Without Calcium pre-rinsing, NaF Does Not Form CaF2 in Plaque
G.L. VOGEL1, L.M.A. TENUTA2, G.E. SCHUMACHER1, L.C. CHOW1, and C.M. CAREY1, 1Paffenbarger Research Center, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, 2State University of Campinas, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil | Plaque fluid F released from bioavailable plaque F deposits is an important factor in the cariostatic effect of this ion. These reservoirs can be delineated as biological/bacterial (bio-Ca-F), which appears to be a relatively labile oral F source and “calcium-fluoride-like” (oral-CaF2), which appears to be a more persistent oral F source. Objectives: To quantify these reservoirs after a NaF rinse. Methods: Fasted plaque was recovered from 11 subjects 0.5h after rinsing with a 228 ppm F (NaF) rinse. The plaque was homogenized and split into two ≈2 mg aliquots. The fluid from these samples was recovered, combined and analyzed (Caries Res 2007p421). One plaque aliquot was repeatedly equilibrated with a 500 µl of PO4 free solution having the same pH, Ca and F as the fluid recovered from these samples. Since this plaque-fluid-like solution is undersaturated with respect to oral-CaF2, this equilibration extracts all of this type of plaque F deposit without changing the amount of F in the bio-Ca-F reservoir. The total F in both aliquots was then determined by strong acid extraction. Results: The F recovered (average±SE, µg/g) in the plaque aliquots extracted with the plaque-fluid-like solution (49.1±17.6) was not significantly different (p>0.05, paired difference test) from the amount in the unextracted aliquots (47.5±16.3), suggesting that no oral-CaF2 was formed in plaque after a NaF rinse. In contrast a recent preliminary (N=5) study employing the same extraction technique, (Abst. 0506, 2007 IADR), suggests that a Ca pre-rinse given before a NaF rinse formed substantial amounts of oral-CaF2. Conclusion: Without a Ca pre-rinse, the NaF rinse does not form oral-CaF2. This may partially account for the large amounts of plaque/plaque fluid F found with the Ca pre-rinse/NaF rinse compared to the NaF rinse alone. (Vogel JDR, in press). Supported by NIDCR grants DE16416, 14707,ADAF, and NIST. | Seq #302 - Demineralization-Remineralization Studies 1:45 PM-3:00 PM, Saturday, July 5, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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