Analysis of Endodontic Referral-Cases in an Endodontic-Specialist-Traning Hospital in Sourthern-Taiwan
P.C. LU1, R.T. ROAN1, H.E. LEE2, F.H. CHUANG1, P.J. HSU1, and J.H. CHEN1, 1Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan, 2Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital; Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan | Objectives: The purpose of this study was undertaken to analyze the reasons and the treatment time on referred to an endodontic specialist training hospital in Southern Taiwan by investigation of basic information of referring sheets. Methods: 449 patients (including 496teeth) with National Health Insurance referral sheets were referred to the Endodontic Department of Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung Medical University from March 2006 to February 2007. The referral reasons and the treatment time were analyzed using ANOVA and Turkey–Kramer HSD test to compare the treatment time between visiting staffs, senior resident doctors and junior resident doctors (P<0.05). Results: The 3 most common reasons for referral were “calcified canal” (28.29%), “others” (20.71%), and “endodontic retreatment” (11.58%). After thorough clinical examinations, the 3 most common problems were “endodontic retreatment” (49.00%), “others” (12.03%) and “calcified canal” (11.36%). There were 336 cases proceeded to endodontic treatment, and the average of treatment time was 6.36±4.4153 hrs, and the 3 most time-consuming treatment were “curved canal” (8.44±4.6967 hrs), “separated instrument”(8.29±6.0748 hrs), and “canal calcified” (7.39±4.1533 hrs). The treatment time by visiting staffs (4.66±3.2375 hrs) were significantly shorter than senior (9.01±4.8420 hrs) and junior (8.58±4.638 hrs) resident doctors, especially in treating cases of “calcified canal” and “separated instrument”. Conclusions: The findings of this study indicated that referral cases were more difficult and complicated, thereupon it need more chair time to treat. Communication between endodontists and referring dentists should be enhance to porvide better service for patients.Endodontic traning staffs must be trained be proficient in managing cases of “endodontic retreatment” and “calcified canal”. | Seq #232 - Oral Health Sciences Research/quality-of-life Measures/Epidemiology 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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