Biocompatibility Studies on Acellular Tracheae
G. HUANG, FUJIAN Medical University, FuZhou, China, and X. LI, ZunYi Medical College, China | Objective:
The purpose of this study was to obtain acellular matrices from the tracheae of
rabbits and SD rats, and to investigate their biocompatibility as a primary
step toward developing a tissue-engineering artificial salivary gland organoid.
Methods: A
modified ‘detergent and enzyme link' extraction procedure was performed to
remove cells from SD rats' and rabbits' tracheae. The histology, topography of
inner surfaces, and biocompatibility were studied on both acellular tracheae.
Histological findings in the acellular tracheae (hematoxylin and eosin
staining): Epithelium and mixed glands were completely removed after detergent
treatment. Scanning electron microscopy findings of the inner surface of the
acellular tracheae showed regular rough pits. After 12 weeks' implantation
under the cheek skin of SD rats, acellular tracheae were infused around
tissues, and new vessel formation could be found. We also found that the number
of submandibular gland cells (SSG) attached to two kinds of acellular tracheae
scaffold was much more than on PGA films. Statistical differences were found
between two kinds of acellular tracheae matrices and PGA (P < 0.05). Better
biocompatibility than with PGA film was also confirmed by Metabolic Activity
Test (MTT Assay) and amylase activities assay.
Acellular tracheae matrices of SD rats and rabbits made in our laboratory could
be used as scaffolds in the study of a tissue-engineering artificial salivary
gland organoid.
| Seq #237 - Mechanisms 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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