Nanomaterials for functional repair of enamel microfractures. A SEM Study
S. ZANNA1, B. DE CARLO1, G. PITZOLU2, S. ANDREANA3, and R. MONGIORGI1, 1Center of Biomineralogy, Crystallography and Biomaterials, University of Bologna, Italy, 2Department of Dental Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy, 3Loma Linda University, CA, USA | OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the ability of a biocompatible and acid resistant natural gel containing nanocrystals to occlude microfactures occurring in human enamel specimens. METHODS: A precipitation process was followed using a mixture of active ingredients containing rhubarb and spinach having traces of potassium oxalate, manipulated to contain glycerol-viscarin. Nanocrystals of 50 and 300 nm size were produced. Ten caries-free human enamel fragments and dentin disks were used. Specimens' microfractures were mechanically induced in order create the testing sites. A single application of a 2% potassium-oxalate gel (ABOCA S.p.A., Italy, Patent), created by a combination of natural extracts of spinach and rhubarb, was applied on each specimen for 3 full minutes. After treatment, each human enamel specimen was rinsed for 10 seconds under tap water. Specimens were dried and SEM was performed for each disk. RESULTS: SEM analysis on all specimens showed that after a single 3 minutes application of the 2% potassium-oxalate natural gel nano-particles have formed into the mechanical-induced microfacture and adhered to the wall of the dentinal tubules. Dimensions of the nano-particles appeared to be of 50 and 300 nanometers. The crystalline reticule forming the walls of the fracture, appeared disordered and defective, suggesting high availability to release calcium ion for a kelating reaction. CONCLUSIONS: Nanomaterial crystals can form and adhere to the wall of dentinal tubules after a short-term single application of a 2% potassium-oxalate natural gel allowing a complete filling of the microfactures space and imperfection of enamel structure. | Seq #79 - Therapeutic Materials, Tissue Regeneration, and Others 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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