Representative survey on CAD/CAM-technology among German dentists and dental technicians
A. WEBER1, A.L.S. THÖNE1, M. WALTER1, H. RUDOLPH2, S. QUAAS3, and R.G. LUTHARDT3, 1Technische Universität Dresden, Germany, 2Medizinische Fakultät der Universität Ulm, Germany, 3Ulm University, Germany | Objectives: CAD/CAM-technology is gaining importance in manufacturing fixed restorations. To get information about the acceptance as well as the expectations and the requirements placed on CAD/CAM-systems, a representative survey was carried out among dentists and dental technicians in Germany. Aim of the study was to detect possible differences in the rating of CAD/CAM-/conventionally made dental restorations, depending on the profession, experiences with these systems and quality requirements. Methods: The questionnaires were developed and validated in a pre-test procedure prior to the mailing. Questions relevant for dentists and dental technicians accord in both questionnaires. Some specific questions were added to the dentist's and dental technician's questionnaire. In June 2005 the questionnaire was sent to 2696 dentists and 1000 dental technicians. A reminder was sent in August 2005. The Data was stored in a database and statistically analyzed (SPSS, Munich, Germany) Results:A response rate of 37.5 % respectively 30.9 % was achieved. The experiences with CAD/CAM-made restorations didn't differ from conventionally made restorations regarding the aesthetics and the time-frame. The occlusion, the proximal contact and the shape of CAD/CAM-made restorations comparing to conventionally made restorations were valued significantly lower by the dental technicians than by the dentists. Regarding the marginal fit and the aesthetics CAD/CAM-made restorations meet the expectations. Regarding the occlusion, proximal contact, shape and the manual finishing CAD/CAM-made restorations don't meet the expectations of the dental technicians yet. The adjustments, made by the dental technicians may account for the better rating of the dentists. Conclusion: CAD/CAM-manufactured restorations comply in general with the expectations of dentists, while dental technicians claimed improvements regarding occlusion, proximal contact, shape and the necessary manual finishing. The survey was funded by the AiF (13893BR) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (DGZMK). | Seq #84 - Technologies in Dental Education 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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