Effect of Awur Tea Drink on Salivary Mutans Streptococci
S. MANGUNDJAJA, A. DJAIS, and S. SOEKANTO, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia | The subject of this study were 30 ,twelve-year old schoolchildren which lived in tea plantation of Pangalengan , West of Java Indonesia selected for this purpose. Objective: of this study is to determine the effect of "Awur" tea on the growth of salivary mutans streptpcocci. Methods:30 subjects conducted two times of treatment as follows: first they were treated as control group by not drinking "Awur" tea for one month, and then they were treated as treatment group by drinking a glass of "Awur" tea twice daily for one month. Saliva samples were collected before and after drinking of Awur tea with non- Awur tea drink A serial dilution was made , followed by inoculating on TYS20B medium(Schaeken et al,1986) Data which were obtained from colony forming units (CFU) of mutans streptococci grew on the TYS20B medium before and after drinking Awur tea were analyzed in a descriptive and :t: test. Results: showed that there is no significance in the average amount of Streptococcus mutans colonies between before and after using non-Awur tea drink How ever a significant different (p=0.000) was found respectively a result of before and after drinking with Awur tea Conclusions: There for it could be concluded that “Awur” tea is effective in inhibiting the growth of the salivary mutans streptococci. Hence it can be used in preventing caries risk in the future | Seq #93 - Streptococci A 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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