website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 1737  

Mechanical Assistance to Dentin Bonding

G.B. GREITZER, None, Tarrytown, NY, USA, and J. KANCA, III, Private Practice, Middlebury, CT, USA


Questions have been voiced concerning the long term stability of dentin bonding. One suggestion is to place “pot-holes” into dentin to create mechanical retention. The purpose of this study was to determine if the incorporation of pot-holes increases retention of composite bonded to dentin.


36 human molars were ground exposing dentin then sagittally sectioned to create 72 dentin specimens. Each specimen was imbedded into 1 inch diameter methylmethacrylate cylinders, ground flat, then aged in water at 37o C for 2 months prior to testing. Upon removal from water test specimens were polished with 320 grit silicon-carbide paper and randomly separated into 6 groups. Using a ˝ round (.61mm) carbide bur “pot-holes” were prepared into one section of each dentin specimen. Specific adhesives were applied to each group as per manufacturer's instructions.

Adhesives selected for testing

Adper Prompt™


Clearfil SE™




Two 2.38mm diameter X 2 mm high composite posts, Z-100™ (3 M ESPE), were placed on each specimen and polymerized using a 750mW/cm2 FlashLite 1401™ LED (Discus Dental) for 40 seconds. One post incorporated the pot-hole and one was placed on flat dentin. Specimens were stored in water at 37o C for 180 days. Using a Universal Testing Machine notched blade apparatus with a crosshead speed of 1mm per minute specimens were stressed to fracture. Results were analyzed by t- test.


Averaged (std dev) were as follows:

Pot-holes Flat

Adper Prompt 17.4Mpa(3.2) Adper Prompt 21.6MPa(5.8)

Clearfil SE 33.6MPa(8.2) Clearfil SE 42.7MPa(12.8)

G-Bond 31.5MPa(6.3) G-Bond 36.8MPa(4.4)

Prelude 23.7MPa(7.3) Prelude 31.7MPa(6.1)

Simplicity 34.2MPa(3.4) Simplicity 45.6MPa(6.9)

Surpass 36.1MPa(2.2) Surpass 54.2MPa(8.9)

All Adhesives 27.25MPa All Adhesives 33.77MPa


Those samples incorporating “potholes” showed a marked decrease in shear bond strength compared to those placed on flat dentin surfaces.

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