How Can Use of Tablet PCs in Classroom/Clinic Facilitate Learning?
B. HOJJATIE1, H. HOOSHMAND1, L. LEADER1, and K. SODERHOLM2, 1Valdosta State University, GA, USA, 2University of Florida, Gainesville, USA | Tablet PC technology has recently been introduced in dental practice for direct data entry by Sudano and others. However, its application in teaching and learning basic dental science courses has not been reported. Recently, we have applied Tablet PC model TC4200 in classroom settings to investigate the effectiveness of this mobile technology in teaching and learning. Objective: The objective of this study is to report on findings corresponding to application of this technology in some basic science courses at Valdosta State University and University of Florida, College of Dentistry. Methods: During lectures in most classes, we have used the electronic pen option of the Tablet PC in teaching biology, dental biomaterials, and other science courses to spontaneously add annotations on PowerPoint slides. In place of the whiteboard, for classroom projection we have employed Windows Journal and other Tablet PC tools that incorporate an electronic ink. Furthermore, these presentations are made available to the students electronically using course management programs such as WebCT. Results: Based on survey results, both students and faculty have shown more interest in learning and teaching when Tablet PCs are used in classroom. Comparison of student course evaluations from a course taught by the same instructor either with use of Tablet PC or without (control group) indicates an increase of 6% in student satisfaction when the technology was employed by the instructor. Also, application of the technology resulted in 22% increase in grades of A and B and 50% reduction in grades of D and F. Conclusion: Tablet PC technology can increase the effectiveness in teaching and learning basic dental science courses. As a part of future research, we plan to investigate the relationships between identified learning styles of students and their attitudes towards and achievement with use of Tablet PCs. | Seq #84 - Technologies in Dental Education 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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