Intruding upper incisors with micro-screws for solving gummy smile
Y. ZHOU, J. LIN, and Y. LI, Peking University, Beijing, China | Objectives: The study was to assess the applicability and effectiveness of intrudingupper incisors by microscrew anchorage for solving the gummy smile. Materials & methods: Sixteen female patients with gummy smile, aged range of 12-40 years, 23.8years on average, were treated using microscrews as anchorage with full-mouth fixed appliances. The two MAS micro-screws were placed between upper canine and lateral on both sides. The cephalometrics analysis was used to investigate the effect of teeth intrusion and the different angulation of U1-PP between pre- and post-treatment. Results:1. It is feasible and easy to intrude the upper incisors by micro implant, and there is no way to consider the compliance of patients. In this study, all of the 16 patients received successful results with decreased overbite and satisfying smile. The Treatment period of intrusion was ranging from 5 to 19 months, and 10.8 months on average.2. Cephelomatric analysis indicates that the distance between PP plane and the edge of incisors decreased after clinical intrusion. Angulation of U1-PP was increased by 9.34±10.06 on average. The effect is caused by the combination of intrusion vertically and tipping labially.3. Compared with other malocclusion, it is easier for patients of Angle CII2 malocclusion with deep overbite to get satisfying results through intruding upper incisor with micro-screw implant. The indication of this technique is the gummy smile caused by excess vertical maxilla. Gummy smile may attribute to a great many factors, so comprehensive analysis is indispensable for treatment plan. Conclusions: All the patients with gummy smile were corrected through intruding of upper incisors by micro-screw anchorage. | Seq #175 - Orthognathic Surgery, Bisphosphonate-related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (BRONJ) 10:45 AM-12:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Room 709 |
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