Treponema denticola Msp-Deduced Peptide Conjugate Promotes RhoA-dependent Stress Fiber Formation
M. AMIN1, K.E. MAGNUSSON2, M. GLOGAUER1, A. KAPUS3, and R.P. ELLEN1, 1University of Toronto, Canada, 2Linköping University, Sweden, 3St. Michael's Hospital Research Institute, Toronto, Canada | Background: P34BSA, a BSA conjugate of a synthetic 10-mer peptide
deduced from Treponema denticola major outer sheath protein (Msp),
promotes stabilization of actin filaments in fibroblasts and retards cell
motility. It is internalized by cells, binds and bundles actin filaments in
vitro, and activates RhoA. Yet, its site and mechanism of action are not
defined. Objectives: To determine P34BSA's mechanism
of action by assessing modes of its signaling to fibroblasts. Methods:
Immunofluorescence microscopy and fluorometry were used to visualize and
quantify actin filaments and peptide conjugates. Western analysis was used to
measure active RhoA, co-immunoprecipitated p114RhoGEF, and phosphorylated
cofilin. Results: At 4˚C, P34BSA was not taken up
by the cells, but it bound to the plasma membrane and promoted stress fiber
formation at ~80% capacity compared with 37˚C controls, casting doubt that
cellular uptake is a critical step for its cytoskeleton-stabilizing property.
In Rho G-LISATM and co-immunoprecipitation assays, P34BSA
was found to activate RhoA, even at 4°C, and to promote its interaction with
guanosine nucleotide exchange factor p114RhoGEF. It also caused phosphorylation
of cofilin. Upon RhoA inhibition, either by C3 transferase RhoA inhibitor or by
transfection with a dominant negative RhoA construct, P34BSA did not
achieve the stress fiber formation seen with P34BSA alone. By
inhibiting phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI 3-K) with LY294002, the P34BSA
effects were completely blocked. Depletion of cholesterol with
methyl-b-cyclodextrin (MbCD) partially inhibited P34BSA
signaling via the plasma membrane to the cytoskeleton. All comparisons: P<0.05,
t-test. Conclusions: Multivalent P34BSA probably
activates lipid raft components that require active PI 3-K, and it initiates
the pathway to stess fiber formation through a RhoGEF and RhoA. P34BSA
may represent a novel tool to investigate RhoA-dependent processes, such as
remodeling filamentous actin. Supported by CIHR IMH-5619 and STP-53877
| Seq #311 - Periodontal pathogens—Gram-negatives 1:45 PM-3:00 PM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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