Kinetic Parameters and Monomeric Conversion of Different Dental Composites
A.B. DENIS, R.B. VIANA, and A.M.G. PLEPIS, University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil | Objectives: The purposes of this study were to evaluate the photopolymerization kinetics and degree of conversion of commercial dental composites photoactivated by two LED curing units (standard and soft-start). Methods: Samples (n=3) of composites: RelyX, Z-350, Z-250 and Z-350 flow (3M/ESPE) were light exposed (40s) by a LED standard and soft-start (IFSC/USP- São Carlos/ Brazil) (600mW/cm2). Infrared spectras were obtained kinetically (Varian/ FTS 7000-ATR) at one scan/second at 1 cm-1 resolution for a period of 5 minutes and were analyzed for: maximum conversion rate (%/sec)-Rpmáx, time into exposure when maximum rate occurred (sec)-tmáx and total degree of conversion (%)-DC at 300sec by comparison of aliphatic to aromatic absorption IR peak ratios, before and after polymerization. Results: Composites | Curing units | Rpmáx (%/sec)-(sd) | tmáx (sec)-(sd) | DC after 300sec(%)-(sd) | RelyX | Standard | 5.3(±1.5) | 6.0(±0.0) | 64.6(±3.5) | Soft-start | 3.8(±0.7) | 14.3(±1.5) | 56.6(±1.5) | Z-350 | Standard | 3.5(±0.5) | 5.6(±0.5) | 43.6(±1.5) | Soft-start | 5.6(±2.0) | 10.0(±2.0) | 49.3(±1.5) | Z-250 | Standard | 6.5(±0.0) | 5.6(±0.5) | 46.3(±1.5) | Soft-start | 5.6(±2.0) | 8.6(±2.0) | 47.6(±1.5) | Z-350 flow | Standard | 4.0(±1.0) | 6.0(±1.0) | 51.0(±3.6) | Soft-start | 5.3(±1.0) | 8.6(±1.5) | 50.3(±1.5) | The results were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance and Tukey test (p<0.05). RelyX presented better values and statistic differences than the other composites. And only RelyX showed significant differences when photoactived by LED standard and soft-start. Conclusions: Kinetic parameters varied greatly among the composites as well as between then curing units, but these results did not interfere significantly in the final degree of conversion. | Seq #187 - Polymerization Processes 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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