P.L.S. EVANS1, A.M.L. GUEDES1, F.R. GUEDES1, R.A. ANDRADE1, A.L.S. ALMEIDA1, J.J. RODRIGUES-DA-SILVA1, J.A. GRANGEIRO2, and E.M.B. TINOCO1, 1State University of Rio de Janeiro - UERJ, Brazil, 2Brazilian Olympic Committee - COB, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Objective: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to assess the prevalence of alveolar bone loss (ABL) in athletes competing at the XV-Panamerican-Games (PAN) and III-Para-Panamerican-Games (PARAPAN) in Rio de Janeiro - 2007. Methods: Written invitations were sent to all athletes before and during the Games. Recruitment was done randomly. Digital panoramic radiographs (KODAK/8000C, Carestream Health, USA) were taken from PAN athletes (n=366), 54,91% males, mean age 24,42(sd ±5,44), and from PARAPAN athletes (n=118), 77,97% males, mean age 32,30(sd ±9,53). The distances from the alveolar margin to root apex (A) and from the CEJ to root apex (B) were digitally measured on the mesial and distal of all teeth, except third-molars, and the proportional bone level was calculated for each tooth. ABL was considered as >1/3 of the total root length. Individuals <35-year-old, showing ABL around 1st-molars and incisors and up to 2 adjacent teeth, were considered as having localized alveolar bone loss (LABL). Results: The prevalence of LABL among <35-year-old athletes at PAN and PARAPAN were 2,52% (CI95% ±1,63) and 15,58% (CI95% ±8,1), respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (p<0,05). Interestingly, 23,81% (5/21) of the cases of LABL in young athletes from PAN and PARAPAN came from Jamaica, which was not overrepresented in the total population. The prevalences of ABL around at least two non-adjacent teeth, among >35-year-old athletes at PAN and PARAPAN, were 40% (CI95% ±30,36) and 36,59% (CI95% ±14,74), respectively,(p>0,05). No differences were found between genders. Conclusions: The prevalence of LABL among young athletes at PAN and PARAPAN was low, but geographically concentrated. Digital panoramic radiographs are valuable tools for detecting ABL during major international sports events in a short period of time. |