The Pentamix I and II (PII) devices have proven their suitability over the past years for mixing impression materials. Currently, the manufacturer has presented an improved version (Pentamix III - PIII) that automatically adjusts the mixing parameters to the material used. Objectives: It was the aim of this study to compare the new PIII device with its predecessor PII regarding various material properties. Methods: 3 impression materials (Express 2 Penta Putty - E2PP, Express 2 Penta H - E2PH, Impregum Penta Soft - IPS) were used in combination with both devices. The delivery speed in ml/s (n=10), working time (n=5 target parameter: storage modulus and phase angle, using a RS600 rheometer) and the increase in temperature of the material during the mixing process (n=10) were determined for each of the materials. In addition, the Shore-A hardness was measured 10 min, 1h and 24 h after mixing using a Shore-A gauge (n=3). For statistical analysis parametric and non - parametric tests were used (p=0.05). Results: Delivery speeds ranged from 1.2 ml/s (E2PP) to 1.4 ml/s (E2PH, IPS) for the PII and from 2.4 ml/s (E2PP, IPS) to 2.5 ml/s (E2PH) for the PIII. Shore-A hardness of the materials did not differ significantly in between both devices (p>0.05). The working time was slightly increased using the PIII device. The temperature during mixing of E2PP was higher in the PII than in the PIII device, whereas for IPS it was vice versa. Conclusions: Within the limits of this study it can be concluded that the PIII device delivers a considerable higher amount of material per time. At the same time it does not affect the shore-A hardness and features slightly longer working times for E2PH and E2PP. The working time of IPS, however, was not affected. |