Histological evaluation of rat pulp to two new pulp medicaments
S. SHIFA, A. BRINDHADEVI, M.S. MUTHU, V. RATHNAPRABHU, and A. DEEPTI, Meenakshi Ammal Dental College & Hospital, Chennai, TN, India | OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to histologically evaluate the reaction of wistar rat molar pulp tissue to Vitamin C and Cissus quadrangularis when used as direct pulp capping agents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was done on 18 male wistar rats. Healthy male wistar rats, aged between 4-6 months, not involved in other studies were included in the study. An ethical committee clearance was obtained prior to the study (CPCSEA [Regn.No. 765/03/Ca/CPCSEA]). The animals were anesthetized with thiopentone sodium intraperitonally. Cavity preparation was done in the maxillary left first molar with the help of a slow speed handpiece and diamond cutting round bur with constant saline irrigation. After cavity preparation the floor of the cavity was gently perforated with the help of a sharp explorer, bleeding was arrested with 1 in 50,000 concentration adrenalin. The tooth was then capped with Cissus quadrangularis in the group I(n=6), with Vitamin C in group II(n=6) and with Dycal in the (control) group III(n=6). The cavities were later sealed with restorative GIC. The animals were maintained under normal laboratory conditions and sacrificed after 4 weeks time and the response of the pulp was histologically evaluated. The pulp was analyzed for 1. Necrotic cellular changes 2. Inflammatory reaction 3. Reparative dentine formation. RESULTS: The histological slides were assessed according to the ISO 7405 standards for testing dental materials. The various samples in all the groups showed varying degree of inflammation and necrosis. In Group I and III reparative dentine formation were observed. Results were statistically analyzed. CONCLUSION: The trial was done in an attempt to explore the traditional Indian medicines for treatment of pulp exposures. | Seq #216 - Pulp Capping Agents and Pulp Medicaments 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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