OBJECTIVE: - To compare various tumor markers in determining the prognosis and clinical behavior of OSCC (oral squamous cell carcinoma) in south Indian population with mixed habits. METHOD: - With Formalin fixed paraffin embedded sections, a battery of tumor markers (Type IV collagen, Type VII collagen, p53, Tenascin, Cytokeration 19, E-cadherin, bcl2, MMP9, CDK4) was used with Immunohistochemical technique on these sections with primary antibodies against various antigens. All these sections were then analyzed with use of light microscope and a correlation was found out between the readings of each section with the use of statistical tests. RESULTS: - A positive correlation was observed between the habit, the clinical behavior and the prognosis in these cases of OSCC. CONCLUSION: - Oral cancer is one of the ten most common cancers in the world and shows marked geographic differences in occurrence. Use of tumor markers helps in determining the clinical outcome and prognosis of patients suffering with OSCC |