website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 2180  

Effects of periodontal treatment on halitosis and periodontal health

K.M. CHANG1, B.K.F. TAY2, Y.H. CHAN1, and L.P. LIM1, 1National University of Singapore, Singapore, 2Alexandra Hospital, Singapore, Singapore


To evaluate the short term effects of non-surgical periodontal therapy on periodontal health and halitosis.


The sample for the study comprised of diabetic and non-diabetic subjects with untreated periodontitis. The subjects were randomly divided into 4 groups which consisted of 2 test and 2 control groups: diabetic test (DT), non-diabetic test (NDT), diabetic control (DC) and non-diabetic control (NDC). Periodontal examination using standard periodontal parameters were carried out for all groups at baseline and at 3 months. Halitosis was evaluated at these time-points prior to the periodontal assessment. Evaluation for halitosis was conducted using organoleptic scoring, tongue coating and using commercial equipment which analysed 3 volatile sulphur products: hydrogen sulphide, dimethyl sulphide and methyl mercaptan.

All subjects in the test and control groups received scaling and oral hygiene education. Subjects in the test groups also received intensive periodontal therapy which included chlorhexidine application and short use of chlorhexidine products and review of oral hygiene. All data were analysed using SPSS 15.0 software. Comparison of data was carried out with non-parametric statistical tests.


There was a significant reduction in plaque scores, bleeding scores and probing depths 4mm and above (P<0.05) for all groups at 3 months as compared with baseline. There was also a reduction in organoleptic score, tongue coating and levels of volatile sulphur products although the differences did not reach statistical significance (P>0.05). No significant differences were found between groups in the periodontal and halitosis parameters. The proportion of subjects showing gaseous products below the threshold levels was consistently higher at 3 months.


Non-surgical periodontal therapy resulted in improvement in periodontal and halitosis in the cohort of patients.

Further study is needed to evaluate the effects on a longer term basis.

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