a Potassium-containing Fluoridated Hydroxyapatite varnish and its effect on dentin
Q. LI, School of Stomatology, Shanghai JiaoTong University, ShangHai, China, Y. LIAO, West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University, ChengDu,SiChuang Province, China, and D. HU, West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University, ChengDu SiChuan Province, China | Objectives: to produce
a Potassium-containing Fluoridated Hydroxyapatite varnish and to evaluate its
effect on dentin in vitro and in vivo.
Methods: Hydrofluoric
acid and potassium nitrate was selected as fluorine-containing and
Potassium-containing reagents to add into mixed Ca (NO3)2-P2O5 ethanol solutions to
form dipping sols. The nature resin was added as varnish reagents. The
properties of the novel material were investigated by XRD and EDX. The cervical
dentin of premolars was cut and polished to obtain a flat surface with opened
tubules. The surface morphology of the dentin applied with the material was
observed by SEM. After biological assessments, the novel varnish was proved to
be biocompatible for dental clinical application. 81 patients of dental
hypersensitivity, totaling 281 teeth were enrolled in a Random Control Test in
8 weeks. Following stimulation of teeth by tactile probe and air blast stimuli,
sensitivity was recorded using Yeaple probe score, Schiff Air Sensitivity Scale
and visual-analogue scale (VAS).
Results: All of the
resulting samples showed apatite structure in their XRD patterns. Fluorine and
potassium were incorporated into hydroxyapatite. EDX recorded the mapping of
Ca, P, K and F element in the surface of the dentin applied with material. SEM
indicated that the tubules were covered by a 10 µm layer of varnish and in the
10µm inside tubule diameter, material particles were observed. Compared to the
baseline, both the test and the control treatments resulted in a significant
(p<0.05) reduction of discomfort at each follow-up examination. There were
significant differences in tactile threshold, Schiff scores and VAS scores (p<0.05;
respectively) between test and control groups at 8 weeks.
Conclusions: The novel
potassium-containing fluoridated hydroxyapatite varnish was produced
successfully through sol-gel method. The varnish was proved to be an effective
way to reduce dentine sensitivity.
| Seq #145 - Bio-active Restorative Materials and Desensitizing Agents 9:00 AM-10:30 AM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 803B |
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