Fatigue-resistance of teeth restored with FRC: effect of luting cements
M.A. BOTTINO1, L.W. ZARDIN2, M. AMARAL2, P. BALDISSARA3, L.F. VALANDRO2, G. GALHANO1, and M.A. DE VILLA2, 1São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil, 2Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil, 3University of Bologna, Italy | Objectives: to evaluate the effect of different strategies for post cementation on the fatigue resistance of bovine teeth restored with glass-FRC. Methods: root canals of 63 single-rooted bovine teeth (16mm-length) were prepared to 9mm using a preparation drill of a double-tapered fiber post system (White Post DC, FGM). Each specimen was embedded in a PVC using acrylic resin up to 3 mm of the most coronal portion of the specimen and was allocated into seven groups (n=9) based on the strategies for cementation: Gr1- ScotchBond Multi Purpose plus (SBMP)+Relyx ARC resin cement; Gr2- Single Bond+Relyx ARC; Gr3- ED-Primer+Panavia F; Gr4- SBMP+AllCem resin cement; Gr5- Relyx ARC; Gr6- Relyx Unicem ionomer resin cement; Gr7- Relyx Luting 2 glass ionomer cement (adhesive technique: Gr1 to Gr4; no-adhesive technique: Gr5 to Gr7). After cementation, the core build-up was standard made with composite resin (Oppalis, FGM). The specimens were stored for 7 days and submitted the mechanical cycling (50N, 8Hz, 37°C). After fatigue testing, a score was given to each specimen, considering the number of fatigue cycles to fracture the specimens: Score 0- fracture between 0 and 350,000 cycles; Score 1- fracture between 350,001 and 700,000 cycles; Score 2- fracture between 700,001 and 1,050,000 cycles; Score 3- fracture between 1,050,001 and 1,400,000 cycles; Score 4- No root-, post-, or core-fracture and no loss of retention of the post. The scores were submitted to the statistic analysis (Kruskal-Wallis, a=.05). Results: the strategy for post cementation did not affect the resistance to fatigue (P=0.8669). The cohesive fracture of the composite core combined with failure at post-composite interface was the main failure. No de-bonding of post-core from canal was observed. Conclusion: the resistance to fatigue does not appear to depend on the strategy for post cementation. Further studies must be conducted. | Seq #289 - Fixed Prosthodontics and Esthetics 1:45 PM-3:00 PM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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