Reliability of Radiometers Measuring Different Light Curing Units
B. ZIMMERLI, D. SADIKU, D. SCHMIDLI, T. BINGGELI, W. BÜRGIN, and A. LUSSI, University of Bern, Switzerland |
<>Objectives: The aim of this
study was to examine the precision of light intensity measurements of different radiometers with different
light curing units (LCU).
<>Methods: The light
intensity of 50 LED and halogen light curing units was measured with four different radiometers (Spring light
meter 3K (SL) [Spring Health Products], LED Demetron (LD) [Demetron Research
Corporation], Curing Radiometer Model 100 P/N (CR) [Demetron] and bluephase
meter (BM) [prototype; Ivoclar Vivadent AG]. Every measurement was repeated
twice. As gold standard all LCUs were measured with an Ulbricht sphere (US).
The reliability of the different radiometers was calculated using linear
regression analysis with the US value as the independent variable. Results: Table 1: Slope of
the regression curve (B), significance of Slope different from 1 (identity
line) and standard deviation of the residual values (res stddev) including
(n=114) and excluding(*) (n=68) LCUs without light guide.
Curing meter | B | identity p<0.05 | res stddev | B* | identity* p<0.05 | res stddev* | SL | 1.82 | sig. | 304.0 | 1.8 | sig. | 294.2 | LD | 0.78 | sig. | 102.6 | 0.74 | sig. | 106.8 | CR | 0.74 | sig. | 164.7 | 0.84 | sig. | 144.2 | BM | 0.74 | sig. | 206.9 | 0.87 | sig. | 113.7 |
Conclusion: A correct light
intensity measurement of LCU is important for an adequate control of the LCU
and for a sufficient polymerization of restorative materials. Best consistency
showed CR (identity became not significant from 1 when p<0.01) but it is
limited to measurements up to 1000mW/cm2. BM showed a good
reliability when excluding the LCUs without light guide. SL overestimated the
light intensity of high power
| Seq #115 - Devices for Measuring Composite Variables 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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