website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 0512  

An Animal Study of Self-solidfying Composites for Pulp Capping

X. XU, Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China, J.-J. ZHAO, Ninth People's Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, and J.-L. HAN, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

Objectives:To investigate the histologic effect of self-solidfying hydroxyapatite/ norvancomycin composite (SHA/NVCM) as direct pulp capping agent. Methods:Selected dog as the preclinical model. Test group: used SHA/NVCM as direct pulp capping agent.Control group: used calcium hydroxide (Dycal) as direct pulp capping agent.Histopathologic changes (such as inflammatory reaction and reparative detine formation) of exposed pulp tissue were observed 60 days after treatment. Results: Most of the dog teeth treated with SHA/NVCM had reparative detine formation.The pulp inflammatory reactions under the reparative detine in test group were milder than in control group.It indicated that SHA/NVCM had mild stimulation,acceptable biocompatibility, well anti-inflammatory effect and promoted reparative detine formation. Conclusions:It seems evident that application of SHA/NVCM in direct pulp capping of dog teeth can lead to acceptable biocompatibility, well anti-inflammatory effect and reparative detine formation. SHA/NVCM is a new well effective pulp capping agent.

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