Tensile resistance of mineralized and demineralized bone of different regions
J.T. SANADA, T.A. PEGORARO, A.C.D.G. ZINGRA, A.M.F. ASSAOKA, P.C.R. CONTI, P.C.G.D. OLIVEIRA, L.F. PEGORARO, and A.L.D. VALLE, University of Sao Paulo, Bauru School of Dentstry, Brazil | Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the
tensile resistance of mineralized and demineralized bone in different regions (femoral
and calvarial bone) of mice, to determine bone resistance testing standard
protocols and compare the difference between different testing bone regions. Methods:
Twelve mice were used to obtain specimens for microtensile test. Each mouse
has 2 femoral and 2 calvarial bones, which resulted in 24 specimens from each
bone. They were divided according to their type and localization. Group 1
(n=12): mineralized calvarial bone; Group 2 (n=12): demineralized calvarial
bone; Group 3 (n=12): mineralized femoral bone; Group 4 (n=12): demineralized
femoral bone. After the animal's death, specimens were collected, prepared for
microtensile test and divided according to the different groups. The demineralized
specimens had been submerged in a solution of EDTA of concentration of 0,5M. Beams
of 0.8mm˛ were tested in tension at 0.5mm/min (Vitrodyne, V1000, Chatillon). Results:
Values are in MPa ± SD and data analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05). The
values of microtensile resistance decreased, as follows: group 1>group 3>group 2>group 4.
Values of microtensile resitence (MPa + SD) | | Calvarial bone | Femoral bone | Mineraliazed | 11,445±3,316a | 12,668±2,937 a | Demineralized | 1,931±0,417 b | 1,868±0,496 b |
There is not a statistically
significant between the regions (P<0.05), when comparing the resistance between
the demineralized and mineralized groups observes a statistically significant
difference for the mineralized group (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Microtensile test can be used to evaluate the
mechanical properties in this biological experimental model, however, did not show
difference between bone regions (femoral and calvarial bone).
Support: CAPES, Brazil.
| Seq #204 - Hard Tissue Mechanotransduction 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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