Loading Effect on µTBS of All-In-One Adhesives – Direct Bonding
G.J. DORSMAN1, X. DING1, B. OZCOPUR2, C. YESILYURT3, G. BULUT3, and S. BELLI2, 1Danville Materials, Inc, Santa Ana, CA, USA, 2University of Selcuk, Konya, Turkey, 3Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey | Objectives: The purpose of this in vitro study is to use microtensile bond strength (µTBS) test to compare an experimental unfilled single-component adhesive containing a proprietary organophosphate and hydrophobic monomers (Danville Materials) to commercial products by using each in direct bonding of AP-X to dentin with and without mechanical loading on each system. Methods: Dentin surfaces of sound human third molars were exposed using #600 SiC paper, treated with four all-in-one adhesives: Danville Experimental (Danville Materials); G Bond (GC); TriS Bond (Kuraray); AdheseOne (Vivadent) and a total etch adhesive, Prelude (Danville). Composite resin (AP-X, Kuraray) build ups were created. The samples were divided into two subgroups and the first subgroups only were subjected to mechanical fatique loading (5x104 ; 50N at 0.2 Hz). After storage at 37°C for 1 week, µTBS test was performed, data was calculated as MPa and statistically analyzed using Multivariate Analysis of Variance. Multiple comparisons were done using t-test. Results: µTBS of tested materials with/without loading were as follows (Mean±SD;MPa): Danville Experimental: 11.92±2.52/22.72±3.92; GBond: 22.91±1.89/33.22±5.55; TriS Bond: 19.46±3.87/27.65±4.28; AdheseOne: 16.67±2.15/19.8±3.86; Prelude Total Etch: 31.21±2.54/40.92±3.51. Conclusion: Mechanical loading significantly decreased µTBS of the tested materials (p=0.000). Prelude Total Etch showed the highest bond strength values when compared to the all-in-one adhesives (p<0.01). G Bond and TriS Bond showed significantly higher bond strength values than Danville Experimental and AdheseOne (p<0.01). | Seq #10 - Strength of Restorative Materials 2:15 PM-3:45 PM, Wednesday, July 2, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 801B |
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