Dentin Bond Strength of a New Self-Adhesive Resin Cement
T.D. NGUYEN, X. QIAN, and D. TOBIA, Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA | Objective: To measure and compare the dentin bond strength of a
new paste/paste dual-curable self-adhesive resin cement Maxcem Elite (Kerr) with several commercial self-adhesive
resin cements: G-Cem (GC America), Maxcem (Kerr), MonoCem (Shofu), Multilink Sprint
(Multilink-Sp, Ivoclar), Unicem (3M ESPE), and Unicem Clicker (Unicem-Cl, 3M
ESPE). Method: Dentin surface
was first flattened with 600 grit SiC paper. A bonding jig (Ultradent
Products, Inc) with a cylindrical mold (D=2.38mm) was securely placed on the
dentin surface and each cement was condensed into the mold, directly onto the
un-etched and un-primed dentin surface. The cement was allowed to self-cure under
85~90% relative humidity at 37°C for 30 minutes and the bonded specimens
(n=6 for each cement) were then stored in de-ionized water at 37șC for 24 hours
before being subjected to shear force on an Instron mechanical tester. Results: ANOVA analysis revealed that the
dentin bond strength of Maxem Elite is significantly (p < 0.001) higher than
those of other cements.
Dentin Shear Bond Strength, MPa | Maxcem Elite | Maxcem | Unicem | Multilink-Sp | Unicem-Cl | MonoCem | G-Cem | 23.8±3.8a* | 14.1±1.2b | 11.6±3.7b,c | 8.2±2.0c,d | 8.1±2.5c,d | 5.5±1.6d | 5.5±4.0d |
*Means with different letters are
statistically different at p < 0.05.
Conclusion: Maxcem Elite had the highest dentin bond strength among
all self-adhesive resin cements tested in this study.
| Seq #74 - New Cements and Bonding to Tooth Structure 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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