website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 2563  

Biophysical characterization of the pleiotrophin/RPTP zeta signaling mechanism

H. ERLANDSEN, University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA, and K.A. JOHNSON, Centre for Biomolecular Sciences, SSPF, St. Andrews, Scotland

The receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (RPTP bz) and its extracellular ligand pleiotrophin (PTN or Osteoblast specific factor-1) have been shown to be involved in bone formation but have so far been mostly studied in the brain. Objectives: The long-term aims of our research are to determine the molecular mechanism with which PTN exerts its stimulatory effects of RPTPbz in either bone or the brain. Three-dimensional structural understanding of this signaling system will open up for structure-based drug design of new PTN/RPTP small-molecule binding agents that might be able to treat osteoarthritis, osteopenia/osteoporosis, and other diseases associated with loss of or changes in bone density, in addition to a treatment for cancer.

The current signaling hypothesis is that PTN-induced/enforced dimerization of RPTPbz results in loss of intracellular RPTPbz phosphatase activity. In the absence of PTN signaling, RPTPbz is shown to dephosphorylate beta-catenin (plus other important intracellular proteins), resulting in the normal formation of a b-catenin/E-cadherin molecular complex, which tethers actin filaments to the cell membrane. This is necessary for normal cell-cell adhesion. PTN signaling though the RPTPbz receptor thus leads to decay of b-catenin/E-cadherin complex formation, due to loss of tyrosine dephosphorylation of b-catenin and disruption of the actin cytoskeleton and loss of cell-cell adhesion. Methods: We are using in vitro biophysical techniques (X-ray crystallography, calorimetry, Surface Plasmon Resonance) on the components of the entire signaling network of PTN/RPTPbz to validate the current hypothesis.

Results: We have expressed PTN, and several individual domains of the RPTPbz receptor in Escherichia coli. Biophysical characterization of these proteins is underway. Conclusions: It is possible to express and purify the extracellular PTN and RPTPbz carbonic anhydrase and active phosphatase domains in E.coli, and this protein can now be used for X-ray crystallography and biophysical characterizations.

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