Fluoride Release of Nano-ionomer and Compomer Materials with Adhesive Coatings
S. MITRA, A. FALSAFI, J. OXMAN, and T. TON, 3M ESPE Dental Products, Saint Paul, MN, USA | Objective: To compare the long term fluoride
release of a nanofilled resin-modified glass ionomer restorative material
versus a compomer with or without their recommended primer or adhesive. Methods:
Restorative materials included: KetacTM Nano nano-ionomer without
(KN, 3M ESPE) or with Ketac Nano Primer (KNP) and Dyract TM Extra Compomer
without (DY, Dentsply) or with Prime and Bond NT Adhesive (DYA). Cured discs (20
x 1 mm) of the materials were prepared in triplicate. One set of each cured
material was further coated on both sides with the recommended adhesive
treatment, and light cured per manufacturer's directions. Fluoride release of
each sample set (37C deionized water) was measured periodically between 1 to 180
days using fluoride selective electrode and TISAB buffer solution. Results:
The mean values for cumulative fluoride release, including the standard
deviations, are summarized in the following table:
| | Cumulative Fluoride Release after Days (micro g F / g sample) | Material | Chemistry | 1 | 7 | 14 | 28 | 90 | 180 | KN | RMGI | 173 ± 43 | 361 ± 47 | 480 ± 47 | 602 ± 48 | 1031 ± 68 | 1572 ± 91 | KNP | RMGI | 238 ± 31 | 454 ± 34 | 584 ± 34 | 722 ± 35 | 1228 ± 73 | 1733 ± 85 | DY | Compomer | 103 ± 47 | 136 ± 48 | 169 ± 49 | 218 ± 50 | 400 ± 64 | 710 ± 67 | DYA | Compomer | 107 ± 96 | 131 ± 97 | 152 ± 97 | 185 ± 53 | 382 ± 100 | 629 ± 100 |
Conclusion: ANOVA analysis was performed at p
< 0.05 per Tukey's pairwise comparison test. The fluoride release rates of Ketac
Nano with (KNP) and without (KN) primer were statistically comparable, and released
significantly higher fluoride than either Dyract (DY) or Dyract coated with
adhesive (DYA). DY and DYA were statistically equivalent. All of the materials exhibited
sustained fluoride release over 6 months.
| Seq #55 - Fluoride-releasing and Low-shrinkage Polymers 10:45 AM-12:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 803B |
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