3130Bond Strength to Oxalate-treated Dentin Saturated with Water versus Ethanol. J.C.F. ALMEIDA*, M.F. DE GOES, and M.R. CARRILHO (Piracicaba Dental School-UNICAMP, Brazil)
3131Shear bond strengths of the delayed applications of bonding systems. I. YONGPISANPHOP, A. CHALOEMCHOKJAROENKIJ, and D. DUANGTHIP* (Thammasat University, Pathumthani, Thailand)
3132GM priming effect on not-decalcified and smear layer-free dentin. M. KUSUNOKI*, M. OIKAWA, K. ITOH, and H. HISAMITSU (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
3133Effects of Eugenol Concentration in ZOE Provisionals on Bond Strength. L. RICKERT*, T.J. HILTON, and J.L. FERRACANE (Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, USA)
3134Bond Strength of Repaired Filling Materials Using Different Repair Procedures. F. SALAMA* (UNMC College of Dentistry, Omaha, NE, USA)
3135Shear strength of composites bonded to Er:YAG laser prepared surfaces. Y. KORKMAZ, Y. KILICAL*, N. ATTAR, and O. BICER (Columbia University, New York, NY, USA)

Seq#: 292Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 3: Ceramic-based Materials and Cements - Cement Color, Translucency, Radiopacity, and Leakage
3136Color of Indirect Resin-Composite on Resin Cements with Different Transparency. Y. HASEGAWA*, H. NAKAJIMA, Y. TAKAHASHI, Y. NAGASAWA, T. YAMAGA, and Y. HIBINO (Meikai University School of Dentistry, Saitama, Japan)
3137Color stability of three resin cements after accelerated aging. B.J. LAU*, C. ALVAREZ-GAYOSSO, M.A. ALVAREZ, and P.A. FERNANDEZ (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico)
3138Influence of Cement Shades on the Color of Ceramic Laminates. S.S. AZER*, R.R. SEGHI, L.S. KULICK, W.M. JOHNSTON, and S.F. ROSENSTIEL (The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
3139Color stability of self-etch/self-adhesive resin cements. R. RUSH, J. WHITING*, H. STRASSLER, and L.G. SENSI (University of Maryland Dental School, Baltimore, USA)
3140Evaluation of the Radiopacity of Resin Cements Using Digital Radiographic. G.M. GOMES*, J.C. GOMES, O.M. GOMES, G.C. MARTINS, and A.L. CALIXTO (Ponta Grossa State University, Ponta Grossa, Parana, Brazil)
3141Leakage of Different Luting Cements for Quartz-fiber Post Cementation. W. DASCH*, M. EL-ARYAN, M.J. ROGGENDORF, J. EBERT, A. PETSCHELT, and R. FRANKENBERGER (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
3142Clinical study of postoperative sensitivity for new self-adhesive resin cement. C. OLMS*, A. BOECKLER, C. LAUTENSCHLÄGER, and J. SETZ (Martin-Luther-Universitat, Halle/ Saale, Germany)

Seq#: 293Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 3: Ceramic-based Materials and Cements - Ceramic Fatigue and Fracture, Color, and Others
3143Effect of veneering techniques on damage and reliability of Y-TZP-trilayers. P. GUESS*, Y. ZHANG, and V.P. THOMPSON (New York University, USA)
3144Failure modes of veneering porcelain supported by alumina-substructures. B. KIM*, M. PINES, D. STAPPERT, V.P. THOMPSON, and C.F. STAPPERT (New York University, USA)
3145Cyclic Fatigue Behaviour of Glass-Infiltrated Ceramics Under Different Environments. S.M. SALAZAR MAROCHO*, A.R. STUDART, M.A. BOTTINO, and A. DELLA-BONA (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
3146Fracture Behavior of In-Ceram® Zirconia CAD/CAM Substructures Under Cyclic Fatigue. R.F. ANDREIUOLO, C.E. SABROSA*, C. FILGUEIRAS, F.T. SILVA, R. POBER, and R. GIORDANO (Universidade do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
3147Effect of air-particle-abrasion on cyclic and flexural strength of zirconia. R.M. MELO*, M. ÖZCAN, R.O.A. SOUZA, K.M.C. OLIVEIRA, L.F. VALANDRO, and M.A. BOTTINO (Sao Paulo State University, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil)
3148Ceramic ion exchange: effect in strength and slow crack growth. V. ROSA*, M.M. PINTO, C.C. GONZAGA, P.F. CESAR, and H.N. YOSHIMURA (University São Paulo, Passo Fundo - RS, Brazil)
3149Visualization of Transformation Toughening for Newly Developed Ce-TZP/Alumina Nanocomposite. M. NAWA*, Y. SUEHIRO, H. NAKANISHI, K. YAMADA, and G. PEZZOTTI (Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd, Osaka, Japan)
3150Testing Methods to Determine the Shear-Bond-Strength of Veneering-Porcelain to Zirconia. F. BEUER* and J.A. SORENSEN (Munich Dental School, Munchen, Germany)
3151Ceramic Base Crown Near-net-shape Using Gel-casting Technique. J. MA*, S. WANG, W. WANG, R. DU, and X. LI (Wenzhou Medical College, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China)
3152Chemical Activators on Fluorescence of Dental Ceramics. J.-B. SU*, T.-M. WANG, and L.-D. LIN (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
3153Surface Change of Zirconia by Nd:YAG Laser Irradiation. S. BAN*, Y. MINESAKI, and Y. TAKENOUCHI (Kagoshima University, Japan)
3154Translucency Comparison of CAD/CAM Materials. R. ALKHUNAIZI*, R. POBER, and R. GIORDANO (Boston University, MA, USA)
3155Colour correspondence of ceramic systems in two different shade guides. A. VICHI*, G. CORCIOLANI, C. GORACCI, and M. FERRARI (Siena University, Grosseto, Italy)

Seq#: 294Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 4: Clinical Trials, Biocompatibility and Biologic Effects - Clinical and Experimental Assessment of Desensitizing Treatment, Enamel Wear
3156Efficacy of two different desensitizers: A controlled double-blind study. D. ZIEBOLZ*, S. DREBENSTEDT, E. HORNECKER, and R.F. MAUSBERG (University of Goettingen, Germany)
3157Effect of brushing on dentin permeability of dentin discs. J.C. PEREIRA*, A.L. MICHELAZZO, M.C.R. MATTOS, and E.B. FRANCO (Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
3158Assessment of Desensitizing Ingredients in a Tubule Occluding Toothpaste. A. BUELO*, A.J. CHARIG, A.E. WINSTON, Y. XU, S. THONG, and E. MAJOR (Church & Dwight Co Inc, Princeton, NJ, USA)
3159Sensitivity Reduction Mechanism of Calcium and Phosphate Delivering Toothpaste. A.J. CHARIG*, A. WINSTON, Y. XU, and S. THONG (Church & Dwight Co Inc, Princeton, NJ, USA)
3160Comparison of Mechanism of Action of Desensitizing Treatments. A.J. CHARIG, Y. XU, S. THONG, and A.E. WINSTON* (Church & Dwight Co Inc, Princeton, NJ, USA)
3161Effects of 0.454% SnF2 Dentifrice on Daytime and Overnight Malodor. S. FARRELL*, R.W. GERLACH, M.L. BARKER, S. NACHNANI, S. LA, and N. BOONSAWAS (The Procter & Gamble Company, Mason, OH, USA)
3162Quantitative Analysis of Proximal Wear of Human Enamel in vivo. H. ISHIZAKI* and M. FUKUSHIMA (Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital, Japan)
3163Temperature Effect on Soft Acidic Drink Enamel Erosion in vitro. S. HOOPER*, J. HUGHES, C. MOORE, and N. WEST (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)

Seq#: 295Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 4: Clinical Trials, Biocompatibility and Biologic Effects - Instruments, Devices, and Impression Materials
3164Maximum Daily Ocular Exposure from Three Curing Lights. J. MOE*, C.M. FELIX, and R.B. PRICE (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)
3166Obturating the Type IV Canal by System B. H.-K. HWANG*, H.W. CHOI, and J.H. CHEON (Chosun University and BK21, Gwangju, South Korea)
3167Superior anti-gingivitis effect of a rechargeable power toothbrush. T. HE*, C. LI, S. FARRELL, and L. SUN (The Procter and Gamble Co.,Mason,OH,USA & Beijing, CHINA, China)
3168Dental and Periodontal Health with Bonded or Vacuum-formed Retainers. D.T. MILLETT*, P. MCDERMOTT, D. FIELD, I. ERFIDA, B. DOUBLEDAY, A. VANDENHEUVEL, and M.S. CRONIN (University College Cork, Ireland)
3169In Vitro Evaluation of Biocompatibility of Orthodontic Miniscrews. V. D'ANTO*, G. SPAGNUOLO, R. UOMO, S. PADUANO, R. VALLETTA, and R. MARTINA (University of Naples "Federico II", Italy)
3170Evaluation of Right-Left Symmetry of Condylar Path and Bennett Angles. A. HERNANDEZ*, T.R. JASINEVICIUS, Z. KALEINIKOVA, and A. SADAN (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)
3171Comparative judgment of artificial tooth shade by subjectivity and colorimeter. M. YAMAUCHI*, K. KASAMURA, M. OKADA, and M. TOYOTA (Asahi University, Mizuho, Japan)
3172Clinical comparison of two Impression Materials- Effectiveness for inexperienced operators. M.Z. ANABTAWI*, J. O'NEAL, L. MITCHELL, and J.O. BURGESS (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
3173Antibacterial Effect of Alcohol-combined Quaternary Ammonium Compound on Impressions. K. KIATSIRIROTE*, S. TRIVIROJ, and S. WANGCHOOKAEW (Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University, Pathumthani, Thailand)

Seq#: 296Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 6: Polymer-based Materials - Physical Properties and Performance - Prosthodontic and Maxillofacial Materials
3174Roughness of reline resin after microwave disinfection: a clinical evaluation. R.C. RIBEIRO*, F.E. IZUMIDA, M.F.M. BASSO, E.B. MOFFA, E.T. GIAMPAOLO, and C.E. VERGANI (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araraquara, Brazil)
3175Color stability of reline resin after drinks immersion and disinfection. F.E. IZUMIDA*, R.C. RIBEIRO, M.F.M. BASSO, E.T. GIAMPAOLO, A.L. MACHADO, and A.C. PAVARINA (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Araraquara, Brazil)
3176Peak temperature, conversion and flexural strength of chairside reline resins. J.M.D.S.N. REIS*, C.E. VERGANI, J. ERXLEBEN, A.L. MACHADO, E.T. GIAMPAOLO, and A.C. PAVARINA (São Paulo State University - UNESP, Araraquara, Brazil)
3177Multi-functional Denture Liner Using Divinyl Sebacate/PEMA Paste. J. TANAKA*, Y. HASHIMOTO, M. NAKAMURA, J.W. STANSBURY, J.M. ANTONUCCI, and K. SUZUKI (Okayama University, Japan)
3178Physical Characteristics of TiO2 Photocatalyst in Cold Cure Denture Acrylic. E.M. LAI* and A.A. CAPUTO (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)
3179Flexural Strength of PMMA Modified with Palm-oil Based Polyol. N. SHAHABUDIN, N.H. ABU KASIM*, and S.N. GAN (University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
3180Relationship between impact strength and test method of denture resins. A. TAKAHASHI*, A. HASEGAWA, A. ANDO, H. KUMANO, T. MIYATA, T. MASUDA, Y. NAKAMURA, and Y. TANAKA (GC Dental Products, Kasugai, Japan)
3181Influence of Water Temperature on Flexural Strength of Acrylic Resins. T. TAKAMIZAWA*, T. MAEDA, Y. ENDO, T. WATANABE, A. RIKUTA, S. ANDO, and M. MIYAZAKI (Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)
3182Effects of Silver-Nano Particles on Denture Base Resins. J.-M. BAE*, J.-S. LEE, K.-H. JUNG, B. PARK, D.-Y. LEE, and S.-Y. KIM (Wonkwang University, Iksan, South Korea)
3183Water Sorption Behavior of Denture Base Materials. J.A. VON FRAUNHOFER*, S.R. DIPALI, S.J. LECH, Z.G. LOEWY, and S. WETTERER (University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA)
3184Denture teeth shade modification using metal oxide tints and composites. J. IMAO*, H. MALMSTROM, and Y.-F. REN (Eastman Dental Center, Rochester, NY, USA)
3185Adhesion behavior of laminated thermoforming materials underwater environment. C. IHARA*, T. YAMANAKA, R. MATSUI, S. SAITO, E. ISOYAMA, H. TAKAHASHI, and T. UENO (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
3186Mechanical Test for Assessing Early Changes in UV-Radiated Facial Elastomers. C. CHRISTLINE*, B. SALLACH, T. ANDERSON, B. SIMETICH, and M.W. BEATTY (University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA)
3187Artificial Aging of Chlorinated Polyethylene and Maxillofacial Silicone Elastomer. H. SHAH*, S. MUNISAMY, and T.K. VAIDYANATHAN (NJ Dental School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ, Newark, NJ, USA)
3188Effect of Additional PMMA Fillers in Composites on Compressive Strength. Y. KONDO*, M. OKUDA, M. IKEDA, Y. KADOMA, K. OKADA, Y. NOJIRI, T. NIKAIDO, and J. TAGAMI (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
3189Effects of Filler Surface Treatment of Magnetic Composite Resin. H. SOMA* and Y. MIYAGAWA (The Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry at Niigata, Japan)

Seq#: 297Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 8: Other Materials - Chemistry, Properties and Performance - Impression and Bite Registration Materials
3190Absorption capability of knitted and braided retraction cords. G.C.B. OLIVEIRA*, G.M.S. OLIVEIRA, G.V. MACEDO, and T. DONOVAN (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
3191Flow of Impression Materials During Working Time. J.L. DURACK*, C. HUDSON, B. KUPPERMANN, and T. KLETTKE (3M ESPE, London, ON, Canada)
3192Physical Properties of Newly Developed Elastomeric Impression Material. S. FUKUSHIMA*, M. TSUNOOKA, H. KAMOHARA, T. SAKUMA, and S. AKAHANE (GC CORPORATION, Tokyo, Japan)
3193Temperature Effects on the Rheological Properties of Elastomeric Impression Materials. H.L. CARLO*, F.G. CARVALHO, C.J. SOARES, L. CORRER-SOBRINHO, S. CONSANI, and M.A.C. SINHORETI (State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, Brazil)
3194Insertion Force of Tray Impression Materials. T. KLETTKE*, R. HAMPE, and J.T. MADDEN (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany)
3195Tensile Properties of Impression Materials. R. YAPP*, H. HOFFMAN, J.M. POWERS, and J. PROSE (Dental Consultants Inc, Ann Arbor, MI, USA)
3196Long Term Linear Dimensional Stability of Impression Materials. L. HUYNH*, D. XIE, and D. TOBIA (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA)
3197A New Polyether Impression Material Based on ROMP Technology. C. LUU*, D. XIE, C. ANGELETAKIS, and D. TOBIA (Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA)
3198Detail Reproduction of Three Elastomeric Impression Materials Using Different Models. A. SHAH*, J.O. BURGESS, M.S. LITAKER, P.R. BECK, and D. CAKIR (UAB School of Dentistry, Birmingham, AL, USA)
3199Compatibility With Gypsum and Dimension Change of Disinfected Impression Materials. I.C. CORREA*, M.J.D.S. ALENCAR, and A.C.V. GOMES FILHO (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
3200Influence of Disinfectant Liquids in Diametral Tensile Strength of Gypsum. E.C. LIMA*, C.C. ESPINHEIRA, M.J.M.C. SANTOS, G.P. FREITAS, M.D. SAMPAIO, G.C. SANTOS JÚNIOR, and A.P. FREITAS (Universidade Federal Da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil)
3201Determination of the Accuracy of Four Interocclusal Recording Materials. M. SAHABI*, M. DAVOUDIAN, and M. EJLALI (Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran)

Seq#: 298Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Materials 9: Instruments and Equipment - Devices for Measuring Different Biomaterials
3202Fracture Rsistance of Bovine Teeth Restored with Glass Fiber Posts. L.V. ZOGHEIB*, L.G.O.D. VASCONCELLOS, A.C.R.D. SALVIA, I. BALDUCCI, M.A. BOTTINO, and L.F. VALANDRO (Paulista State University, São josé dos Campos, Brazil)
3203Yield Strengths of FRC Posts with Coronal Shank or Head. I. NERGIZ*, P. PFEIFFER, and P. SCHMAGE (University of Hamburg, Germany)
3204Aid of Magnification Devices in Post Space Preparation. D. RE, D. AUGUSTI, G. MOTTA, G. AUGUSTI, and G. VEZZOSI* (University of Milano, Italy)
3205Enamel Erosive Measured by a Profilometer and a Measuring Microscope. P. BENJAKUL* and C. CHUENARROM (Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand)
3206Pentamix II versus Pentamix III mixing device: A Comparison. J. STELZIG*, M. BALKENHOL, C. ERBE, and B. WÖSTMANN (Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany)
3207Assessing Tray Filling with Various Mixing Techniques and Impression Materials. S. DOGAN*, A.J. RAIGRODSKI, and L. MANCL (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
3208Calibration of an Artificial Oral Environment with Clinical Data. M.R. PINTADO*, R. DELONG, M. LARSON, and W. DOUGLAS (Minnesota Dental Research Center for Biomat & Biomechanics, Minneapolis, USA)
3209Evaluation of RPM change in X-Smart according to power source. S.H. PARK*, C. KIM, J.K. LEE, and K.-M. CHO (Kangnung National University, Dankook University, South Korea)
3210A method to evaluate the accuracy of dental color-matching machine. J.-Y. CHANG*, C.C. HUNG, and T.-K. HUANG (Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan)
3211STP in Caries Protection: A Study by SEM and EDAX. R.J. WILLSON* (GlaxoSmithKline, Weybridge, United Kingdom)
3212Dental Handpiece Force Transducer for Measuring Cutting Force. D. UGAI*, Y. HEO, R. DELONG, M.R. PINTADO, and A.S.L. FOK (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
3213Development of the efficient turbine grip. A. KAWAMOTO*, Y. YOSHIKAWA, A. TAKEYAMA, Y. UMEYAMA, N. KATAYAMA, A. KAMADA, J. OKAZAKI, T. IKEO, and Y. KOMASA (Osaka Dental University, Japan)
3214Ultra-Violet and Infrared Digital Photography of Dental Materials. D.C. CHAN, D.H. CHAN*, and P. CAUGHMAN (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA)

Seq#: 299Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Diagnostic Sciences - Oral Cancer, Soft-tissue Lesions, Arterial Plaque
32151H NMR-Based Metabonomic Analysis for Detection of Oral cancer. J. ZHOU*, B. XU, W. LI, J. HUANG, L. XIAO, J. XUE, J. LU, and X. KONG (State Key Laboratory of Stomatology(Sichuan University), Chengdu, China)
3216 Paper Withdrawn.
3217Clinical significance of carotid artery calcification detected by panoramic radiographs. O.S. KIM*, S.J. YOON, W. YOON, J.-S. LEE, P.J. MARTIN, and B.C. KANG (Chonnam National University, Gwangju, South Korea)
3218Diagnostic significance of direct immunofluorescence in oral lichen planus. W. BUAJEEB*, N. OKUMA, T. LAOTHUMTHUT, and S. THANAKUN (Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand)
3219Study Designs and Efficacy Levels in Dentomaxillofacial Radiology. M.J. PATEL*, I.H. KIM, and M.L. KANTOR (New Jersey Dental School UMDNJ, Newark, USA)
3220Laser Ablation Mass Spectrometry Analyzing Heavy Metal Concentration in Teeth. T.C. HARDY*, A. RAMDATH, N. LOH, S. THORROLD, and R.J. CHAPMAN (Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA)
3221Detection of biomarker for periodontal disease using a microchip. M. KATAOKA*, M. HINO, S. YATSUSHIRO, M. BANDO, T. KANIE, M. KATAYAMA, and J.-I. KIDO (Health Technology Research Center, Nano-bioanalysis Team, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Takamatsu, Japan)
3222Stress Analysis of the Mandibular Premolar Teeth in Molarless Patients. T. KONDO*, N. WAKABAYASHI, T. SUZUKI, A. SAWADA, N. ODA, M. ONA, and Y. IGARASHI (Iwate Medical University, Japan)
3223p53 and TP53 during rat oral carcinogenesis induced by 4NQO. E.M. MINICUCCI*, D.A. RIBEIRO, G.N. SILVA, J. GUIMARÃES, and D.M.F. SALVADORI (Universidade Est. Paulista Julio Mesquita, Botucatu, Brazil)
3224Accuracy of Endodontists and General Dental Practitioners in Periapical Diagnosis. I. ORAFI*, A. QUALTROUGH, and V. RUSHTON (University of Manchester, United Kingdom)
3225Photodynamic Diagnosis and Therapy of Oral Neoplasia using Toluidine Blue. P. WILDER-SMITH*, M.J. HAMMER-WILSON, J. PHARAR, H. KAWAKAMI-WONG, and J. EPSTEIN (University of California Irvine, USA)
3226Single-domain-antibody self-assembled nanoparticles for molecular imaging of oral cancers. Y.-L. CHEN*, J.-B. ZHANG, W.-Y. HSIEH, C.-S. YEH, P.-C. WU, and D.-B. SHIEH (National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine, Tainan, Taiwan)
3227Genetic Variations in Indian Tobacco consumers to Oral Cancer. L.B. SINGH* and S.F.D. PAUL (Shri Ramachandra Dentl College, Chennai, India)
3228CD4 Cells: It'S Importance for Oral Lesions in HIV Patients. H.C. GALVÃO*, D.F.S. PACHECO, M.A. GORDÓN-NÚÑEZ, K.G. LUZ, and R.A. FREITAS (Rio Grande do Norte Federal University, Natal/Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)
3229Arterial Plaque on Digital Panoramic Radiographs in a Dutch Population. P.F. VAN DER STELT* and A.M. DARROUDI (ACTA Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
3230Assay for erosivity of foodstuffs and effectiveness of dental products. C. LONGBOTTOM, E.L. PERFECT*, C.A. ROWLEY-WILLIAMS, V. MAGDALENIC, and N.B. PITTS (LUX DS, Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
3231Reproducibility of facial skin and mandibular gingival laser Doppler flowmetry. J. SVALESTAD*, S. HELLEM, A. IRGENS, G. VAAGBØ, and E. THORSEN (University of Bergen, Norway)
3232Regulation of RAGE by sRAGE in human salivary gland cells. C.E. CHUONG*, J. KATZ, M. BULOSAN, K. YO, and S. CHA (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
3233Optical coherence tomography detects and semi-quantifies early mucositic change. H. KAWAKAMI-WONG*, S. GUO, J. ZHANG, J. SU, J. EPSTEIN, Z. CHEN, and P. WILDER-SMITH (University of California- Irvine, USA)
3234Prevalence of Neck ,Back and Low-Back Pain in Orthodontists. V. ASKARI and K. MINA* (Shiraz Dental School, Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

Seq#: 300Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Behavioral and Psychosocial Issues I
3235Informed Consent in Orthodontics: CD-ROMs Promote Understanding in Medicaid Populations. G.M. GREENLEE*, H.A. KIYAK, G. KING, and G.J. HUANG (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
3236Pediatric Dentist's role in Tobacco Counseling for Children: Parental Attitudes. R.J. VERGOTINE*, A. KOERBER, and D. SHIRES (University of Illinois - Chicago, USA)
3237Dentists' Opinions of a Computerized Therapy Program for Injection Fear. L.F. VALBUENA*, L.J. HEATON, C.A. RIEDY, R.E. CONTOS, and S.E. COLDWELL (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
3238Effect of Intensive Smoking -Cessation Intervention in Dental Setting. T. HANIOKA*, M. OJIMA, H. TANAKA, M. NAITO, N. HAMAJIMA, and R. MATSUSE (Fukuoka Dental College, Japan)
3239Dental anxiety trajectories in a birth cohort. W.M. THOMSON*, J.M. BROADBENT, D. LOCKER, and R. POULTON (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)
3240Oral Rehabilitation: Decision Making Using Structured Interviews. E.B. ÖZHAYAT*, B. ÖWALL, B. ELVERDAM, and K. GOTFREDSEN (Copenhagen Dental School, Copenhagen N, Denmark)
3241Anxiety Among Adult Patients Seeking Sedation for Dental Care. C. BOYLE*, J.T. NEWTON, and P. MILGROM (King's College London, United Kingdom)
3242Pain and Discomfort in Young Children After Dental General Anesthesia. L.R.R.S. COSTA*, R. HARRISON, J. ALEKSEJUNIENE, J. VERSLOOT, M.R. NOURI, and A. GARTNER (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
3243 Paper Withdrawn.
3244Modifying Rural Adolescent Dental Avoidance: Recruitment Difficulties. P. WEINSTEIN*, T. COOLIDGE, C. RAFF, and C.A. RIEDY (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
3245Oral Habits and Sugar-free Gum Consumption in Aboriginal Population. L. PETRASIC* and I. CIFUENTES (Finis Terrae University, Santiago, Chile)
3246Subjective Health Behaviours Improve Oral Health in Grade IV Children. T. TANAKA* and K. YAEGAKI (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
3247Effect of Depression on Prosthetic Status–Population-based Results (SHIP). S.A. SAMIETZ*, H.J. GRABE, C. SCHWAHN, T. MUNDT, and R. BIFFAR (University of Greifswald, Germany)
3248Measuring Cognitive and Behavioural Dimensions of Dental Anxiety. L. DEMPSTER*, D. LOCKER, D. STREINER, and R. SWINSON (University of Toronto, Canada)
3249Antibiotic Prophylaxis Practices Amongst Dental Practitioners In The UK. S. SOHEILIPOUR*, S. DUNNE, T. NEWTON, and N. DONALDSON (Dental school,University of Medical Sciences,Isfahan,Iran; King's College London,Dental Institute,London, United Kingdom)
3250Evaluation of Two Smoking Cessation Protocols in the Dental Setting. E.B. LOZIER*, Y.M. GONZALEZ, L. BLAIR, O. SHIBLY, and K.M. CUMMINGS (State University of New York - Buffalo, USA)
3251Ethnographic Approaches to Alaska Native Oral Health Research. C.Z. JOLLES*, A.B. POOLE, and D. ESPINOZA (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)

Seq#: 301Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research - Behavioral and Psychosocial Issues II
3252Association between dental anxiety and general anxiety and depression. A. VIINIKANGAS*, S. LAHTI, M. JOUKAMAA, R. FREEMAN, and G. HUMPHRIS (University of Oulu, Oulu University, Finland)
3253Behavioral Adaptations to Dentine Hypersensitivity: A Qualitative Examination. L.J. HEATON*, A.P. BARLOW, G. MUELLER, M. HAGSTROM, M. HEIMA, and S.E. COLDWELL (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
3254Consistency of Yes-Sayer behavior across a range of questions. L. LI*, R. GLUZMAN, M.Q. WANG, and R.V. KATZ (New York University College of Dentistry, USA)
3255Dental Fear and Subjective Oral Impacts among Adults in Finland. V. POHJOLA*, S. LAHTI, A.L. SUOMINEN-TAIPALE, and H. HAUSEN (University of Oulu, Finland)
3256Discipline and distinction: sociology, consumerism and oral health. B.J. GIBSON* and D. LOCKER (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)
3257Increased Dental Anxiety, Fear & Care Avoidance in Red Heads. C.J. BINKLEY*, E. LIEM, R. GREGG, W.P. NEACE, and D.I. SESSLER (University of Louisville, KY, USA)
3258Individual and Maternal Determinants of Pre-adolescents' Self-reported Dental Health. A.B. CINAR* and H. MURTOMAA (University of Helsinki, Finland)
3259Is it Anxiety or Pain Experienced by Patients during Scaling?. E. GUZELDEMIR*, H. USLU TOYGAR, and B. TASDELEN (Baskent University, Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Periodontology, Ankara, Turkey)
3260Long-term Tolerance of Pregnant Women To Xylitol Chewing Gum. Y. NAKAI*, C. SHINGA, M. KAJI, M. TAKIMURA, K. YAMANAKA-MURAKAMI, K. MORIYA, Y. MORI, and T. SHIMONO (Okayama University, Japan)
3261Measuring Readiness to Change Dental Avoidance: "Contemplation Ladder" Pilot Results. T. COOLIDGE*, M. HEIMA, E.K. JOHNSON, C.A. RIEDY, and P. WEINSTEIN (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
3262Perceptions of Enamel Opacities Amongst Adult Patients in Hong Kong. C.J. PAIGE, S.Y.L. KWAN*, E.C.M. LO, H. COATES, and C. FISHER (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
3263Psychosocial factors and dental services utilization among Brazilian low-income children. Y.B.E. MENDES*, M.H.B. PINTO, J.L.F. ANTUNES, J.A.C. LAWDER, A.P.I. LARA, and M.M.A. SILVA (Universidade Estadual De Ponta Grossa, Brazil)
3264Psychosocial factors in the development of sleep bruxism among children. J.M. SERRA-NEGRA, M.L. RAMOS-JORGE, C. FLORES-MENDONZA, S.M. PAIVA, and I.A. PORDEUS* (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
3265The Prevalence of Psychological Disorders in Patients Seeking Dental Care. J.A. GIGLIO, D. LASKIN, and S. LE* (Virginia Commonwealth University - VCU/MCV, Richmond, USA)
3266Toothbrushing Habits Associated with Family Culture in Finland. S. HONKALA*, J. TYNJALA, J. VILLBERG, and R. VALIMAA (University of Turku, Finland)

Seq#: 302Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Cariology Research - Demineralization-Remineralization Studies
3267Remineralization of Eroded Teeth Using CPP-ACP Paste. A. HUANG* and D. TANTBIROJN (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
3268Influence of Different Storage Media on Microhardness of Enamel Surface. S.H. JEONG*, S.M. KANG, H.K. KWON, and B.I. KIM (Brain Korea 21 Project, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea)
3269Anticaries potential of low fluoride dentifrice on deciduous enamel demineralization. C.S. QUEIROZ*, V. PAIXAO, and L.A. HALA (UNITAU, Taubaté - SP, Brazil)
3270Fluoride does not act synergistically with iron on enamel demineralization. F.M. ITALIANI* and M.A.R. BUZALAF (Bauru Dental School - University of Sao Paulo, Bauru - SP, Brazil)
3271Iron effect on enamel demineralization and remineralization in vitro. K.M.R.P. ALVES*, K.S. FRANCO, K.T. SASSAKI, M.A.R. BUZALAF, and A.C.B. DELBEM (Araçatuba Dental School, São Paulo State University, Brazil)
3272Efficacy of a Remineralization Protocol Using Bleaching Gel with ACP. J. TURNER, D.C. CHAN*, S. ERGUN, and P. GUNERI (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA)
3273In vitro remineralisation of carious lesions by casein phosphopeptide. S.F. LOVEL, S.M. HIGHAM, N. PENDER, and L. COOPER* (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom)
3274Remineralization of Artificial Caries by CPP-ACP Paste. U. THEERAPIBOON, R. PUANAIYAKA*, and C. MANEENUT (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)
3275Remineralization effect of calcium carbonate and calcium carbamide containing lozenges. A. ITTHAGARUN*, R. NAIR, N.M. KING, M. NG, and J.S. WEFEL (Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia)
3276Without Calcium pre-rinsing, NaF Does Not Form CaF2 in Plaque. G.L. VOGEL*, L.M.A. TENUTA, G.E. SCHUMACHER, L.C. CHOW, and C.M. CAREY (Paffenbarger Research Center, Gaithersburg, MD, USA)
3277Demineralization Potential of Qat Extracts at Composite Restoration Interface. K. AL-ALIMI*, N.H. ABU KASIM, and R. AHMAD (University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
3278Can Fluoridated Toothpaste and CPP-ACP Reduce Enamel Softening from pH-cycling?. D. TANTBIROJN*, D.G. AUGUSTSON, and A. VERSLUIS (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
3279Comparison of remineralization between conventional fluoride application and iontophoresis. H.E. KIM*, B.I. KIM, and H.K. KWON (Brain Korea 21 Project, Yonsei University College of Dentistry, Seoul, South Korea)
3280Remineralization of the artifical caries lesion using CPP-ACP and Fluoride. K.-B. KIM*, H.-S. SHIN, S.-M. KIM, N.-K. CHOI, and K.-H. YANG (Chonnam National University, Gwang-ju, South Korea)
3281Effect of Galla chinensis on remineralization of initial enamel lesion. X. ZHOU*, L. CHENG, J. LI, and Y. HAO (Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China)
3282Effect of chewing mastic gum and xylitol gum on remineralization. M. BIRIA* (Shaheed Beheshti Medical sciences dental school, Tehran, Iran)
3283 Paper Withdrawn.
3284Clinically Assessing RemineralizingTherapies using Quantitative Light-induced Fluorescence: A Pilot Study. R.M.C. VADERHOBLI* and H. MALMSTROM (Eastman Dental School, Rochester, NY, USA)

Seq#: 303Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Implantology Research - Cell Culture & Animal Study and Diagnostics
3285Gene Expression profile of Osteoblasts on Micro-arc Oxidation Modified Ti-5Zr-3Sn-5Mo-15Nb. Y. ZHANG*, L. ZHAO, Y. WEI, J. LI, and Y. HAN (College of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, China)
3286Bone Remodeling Following Osseointegration in a Rat Maxilla Implantation Model. M. HAGA*, N. FUJII, K. NOZAWA-INOUE, S. NOMURA, K. UOSHIMA, and T. MAEDA (Niigata University, Japan)
3287Lipid Analysis of MG63 Cells Grown on Different Titanium Surfaces. M.-J. KIM* (Seoul National Unuversity, South Korea)
3288The clinical application of CT 3-D in implants prosthese. S. QINGPING* and Z. CAI (Shanghai Stomatological Disease Center, China)
3289Effect of CH-treatment of titanium on bone formation around implants. K. MAEKAWA*, K. KAWANISHI, S. HAYAKAWA, M. OSHIMA, K. SHIMONO, Y. YOSHIDA, K. SUZUKI, A. OSAKA, and T. KUBOKI (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
3290Resonant Frequency Measurement of Dental Implants Using an Impulse Method. R. ULRICHSEN*, L.D. REED, I. ROBB, and D. STICKLES (Laurentian University, Sudbury, ON, Canada)
3291The bone stiffness affects the stability of immediately loaded implant. J.-T. HSU*, H.-L. HUANG, L.-J. FUH, M.-G. TU, and H.-Y. CHUNG (China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan)
3292Soft tissue and cortical bone thickness of orthodontic miniscrew site. J.-T. PARK, S.-H. LIM*, J.-H. YANG, R.-R. JEONG, H.S. BAE, J.-C. PARK, and H.-J. KIM (College of Dentistry, Chosun University, Kwangju, South Korea)
3293The Effects of Peptide-coated Surface on Osseointegration of Titanium Implants. J.H. SHIN*, H. LEE, T.I. KIM, Y.J. SEOL, Y.M. LEE, Y. KU, C.P. CHUNG, S.B. HAN, and I.C. RHYU (Seoul National University, South Korea)
3294Osteoconduction of Anorganic Bone Particles of Different Sizes. H. XU*, X. ZHOU, S. LI, and Y. BAI (Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China)
3295Resonance Frequency Reading of Different Peri-implant Bony Conditions. E.-M. SHEN*, T.-M. WANG, J.-S. WANG, and L.-D. LIN (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan)
3296Evaluation of a Canine Immediate-Loading Implant Defect Model. G. SEEBA*, D. KIERNAN, N.A. RODRIGUEZ, M.D. ROHRER, J. HALL, C. SUSIN, and U.M. WIKESJÖ (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA)
3297Evaluation of spatial accuracy in imaging using a Cone-beam CT. Y. YOSHIDA*, Y. MORITA, E. HONDA, and T. ICHIKAWA (Tokushima University, Japan)
3298In Vivo Micro-CT Follow-up of Peri-Implant Bone-Remodelling in Early Low-Frequency-Loading. E. DE SMET*, S.V.N. JAECQUES, M. WEVERS, J.A. JANSEN, J. VANDER SLOTEN, and I.E. NAERT (Catholic University Leuven, Belgium)
3299CT-based CAD/CAM System of Surgical guiding plate for Dental Implantology. J. YANG* and F. LIU (West china college of stomatology, Chengdu, China)
3300Analysis of IL-1 polymorphisms and implant loss. C.C. MONTES*, F. ALVIM-PEREIRA, and P.C. TREVILATTO (PUCPR, Curitiba, Brazil)
3301GCF Inflammatory Mediators and Subgingival Species in Peri-implantitis. D. FERRARI, J.A. SHIBLI, M. FERES, F. TELES, S. SOCRANSKY, A.D. HAFFAJEE, and R.P. TELES* (Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
3302Stereolithographic Surgical Templates for Placement of Dental Implants in Maxilla. Y.-L. HUANG*, T.T. SUN, W.X. WU, C.T. WANG, X.J. CHEN, and S.X. CHANG (Shanghai East Hospital, Affiliated to Tongji University, China)
3303Quantitative Evaluation of Supracrestal Bone Growth Around Dental Implants. M. DARD*, L. KUHN, B. WEN, M. OBRECHT, M. STAUBER, K. JORGENSON, D. SHAFER, and M. FREILICH (Institut Straumann, Basel, Switzerland)
3304Postsurgical Bone Level and Density around Implant by Digital Radiographs. K. TAKAHASHI*, H. TSUGAYASU, M. SAITOH, T. MAIDA, E. NAKAYAMA, T. KAKU, and Y. ABIKO (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan)
3305Micromanipulation of the Extracellular Matrix. A. MOTEN* (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA)
3306Effect of Nanophase titanium on human osteoblast in vitro. Z.J. ZHAO*, X.H. WU, W.P. TONG, C. ZHANG, Y. ZHANG, and F.Y. LIU (China Medical University, Shenyang, China)
3307Synergistic Effects of rhBMP-2/rhbFGF on Bone Marrow Stromal Cells. W. LEI*, P. KEFENG, and H. YUANLIANG (Tongji University, Shanghai, China)
3308Phototherapy promotes attachment and subsequent proliferation of human osteoblasts-like cells. M. KHADRA, N. KASEM*, and P. BRAWN (Sharjah University, United Arab Emirates)
3309Development of an ITO-based biochip for osteoblastic attachment detection. C.-Y. LIN*, Y.-S. LIN, S.-Y. LEE, C.-T. LIN, and H.-M. HUANG (Taipei Medical University, Taiwan)
3310Inflammatory mediators induced by mechanical stress in gingival epithelial cell. A. TOSHINAGA*, C. MASAKI, R. HOSOKAWA, and T. NISHIHARA (Kyushu Dental College, Fukuoka, Japan)
3311Impact of EMD-coated implant surfaces on epithelial-cell adhesion and proliferation. P. WEISHAUPT*, K. MAIER, M. FOLWACZNY, A. FRIEDMANN, R. HICKEL, and S. HÄGEWALD (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany)
3312Hyperbaric Oxygen on Proliferation and Differentiation of Osteoblasts in vitro. D. WU, J.-S. WU*, F. YAN, and J. CHEN (Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou, China)
3313Characterization of Cell Differentiation on CPC for Bone Tissue Engineering. M.D. WEIR*, J.M. HOM, and H.H.K. XU (University of Maryland Dental School, Baltimore, USA)
3314Shape control and orientation of HBM Cells on micropatterned coatings. A. PELAEZ-VARGAS, N. FERRELL*, M.H. FERNANDES, D. HANSFORD, and F.J. MONTEIRO (Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
3315Co-culture of Endothelial and Mesenchymal Stem Cells on 3D Scaffolds. Z. XING*, Y. XUE, S.O. IBRAHIM, Z.-Q. YANG, S. HELLEM, C. TIRON, A. HEGEN, K. ARVIDSON, J. LORENS, and K. MUSTAFA (University of Bergen, Norway)
3316In vitro evaluation of osteoblast adhesion on machined osseointegrated implants. S.F. ALVES* and T. WASSALL (Centro de Pesquisa Odontológica São Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brazil)
3317Enhanced osteoblastic cell initial behavior on light-induced super-amphiphilic titanium surface. H. AITA*, N. TSUKIMURA, N. HORI, T. SUZUKI, M. YAMADA, N. SATO, T. UENO, N. OHATA, and T. OGAWA (University of California Los Angeles, USA)

Seq#: 304Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Dental Anesthesiology Research - Dental Anesthesiology Posters II
3318Tissue distribution of lidocaine after alveolar infiltration in the rabbit. T. YAMAZAKI*, H. MAMIYA, T. ICHINOHE, and Y. KANEKO (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
3319Efficacy of Six Local Anesthetic Formulations Following Mandibular Buccal Infiltration. S. SEIFIKAR*, M. ABDULWAHAB, A. AL-JAZZAF, A. ALSHURAIDAH, A. LEMAK, S. BOYNES, M. CUDDY, J. GIOVANNITTI, J. ZOVKO, and P. MOORE (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
3320Temperature Changes During Intraosseous Anaesthesia in Vitro. C. GRAETZ*, A. RÜHLING, and C.E. DÖRFER (Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany)
3321Morphological changes of infraorbital nerve by nerve block. S. JOH*, Y. KASHIMA, A. FUJIMURA, M. SATOH, and Y. SHINOHE (Iwate Medical University Schoo of Dentistry, Morioka, Iwate Prefecture, Japan)
3322The effect of liposome-encapsulated mepivacaine in biological tissues. G.R. TÓFOLI, F.C. GROPPO*, R.B. BRITO, Jr., M.C. VOLPATO, C.M.S. CEREDA, E.D. PAULA, and J. RANALI (Universidade Estadual de Campinas- UNICAMP, Piracicaba, Brazil)
3323Effects of Adrenaline on the Distribution of Lidocaine in Rats. A. YASUDA*, M. YAMASHIRO, H. TAZAKI, S. HASHIMOTO, and K. SUNADA (The Nippon DentalUniversity School Of Life Dentistry-Tokyo, Japan)
3324Factors influencing dental cartridges aspiration and plunger movement. F.P. NOLASCO*, V.A.M. MONTALLI, F.C. GROPPO, R.H.L. MOTTA, J. RANALI, and J.C. RAMACCIATO (CPO Sao Leopoldo Mandic, Campinas, Brazil)
3325Anesthetic efficacy of ropivacaine with epinephrine in maxillary infiltration. M. FRANZ-MONTAN*, A.R. SILVA, J. RANALI, F.C. GROPPO, E.D. PAULA, and M.C. VOLPATO (Universidade Estadual de Campinas- UNICAMP, Piracicaba, Brazil)
3326Effectiveness of liposome-encapsulated benzocaine for topical anesthesia in dentistry. M. FRANZ-MONTAN, A.R. SILVA, L.F. FRACETO, M.C. VOLPATO*, E. DE PAULA, and F.C. GROPPO (Universidade Estadual de Campinas- UNICAMP, Piracicaba, Brazil)
3327Pharmacokinetic of liposome-free and liposome-encapsulated mepivacaine solutions in rats. G.R. TÓFOLI, C.M.S. CEREDA, E.D. PAULA, F.C. GROPPO, M.C. VOLPATO, J. PEDRAZZOLI, Jr., E. MEURER, and J. RANALI* (Universidade Estadual de Campinas- UNICAMP, Piracicaba, Brazil)
3328Juvenile stress alters the prefrontal synaptic response during fear extinction. H. KOSEKI*, M. MATSUMOTO, H. TOGASHI, and M. YOSHIOKA (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan)
3329Cytotoxicity of Common Local Anesthetics on Odontoblast-like Cells in Vitro. J.H. BING*, K.G. HWANG, K.S. SHIM, J.Y. HAN, and C.J. PARK (Hanyang University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea)

Seq#: 305Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Oral Health Research - Caries and Other Oral Health Issues in Children,
3330Age and Sequence of Eruption about Permanent Teeth. J.-L. SHAO*, X. LU, and X.-J. YANG (Stomatological College, Xian Shaanxi, China)
3331Xylitol Topical Oral Syrup Prevents Early Childhood Caries: A RCT. P. MILGROM*, O.K. TUT, K.A. LY, M.J. GANCIO, M. ROBERTS, L. MANCL, J.R. LANGIDRIK, and K. BRIAND (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
3332Relationship Among Socioeconomic Variables and Oral Diseases in Schoolchildren. A.S. TONELLO*, R.P. SILVA, E.P.S. TAGLIAFERRO, K.L. CORTELLAZZI, M.C. MENEGHIM, and A.C. PEREIRA (Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba - State University of Campinas, Brazil)
3333Energy-protein malnutrition and occurrence of periodontal disease on Brazilian children. U. MEDEIROS*, L.S. CITY, D.A. DUARTE, R.B. CARVALHO, and M. GRINSTEIN (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
3334Influence of malnutrition on enamel development and caries in Brazil. R.R. JORGE*, U. MEDEIROS, L.S. CITY, R.B. CARVALHO, and N.P. LEAL (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
3335Risk Predictors of Dental Caries in Preschool Children. K.L. CORTELLAZZI*, E.P.S. TAGLIAFERRO, S.M. PEREIRA, G.M.B. AMBROSANO, M.C. MENEGHIM, and A.C. PEREIRA (Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba - State University of Campinas, Brazil)
3336Effects of Orofacial Regulatory Therapy in children with Down syndrome. L.M. VÁSQUEZ*, P. JARAMILLO, L.H. NEIRA, and E. ALVAREZ (CES University, Medellín, Colombia)
3337Evaluation of Caries Preventive Community Oral Health Programs. J.-B. KIM*, D.-H. HAN, S.-M. LEE, M.-K. JEONG, and S.-H. KANG (Pusan National University, South Korea)
3338Results of chair side maintenance care on newly permanent teeth. M.-J. JUN*, Y.-M. KANG, D.-K. KIM, B.-J. LEE, and E.-Y. SON (College of dentistry , Chosun university, Gwang-ju, South Korea)
3339General Dentists Practices and Attitude Towards the Infant Oral Exam. S. ALRAYYES*, R.J. VERGOTINE, and A. KOERBER (University of Illinois - Chicago, USA)
3340Oral Health, Self-Diagnostic Evaluation in Mexican School Children. T. GONZALEZ MONTEMAYOR*, P. MENDOZA, N. BALCÁZAR, H. GÓMEZ, N. MOLINA, R. GONZALEZ, and E. CASTAÑEDA (Universidad de Guadalajara, Zapopan Jalisco, Mexico)
3341The Prevalence of Dental Erosion in Children in Chengdu, China. Y. CHEN*, D. HU, H. SHEN, and Y. FU (West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)
3342Two-year Study on Different Fluoride Supplement Controlling Early Childhood Caries. S. LI*, E. CHEN, Q. XU, and M. LIU (West China College of Stomatology, Chengdu, China)
3343Effect of CPP-ACP on Oral Health of Cerebral Palsy Children. Z. AYTEPE*, E.B. TUNA, D. ONER OZDAS, and E. YAMAC (University of Istanbul, Faculty of Dentistry, Turkey)
3344Investigation of the Aesthetic Impact of Fluorosis among Irish 15-Year-Olds. D. BROWNE*, H.W. WHELTON, D.M. O'MULLANE, J. TAVENER, and E. FLANNERY (Oral Health Services Research Centre, Cork, Ireland)
3345Cohort study on Early Childhood Caries in Mongolian children. B. JIGJID*, M. UENO, K. SHINADA, P. NYANRAG, A. BAZAR, and Y. KAWAGUCHI (Health Sciences University, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
3346Effects of a Maternal Education Program on Children's Oral Health. L.M. CARDENAS* and C. RAMIREZ (University of Texas - San Antonio / Health Science Ctr, USA)
3347Mother's Oral Health – A Reflection of the Child's Future Health?. A. RUNGTA* and S. TANDON (Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, India)

Seq#: 306Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Oral Health Research - Malodor, Dentifrice, Rinses
3348Clinical Evaluation of Novel VSCs Detector for Mouth Air Analyses. H. II*, B. CALENIC, M. HERAI, T. MURATA, and K. YAEGAKI (Nippon Dental University, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan)
3349Effect of Zinc Chloride Containing Mouthwash on Volatile Sulfur Compounds. E. BENJAVONGKULCHAI*, P. SAMPATANUKUL, and S. TAMSAILOM (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)
3350Reduction of Denture Cleansing Agent on Oral Malodor and CFU. S.Y. KIM, S.K. KIM*, B.H. JIN, J.-H. YANG, and D.I. PAIK (Seoul National University, South Korea)
3351Periodontal Conditions in Subjects with Bad Breath. B. JOHANSSON*, K. KARI, P.-Ö. SÖDER, J. MEURMAN, and B. SÖDER (Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden)
3352Baking Soda Dentifrices Enhance Plaque Removal by Brushing. L. VORWERK*, M.S. PUTT, K.R. MILLEMAN, P. SOPARKAR, W. HOOPER, A. GHASSEMI, and A.E. WINSTON (Church & Dwight Co., Inc, Princeton, NJ, USA)
3353Herbal screening for malodor inhibition in vitro and in vivo. D. CODIPILLY*, J. KIM, and I. KLEINBERG (State University of New York SUNY Stony Brook, USA)
3354Enhancement of Plaque Removal by Brushing with Baking Soda Dentifrices. M.S. PUTT*, K.R. MILLEMAN, A. GHASSEMI, W. HOOPER, L. VORWERK, H.M. PROSKIN, and A.E. WINSTON (University Park Research Center, Fort Wayne, IN, USA)
3355Plaque Formation/Removal by Baking-Soda and Antimicrobial Dentifrices over 4 Weeks. M.S. PUTT, K.R. MILLEMAN, A. GHASSEMI*, W. HOOPER, L. VORWERK, and A.E. WINSTON (Church & Dwight Co., Inc, Princeton, NJ, USA)
3356Controlling Oral Malodor Following Two-Weeks Use of a Fluoride Mouthrinse. A. MORRIS*, S. SANTOS, J. COELHO, J.A. MCGUIRE, R. PERFEKT, J. QAQISH, and C.R. GOYAL (Johnson & Johnson Consumer & Personal Healthcare Products Worldwide, Division of Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Morris Plains, NJ, USA)
3357Diurnal Changes in Oral Malodor among Dental-office Workers. K. YAEGAKI*, Y. FUKUI, and M. HERAI (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
3358Classification of halitosis by malodor intensities measured with electronic nose. M. TANAKA*, M. NODA, M. TOE, J. KITA, and S. SHIZUKUISHI (Osaka University, Suita, Japan)
3359Prediction of halitosis-treatment outcome using malodor intensities by electronic nose. M. TANAKA, M. NODA, M. TOE, J. KITA, and S. SHIZUKUISHI* (Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Japan)
3360Fresh Breath Effect of Tea Polyphenols from Camellia sinensis. S. SHI* and S. JIANG (Hawley & Hazel Chemical Co. (ZS) Ltd, Zhongshan, China)
3361Anti-bacterial Effect of a Cetylpyridinium Chloride Rinse in vitro. Y. YAO*, S. JIANG, and S. SHI (Hawley & Hazel Chemical Co. (ZS) Ltd, Zhongshan, China)
3362Anti-plaque Effect of A Cetylpyridinium Chloride Oral Rinse. J. XU* and S. SHI (Hawley & Hazel Chemical Co. (ZS) Ltd, Zhongshan, China)
3363Effects of essential oils-containing mouthrinse in the “one-stage full-mouth disinfection”. S.C. CORTELLI*, F.O. COSTA, R.Z. REBELO, A.S. SONAGERE, M. HOLZHAUSEN, and J.R. CORTELLI (Universidade de Taubate, Taubaté, Brazil)

Seq#: 307Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Mineralized Tissue - Stem Cells
3364Compressive-force promotes osteoblastic differentiation via MAPK of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. M. YANAGISAWA*, N. SUZUKI, N. MITSUI, Y. KOYAMA, M. MAENO, and N. SHIMIZU (Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)
3365Cytodifferentiation activity of synthesized human enamel seath protein peptides. A. KAKEGAWA*, S. OIDA, K. GOMI, T. ARAI, and M. FUKAE (Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan)
3366Cytogenetic Analysis of Human Dental Pulp Stem Cell Lines. P.C. YELICK*, S.E. DUAILIBI, L.M. FERREIRA, L.D. KULIKOWSKI, M.V.N. LIPAY, M.I. MELARAGNO, J.P. VACANTI, and M.T. DUAILIBI (Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA)
3367Dentin-regeneration by the differentiated bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. S. IZAWA*, K. YAMAJI, Y. SHINNO, Y. NISHITANI, and M. YOSHIYAMA (Okayama University, Japan)
3368Estrogen Modulates Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells Osteogenesis Differentiation via ERs. Y. DING*, F. PAN, L. LIANG, L. SHU, and H. ZHENG (The Fourth Military Medical University, School of Stomatology, Xi'an, China)
3369Expression of Notch-related genes in mesenchymal progenitor cell, Kusa-A1. S. WANG*, N. KAWASHIMA, K. SAKAMOTO, H. SUDA, K.-I. KATSUBE, and A. UMEZAWA (School of Stomatology, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi'an, China)
3370Human Tooth Development and Dental Stem Cell Yield: Radiographic Approach. M.T. DUAILIBI*, S.E. DUAILIBI, L.M. FERREIRA, R.M. NEGREIROS, W.A. JORGE, J.P. VACANTI, and P.C. YELICK (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil)
3371Hypoxia Regulates Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells. J.X. HOU* and P.M. LOOMER (Peking University School of Stomatology, Beijing, China)
3372In Vitro Evaluation of Osteoblast-like Cells From Different Sources. F. MASTRANGELO*, M. TRANASI, V. ZIZZARI, D. FARRONATO, T. TRAINI, R. GRASSI, L. STUPPIA, and S. TETÈ (University of Chieti, Italy)
3373Influence of NF-kB Signaling on Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Differentiation. D.B. MENDONCA*, S.M. VALENCIA, G. MENDONCA, and L. COOPER (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
3374Nanoscale Microscopic Analysis Human Dental Stem Cells on Biopolymer Surfaces. S.E. DUAILIBI*, M.T. DUAILIBI, L.M. FERREIRA, M.C. SALVADORI, J.P. VACANTI, and P.C. YELICK (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil)
3375Osteoprogenitors are Enriched following Resveratrol-treatment of Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Cells. J. CHEN*, C.P. ERDMAN, R. OLIVARES-NAVARRETE, H.R. MOYER, J.K. WILLIAMS, Z. SCHWARTZ, and B.D. BOYAN (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA)
3376Study Osteogenic Induction of Pulp Stem Sells from Deciduous Teeth. L. GUO* (College of Stomatology, Ninth People's Hospital, School of Medicine,Shanghai JiaoTong University, China)
3377Telomerase Reverses Pluripotency and Blocks Spontaneous Differentiation. L.L.-T. HOU*, C.-L. CHEN, and S.-C. HUNG (National Taiwan University, Taipei City, Taiwan)
3378The multipotential of rat oral mucosal lamina propria progenitor cells. R. DONG*, X.-L. LIU, L. YANG, L. ZHANG, and M.-W. FAN (School and Hospital of Stomatology,Wuhan University, China)
3379Wnt/&beta-catenin inhibits cementoblast differentiation, in vitro. E. NEMOTO*, Y. KOSHIKAWA, S. KANAYA, M. TSUCHIYA, M. TAMURA, M. SOMERMAN, and H. SHIMAUCHI (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)

Seq#: 308Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Salivary Research - Saliva
33801H NMR Investigations of Diurnal Metabolic Variations in Human Saliva. E. LYNCH*, M.C. GROOTVELD, D.J. WHITE, C.J. SILWOOD, and C.D. WHITE (Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland, Uk)
3381A Comparison of Stimulated Salivary Measurement Procedures--Masticatory and Gustatory. J. LI* (Faculty of Stomatology, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China)
3382Characteristic of side population cells in parotid glands. E. KOKUBU*, M. KENMOTSU, K. MATSUZAKA, M. YOSHINARI, and T. INOUE (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
3383Classification and Management of Chronic Sialadenitis of the Parotid Gland. S. WANG* (Capital Medical University, Beijing, China)
3384Effect of location of parotid duct orifice on salivary clearance. S. WATANABE*, A. SUZUKI, C. PAI, X. XIANGHUI, and H. NISHIMURA (Meikai University, Saitama, Japan)
3385Exploration of the Antifungal Activity of Parotid Secretion. D.R. JAMMAL*, C. VENULEO, F.G. OPPENHEIM, and E.J. HELMERHORST (Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine, MA, USA)
3386Fluoride and oxidative status: acute experiment in rats parotid glands. P.M. YAMAGUTI*, E. GANZERLA, A. SIMOES, F.N. NOGUEIRA, and J. NICOLAU (University of Sao Paulo, School of Dentistry, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil)
3387 Paper Withdrawn.
3388Individual variations in saliva protein protection against enamel demineralisation. M. BRUVO*, A. BARDOW, S. KIRKEBY, D. MOE, and H. VORUM (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
3389Influence of Repetitive Saliva Swallowing on Oral Moisture. F. TAKAHASHI*, M. TAKAHASHI, and O. MORITA (Nippon Dental University, Niigata, Japan)
3390Influence of the Saliva Secretion Kinetics on the Fluoride Bioavailability. E.A. NAUMOVA*, W.H. ARNOLD, and P. GAENGLER (University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany)
3391Investigating the relation between hyposalivation and mucosal wetness. S.M. OSAILAN*, R. PRAMANIK, S.C. MASON, S. SHIRODARIA, D. URQUHART, S.J. CHALLACOMBE, and G.B. PROCTOR (King's College London Dental Institute, United Kingdom)
3392Lys-Pro-Gln, a novel cleavage site specificity of saliva-associated proteases. E.J. HELMERHORST*, X. SUN, E. SALIH, and F.G. OPPENHEIM (Boston University, School of Dental Medicine, MA, USA)
3393Relationship between Oral Dryness and Properties of Saliva. J. MASHIMO*, M. OKANE, Y. SATO, N. KITAGAWA, and Y. KITAMURA (Showa University, Tokyo, Japan)
3394Relationship Between Oral Dryness and Wetness of Tongue Dorsum. Y. KAKINOKI*, T. KOSEKI, and T. NISHIHARA (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)

Seq#: 309Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Porphyromonas gingivalis A
3395Characterization of anti-Porphyromonas gingivalis heat shock protein 60 monoclonal antibody. J.-I. CHOI*, J. LEE, and S. KIM (Pusan National University, South Korea)
3396CpG Oligodeoxynucleotides Adjuvant for Mucosal Immunity to Porphyromonas gingivalis. C.L. LIU*, T. HASHIZUME, T. KURITA, K. FUJIHASHI, and M. YAMAMOTO (Nihon University, matsudo, Chiba, Japan)
3397Differential binding of Blood Group antigens by Porphyromonas gingivalis. N. BABAPOOR*, N. LI, M. NADKARNI, D. HARTY, C. COLLYER, and N. HUNTER (Westmead Center for Oral Health, Sydney, NSW, Australia)
3398Quantitative detection of P.gingivalis and fimAII/IV in smoker-chronic periodontitis patients. S.R.L. TEIXEIRA*, M.D. FAVERI, M. FERES, L.C. FIGUEIREDO, M.R.L. SIMIONATO, and M.P.A. MAYER (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
3399Role of ppk in Response of Porphyromonas gingivalis to Stress. J.-H. MOON*, J.-H. PARK, and J.-Y. LEE (Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea)
3400HGP44 reduces Porphyromonas gingivalis–induced alveolar bone loss in mice. K. MURAMATSU*, K. MIYACHI, T. SHIBAHARA, K. OKUDA, and K. ISHIHARA (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
3401Pathogenic Significance of nrdD-like Gene in Virulent Porphyromonas gingivalis Strain. N. SONOI*, H. MAEDA, K. NARUISHI, S. KOKEGUCHI, W. HASSAN, K. SAWADA, T. MURAUCHI, Y. KOIDE, K. YAMABE, I. TANIMOTO, and S. TAKASHIBA (Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan)
3402Isogenic fimbriae mutant of P. gingivalis targets Dendritic cell DC-SIGN. A. ZEITUNI*, R. JOTWANI, J.A. CARRION, and C.W. CUTLER (State University of New York - Stony Brook, USA)
3403Correlation of Red-complex Bacteria in Active Periodontal Disease Sites. T. MINEOKA*, S. AWANO, T. RIKIMARU, A. YOSHIDA, T. ANSAI, and T. TAKEHARA (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)
3404Presence of Porphyromonas gingivalis in Subgingival Plaque-Biofilm of Elderly People. Y. ABIKO*, T. SATO, K. MATSUSHITA, R. SAKASHITA, and N. TAKAHASHI (Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai, Japan)
3405Effects of various antibiotics on Porphyromonas gingivalis biofilms. H. MAEZONO*, Y. NOIRI, M. UEDA, N. NOGUCHI, T. YABUNE, and S. EBISU (Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan)
3406Effects of the French pine tree extract on Porphyromonas gingivalis. K. WATANABE* and T. UMEMOTO (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka, Japan)
3407Role of P. gingivalis PtpA Tyrosine Phosphatase in Exopolysaccharide Production. C.M. TUCKER*, K. MAEDA, G.D. TRIBBLE, D. HAGERTY, B. BAINBRIDGE, and R.J. LAMONT (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
3408Comprehensive transcriptome analysis of Porphyromonas gingivalis using high-density tiling microarrays. H. HØVIK*, W.-H. YU, I. OLSEN, and T. CHEN (University of Oslo, Norway)
3409Scavenger Receptor Expression in Macrophages Challenged with Porphyromonas gingivalis. M.T. BAER* and F.C. GIBSON III (Boston University Medical Center, MA, USA)
3410P. gingivalis and S. gordonii interactions with epithelial cell multilayers. D. HAGERTY*, L.L. CARBALLO, B. BAINBRIDGE, D.T. GRAVES, T.A. BROWN, and R.J. LAMONT (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
3411IgG Serum Levels against Porphyromonas gingivalis recombinant HmuY protein. S.C. TRINDADE*, T. OLCZAK, I.S. GOMES-FILHO, V.L.C. VALE, L. MOURA-COSTA, R. PORTELA, E.M.M. CERQUEIRA, S. FREIRE, and R. MEYER (Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Brazil)

Seq#: 310Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Streptococci B
3412Gene Regulatory and Physiological Functions of Histone-Like Protein from Streptococci. H. YUMOTO*, D. LIU, K. MURAKAMI, K. HIROTA, H. NAGAMUNE, S. KAYAMA, T. MATSUO, and Y. MIYAKE (The University of Tokushima, Japan)
3413Cytokines induced by mixed infection with periodontal pathogenic bacteria. R. TAMAI*, X. DENG, and Y. KIYOURA (Ohu University School of Dentistry, Koriyama, Fukushima, Japan)
3414Involvement of VicK in the acid tolerance of Streptococcus mutans. A. PERSADMEHR*, R. MAIR, M.D. SENADHEERA, and D.G. CVITKOVITCH (University of Toronto, Canada)
3415Clinical Analysis of Gene Encoding Collagen-binding Adhesin of Streptococcus mutans. R. NOMURA*, K. NAKANO, N. TANIGUCHI, J. LAPIRATTANAKUL, H. NEMOTO, and T. OOSHIMA (Osaka University, Suita, Osaka, Japan)
3416Comparison of Streptococcal DNA amplified from Bite Marks and Teeth. L.T.-T. HSU*, D.A. POWER, J.P. BURTON, J.H. HAUMAN, J.R. TAGG, and G.R. TOMPKINS (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand)
3417Cooperation and Conflict in Quorum-Sensing Populations of Streptococcus mutans. Y.-H. LI*, X.-L. TIAN, G. LAYTON, and G. TZIOLAS (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)
3418Microarray Analysis of the Microbiota of Young Children. E. KANASI*, C.W. DOUGLASS, D.M. OKUJI, S. MERABI, S.K. BOCHES, F.E. DEWHIRST, B.J. PASTER, and A.C. TANNER (The Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
3419The Streptococcus mutans CesSR System Responds to Cell Envelope Stress. P. SUNTHARALINGAM*, R. MAIR, C. LEVESQUE, M.D. SENADHEERA, and D. CVITKOVITCH (University of Toronto, Canada)
3420Distribution of Genomic Island TnSmu2 Genes among Streptococcus mutans Isolates. J. HENDERSON*, L. ZHANG, B. FOXMAN, B. OLSON, D. DRAKE, J. WARREN, U. SRINIVASAN, R.J. WEYANT, and M. MARAZITA (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)
3421Streptococcus mutans Cell Death: Novel Role for a Known Bacteriocin. J.A. PERRY*, M.B. JONES, S.N. PETERSON, D.G. CVITKOVITCH, and C.M. LEVESQUE (University of Toronto, Canada)
3422Genetic organization of fimbriae's secretion/glycosylation machinery in Streptococcus salivarius. J.-F. POMBERT, C. BART, C. LEVESQUE, and M. FRENETTE* (University of Laval, Quebec, QC, Canada)
3423Duplex RT-qPCR for Detection of S. mutans and S. sanguinis. C.Y. CHU*, Z. CHEN, G.S. FISCH, A.I. ISMAIL, and Y. LI (New York University College of Dentistry, USA)
3424S. sanguinis to S. mutans Ratio Negatively Correlated with S-ECC. Y. LI*, P.W. CAUFIELD, Y. GE, and G.S. FISCH (New York University College of Dentistry, USA)
3425PCR DGGE to Unmask Streptococcus mutans in Endotrach Biofilms. J.G. THOMAS, D.W. WILLIAMS, S.J. HOOPER, S. MALIC, and S. CAIRNS* (University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom)
3426Characterizations of peptide binding to SRCRP2 and inhibiting streptococcal adherence. H. SENPUKU*, H. KOBA, and K. OKUDA (National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo, Japan)
3427Characterization of a Glutamate Transporter Operon, GlnQMPH, in Streptococcus mutans. K. KRASTEL*, M.D. SENADHEERA, S. MANEK, and D. CVITKOVITCH (University of Toronto, Canada)
3428Characterization of a VicK-regulated operon in Streptococcus mutans. D. DEL RE*, R. MAIR, M.D. SENADHEERA, and D. CVITKOVITCH (University of Toronto, Canada)
3429Green Tea Electrostatic Inhibition of S. mutans Binding to Hydroxyapatite. K. POLOSUKHINA, S. HIGHSMITH*, and A. PETERSEN (Pacific, San Francisco, CA, USA)
3430GbpB expression in Streptococcus mutans strains exposed to penicillin G. C. DUQUE*, R.N. STIPP, J.C.O. SARDI, R.B. GONÇALVES, J.F. HOFLING, and R.O. MATTOS-GRANER (University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil)
3431Involvement of a predicted murein hydrolase in Streptococcus mutans' aciduricity. R.P.M. MATSUI*, R. MAIR, M.D. SENADHEERA, and D. CVITKOVITCH (University of Toronto, Canada)
3432Horizontal Transmission of S. mutans Amplitypes in Brazilian Nursery Children. A.C. ALVES*, R.D. NOGUEIRA, J.F. HOFLING, and R.M. GRANER (Piracicaba Dental School (UNICAMP), Brazil)
3433Streptococcus mutans YidC1 and YidC2 affect P1 surface immunoreactivity/function. P.J. CROWLEY, A. HASONA, S.R. PALMER, S. AMBATI, R. DALBEY, S. FUNES, J. HERRMANN, A.S. BLEIWEIS, and L.J. BRADY* (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
3434Streptococcal Protein Fragment Complementation (S-PFC) to Detect Protein-Protein Interactions. D. JAMES*, M. ZHOU, and H. WU (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
3435Genetic analyses of Streptococcus mutans and dental caries levels. N. VALARINI*, A. PIOVEZAN, M. BRAGA, M.R. RODRIGUES, R.C. POLI-FREDERICO, F.B.A. FERREIRA, and S.M. MACIEL (UNOPAR - Universidade Norte do Paraná, Londrina, Brazil)

Seq#: 311Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Microbiology / Immunology and Infection Control - Periodontal pathogens—Gram-negatives
3436Preliminary Analysis of Periodontal Pathogens in Taiwan. Y.-H. LIN*, K.-Y. HO, C.-P. KUO, and C.-H. LAI (Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan)
3437Characterization of OxyR homologue of Tannerella forsythia. K. HONMA*, M.J. PERRY, and A. SHARMA (State University of New York - Buffalo, USA)
3438Isolation and Identification of Black-Pigmented Bacteria from Donkey Oral Cavity. K. TAKADA*, K. HAYASHI, and M. HIRASAWA (Nihon University, School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Chiba, Japan)
3439Acid tolerance in streptococcal biofilm cells. J. NEILANDS* and G. SVENSATER (Malmö University, Sweden)
3440Treponema denticola Msp-Deduced Peptide Conjugate Promotes RhoA-dependent Stress Fiber Formation. M. AMIN*, K.E. MAGNUSSON, M. GLOGAUER, A. KAPUS, and R.P. ELLEN (University of Toronto, Canada)
3441Genome-wide Analyses to Identify Acid-Inducible Genes in Streptococcus mutans. Y. GONG*, X. TIAN, J. WILLIAMS, T. SUTHERLAND, F. YU, and Y.-H. LI (Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada)
3442Periodontitis Associated Occult Bacteraemia Detected by 16S rRNA Gene Sequencing. N. PARAHITIYAWA*, L.P. SAMARANAYAKE, L. JIN, W.K. LEUNG, and W.C. YAM (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
3443Deficiency of Glucan-binding Proteins Alters Gene Expression of Streptococcus mutans. M. NAKANO*, K. FUJITA, and T. OOSHIMA (Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry, Suita, Osaka, Japan)
3444Treponema denticola invasion of human gingival epithelial cells. S. INAGAKI*, R. KIMIZUKA, K. OKUDA, and K. ISHIHARA (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
3445Molecular analysis of immuno-pathogenic OMP29-antigen of A. actinomycetemcomitans in periodontitis. K. OUHARA*, M.P.A. MAYER, M.A. TAUBMAN, H. KOMATSUZAWA, and T. KAWAI (The Forsyth Institute, Boston, MA, USA)
3446Identification of Anti-Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) Factors from Healthy Human Saliva. K. VELLIYAGOUNDER*, K. MIN, T. SHEEREN, M. MCKIERNAN, D. FURGANG, and D.H. FINE (New Jersey Dental School - UMDNJ, Newark, USA)
3447The mompA gene is conserved between Treponema pectinovorum strains. S.G. WALKER* and G. TÜTER (Stony Brook University, NY, USA)

Seq#: 312Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Periodontal Research - Diagnosis / Epidemiology - Diagnostic/Treatment Aspects
3448Comparative Efficacy of Two Powered Brushes in Interproximal Areas. H. BADER* (Harvard University, Mashpee, MA, USA)
3449New Technologies for Periodontal Diagnostic Recording - Quality Assurance, Voice Control. C. KOSSACK*, K. LORENZ, and T. HOFFMANN (Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany)
3450Identifying alveolar bone defects using ultrasonography. P.A. HEASMAN*, J. JANSSEN, B. GOTTENBOS, and G.I. MCCRACKEN (Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
3451Periodontal Ultrasonic Measurement using a 20MHz High-Frequency Probe. H. SHIMAUCHI*, H. ISHIHATA, and S. KANAYA (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
3452Biomechanics of First Molar Mesial Movement with Reduced Alveolar Support. T. KUSAKABE*, A.A. CAPUTO, V. SHETTY, and J. IIDA (Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan)
3453General Dentists and Periodontal Referrals. J.H. LEE*, D. BENNETT, P. RICHARDS, and M.R. INGLEHART (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA)

Seq#: 313Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Periodontal Research - Pathogenesis - P. gingivalis - Host Interactions
3454Induction of MCP-1 by Porphyromonas gingivalis in human gingival fibroblasts. Y. WU*, L. ZHAO, Y. OUYANG, and L. GAO (Sichuan University, Chengdu, China)
3455Infection of the Epithelial Barrier by Porphyromonas gingivalis in vitro. J. MEYLE*, E. DOMANN, and S. GRÖGER (University of Giessen, Germany)
3456P. gingivalis cytokine production in heart of mice. Y. AKAMATSU*, T. YAMAMOTO, F. OSEKO, M. KITA, and N. KANAMURA (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Graduate School of Medical Science, Japan)
3457Crevicular Porphyromonas gingivalis-specific-immunoglobulin A Levels in Healthy and Periodontitis Subjects. S. CHOONHARUANGDEJ*, Y. KUPHASUK, and A. CHUTINET (Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand)
3458The Interrelationships Between Bone-Loss, Host Response and Porphyromonas gingivalis Strains. A. WILENSKY*, S. AWAWDI, A. HALABI, Y. HOURI-HADDAD, and L. SHAPIRA (Hebrew University and Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel)
3459Putative virulence genes in clinical strains of Porphyromonas gingivalis. T. BEIKLER, O. LAUGISCH*, U. PETERS, and T.F. FLEMMIG (Privat practice, Muenster, Germany)
3460Response of Porphyrmonas gingivalis to hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress. R. MCKENZIE* and H.M. FLETCHER (Loma Linda University, CA, USA)
3461Porphyromonas gingivalis fimA mutant in a rodent model of infection. M. BELANGER*, D. AVILA, L. REYES, M.B. BROWN, M.K. REINHARD, and A. PROGULSKE-FOX (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
3462Degradation of complement regulatory protein CD46 by Porphyromonas gingivalis. H. MAHTOUT*, J. ROJO, F. CHANDAD, and D. GRENIER (Universite Laval, Quebec city, QC, Canada)
3463Attenuation of Serine Protease Inhibitors by Porphyromonas gingivalis. L. YIN*, B.M. HACKER, G.A. SILVERMAN, B.A. DALE, and W.O. CHUNG (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
3464Effect of O2-stress on phosphoproteome and LPS biosynthesis in P.gingivalis. S. OKANO*, Y. SHIBATA, and Y. ABIKO (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Matsudo-shi Chiba, Japan)
3465PCR Assay for Quantitative Detection of Porphyromonas gingivalis in Children. F. HAYASHI*, M. OKADA, J. SUZUKI, and K. KOZAI (Hiroshima University, Japan)
3466Porphyromonas gingivalis Induces Apoptosis in Gingival Epithelial Cells. P.G. STATHOPOULOU*, J. GALICIA, M. BENAKANAKERE, and D.F. KINANE (University of Louisville, KY, USA)
3467Gender-Specific Effects of Pgingivalis in Heterozygous ApoE Mice. C. CHAMPAGNE*, C. PHILLIPS, J. BECK, and S. OFFENBACHER (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
3468Porphyromonas gingivalis Induces Differential Cytokine Degradation through a Gingipain-Dependent Mechanism. P.G. STATHOPOULOU, J. GALICIA*, M. BENAKANAKERE, and D.F. KINANE (University of Louisville, KY, USA)
3469TLR7 triggers IFN-1a in HEK293 cells exposed to Porphyromonas gingivalis. B.G. ROSE*, M.R. BENAKANAKERE, and D.F. KINANE (University of Louisville, KY, USA)

Seq#: 314Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Periodontal Research - Pathogenesis - Inflammatory Response
3470Tβ4 Does Not Suppress LPS IL-8 Secretion in Gingival Fibroblasts. E. KWON*, M. WHEATER, and G. SOSNE (University of Detroit Mercy, MI, USA)
3471Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) Expression in Chronic Periodontitis. K. NISAPAKULTORN*, P. RERKYEN, R. MAHANONDA, and O. TAKIKAWA (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand)
3472Lymphoid and inflammatory chemokine expression in chronic periodontitis lesions. T. NAKAJIMA*, R. AMANUMA, Y. AOKI, T. HONDA, T. OKUI, H. DOMON, K. KAJITA, N. TAKAHASHI, T. MAEKAWA, H. ITO, K. TABETA, and K. YAMAZAKI (NIigata University Medical and Dental Hospital, Niigata, Japan)
3473Th1, Th2 and Th17 Cytokines in Progressive Periodontal Lesions. N. DUTZAN*, R. VERNAL, O. RIVERA, A. DEZEREGA, M. HERNÁNDEZ, P. POZO, and J. GAMONAL (Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile)
3474Th17 cytokines enhance CCL20 production by human gingival fibroblasts. Y. HOSOKAWA*, I. HOSOKAWA, K. OZAKI, H. NAKAE, and T. MATSUO (The University of Tokushima, Japan)
3475Detection of Serum Interleukin-21 Associated with Chronic Periodontitis. Z.M. WANG*, J. ZHANG, B.S. PANG, L.Q. ZHANG, and C. WANG (Capital Medical University, Beijing, China)
3476Gingival cytokines and clinical parameters in aggressive and chronic periodontitis. S. VAHABI*, M. SATTARI, and M. ASLANI (SBMU and Qazvin university of medical sciences, Dental school, Tehran, Iran)
3477Nitric Oxide Controls VE-Cadherin-Mediated Vascular Integrity in Periapical Granulomas. O. TAKEICHI*, S. HAMA, K. FUJISAKI, N. TANABE, M. HAYASHI, B. OGISO, M. MAENO, and K. OCHIAI (Nihon University School of Dentistry, Tokyo, Japan)
3478Crevicular Fluid Levels of IL-1b,IL-6 and TNF-a in Periodontitis Patients. G. KASNAK*, N. GUREL, M. YILMAZ, M. KAFAOGLU, S. YESIL, and E. FIRATLI (University of Istanbul School of Dentistry, Turkey)
3479GCF Levels of IL1-b,IL-6 and TNF-a in Papillon Lefevre Syndrome. M. YILMAZ*, N. GUREL, G. KASNAK, S. YESIL, M. KAFAOGLU, and E. FIRATLI (University of Istanbul School of Dentistry, Turkey)
3480IL-1a and KGF regulate keratinocyte expression of antimicrobial peptides. M. BANDO*, Y. HIROSHIMA, M. KATAOKA, M.C. HERZBERG, K.F. ROSS, T. NAGATA, and J.-I. KIDO (Periodontology and Endodontology, Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate School, Japan)
3481Resolvin E1 Has Selective and Potent Actions on Human Platelets. G. FREDMAN*, M. ARITA, T.E. VAN DYKE, and C.N. SERHAN (Boston University, MA, USA)
3482Hydrogen Sulfide Induces Apoptosis in Human Gingival Epithelial Cell Line. B. CALENIC*, K. YAEGAKI, M. TAKATOSHI, and M. FUJIMURA (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
3483CpG island methylation of COX-2 and IL1B genes in periodontitis. S. ZHANG*, S. BARROS, and S. OFFENBACHER (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA)

Seq#: 315Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Periodontal Research - Therapy - Clinical Research/Systemic Effects of Treatment/Smoking/Dental Hypersensitivity
3484Efficacy of a perio-toothbrush on early healing after periodontal surgery. G. BRUHN*, K. LORENZ, C. HEUMANN, H. TOUTENBURG, and T. HOFFMANN (TU Dresden, Germany)
3485Effect of Initial Periodontal Therapy on MMPs in Aggressive Periodontitis. B. ALFANT*, L. SHADDOX, I. MAGNUSSON, I. AUKHIL, and C. WALKER (University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
3486 Paper Withdrawn.
3487Periodontal Treatment and Serum MMPs in Diabetic and Non-diabetic Subjects. L. SCHEER*, P. GOLSHANI, and S.P. ENGEBRETSON (State University of New York - Stony Brook, USA)
3488 Paper Withdrawn.
3489Periodontal Diseases and Diabetes: Immunohistochemical Study and Biological Therapeutic Perspectives. G. LUCARINI, F. CIOLINO*, S. ASPRIELLO, A. ZIZZI, A. LORENZINI, M. MATTIOLI-BELMONTE, G. ORSINI, M. PIEMONTESE, and A. PUTIGNANO (Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy)
3490Effects of Periodontal Treatment on Markers of Systemic Inflammation. N.J. LOPEZ*, A. QUINTERO, C. IBIETA, and P. CASANOVA (University of Chile, Santiago, Chile)
3491Bone-Turnover Markers in Postmenopausal-Osteopenic Women with Periodontitis (POWP): Subantimicrobial-Dose-Doxycycline (SDD). L.M. GOLUB*, H.M. LEE, J.A. STONER, R.A. REINHARDT, T. SORSA, A.D. GOREN, and J.B. PAYNE (Stony Brook University, NY, USA)
3492Effects of 2-Month Dietary Therapy on Periodontal Status. S. UESAKI*, Y. FUKUZATO, H. IMANAKA, H. SUIDOU, K. YAMAMOTO, T. MAKINO, S. KAJIWARA, H. SUZUKI, Y. NISHIO, A. KASHIWAGI, and G. KING (Sunstar Inc, Takatsuki, Japan)
3493Title: Influence of Initial Bleeding Scores on Periodontal Treatment Responses. H.L. JARED*, D. PAQUETTE, L.C. MENDOZA, S. BARROS, J. BECK, and S. OFFENBACHER (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
3494Increased Detection Frequency of Periodontopathogenic Species Following SRP. G. BAUMGARDT, S. BAUMGARDT*, R. MONTAG, and B.W. SIGUSCH (University of Jena, Germany)
3495Smoking impairs root coverage: clinical and histological study in humans. S.L.S. SOUZA*, G.O. MACEDO, A.M.M. SILVEIRA E SOUZA, A.B. NOVAES JR., M.F.D.M. GRISI, M. TABA JR., D.B. PALIOTO, and V.M.A. CORREA (Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
3496Multilevel Analysis of Periodontal Treatment Response in Male Smokers. C.P. WAN, W.K. LEUNG*, M.C.M. WONG, R.M.S. WONG, P. WAN, E.C.M. LO, and E.F. CORBET (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China)
3497Dentinal Hypersensitivity: Relationship to General Sensory Sensitivity. R.S. LEIGHT, J. BOWMAN*, and A.P. BARLOW (Hill Top Research, Miamiville, OH, USA)
3498Dentinal Hypersensitivity: Evidence for a "No Treatment" Effect. R.S. LEIGHT*, J. BOWMAN, and A.P. BARLOW (Kirslan Consulting, Seminole, FL, USA)

Seq#: 316Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Neuroscience / TMJ - Neuroscience/TMJ Posters V
3499Masseter Ganglion Neurons Express Acid Sensing Ion Channels (ASIC). E. ZHANG, M. WANG, X. DONG, U. KUMAR, and B. CAIRNS* (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
3500Role of Heme Oxigenase-Carbon Monoxide in Orofacial Nociception in Rats. V.P. NAVARRO*, R.S. PERCHES, C.G.O. NASCIMENTO, and L.G.S. BRANCO (Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto - USP, Brazil)
3501Gene transfer of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist into HIG-82 cells. F. NAGAO*, T. TUJISAWA, H. MAEDA, K. IWANAGA, M. HABU, I. YOSHIOKA, K. TOMINAGA, J. FUKUDA, and T. NISHIHARA (Kyushu Dental College, Fukuoka, Japan)
3502The effect of stabilization appliances on the body posture. O. BERNHARDT*, C. WENZLER, and G. MEYER (University of Greifswald, Germany)
3503 Paper Withdrawn.
3504Expression of GFAP in satellite glial cells after tooth extraction. K.K. GUNJIGAKE*, T. GOTO, K. NAKAO, T. ISHIBE, S. KOBAYASHI, and K. YAMAGUCHI (Kyushu Dental College, Kitakyushu, Japan)
3505Activity of the Cerebral Cortex during Intraoral Form-discrimination Task. K. YAMAMURA*, M. KUROSE, N. NARITA, and Y. YAMADA (Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan)
3506Effects of CO2 Laser Irradiation During Experimental Tooth Movement. M. SEIRYU*, T. DEGUCHI, K. FUJIYAMA, Y. SAKAI, T. DAIMARUYA, and T. TAKANO-YAMAMOTO (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
3507A soft diet influences the dopaminergic system and learning ability. A. OHNO*, S. KUSHIDA, K. KIMOTO, N. HORI, M. TOYODA, and M. ONOZUKA (Kanagawa Dental College, Yokosuka Kanagawa, Japan)
3508Movement of the Condyle Point and Incisal Point during Exercise. T. ASANO*, M. KAWARA, T. IIDA, O. KOMIYAMA, and H. SUZUKI (Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo, Matsudo Chiba, Japan)
3509Oral Structure Representation in Human Somatosensory Cortex –A magnetencephalographic study. Y. TAMURA*, Y. SHIBUKAWA, K. KUBO, M. SHINTANI, Y. KANEKO, and T. ICHINOHE (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba-City, Japan)
3510Occlusal disharmony suppresses long-term potentiation in rat hippocampus. K. KATO*, Y. ONO, T. KATAOKA, S. MIYAKE, M. IWAMOTO, S. KOIZUMI, K. SASAGURI, M. ONOZUKA, and S. SATO (Kanagawa Dental College, Japan)
3511p38MAPK and GFAP are Upregulated by MO Tooth Pulp Stimulation. M. SUNAKAWA*, T. KANEKO, M. KANEKO, and H. SUDA (Tokyo Medical & Dental University, Japan)
3512Greater Palatine Artery Runs Deep to Greater Palatine Nerve. I. KAGEYAMA*, K. KOBAYASHI, Y. MIYAWAKI, and K. YOSHIMURA (Nippon Dental University, Niigata- city, Japan)
3513Voluntary Responses to Feedback Signals in Jaw Reflex Studies. F. MARSHALL, A.G. MASON*, H.W. VAN DER GLAS, and S.W. CADDEN (The Dental School, University of Dundee, Scotland)
3514Ultrasonic jaw tracking device - accuracy of two different sensors. E. LUDWIG*, M.A.M. HUSSAIN, R.G. LUTHARDT, and F.G. SANDER (Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Ulm, Germany)
3515Regulatory mechanism of parasympathetic vasodilatation of masseter muscle in rat. T. NIIOKA*, H. ISHII, and H. IZUMI (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan)
3516Parasympathetic vasodilation in masseter muscle evoked by vagal afferent stimulation. H. ISHII*, T. NIIOKA, and H. IZUMI (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Japan)
3517Relation between Buccal Mucosa Ridging and Viscoelasticity of Lip Mucosa. S. KUMAKURA*, K. SAKURAI, Y. TAHARA, and K. NAKAGAWA (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
3518Neural bloodflow regulation in rat tongue by chorda-lingual nerve stimulation. N. SHOJI*, M. TANIGUCHI, M. IIKUBO, Y. SHIMENO, and T. SASANO (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
3519The effect of injections with botulinum toxin into jaw elevators. M. BAKKE* and E. MØLLER (University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Health Sciences, Copenhagen N, Denmark)
3520pERK involvement in thermal allodynia in capsaicin-treated face in rats. K. HONDA* and K. IWATA (Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)
3521ATP Tooth Pulp Stimulation Evokes Brainstem Reflexes and ERK Phosphorylation. K. ADACHI*, K. SHIMIZU, J.W. HU, K. IWATA, N. KOSHIKAWA, and B. SESSLE (Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)
3522The Consistent Nature of the Nociceptive Modulation of Jaw Reflexes. G. GARDON-MOLLARD, A.G. MASON, and S.W. CADDEN* (The Dental School, University of Dundee, Scotland)
3523Role of CNS Acid Sphingomyelinase on Allodynia in Mice. N. TANG, W.-Y. ONG, and J.-F. YEO* (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
3524Accelerometric Analysis of Jaw Opening-Closing Cycles. I. PELIVAN*, I. MICHIELI, A. DUBRAVIC, A. CATIC, M. VALENTIC-PERUZOVIC, J. VISKIC, I. ALAJBEG, and D. ILLES (University of Zagreb, School of Dental Medicine, Croatia)
3525Computer-guided EMG activity collection during usual and unusual oral behaviors. M. FARELLA, A. MICHELOTTI, S. PALLA, and L.M. GALLO* (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
3526Immunohistochemical Analysis of Inflammatory Mediators in NPY Knockout Mice. N.D. DAVIS*, P. PRIOUR, and R. SPEARS (Texas A&M Health Science Center-Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, USA)
3527The Occlusal Diagnosis and Management of Malocclusion with Osteoarthritis. T. IKAWA*, T. OGAWA, Y. SHIGETA, R. HIRABAYASHI, and S. FUKUSHIMA (Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan)
3528ERK phosphorylation in rat Vc neurons by experimental orthodontic force. M. HASEGAWA*, M. KONDO, K. IWATA, and N. SHIMIZU (Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)

Seq#: 317Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Oral Medicine & Pathology - Beta Defensins; Bone Pathology
3529Effect of Corticosteroid on Beta-defensins Expression Stimulated with TLR Agonists. M. HORIUCHI*, M. SAITOH, S. NAKAMURA, M. YAMAZAKI, M. NISHIMURA, Y. KURASHIGE, S. IGARASHI, and Y. ABIKO (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan)
3530Differential Expression of Human β-defensins in Epithelium of Oral Cancer. H. KAWSAR, A. VENIZELOS, S. HIRSCH, and G. JIN* (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)
3531Decreased Expression of Beta-defensins Alters Keratinocyte Proliferation and Differentiation. M. SAITOH*, M. YAMAZAKI, S. NAKAMURA, M. HORIUCHI, Y. KURASHIGE, D. NORO, M. NISHIMURA, A. YAMAZAKI, S. IGARASHI, and Y. ABIKO (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan)
3532IL-22 induces β-defensins and co-localizes with hBD-3 to basal epithelium. M. NISHIMURA*, T.S. MCCORMICK, B. JIANG, S. HIRSCH, and A. WEINBERG (Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA)
3533Upregulation of Beta-defensins by Mechanical Stress in Keratinocytes via MAPkinase. A. YAMAZAKI*, M. SAITOH, S. NAKAMURA, M. NISHIMURA, M. YAMAZAKI, Y. KURASHIGE, M. HORIUCHI, T. ARAKAWA, T. TAKUMA, I. MIZOGUCHI, and Y. ABIKO (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan)
3534Expression of Toll-like Receptors and Beta-defensins During Development of Sialoadenitis. S. SHIMIZU*, M. SAITOH, Y. KURASHIGE, M. NISHIMURA, M. HORIUCHI, T. KAKU, and Y. ABIKO (Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan)
3535Bisphosphonates-associated jaws osteonecrosis . A forty-five patients' 36 months follow-up. G. OTERI, M. CICCIÙ, L. LO PRESTI, A. GRECO, V. NIGRONE, E. IDOTTA, E. NASTRO SINISCALCHI*, and F.S. DE PONTE (University of Messina, Italy)
3536Effects of Bisphosphonate on Osteogenesis in Osteoporosis Rats. K. OHNO*, A. TAKEMURA, and F. SUWA (Osaka Dental University, Japan)
3537Identification of genes related to radioresistance of oral cancer. K. FUSHIMI*, K. UZAWA, T. ISHIGAMI, K. SAITO, K. SHIMADA, A. MURANO, M. NAKATSURU, K. OGAWARA, M. SHIIBA, and H. TANZAWA (Chiba University, Japan)
3538Clinical features and long-term behaviour of orofacial granulomatosis. K.A. AL-JOHANI*, S. FEDELE, D.R. MOLES, and S.R. PORTER (UCL Eastman Dental Institute, London, United Kingdom)
3539Cytotoxicity Effects of Brazilian and Paulista Arnica Extracts. K.P.S. FERNANDES*, M.M. MARQUES, S.K. BUSSADORI, M.P.P. FERREIRA, N.S.Y. WADT, R.A. MESQUITA-FERRARI, and M.D. MARTINS (Nove de Julho University, São Paulo, Brazil)
3540Wound Healing of Mouth Ulcers using Papain Gel. S.K. BUSSADORI*, K.P.S. FERNANDES, V.C.S. PAVESI, L.J. MOTTA, and M.D. MARTINS (Nove de Julho University, São Paulo, Brazil)
3541Interleukine-17 reduced serum levels in BRONJ patients after bisphosphonates administration. G. OTERI*, A. GRECO, E. IDOTTA, L. LO PRESTI, V. NIGRONE, A. ALLEGRA, A. ALONCI, and C. MUSOLINO (University of Messina, Italy)
3542A Clinical Score of Oral Dryness:relation to salivary flow rates. S.J. CHALLACOMBE*, S.M. OSAILAN, R. PRAMANIK, S. SHIRODARIA, D. URQUHART, S.C. MASON, and G.B. PROCTOR (King's College London Dental Institute, United Kingdom)
3543Investigation of MMP-1, MMP-9 and TIMP-1 levels in Lichen Planus. A.S. ERTUGRUL*, R. DURSUN, N. DUNDAR, and S.S. HAKKI (Selcuk Universitesi, Konya, Turkey)

Seq#: 318Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Oral Medicine & Pathology - Oral Cancer, Translational Research, and Therapeutics
3544Postradiotherapy Evaluation of Patients Treated for Head and Neck Tumours. I.R.F. RUBIRA-BULLEN*, N.J. DEVIDES, L.T. UBEDA, A.G. BORTOLUCCI JR, J.R. LAURIS, C.M.F. RUBIRA, and J.H. DAMANTE (School of Dentistry at Bauru - USP, Bauru, SP, Brazil)
3545Evaluation and comparision of salivary peroxidase. H. KHADEMI* and A. MOHAMMADI (Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran)
3546Proinflammatory, proangiogenic cytokines in saliva and serum in oral leukoplakia. N. RHODUS*, B. WUERTZ, K. COLE, E. SZABO, and F. ONDREY (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA)
3547Expression of RhoA Protein in the OSCC. Y.R. FANG*, J. ZHOU, Y. JIN, M. WATO, K. MASUNO, J. KOTANI, and A. TANAKA (Osaka Dental University, Hirakata-shi Osaka, Japan)
3548Evaluation Synergic Effects of Cigarette Smoke and Saliva. Y. NOZAD MOJAVER* (Tehran univercity of medical sience.Iran, Iran)
3549Oscc:-An Immunohistochemical Appraisal- in South Indian Population with Mixed Habits. P.A. PANKAJ AGARWAL* and N. RAO (Manipal college of dental sciences,Manipal University, India)
3550Comparative study between psychiatric therapy and occlusal therapy in MPDs. A. JAVADZADEH* and A.-S. MADANI (Mashhad University of Medical science, Iran)
3551Treatment of Oral Erosive Lichen Planus. Role of T Cell. U.M. EL-SHINNAWI* and S. EL- SHARAWY (Mansoura University, Egypt)
3552Frameshift Mutations in DSPP Repeat Domain Cause DGI and DD. D.A. MCKNIGHT*, P.S. HART, T.C. HART, J.K. HARTSFIELD, Jr., A. WILSON, J.T. WRIGHT, and L.W. FISHER (National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, Bethesda, MD, USA)
3553The association between denture plaque and colony of candida albicans. M. YAZDIZADEH* and K. ALAVI (Qazvin University Of medical Sciences, Iran)
3554Beliefs about Oral Sex, Oral Health and Oral Cancer. M. BRONDANI and M.A.C. CABRERA* (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
3555Characterization of a local renin-angiotensin system in rat gingival tissue. C.F. SANTOS*, A.E. AKASHI, T.M. OLIVEIRA, T.J. DIONÍSIO, D. DIDIER, A.S. GREENE, E.B. OLIVEIRA, and M.C.O. SALGADO (University of São Paulo, Bauru School of Dentistry, Brazil)
3556Frecuency of variations in the tongue in a Mexican population. L. DOMÍNGUEZ SALDAÑA*, B.C. ALDAPE, and B. CRUZ LEGORRETA (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico, D.F, Mexico)

Seq#: 319Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Craniofacial Biology - Genetics and Biology of Cleft Lip / Palate
3557Prevalence of the C677T MTHFR gene polymorphism in Mongolian Population. G. ARIUNTUUL*, W. YOSHIDA, H. MAEDA, A. SENDA, B. AMARSAIKHAN, and N. NATSUME (School of Dentistry of Health Sciences University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)
3558Reduced Folate Carrier Gene Polymorphism in Six Orofacial Cleft Samples. M. GOMEZ*, M. TOLAROVA, N. BAUTER, S. PATIL, J. KOMURA, W. SOLIMAN, A. DELURGIO, P. MISHRA, and M. TOLAR (University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentritstry, San Francisco, CA, USA)
3559No Association of MTHFR677CT and Cleft Lip/Palate in Karaikal, India. S. PATIL*, T. PAWAR, M. TOLAROVA, M. GOMEZ, J. KOMURA, N. BAUTER, A. DELURGIO, W. SOLIMAN, A. LAL, P. MISHRA, M. KAI, M. AL-MELH, and M. TOLAR (University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentritstry, San Francisco, CA, USA)
3560Cleft Lip and Palate and MSX1 CA-Repeats Polymorphism. B. KITAMURA*, A. MCDONOUGH, M. TOLAR, J. KOMURA, N. BAUTER, S. PATIL, M. GOMEZ, M. AL-MELH, P. MISHRA, and M. TOLAROVA (University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentritstry, San Francisco, CA, USA)
3561The genetic basis of Pierre Robin Sequence. E. ZARCHI*, G. MUES, Y. WANG, R.N. D'SOUZA, and H. KAPADIA (Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, TX, USA)
3562Mutation Analysis of RUNX2 in Chinese Patients with Cleidocranial Dysplasia. H. FENG*, J. JIA, and Y. WANG (Peking University School and hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China)
3563Id2 Play a Role During Murine Palatal Fusion. R. ODA*, X.-M. CUI, K. YAMASHIRO, D. SCHMID, and C.F. SHULER (University of British Colombia, Vancouver, BC, Canada)
3564TGF-beta type III receptor signaling for fate MEE in palatogenesis. A. NAKAJIMA*, Y. ITO, N. MITSUI, K. IWATA, M. MAENO, N. SHIMIZU, and C.F. SHULER (Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan)

Seq#: 320Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Craniofacial Biology - Mastication, Muscle Function, and Craniofacial Adaptations
3565Craniofacial development related head posture, age and gender. R.L. LIMA*, M.F.H.D. SANTOS, A.A. MONTEIRO, R. ARY-PIRES, and M.A. PIRES-NETO (Universidade Federal Do Rio De Janiero, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
3566Masticatory performance in Mexican children with and without deep-bite malocclusion. E. TEODOSIO-PROCOPIO* and A. WINTERGERST (National University of Mexico UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico)
3567 Paper Withdrawn.
3568In vivo measurement of dental arch deformation during static tasks. Y. TANAKA*, Y. HATTORI, C. SATOH, Y. IGARI, and M. WATANABE (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
3569Effect of feeding methods on alveolar arch and palate. E. MURAMATSU*, T. YONEZU, M. YAKUSHIJI, N. MATSUBARA, and H. SHIRAI (Tokyo Dental College, Chiba, Japan)
3570Dietary Consistency and Midline Sutures: A Study in Growing Pigs. A.K. BURN, S. HERRING*, R. HUBBARD, K. RAFFERTY, K. DUNCAN, and D.E. LIEBERMAN (University of Washington, Seattle, USA)
3571Influence of muscle activity on the degree of bone mineralisation. G.E.J. LANGENBACH*, B. VAN DER ZWAN, L. MULDER, and T. VAN EIJDEN (ACTA, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
3572Synaptogenesis of Craniofacial Muscles Is Affected by Occlusal Activity. Y. KOUTA*, T. TOMOHIRO, A. YAMANE, and Y. ASADA (Tsurumi University, Yokohama, Japan)
3573Spontaneous Bruxism Activity Attenuates Stress Effect in Stressed Rats. C. SATO*, S. SATO, H. TAKASHINA, H. ISHII, M. ONOZUKA, and K. SASAGURI (Kanagawa Dental College, Japan)
3574Comparison of response to mechanical loading between two articular cartilages. C. NISHIO*, M. UEKI, N. TANAKA, K. TANIMOTO, E. TANAKA, Y.-Y. LIN, Y.-C. HUANG, A.D.M. MENDES, C.C.A. QUINTÃO, and K. TANNE (Universidade Do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
3575Does tooth loss cause tempomandibular disorders?. N. CEYHAN* and A.E. ERSOY (Ankara University, Turkey)
3576Hypoxia-inducible factor plays significant roles in hyoid muscle type changes. D. NGUYEN, M.W. BAILEY*, G. LAU, J.S. YOON, B. AHUJA, E. KIM, M. BOSCH-MARCE, and E.-K. PAE (University of California - Los Angeles, USA)
3577Expression of Mitochondrial Enzyme factor in Mouse Masseter Muscle. I. SATO*, Y. MIWA, K. IMURA, H. TAKADA, T. YATSU, and M. SUNOHARA (Nippon Dental University, Tokyo, Japan)
3578Atelocollagen-mediated Applications of Myostatin-targeting siRNA Increase Skeletal Muscle Mass. N. KINOUCHI*, Y. OHSAWA, N. ISHIMARU, H. OHUCHI, Y. SUNADA, Y. HAYASHI, K. MORIYAMA, and S. NOJI (Tokushima University, Japan)

Seq#: 321Saturday, July 5, 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Poster, Exhibit Hall D-E
Late-breaking News - Late-breaking News
3579Effect of bleaching agents on inorganic components of human enamel. H.B. PINHEIRO*, K.G. COSTA, E.B. KLAUTAU, B.M.H. SILVA, and P.E.C. CARDOSO (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
3581Radical-based Visible-light Initiator System with Extensive Dark Cure Potential. D. KIM and J.W. STANSBURY* (University of Colorado Denver, Aurora, USA)
3580 Paper Withdrawn.
3582Levels of Cariogenic Microorganisms and Oral Conditions of Asthmatic Children. F.B.A. FERREIRA*, M.P.J. BOTELHO, K.B.P. FERNANDES, C.C. DEZAN, L.M.C.P. PINTO, L.K. CHIMENTÃO, and A. CERCI NETO (Universidade Norte do Paraná, Londrina-PR, Brazil)
3583Calcium and Stress Regulate cia Operon Expression in Streptococcus mutans. C. WU, C. CHEN, D. ADJIC, J. MERRITT, and F. QI* (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA)
3584Chemopreventive Effects of Black Raspberry Gel on Oral Epithelial Dysplasia. S. MALLERY and J. ZWICK* (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
3585Ikarisoside A inhibits osteoclastogenesis by reducing iNOS and NF-kB. Y. SOH* and H.J. CHOI (Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea)
3586Periodontal Disease Differentially Alters the Compressive Responses of Periodontal Fibroblasts. A.R. EL AWADY*, K.H. WENGER, and C. LAPP (Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, USA)
3587Fluoride and enamel permeability in vivo. S. CHERSONI*, A. BERTACCI, M.G. GANDOLFI, F. IACONO, F.R. TAY, D. PASHLEY, and C. PRATI (Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Italy)
3588Implants Osseointegration in Bone Defects Treated with Latex Angiogenic Protein. M.F.M. ARNEZ*, P.E. FARIA, W.F. PEDROSA, T.R. CUNHA, S.P. XAVIER, J. COUTINHO-NETTO, and L.A. SALATA (Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirao Preto of University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
3589hdrM regulates competence and mutacin production in Streptococcus mutans. T. OKINAGA* and J. MERRITT (University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma city, USA)
3590Epistatic Analysis of Genes Involved In Streptococcus mutans Mutacin Production. I. HUANG*, C. WU, and F. QI (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, USA)
3591Silorane-dimethacrylate bond: effect of different adhesion primers. A. TEZVERGIL-MUTLUAY*, L. LASSILA, and P. VALLITTU (University of Turku, Finland)
3592Identification and characterization of the irvA repressor in Streptococcus mutans. G. NIU* and J. MERRITT (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, USA)
3593Regulation of humYR by a transcriptional activator in Porphyromonas gingivalis. J. WU, X. LIN, and H. XIE* (Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN, USA)
3594Histologic effect of Low Level Laser Therapy on Bone Remodeling. F. GHANAVATI, R. FEKRAZAD, K.A. KALHORI, G. GHOLAMI, F. GHANAVATI, and H. RAHIMI* (Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA)
3595Prion Protein in the Developing Mouse Tooth Germ. S.O. KIM*, S. OPSAHL VITAL, K. GILES, P.K. DENBESTEN, and Y. ZHANG (Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea)
3596Mineral Phases in Forming Enamel. E. BENIASH*, R. METZLER, and P.U.P.A. GILBERT (University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA)
3597Distribution of tissue modulus in bone matrix changes during maturation. D.-G. KIM*, A.M. RUMMEL, and S.S. HUJA (Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
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