Resin-Bond to Root Dentin: Accessory Posts And Dentin Hybridization Effect
E.K. ARIKI1, M. GONÇALVES2, R.O.A. SOUZA3, S.C. ZAMBONI4, F. PEL"GIA5, F.E. TAKAHASHI3, and M.A. BOTTINO3, 1Sao Paulo State University - Sao Jose dos Campos School of Dentstry, São Paulo, Brazil, 2Sao Paulo State University, São José dos Campo, Brazil, 3UNESP SJC, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, 4São Paulo State University (UNESP), São José dos Campos, Brazil, 5Sao Paulo State University (Unesp/SJC), Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil | Objective: To evaluate the influence of accessory fiber posts (AFP) and intraradicular dentin hybridization (IDH) on the push-out bond strength of fiber post luted with resin cement to bovine root dentin. The null hypotheses were that the AFP using and IDH do not affect the push-out bond strength. Methods: The canals of forty single-root bovine roots (16mm in length) were prepared at 12mm using the preparation drill (N0 3, RTD, France). With an assistance of a modifier parallelometer, each root had your apical region (4 mm length) embedded in acrylic resin and the roots were randomically divided into four groups, according the luting procedures (N=10): Gr1- IDH + fiber post n0 3; Gr2- IDH + fiber post n0 1; Gr3- IDH + fiber post n0 1 + AFP; Gr4- Fiber post n0 3 without IDH. Except for the group Gr4, the specimens (sps) were treated with the adhesive system (All Bond 2) and the fiber posts (Macro- Lock Illusion) were luted (Duolink) and after stored in distilled water prior the mechanical test (24 h, 37°C). Each specimen was cut in 4 disc samples (1.8 mm in thickness), which were submitted to the push-out test on a universal test machine (EMIC, model DL-1000) at a speed of 1mm/min. The data (MPa) were analyzed statistically by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: The means (± standard deviation) values obtained after push out test were: Gr1- 5.4±1.3 MPa; Gr2- 4.2±2.4 MPa; Gr3- 4.6±1.5 MPa; Gr4- 3.3±1.7 MPa. The statistical analysis didn't observe influence among the groups (p=0.0966> 0.05). The null hypotheses were accepted. Conclusion: The AFP and the IDH do not improve the bond strength of fiber post luted to bovine root dentin. | Seq #184 - Post-endo Treatments 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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