Osteopenia in Corticotomy-Assisted Tooth Movement and Stability
S.S. BALOUL1, A. KANTARCI1, Z.D. MASON1, M.T. ALZEITANI1, C. HAYASHI1, R.S. CARVALHO1, L.C. GERSTENFELD1, E.F. MORGAN1, D.J. FERGUSON2, and T.E. VAN DYKE1, 1Boston University, MA, USA, 2Nicholas & Asp Postgraduate Institute, Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics (PAOO) induces osteopenia of alveolus adjacent to surgically injured cortical bone (corticotomy) allowing more rapid tooth movement. Objective: To evaluate osteopenia-related events in alveolar bone induced by corticotomy with/without tooth-movement using MicroCT-analysis. Methods: Sixty nine CRL-CD male rats were included and grouped as corticotomy alone (upper left first molar); tooth-movement alone; and “combined” therapy with right side of each animal serving as the untreated control. Tooth-movement was performed utilizing a 25-gram Sentalloy spring secured to a micro-screw palatal to the incisors. There was a 6-week active tooth movement (active phase); appliances were removed, and reversal of osteopenia and bone stability were assessed for additional 6 weeks (stability phase). Animals were sacrificed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 weeks. Maxillae were removed, stripped and fixed in formaldehyde. MicroCT-imaging was performed at 36μm/voxel; samples were binarized using the same parameters for filter and threshold. Bone volume (BV), bone volume fraction represented by bone volume/total volume (BV/TV), average mineral density of hydroxyapatite (BMD), and bone mineral content (BMC) were calculated. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc tests. Results: During the active phase, combined treatment led to significantly reduced BV (p=0.009) and BMC (p=0.008) at 2 and 6 weeks while corticotomy had greater BV/TV compared to tooth-movement and combined groups (p=0.001) at the same time intervals. During the stability phase, week-7 samples in the combined group had significantly reduced BV/TV compared to weeks 8 and 12 (p=0.003). No significant intra-group differences were found among samples at either 8 or 12-weeks. Conclusion: Corticotomy combined with tooth-movement enhances the osteopenia that leads to faster orthodontic tooth movement with no significant difference in stability of bone volume and mineral content. | Seq #249 - Mechanotransduction, Bone, and PDL Responses to Loading 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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