Perception of oral- and general health among dissatisfied conventional denture-wearers
T.A. TROVIK, H. GJENGEDAL, A.G. GRØNNINGSÆTER, and E. BERG, University of Bergen, Norway | It is commonly recognized that the wearing of conventional dentures may be associated with various functional and/or psycho-social problems. However, only a few studies have addressed the perceived general health status of these persons. Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the perceived general health status with special emphasis on oral health and quality of life among patients with conventional complete dentures. Methods: Forty-nine edentulous persons, subjectively dissatisfied with their mandibular dentures, were recruited by four calibrated dentists. The inclusion criteria were acceptable oral hygiene, psychologically stable persons and acceptably functioning conventional maxillary dentures. Main outcome measures were perceived general (Short Form 36 (SF-36); a generic measure including 8 sub-items) and oral health (Oral Health Impact Profile; OHIP-20). Results: The mean age of the participants was 66.2 yr (±7.0, range 46-77 yrs), 57% females. 53% reported past disease(s) (hypertension: 37%, asthma: 18%, angina pectoris: 16%, diabetes: 12%). The mean Body Mass Index (BMI) was 25.0 (±4.1). Seventy-one percent reported good general health (GGH), 29% reported neither good nor poor general health (PGH). Among persons reporting GGH; 9% reported poor oral health, as compared to 36% among persons reporting PGH (p < 0.05). In bivariate analyses: reported GGH implied significantly higher (= better) SF-36 scores: range: 69.2 - 87.5 (±15.6 and ±17.4) as compared to reported PGH: range: 42.0 - 75.4 (±19.7 and ±12.9). The OHIP-20 scores were high in both groups; 55.6 ±18.4 and 76.8 ±28.0, respectively (p = 0.006). Conclusion: Multiple logistic regression analyses showed no significant association between general health (SF-36; neither physical nor mental component summary measure) and oral health related quality of life (OHIP-20) in this survey of dissatisfied persons, when adjusting for age, reported appetite, BMI, and education; for both women and men. Supported by the University of Bergen (Grant no 140001-240045). | Seq #87 - Tobacco, Oral Diseases, Clinical Trials, Oral Hygiene 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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