The effect of flow-composite on interfacial-chemistry and morphology of Dentin/bonding
N. EMAMI, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden, A. LINDBERG, Umeå University, Sweden, and J.W.V. VAN DIJKEN, Umea University, Umeå, Sweden | Objectives: to study the interfacial bond of self-etching primer to coronal and root dentin with and without the use of flow composite. Methods: morphology, structural characteristics and interaction at the interfaces were studied with Raman micro-spectroscopy and SEM. Coronal (superficial) dentin and root (deep) dentin were prepared from eight non-carious extracted premolars. Immediately after extraction, teeth were carefully cleaned and stored in chlorhexidine digluconate solution prior to preparation. Smear-layer was generated by wet grinding with 600 grit silicon carbide polishing paper for 10 s. A self etching primer Xeno III (Dentsply) was applied according to manufacturer instruction. Half of the specimens were covered with a thin layer of Tetric flow (Ivoclar Vivadent) prior to curing. A 1mm slice was cut of the mesial and distal surface of the teeth with a low speed diamond saw to uncover the interfacial margins and hybrid layer. A modified Nakabayashi method, using HCl and HNO3 followed by NaOCl, was used to show the penetration depth of the monomers. SEM images from 750 to 6000 magnification were collected from dentin/bonding interfaces. Raman spectrums were collected at 1µm intervals across the dentin/bonding interface and provided chemical information. Degree of demineralization as function of depth was calculated. Results: No difference in degree of demineralization was seen between coronal and root dentin. It was slightly lower by using a thin layer of flow prior to curing. The thickness of the dentin/bonding hybrid layer was less for samples with flow and its morphology of hybrid layer and interfacial structure was significantly different. Conclusion: Flow composite had an undesirable affect on the physical-chemistry structure of dentin bonding with a self etching primer. HL and bonding tags morphology was significantly different by using flow composite. No significant different were observed between root and coronal dentin interfaces. | Seq #105 - Interface 3:30 PM-4:45 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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