The effect of bonding layer thickness of Tokuyama Bond Force
M. AIZAWA1, K. MATSUSHIGE2, A. DODOMI2, Q. CUI2, M. KIMURA2, and H. KAZAMA2, 1Tokuyama Dental Corp, Tokyo, Japan, 2Tokuyama Dental Corp, Tsukuba, Japan | Objectives: To evaluate the effect of the bonding layer
thickness on the dentin micro tensile bond strength of seven adhesives
including Tokuyama Bond Force.
Methods: Resin composite (Estelite flow quick /
Tokuyama Dental) was bonded to bovine dentin prepared with 600-grit SiC paper
using various adhesives; BF: Bond Force and OBFP: One-up Bond F Plus
(Tokuyama Dental), TS: S3 Bond and SE: SE Bond
(Kuraray), X4: XenoIV (Dentsply), iB: i Bond (Heraeus Kulzer), and
OP: OptiBond All-In-One (Kerr). The bonding layer thickness was
controlled by the level of air blow. After bonding, the specimens were stored
in water at 37 oC for 24 hours. Specimens were sectioned into 0.7-mm
thick slabs and then trimmed to a cross-section area of 1 mm2. The
micro tensile bond strength was measured using a testing machine at a
cross-head speed of 0.5 mm/min.
Results: Means (sd, n=6) of bond strength (MPa) are
summarized in a table. The bond strength of OBFP, X4, and SE
decreased when the bonding layer thickness was thin. On the other hand, the
bond strength of BF was more than 50 MPa over the entire range of the
bonding layer thickness from 1 to 50 um.
Conclusions: The bonding layer thickness did not
affect the bond strength of Tokuyama Bond Force.
Bonding systems | Micro tensile bond strength / MPa(sd) | Bonding layer thickness / um | 1-5 | 5-20 | 20-100 | BF | 59.5(8.0) | 60.4(3.9) | 53.8(6.6) | OBFP | 21.9(6.9) | 40.5(5.5) | 41.8(6.4) | TS | 37.3(13.4) | 34.6(4.5) | 28.7(9.2) | X4 | 25.4(5.1) | 53.1(14.4) | 29.6(11.6) | iB | 18.2(6.7) | 20.2(8.1) | 12.9(3.3) | OP | 42.4(5.3) | 40.5(4.7) | 15.9(5.0) | SE | 19.2(5.6) | 30.5(4.1) | 56.4(13.9) |
| Seq #71 - Dentin Bonding Agents 2:00 PM-3:15 PM, Thursday, July 3, 2008 Metro Toronto Convention Centre Exhibit Hall D-E |
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