Bond Compatibility of NX3 Resin-Cement with 7th Generation Adhesives
H. BUI, X. QIAN, X. CHEN, and D. TOBIA, Kerr Corporation, Orange, CA, USA | Most
self-cured resin cements employing BPO/amine redox initiator system are not compatible
with the 7th generation adhesives, resulting in compromised
adhesion. A new dual-cure resin cement NX3 (Kerr) employing a new color-stable
amine-free redox initiator system was recently introduced. Objective: To test
the dentin shear bond strength (SBS) of several 7th generation
adhesives {Clearfil S3 Bond (Kuraray), G-Bond (GC America), iBond (Kulzer),
OptiBond All-In-One (Kerr), and Xeno IV (Dentsply)} using the following three
resin cements {NX3 (Kerr), Calibra (Dentsply), and Variolink (Vivadent)}
in self-cure mode to determine if NX3 provides improved bond compatibility. Method:
Dentin SBS test was conducted using a bonding jig (Ultradent) with cylindrical
mold (D=2.38mm). Each adhesive was used without an activator for the purpose
of truly assessing the degree of incompatibility. Each adhesive was
light-cured, and each cement was self-cured. The bonded specimens (n=6 for each cement) were stored in de-ionized
water at 37ºC for 24 hours before being subjected to shear force on an Instron
mechanical tester. Results: ANOVA
revealed that, for all five adhesives, the SBS obtained with NX3 cement was
significantly (p<0.05) higher than those obtained with Calibra and Variolink
cements. Excellent dentin bond strength or bond compatibility was achieved
between self-cured NX3 and all five adhesives.
SBS, MPa | | Cement (self-cured) | NX3 | Calibra | Variolink | Adhesive | Clearfil S3 Bond | 27.1±1.6a* | 7.9±6.4b | 12.7±6.5b | G-Bond | 25.7±1.2a | 18.5±3.3b | 14.7±3.3c | iBond | 26.0±0.6a | 16.0±4.7b | 16.0±6.6b | OptiBond All-In-One | 32.6±5.5a | 11.8±1.7b | 12.3±1.4b | Xeno IV | 33.2±9.3a | 11.0±3.3b | 7.4±1.5b |
*Means with different letters within the same row are statistically
different at p < 0.05.
For all five adhesives, NX3 exhibited the highest SBS or best bond compatibility
among the three cements tested. NX3 achieves its excellent bond compatibility
with 7th generation adhesives without the need for an activator for
the adhesive, thereby simplifying the cementation procedure.
| Seq #74 - New Cements and Bonding to Tooth Structure 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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