Qualitative Evaluation of an Online Research Network for Dental Practitioners
N. MAKANSI1, P.J. ALLISON2, and C. BEDOS1, 1Mcgill University, Montreal, Canada, 2McGill University, Montreal, Canada | A pilot online research network was set up in Montreal among 11 private dentists and 4 researchers to test the feasibility of conducting research in dental practice. The participating dentists collected data in their practices and transmitted them electronically to the researchers who in turn collated, summarized and redistributed the results to the dentists. Objectives: The aim of this study was to obtain information about the participants' experiences in the pilot project and their perspectives regarding the potential utility of an online research network. Methods: We conducted one-on-one qualitative interviews with four researchers, four dentists, and three policy makers that were directly or indirectly involved in the project. Interviews were recorded on audiotape and transcribed for coding and interpretation. Coded data were analyzed using the constant comparison method and a summary of the coded results was then displayed in a matrix to facilitate conclusion drawing. Results: Although feasibility of data collection was evident in the pilot results, our qualitative evaluation showed that the dentists and researchers had contrasting perspectives in terms of the network experience. Analysis of the qualitative data uncovered limitations of the pilot project, unmet expectations of participant clinicians, and lack of impact of pilot studies' results. Nevertheless, the participants shared a common interest in using such a network for the purposes of research, online communication, and continuing education. Conclusion: an online research network can reduce the gap between research and practice; however, to attract clinicians it must consider their needs and their expectations. This research was supported by the Network for Oral and Bone Health Research. | Seq #84 - Technologies in Dental Education 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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