The clinical application of CT 3-D in the head and neck region to formulate and
carry out an implant prosthetics treatment plan, and to evaluate the value of such
an application.
Methods: We
selected 20 individuals with poor jaw conditions (average age, 41 yrs; 15
males, five females) and with Bränemark implant prostheses. Before surgery, the
patients underwent CT 3-D of the head and neck, We analyzed orthopantomographic
and radiographic x-rays with various contrasts, comparing quality and quantity
of the mandibular implants.
Results: The CT
3-D of the head and neck, orthopantomographic, and radiographic images were
quite different in terms of quality, quantity, and adaptation.
CT 3-D of head and neck has the advantage of a short imaging time (about 17 sec),
low level of radiation, and miniaturization. It allows clinicians to observe
and diagnose, with high-definition 3-D, before making a treatment plan, before
surgery, and for evaluation, and is worth promoting.