website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 1249  

Loading of three unit implant-supported prosthesis: strain gauge measurements

A.N. KOJIMA1, R.S. NISHIOKA2, A.M.M. MESQUITA3, A.A. CASTILHO1, R.O.A. SOUZA1, L.G.O. VASCONCELLOS4, and P.C. PEREIRA5, 1Paulista State University, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2São Paulo State University, São José dos Campos, Brazil, 3São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil, 4Paulista State University, São josé dos Campos, Brazil, 5UNESP SJC, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

Objectives: This study evaluated deformations occurring in a three-unit implant-supported prosthesis made linearly and offset.

Methods: We made 2 polyurethane blocks with an elasticity modulus similar to that of medullary bone, where 3 implants (4 x 13 mm; numbered 1, 2, and 3, right to left), parallel and 7 mm apart (center to center) were positioned linearly and offset, with the medium implant offset by 2 mm. Micro-unit abutments were positioned with 20 Ncm. On these blocks, 5 bars (n=5) were made, simulating three-element implant-supported prostheses. Measurements were performed by 4 strain gauges placed on the superior surface of the polyurethane block (Excel Sensores, Brazil). The measurements were carried through a load application of 100 N during 10 sec in 2 different positions: (A) implant 1, left side; and (B) between implants 1 and 2. The data in µe (micro strain) were subjected to statistical analysis by ANOVA and Tukey's test.

Results: The values in µe for the linear prosthesis at positions A and B were, respectively, 243.4 ± 166.82 and 167.9 ± 125.59, and for the offset prostheses were 99.8 ± 15.03 and 97.7 ± 9.57. We verified by ANOVA that the effects of interaction (p = 0.069 > 0.05) and position (p = 0.626 > 0.05) were not statistically significant, but that the configuration was significant (p = 0.010 < 0.05).

Conclusion: The linear pattern had higher values (in µe) than the offset, and there was no significant difference between positions in the linear and offset configurations.

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