When using VPS impression materials in the putty/wash technique, an
accurate impression can best be achieved if sufficient force is exerted on the
wash material resulting in adequate “flash” beyond the margins of the
preparation. Therefore, one valuable property of VPS putty material is the high
level of insertion force created during tray seating. In this study, we
investigated the insertion force (IF) of both conventional hand-mix and auto-mixed
silicone putty materials compared to a heavy body silicone impression material.
A new 3M ESPE Penta Putty Soft development (ExpPPS, 3M ESPE) was
compared to conventional hand-mix products: Affinis Putty Super Soft (AfPSS,
Coltene), Honigum Putty Soft (HoPS, DMG) and Optosil Comfort (OpC, Heraeus). To
differentiate putties from heavy bodies, Imprint 3 Penta Heavy Body (ImPHB, 3M
ESPE) was used as a control. The measurements were conducted on a Zwick Z010:
Equal quantities of each material were placed between specially formed stamps
and moved together with the same velocity, 1 minute after start of mix. The
insertion force (IF) needed to reach a defined distance of 2 mm between the
stamps was recorded.
As shown by ANOVA (p<0.05), the range of the IF of handmix
putties is in the area of about 2500 N to 5300 N. The experimental automix
putty can be found in the upper range. The mean IF and standard deviations (SD)
are given in the following table:
Material Lot | ImPHB B314290 C314527 | ExpPPS B296199 C314679 | AfPSS 0137045 | HoPS 574604 | OpC B280134 C270296 | IF [N] | 818 | 4355 | 5113 | 2602 | 4212 | SD | 40 | 130 | 237 | 109 | 286 |
ExpPPS showed the behavior of a true putty with regard to insertion
force as compared to the hand-mixed material and the control. The data supports the suitability of the auto-mixed ExpPPS for
clinical use.