Two Studies Comparing Efficacy of Two Power Toothbrushes on Plaque
K. PLATT, W. JENKINS, P. SCHMITT, and J. STRATE, Philips Oral Healthcare, Snoqualmie, WA, USA | Objective: Compare the plaque removal efficacy of Philips Sonicare FlexCare (PSF) and GC Prinia; handles-MI 0001/02 and brush heads-1011/13 (GCP) power toothbrushes. Methods: Two randomized, examiner-blinded crossover-design studies were conducted in populations of healthy adults. At V1 subjects were screened for eligibility after 24 hours of plaque accumulation (Turesky Modification of the Quigley-Hein Plaque Index (TPI) ≥ 1.9). Subjects were randomized to the assigned power toothbrush and instructed on its use (twice daily for 2 minutes). Study products were used for a 1-week familiarization period. Subjects abstained from oral hygiene for 24 hours prior to V2 and V3. At subsequent visits, TPI was scored before and after a 2-minute supervised brushing exercise with the assigned toothbrush. Safety was assessed in oral soft tissue examinations at all visits. A mixed effects model was used for statistical analysis. Results: A combined total of 65 subjects were enrolled (45 females, 20 males; mean age 39 years) and randomized per treatment sequence. In both studies, PSF removed significantly more plaque than GCP in all regions of the mouth. The treatment effect advantage for PSF was 9.72% and 8.64% overall (P<0.0001). No serious adverse events were recorded. Conclusions: Two independent studies indicate that PSF removes significantly more plaque than GCP in subjects with 24-hour plaque deposits. Both toothbrushes were safe on oral tissues. This research was supported by Philips Oral Healthcare. | Seq #203 - Toothbrushes, Floss and Plaque Control 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Friday, July 4, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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