Increased TLR-4 expression in murine placentas after oral periodontopathogenic infection
R.M. ARCE, S. BARROS, B. WACKER, B. PETERS, and S. OFFENBACHER, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA | Objectives: In humans the
association between maternal periodontitis and prematurity is linked with the systemic
hematogenous dissemination of periodontopathogens that reach the uterus and inflame
the fetoplacental unit. The objective of this study was to investigate the placental
expression of Toll-like (TLR-4) receptors resulting from the inflammatory response
to Campylobacter rectus and Porphyromonas gingivalis in a murine
model of oral infection. Methods: 40 female Balb/C mice were pretreated for
4 days with Kanamycin/Ampicillin (50mg/kg-25mg/kg) and then randomly assigned
to experimental groups: Group 1 (n=12) was infected by oral application of 100µLx109
C.rectus 314/carboxymethylcellulose (Cr+CMC). Group 2 (n=12) received C.rectus
plus 100µLx109 P.gingivalis A7436/CMC (Cr+Pg+CMC). Group
3 (n=8) received vehicle (100µL/CMC) and Group 4 (n=8) served as a control. All
groups were given ad libitum soft chow enriched
with a dextrose solution (30%) as plaque-promoting diet. Mice were infected
daily over a 16-week period and mated once/week. Pregnant mice were sacrificed
at embryonic day (E)16.5, placental tissues were collected and analyzed for TLR-4
expression by immunohistochemistry (confocal microscopy) followed by RT-PCR
analysis. Results: Group 2 (Cr+Pg+CMC) had the lowest fecundity rate
(16.7%, HR 0.19[0.041-0.856], P=0.03, Kaplan-Meier) compared to Group 1
(Cr+CMC, 58.3%, HR 0.87[0.310-2.154], P=0.68) and to Groups 3 and 4 (75%
combined). After normalization, TLR-4 expression was upregulated in Group 1
(1.98±0.886 fold difference, P<0.01 ANOVA) and Group 2 (1.29±0.871) compared
to controls. Immunohistochemistry of placentas from Groups 1 and 2 showed
increased expression of TLR-4 in trophoblasts, mainly in the labyrinth facing
maternal blood spirals. Conclusions: Significant TLR-4 upregulation was observed
in placentas after oral infection by C.rectus and C.rectus/P.gingivalis
combined infection. The TLR-4 pathway is a key regulator during labor
initiation, so the abnormal upregulation of this pathway may explain in part
how maternal periodontitis and periodontopathogenic bacteria could be linked to
prematurity in pregnant women.
| Seq #151 - Innate Immunity 9:00 AM-10:30 AM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 716A |
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