L. ZHANG, X. FENG, H. MENG, R. LU, D. SHI, Z. CHEN, and L. XU, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology, Beijing, China |
Objective: To detect the prevalence of 8 putative periodontal microorganisms in whole saliva of different types of periodontitis and find out related factors. Methods: Unstimulated whole saliva samples were collected from 50 AgP patients, 19 family member of AgP patients, 29 CP patients and 25 subjects with no periodontitis. 8 putative periodontal microorganisms including Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Tannerella forsythensis (Tf), Treponema denticola (Td), Campylobacter rectus (Cr), Prevotella intermedia (Pi), Prevotella nigrescens (Pn) and Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn) were detected by 16S rRNA based PCR methods. Results: Aa was more frequently detected in the saliva samples of AgP patients than in the saliva samples of no periodontitis subjects (32% vs. 4%, P<0.01). The of prevalence of Pg, Tf, Td, Cr, Pi and Pn was higher in the AgP patients than in no periodontitis subjects, P<0.007. The of prevalence of Pg, Tf, Td, Pi and Pn was higher in the CP patients than in no periodontitis subjects, P<0.007. Percentage of sites with BI≥3 over 70% might be a risk indicator for the presence of Pg, Tf, Td, Cr, Aa and Pi in whole saliva. The presence of Tf, Td, Pi, Pn and Fn in whole saliva might be related to percentage of severe sites over 20%. Conclusions: Aa may participate in the initiation and progression course of AgP. The presence of putative periodontal microorganisms in whole saliva might be related to inflammation of periodontal tissue. |