Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1α Expression and Activity in LAP PMN
T. IWATA1, T. OHIRA1, K. OMORI1, M. YAGI1, H. HASTURK1, A. KANTARCI1, H. KURIHARA2, and T.E. VAN DYKE1, 1Boston University, MA, USA, 2Hiroshima University, Japan | Objective: The oxidative burst in LAP PMN is significantly increased leading to PMN-mediated tissue injury. Hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) is a recently identified protein that has been negatively associated with activation of innate immunity. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of HIF-1α to PMN O2- generation in LAP PMN. Methods: Human peripheral blood PMN from LAP (n=9) and control (n=10) subjects were isolated. Expression of HIF-1α was measured by FACS analysis, Western blotting, RT and quantitative PCR at protein and mRNA levels. HIF-1α is induced by hypoxia, which converts ferrous (Fe2+) to ferric ion (Fe3+). Ferrous ion was measured by ο-phenanthroline and ferric iron content was measured by hydroxylamine hydrochloride (0.33%w/w). Results: PMN from LAP had increased intracellular ferric ion (329.4%; p=0.019) and decreased ferrous ion. Both prolylhydroxylase domains, PHD-2 and PHD-3, which are involved in HIF-1α degradation, were significantly reduced in LAP PMN (p<0.05) at the mRNA level. In PMN from healthy individuals, deferoxamine (DFO; 1-100μM) chelated Fe2+ and increased HIF-1α expression. LAP PMN were resistant to DFO-induced elevation of HIF-1α and Fe3+. Conclusion: O2- generation is ferric ion dependent in normal cells. The increase in LAP O2- generation is associated with increased ferric ion suggesting pre-activation or priming of LAP PMN. Taken together, the data suggest that LAP PMN are primed and that HIF-1α plays a regulatory role maintaining ferrous ion steady state intracellular concentrations in resting PMN. Supported by USPHS grants DE16191 and RR00533. | Seq #155 - Neutrophils 9:00 AM-10:30 AM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 715 |
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