Correlations between salivary and lacrimal gland secretion
K. PRAEDIKOW, W. NIEDERMEIER, and G. KRIEGLSTEIN, University of Cologne, Germany | Objectives: The presence of Sicca-symptoms in the oral cavity or the eye is associated with many problems for the patients suffering from. Methods: In this pilot investigation, a group of 50 individuals aged 25-82 years were subjected to an assessment of saliva and lacrimal gland secretion under standardized conditions. Also a scoring-sheet had to be filled in order to complete the subjective sensation of a presence or absence of Sicca-symptoms. Whole saliva (WHL), saliva from the parotid (PAR) as well as from the palatal glands (PAL) was collected. From the eye, Schirmer1 reflex (REF) and Jones basal secretion (BAS) as well as the break-up time of the tear layer (BUT) was ascertained. As the sample exclusively consisted of healthy individuals, statistical analysis of the data was conducted by ANOVA for each 10 subjects with minimum and maximum values. Results: High and low REF correlated with WHL (p=0.03) as well as with PAR (p=0.02). Also BAS was associated with WHL (p=0.009) and PAL (p=0.04), however most significant correlations were seen between BUT and PAL (p=0.001) or BUT and WHL (p=0.01). Subjective dry mouth complaints were significantly associated with decreased lacrimal and salivary gland secretion, while reports of a dry eye showed no clear correlation with any data. Conclusions: Close correlations were found between saliva and tear secretion for the serous fraction on the one hand and even more for the mucous secretions. | Seq #158 - Diseased States 9:00 AM-10:30 AM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 705 |
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