website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 1827  

Evaluation of Nanocomposite Incorporation into a NOVEL Endodontic Retrofill Material

R. REESE, S. CHOGLE, A. MICKEL, S. SHAIKH, C. DUHAIME, S. POTLURI, J. BOGLE, and C. RHIEU, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA

The goal of endodontic surgery is to excise peri-radicular pathology and seal the apical portion of the root to prevent post-operative infection. Current root-end sealing materials although effective, may display certain disadvantages such as shrinkage, technique sensitivity, and moisture contamination. Polymer nanocomposites(PNCs) are a new class of polymeric materials composed of nanoparticles such as carbon nanotubes or organoclays dispersed at a nano-scale in a polymer matrix. PNC's offer substantial improvements in mechanical and thermal properties as well as drug elution characteristics and make potentially promising candidates as root-end sealing materials. Objectives: The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the apical seal of two polymer/monomer matrix(PMM) combinations containing C18-nanocomposite(NC) with a commonly used retrofilling material, Geristore®. Methods: Root ends of thirty-six teeth were resected, prepared, then sealed with a PMM material. Group 1(PMM1) consisted of monomers: 2,2-bis[p-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloxypropoxy)phenyl]propane(Bis-GMA), triethylene-glycol-dimethacrylate(TEGDMA), and hydroxyl-ethyl-methacrylate(HEMA); photoinitiatiors: camphorquinone(I2), and ethyl-4-N,N-dimethylaminobenzoate(I3); and polymethylmethacrylate as the polymer. Group 2(PMM2) consisted of HEMA, urethane-dimethacrylate(UDMA), I2, I3, and polymer. Group 3(PMM1/NC) consisted of PMM1 and NC. Group 4(PMM2/NC) consisted of PMM2 and NC. Group 5 was Geristore®. Positive and negative controls were also used(3 each). Each root was placed in a leakage apparatus and inoculated with Enterococcus faecalis. Turbidity as a sign of leakage was assessed daily for two weeks. Results: Results were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey t-tests. All groups displayed varying degrees of leakage except for PMM1/NC which displayed no leakage (P < 0.01). Groups with NC showed significantly less leakage then groups without NC including Geristore®. However, Geristore® showed significantly less leakage than groups without NC(PMM1,PMM2).The addition of NC was suggested as the reason for the significant decrease in leakage. Conclusion: Within the confines of this study PMM1/NC should be further investigated for its use as an endodontic root-end sealing material.

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