Oral health in young women and men: A matched-pair study
E. HORNECKER, B. SCHWERDTFEGER, D. ZIEBOLZ, and R.F. MAUSBERG, University of Goettingen, Germany | Objectives: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate and compare oral health in young German women and men. Methods: Females and males were paired on the basis of age, school qualification and origin (former Federal Republic of Germany and former German Democratic Republic). Oral health was assessed using the DMF-S index, an oral hygiene index (QHI), and a periodontal index (CPITN). Caries treatment level and polarization of caries were calculated in both groups. In addition, data on the subjects' smoking habits were collected. Results: The study included 90 women (mean age: 21.7 years) and 90 men (mean age: 21.4 years). The mean DMF-S was 20.7+13.7 for women and 21.0+19.8 for men. The difference was not significant (p=0,316). In the female group, dental restorations were present in 71% of the teeth affected by caries. In the male group, restorations were present in 61.2%. The difference was significant (p=0.039). The female group showed a less marked polarization of caries than the male group (p=0.029). Oral hygiene (QHI) was poor in the entire study population. Women (QHI: 2.16+0.6), however, exhibited significantly better oral hygiene than men (QHI: 2.53+0.5) (p=0.005). Deeper probing depths (CPITN scores of 3 and 4) were less frequently seen in females than in males (p=0.036). In both groups more than half of the participants were smokers (56.7%) since at least 4 years with more than 10 cigarettes per day. Smoking had a significant influence on periodontal health (p=0.020). Conclusions: Men showed altogether poorer oral health results than women. The study emphasizes that the proportion of young adults requiring curative dental treatment remains high in Germany. It also underlines the need for intensive preventive care including cessation of smoking. | Seq #87 - Tobacco, Oral Diseases, Clinical Trials, Oral Hygiene 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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