Oral Health of the Elderly: Self-Perception and USE of Services
A.L.S.F. MELLO, and S.J. MOYSES, Federal University of SantaCatarina, Florianopolis SC, Brazil | Objective: To identify the pattern of use of dental services and the oral health (OH) self-perception of an elderly population. Methods: Cross-sectional study accomplished in Antonio Carlos city, south of Brazil. The elderly population (considered in Brazil 60>= years old) represents 10.7%; life expectancy rate is 77.9 years. The city occupies the second position in the national HDI-life expectancy ranking (0.882). Participants were 147 elderly people interviewed during the influenza vaccination campaign, in 2007. The questionnaire applied was based on the National Epidemiological OH Survey (2003). Chi-square test was used for association of categorical variables according to gender, 70 years of age (+/-) and perceived need of dental care. The significance level considered was p<0.05. Results: The mean age was 69 years (sd=7.1); 71.4% were women. Half of the elderly (49%) had consulted the dentist for the last time three years or more ago, mainly in the private sector (63.3%). The main reason for the visit was to have complete dentures done (46.3%). Half of them did not believe needing dental care (51%). Most of them considered having good OH (57.1%). Teeth appearance was considered good for 46.9%, as well as the chewing capacity (49.7%); 66.7% did not have oral pain during the last 3 months. The differences between genders were considered statistically significant for chewing capacity (p=0.02). Perceived need of dental care was statistically significant for overall satisfaction with OH (p=0.01) and place of dental attendance (p<0.04). Conclusion: OH was evaluated positively by the elderly. Although clinical exams have not been performed, a discrepancy was observed between perceived OH and the supposed edentulism and presence of dentures. This fact indicates a pattern of use of dental services oriented to the prosthetic rehabilitation. Public polices for OH of the elderly should consider these contradictions to efficiently promote a healthy aging. | Seq #116 - QOL and Epidemiology in the Elderly 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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