A Novel Nano-Ionomeric Restorative with Improved Polish and Wear-Resistance
A. FALSAFI, V.J. MADSEN, S.B. MITRA, J.D. OXMAN, and T.T. TON, 3M ESPE Dental Products, Saint Paul, MN, USA | Objective:
The goal of this study was to compare the polish and wear properties of
Ketac Nano, a nano-ionomeric glass ionomer, with several commercial
resin-modified glass ionomeric (RMGI) and hybrid composite restorative products.
The restoratives evaluated included three commercial RMGI materials: Fuji II LC
(FIILC, GC), Fuji Filling LC (FFLC, GC), Ketac Nano (KN, 3M ESPE), and a hybrid
composite Tetric Evo Ceram (TEC, Ivoclar Vivadent). FIILC is a powder/liquid-based
system while FPP and KN are paste/paste. Method: All
materials were mixed and light-cured per manufacturers' recommendation. Samples
were polished per a clinically relevant procedure using commercial
finishing/polishing systems. The gloss of multiple samples was measured
immediately after polishing using a gloss meter at 60 degrees. Three-body wear
depth was measured after 80,000 cycles according to ACTA Protocol. Multiple
specimens of each material per test protocol were prepared and immersed in 37C
deionized water for 24 h before testing. Results: Atomic
Force Microscopy (AFM) pictures of polished samples will be presented. The
mean values including their standard deviations in the parentheses are
summarized in the following table:
Restorative | Chemistry | Format | Wear Depth after 80k cycles, micron | Initial Polish Number | Ketac Nano (KN) | RMGI | Paste/Paste hand-mixed | 21.8(1.3) | 36.5(1.3) | Fuji II LC (FIILC) | RMGI | Powder/Liquid capsule & hand-mixed | 32.6(0.8) | 3.4(0.6) | Fuji Filling LC (FFLC) | RMGI | Paste/Paste hand-mixed | 52.7(1.2) | 2.4(0.4) | Tetric Evo Ceram (TEC) | Hybrid Composite | One part Paste | 6.8(0.4) | 64.2(11) |
ANOVA with Tukey's
comparison was performed at p < 0.05. Ketac Nano paste/paste nano-ionomeric
restorative (KN) showed significantly higher gloss compared to other RMGIs,
closer to that of a hybrid composite. Ketac Nano paste/paste nano-ionomer
(KN) had significantly lower wear rate compared to other RMGIs.
| Seq #55 - Fluoride-releasing and Low-shrinkage Polymers 10:45 AM-12:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 803B |
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