Xenogenic graft in mandibular third molar sockets. 2-years radiographic follow-up
E.A. MUNHOZ, O. FERREIRA JUNIOR, and J.M. GRANJEIRO, University of São Paulo, Bauru, Brazil | Objectives: The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the radiographic aspect of bone healing filled with a xenogenic graft material (Gent-techTM) on mandibular third molar sockets. Methods: Twenty-two young patients, with similar bilateral impacted mandibular molars were chosen. After tooth extraction, the socket was filled with experimental material. The opposite site was left to heal naturally and served as control. Bone density (pixel value) and crestal healing were evaluated by means of digital radiographic exams taken immediately and after 2 and 6 months and 2 years postoperative intervals. The respective values, obtained through DigoraTM software were compared statistically (ANOVA and Tukey test). Results: There was a significant decrease of cemento-enamel distance to alveolar crest bone until 6 months and unaltered values after 2 years, however, no difference was found between control and experimental groups. The bone density increased significantly until 6 months and after 2 years was unaltered and it was significantly higher on experimental group. Conclusion: The authors verified better periodontal conditions, high acceptance of the material as graft option and the density significantly higher on experimental group. | Seq #231 - Human Studies & Tissue Regeneration 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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