website: 86th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR

ABSTRACT: 2766  

Modulation by EGF and TGF-b1 in HNSCC

M.S. CAMPOS1, B.N. CAVALCANTI2, D.S. PINTO JÚNIOR1, and F.D. NUNES1, 1University of São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2Ibirapuera University, Sao Paulo, Brazil

PITX1 and TGIF1 are homeobox genes involved with many aspects of the development and embriogenesis. Both have been described deregulated in several cancers and involved with RAS and TGF-b signaling pathways. Unfortunately, their role in carcinogenesis, mainly head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC), remains unclear and poorly characterized. Objectives: To investigate the influence of EGF and TGF-b1 in the expression profile of PITX1 and TGIF1 using a primary and metastatic HNSCC cell lines (HN-6 and HN-31, respectively), and one non-cancerous cell line (HaCaT). Methods: All cell lines were treated with EGF and TGF-b1. The same cells, cultured without any treatment served as controls. Specific primers were designed for the analyzed genes and qPCR was performed using HPRT gene as loading control. A relative quantification based on the ΔCt method was done and the data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA two factors and Tukey's test (post hoc). Results: In general, both EGF and TGF-b1 were able to induce statistically different PITX1 and TGIF1 expression in the three cell lines. Both genes were upregulated in primary and metastatic HNSCC cell line when treated with TGF-b1. The opposite result was observed when EGF was used as treatment, which downregulated PITX1 and TGIF1 expression in HN-6 and HN31. Conclusion: Data presented suggest that PITX1 and TGIF1 are candidates to oncogenes in HNSCC. Besides, it is suggested a hypothetical role for this two homeobox genes, particularly TGIF1, in antagonizing the TGF-b-dependent anti-proliferative response. A search for a regulator of PITX1 and TGIF1 levels in vivo is encouraged.

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